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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   252,383 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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103000   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 29, 7:10am  

Much agreed.

It’s the biggest price inflation driver.

HeadSet says
Next step, eliminate these student loans completely. Watch college become affordable again.
103001   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 29, 7:11am  

Sounds made up honestly.

Look at all homeless everywhere, clearly we are not criminalizing enough.
103002   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 29, 7:14am  

So Democrats complain when business goes into politics, but are ok to do it themselves...

If they won’t go there due to abortion laws, they weren’t gonna go there in first place since streaming movies has nothing to do with abortions. So just more douchy liberal posturing.
103003   Shaman   2019 May 29, 7:20am  

It owns too many cool patents to be allowed to fail, but it may be bought by another car manufacturer.
103004   Bd6r   2019 May 29, 7:24am  

we have another bot - Jesse - and it appears that their programming has not been improved.
103005   HeadSet   2019 May 29, 7:25am  

Humans can't NOT pollute and sustain current lifestyles and populations at ever increasing numbers. Need less humans. There's the real hockey stick if you look at the charts. We need less people and that's the ONLY solution IF global warming is caused by carbon or any other pollutant.

Spot on!!

The only chance for renewables to replace fossil fuels while maintaining a First World life style is to stabilize 1st world population. The lefty's ignore this fact because they want unfettered illegal immigration for political reasons.
103006   Bd6r   2019 May 29, 7:27am  

Patnetters fail Turing test again.
103007   Y   2019 May 29, 7:28am  

Too many innuendos in this caption to process accurately..
OccasionalCortex says
Tesla Is Going Down, Musk Fluffers!
103008   Patrick   2019 May 29, 7:41am  

Thanks @d6rB you're right. Nuked it.

Another improvement: it used an IP address from LA instead of from the far East as before.
103009   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 29, 7:42am  

Bots can’t spell too lol
103010   zzyzzx   2019 May 29, 8:26am  

komputodo says
they buy water with EBT, resell it and use the money for other shit.

103011   zzyzzx   2019 May 29, 8:46am  

Quigley says
It owns too many cool patents to be allowed to fail, but it may be bought by another car manufacturer.

Yeah, bought out at around what .share? Auto companies shares are priced with a P/E of around 5-10.
103012   Shaman   2019 May 29, 8:56am  

I agree that buying internet service is still a good deal from the cable companies. In today’s world, that’s really all you need. Netflix offers plenty of content to watch. And a cornucopia of sports and other programs can be reliably streamed from a Hulu subscription.
$100 for all that, and it’s far more than we ever used to get from cable at $150-200/month.
103013   socal2   2019 May 29, 9:04am  

Hircus says
WineHorror1 says
Sorry to disappoint you but Tesla will not be allowed to fail. Book it.

Who do you think would save it?

It would be almost pocket change for a Google, Apple or Amazon. I believe Apple already made an offer a few years ago. This is a pretty balanced analysis on the current situation IMO.

I am not a Musk fanboy, but always amazed at the Tesla/Musk haters.

When was the last time a new American car company came along? Saturn? How did those work out despite heavy GM involvement?

You all prefer to buy Korean, Japanese and German cars who have had at least a half century head start building up the infrastructure required to mass produce cars?
103014   zzyzzx   2019 May 29, 9:20am  

Huffington Post fails to realize that a lot of people in Georgia would love for all those CA liberals to move back to CA.
103015   socal2   2019 May 29, 9:23am  

Netflix doesn't want Georgia to stop aborting black babies.
103016   Hircus   2019 May 29, 9:38am  

HeadSet says
Next step, eliminate these student loans completely. Watch college become affordable again.

I don't think student loans should be stopped. They truly are a lifeline for many people to make it into a good career. It's really hard to fully support yourself via working while going to college, and the loans help people who don't have parents financially capable of supporting them. It's a great way to help people help themselves....it's not even a handout - it's a loan.

I do think the loans should be changed. We need to stop, or greatly reduce, how much money we loan to people who study for majors unlikely to lead to financial success, like gender studies or art history etc...

1) I think loans should require students to complete a course + test that makes them realize how likely it is for them to succeed / fail in various majors & professions. They need to see what life is like w/ a student loan debt burden over them. They need to see that reality, and be told that they aren't special snowflakes. If the salary range for their planned job as a Gender Studies major is $20-$80k per yr, they need to understand they are not special like their parents told them, and they almost certainly will not be making the $80k part of that range.
2) I think loan funding should be increased for majors likely to lead to a good salary, like STEM.
3) I think the private sector could be used well here, so that the govt doesn't need to worry about the politics of deciding which majors get more/less funding. The govt can supply the bulk of the loan money. The private sector could get involved in the loans, and help determine how much gets allocated to each major (and, what the max loan for ppl in each major is capped at), and what the interest rates are. The idea being, if maybe investors could put up part of the money for the loans, so that they have skin in the game, they would be incentivized to efficiently and accurately determine rates and allocation. That way, money is still available for an art degree, but not as much, and not at very favorable rates. Students will see the high rates for art major loans, and it will teach them how little faith investors have in that major. OTOH, STEM majors would probably get rock bottom rates, and large funding, helping funnel students into careers that the job market currently needs, as determined by the markets.

Right now, we have way too many ppl who take loans just so they can party for 4 yrs. They take an ez major and "hope for the best", but later complain about their financial predicament. They game the system. Free market driven loans would stop that junk quickly. We would still have gender studies and art majors, but people would see it for what it is - luxury topics that you study for the hell of it, not a practical job.
103017   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 29, 10:01am  

Netflix is posturing, because logically again their business isn't about abortions. But if they want to tell others what to do, that means others will turn around and tell CA what to do. They'd flip the lid if Georgia said they'll stop trade with CA until CA stops murdering babies.
103018   Goran_K   2019 May 29, 10:03am  

Netflix is done. Hulu is going to obliterate them after the Disney deal. Now they want to alienate half their userbase?

This is the problem with letting stupid ass libtards on your board. Get woke, go broke.
103019   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 29, 10:07am  

Goran_K says
Netflix is done. Hulu is going to obliterate them after the Disney deal. Now they want to alienate half their userbase?

This is the problem with letting stupid ass libtards on your board. Get woke, go broke.

This shit pisses me off, because I own stocks. And I don't want businesses getting involved into social political issues like that. That alienates customers, that leads to bad outcomes. Literally, just fucking stupid no business sense. Started with a great idea, were smart, built a business. But once they get into politics, it's a fucking nose dive. I guess it happens when they live in the Bay Area where there is a bubble of left wing propaganda in the air, to a point where they don't realize there are other ways to live that is not like SF.
103020   GNL   2019 May 29, 10:19am  

I assume Netflix will stop offering their streaming services in Georgia's now as well, heh? Hypocrisy much?
103021   Hircus   2019 May 29, 10:21am  

Mueller reiterates that they did not determine Trump committed a crime. But, then he spends much time explaining how it would be unconstitutional to charge the president w/ a federal crime while in office.

I feel like he's implying that they wanted to charge him, but couldn't. But, what's with the "did not determine Trump committed a crime" part then? Doesn't he need to determine there was a crime before he can charge someone with it, or do I not understand something here?
103022   Shaman   2019 May 29, 10:42am  

Let me be clear:
No President is going to be charged by Congress with a questionable process crime and have it stick.
Whether the Democrats will attempt policital theater is another matter. AG Barr and his deputy AG Rosenstein have already determined that Trump’s actions do not constitute criminal obstruction. It really matters not what Mueller thinks, or if he thinks Trump is “cleared.”

I understand there’s no evidence to exonerate the OP of being a goat fucker.
Therefore he’s probably one.
103023   HeadSet   2019 May 29, 10:51am  

I don't think student loans should be stopped. They truly are a lifeline for many people to make it into a good career.

Without the loans, the colleges would have to make courses inexpensive enough for students to afford. Schools could use endowments to keep tuition low rather than build grand halls and other monuments to the Chancellor. Colleges would also be forced to cut costs in ways like making English classes available on-line, with well produced interactive learning videos, and tests proctored centrally. With lower costs, companies could afford to "sponsor." That is, if a firm like Apple needs engineers, it could pay a student's tuition with a 4 year commitment to work for Apple. Middle class families could afford to save for a kid's college. When the kid is born, the parents can start paying into a plan to cover the costs. Much easier to do if the college cost $40k instead of $120k. Also much easier for one working their way through school.

All the college loans did was run up the costs, indebt students, and promote worthless majors.
103024   Shaman   2019 May 29, 10:52am  

So a Trump hater makes up some new shit about Trump and that’s news?
103025   Hircus   2019 May 29, 10:55am  

Could Mueller have said the words "We determined Trump committed a crime" while still respecting the policy to not actually CHARGE him with a crime?
103026   HeadSet   2019 May 29, 10:56am  

It's really hard to fully support yourself via working while going to college

Hard, but this used to be common place. Like the "Order of the White Jacket" alumni club for the College of William and Mary. A group proud of working as waiters to pay for college.

Free market driven loans would stop that junk quickly

Perhaps we agree here. I am against the government backed loans of any kind.
103027   Y   2019 May 29, 11:00am  

There is no where in muellers speech where he said those words...

Hircus says
Could Mueller have said the words "We determined Trump committed a crime"

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
It's exactly what he did.
103028   HeadSet   2019 May 29, 11:09am  


Iomo2 is another bot. Not even a new rant.
103029   Bd6r   2019 May 29, 11:10am  

2/3 of students use Adderall. ARREST ALL OF THEM!
103030   Misc   2019 May 29, 11:24am  

Funny, Mueller did not recommend or even put forth that impeachment proceedings should be implemented. That is the bottom line. That is what he was hired to determine.
103031   Ceffer   2019 May 29, 11:29am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Hey, he took my line about Dahmer's culinary arts show!

Shameless plagiarism of AF copyrighted material.
If he mentions wedding dresses or Putin prolapses, it's litigation

I hear that LibbyFuck universities are now offering Creative Fake News Trump Bashing courses, but the content must be original. It is preferable and gets extra credit if it is false but completely convincing.
103032   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 May 29, 11:37am  

So the federal government produces no goods or services since it all comes from taxes. Without taxes they would cease to exist. Knowing that, you'd have to be a fucking moron to believe anything ANY politician(Trump, Obama, etc) ever says about taxes. That's like asking a banker how his predatory loans work...
103033   Patrick   2019 May 29, 11:38am  

@HeadSet : Now I've nuked that one too, thanks. IP address also from LA like the last one.
103034   tovarichpeter   2019 May 29, 11:42am  

As they already take photographs and fingerprints. What’s the difference?
103035   RWSGFY   2019 May 29, 12:03pm  

What's with the all caps?
103036   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 29, 12:13pm  

They can't compel a private citizen to testify before Congress and perjury themselves. Makes sense.
103037   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 May 29, 12:16pm  

At the San Ysidro border, DHS has setup booths on the US side to stop people crossing INTO Mexico. They are creating a giant jail.
103038   Misc   2019 May 29, 12:24pm  

Mueller did not recommend impeachment proceedings. That is the bottom line.
103039   socal2   2019 May 29, 1:30pm  

Tim Aurora says
Insufficient evidence, of course, is not a lack of evidence. Again, this distinction exists within the report, but it’s not how Trump or Barr presented Mueller’s findings.

In America, where we are allowed the presumption of innocence - a prosecutor can't go out and say he thinks his subject is kind of guilty and then decline to indict for lack of evidence. All it does is smear a person and not give them an opportunity in court to clear their name.

This is Banana Republic stuff.

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