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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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104858   Ceffer   2019 Sep 12, 4:28pm  

Oh, goody gumdrops! Maybe Barr will have another 'quashing party'. Let's hear the creative lingo on this one. With Barr as AG, it's a wonder anybody even bothers to hire defense attorneys any more, unless the 'perps' threaten to come down on the wrong side of the deep state, or are patsies to give the real culprits a rolling cover.
104859   Ceffer   2019 Sep 12, 4:31pm  

This is ground breaking revolt against the Thirteenth Amendment! When do they get the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Peace Prize?
104860   clambo   2019 Sep 12, 8:28pm  

This may be fun to watch.

Tick, tock.

There may be some more dominoes to fall after 2020.
104861   mell   2019 Sep 12, 9:35pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
All libbies are church burning stalinist atheists who hate jesus and would go to golgotha with ladders to piss on his face.

A majority of the modern left, yes. Absolutely they would.
104862   rdm   2019 Sep 13, 10:06am  

clambo says
This may be fun to watch.

Why the hell haven't they brought formal charges? They have a grand jury and as they say grand jury's will indict a ham sandwich...
104863   Bd6r   2019 Sep 13, 11:27am  

OccasionalCortex says
Can't wait for McCabe to screw over Comey/Shrillary in order to cut a plea. It will be glorious!

Yes, McCabe will hang himself in toilet paper string afterwards, just like Epstein did. You heard this on patnet first
104864   Ceffer   2019 Sep 13, 1:50pm  

Living in the Great Socialist Paradise is like winning the lottery EVERY DAY!
104865   Hircus   2019 Sep 13, 2:51pm  

I'm not doubting this operation broke laws and did bad things, but the CNN article sounds like it's exaggerating and leaving out pertinent details, like the fact that these people were addicts. Leaving out key details is CNN's favorite way of lying and embellishing a story to make it more outrageous.

Maybe this article gives a better image of what the situation was: https://www.kqed.org/news/11773897/imperial-valley-ministries-had-a-growing-empire-before-forced-labor-charges

To me, it sounds like they were strict and controlling not because it was some "forced slave labor camp", but because they were dealing with junkies. No wonder they locked doors via deadbolts at night, took away their EBT cards so they couldn't trade them for drugs, and took away some of their documents so they would have some leverage over them to help keep them from running off and doing something regretful. Maybe they even agreed to this stuff upfront? Asking people to panhandle and turn the money over to the church sounds like payment for the services received.

"We certainly encountered a lot of people who were very appreciative of going cold turkey and getting off of drugs," Christopher Tenorio, an assistant U.S. attorney based in San Diego, said Wednesday.

Sounds like they had at least some happy customers. But, the CNN article wouldn't dare share a detail like that.

leftist CNN's very first sentence:

A dozen leaders of a California-based ministry have been indicted by a federal grand jury, accused of forced labor of mostly homeless people

intended propaganda: Church is bad. They enslaved poor homeless people.

Fake ass news.
104866   Bd6r   2019 Sep 13, 3:27pm  

I'm starting to think that his simply was a healthy Hispanic approach to dealing with junkies. Hispanics have preserved lots of common sense...they used method which, while somewhat crude, was effective. Takes $$$ away from police, pharma, prisons...so can not be tolerated.
104867   Hircus   2019 Sep 13, 3:27pm  

Ah. I forget myself sometimes.

For MSM, impartial, unbiased fact reporting = bad. The more propaganda the better.
104868   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 13, 3:35pm  

Salon Media says they have reached an 11th hour deal to sell the company and its flagship property Salon.com for $5 million. In an SEC filing, Salon also revealed its position was dire and that it would face imminent “bankruptcy and liquidation” if the deal should fall through.

“We have agreed to sell substantially all of our assets (the “Asset Sale”), including all pertinent intellectual property rights comprising the Company’s business of owning, operating and publishing the website known as Salon.com,” the filing read.

The company buying Salon was named only as Salon.com LLC and appeared to be getting an even better deal than the top line figures first suggest. To complete the sale, the buyer need only pay $550,000 at closing, with an additional $100,000 left in an escrow account. The filing also showed that a deposit of $500,000 had already been paid.


Think about the fact that Salon, which is lecturing people about Coddling Minds, sold for only $550,000 down, less than half the average cost of a San Francisco Home.
104869   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Sep 13, 3:39pm  

I recently spoke to an acquaintance of mine at a top law firm that specializes in start-ups. Business is booming, he said. I also concurred, based upon what I am seeing. Of course if you are depending on free shit from someone, well, things ain't never good.
104870   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 13, 3:39pm  

Paul Krugman says President Trump is "in full-blown panic over the failure of his economic policies"
Nobel Prize winner says Trump's actions show he's hit the "panic button," because of he has no idea what he's doing


104871   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 13, 3:40pm  

But wait, it's WORSE.

“Because Salon has run deficits for almost every quarter since it was founded, the company has relied on regular interest-free cash advances from Warnock, chairman of Salon’s board, and Hambrecht, a board member,” Politico wrote at the time. “From Salon’s founding until the end of 2015, the most recent data available, Warnock and Hambrecht have given the company nearly $20 million in cash advances, and Warnock also personally guaranteed a $1 million line of credit.”

(Same Link)

In other words, Salon has always been a pet project of wealthy Leftists, and never made a dime.
104872   mell   2019 Sep 13, 3:50pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Paul Krugman says President Trump is "in full-blown panic over the failure of his economic policies"
Nobel Prize winner says Trump's actions show he's hit the "panic button," because of he has no idea what he's doing



lol this truly must be a parody. Even for Krugsheister this is insane in the mebrane.
104873   Shaman   2019 Sep 13, 4:07pm  

One of the most overrated economists ever. Krugman is just politics regurgitated. He does no analysis or even data gathering. He talks to nobody but DNC party insiders and then comes up with these gems of absolute naivety.
It’s really embarrassing for Norway that they gave him a Nobel.
104874   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 13, 4:43pm  

Either way it's mendacious.

It's not only false by policy and results (unemployment, GDP growth, stock market valuation), but by boom-bust cycle - we're in a very mature recovery.

The real miracle is that Trump has grown a recovery well longer than it should have.
104875   Ceffer   2019 Sep 13, 5:11pm  

"Paul Krugman in full-blown panic that majority will discover he is tin plate fraud!"
104876   Onvacation   2019 Sep 13, 6:11pm  

I had a hard time getting through that drivel.

jazz_music says
Speech codes. Trigger warnings. Safe spaces. We’ve all read and heard disturbing accounts of such measures’ ubiquity and oppressiveness on campus after campus, their students depicted as demanding them en masse and administrators as rushing to establish them.

I don’t expect these alarms to stop being sounded, or students to stop demonstrating, once the new semester is underway. But this is the time to consider what’s really driving not only the students, but the strong and largely successful campaign to condemn them.

It seems to me that starting in the 1960's colleges changed from the ivory tower bastion of free speech that imparted knowledge and wisdom to young people who were to become the engineers, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals that society needs.

Now, to some, college is an "experience" where girls go wild (don't think they don't) and guys party hard. They major in social justice and (fill in the "oppressed" groups name) studies. They rack up 6 figure student loan debt and don't even learn how to work as a bartender or barista (that will take on the job training).

We are still graduating engineers, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals that society needs. These young people come from all walks of life and should be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. There are children from the ghetto that end up very successful just as there are children from the successful that end up being ghetto.

Speech codes. Trigger warnings. Safe spaces. If a person wants to wallow in self pity and talk about "inequality" and how "the man keeps me down" they will never get anywhere.
104877   Bd6r   2019 Sep 14, 7:15am  

mell says
lol this truly must be a parody. Even for Krugsheister this is insane in the mebrane.

He's getting older, senility is kicking in.
104878   Bd6r   2019 Sep 14, 7:16am  

HonkpilledMaster says
The real miracle is that Trump has grown a recovery well longer than it should have.

because he is pro-business, and gov't is paralyzed because of nevertrumpers in both parties - businesses get no new, idiotic regulations.
104879   Bd6r   2019 Sep 14, 7:37am  

ThreeBays says
And the budget deficit is only $1 Trillion. Winning!

fair statement - this will detonate at some point
104880   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 14, 9:23am  

TrumpingTits says
Yes, it is fake alright. The prize Krugman won is not a Nobel prize. Neither did Milton Friedman, too. There is no Nobel Prize for Economics.

Yep! Economists have physical sciences envy, big league. There was a Prof of University of Chicago who demanded the grad students, like himself, dress in a white lab coat.
104881   Ceffer   2019 Sep 14, 9:34am  

"Members of the Nobel family are among the harshest, most persistent critics of the economics prize, and members of the family have repeatedly called for the prize to be abolished or renamed. In 2001, on the 100th anniversery of the Nobel Prizes, four family members published a letter in the Swedish paper Svenska Dagbladet, arguing that the economics prize degrades and cheapens the real Nobel Prizes. "

Heh, Heh, Krugman is proof positive of this 'Fake Nobel'. However, the so-called peace prize has turned out to be specious as well: nothing more than a globalist anointing of some wimp out dickhead.
104882   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Sep 14, 1:45pm  

Onvacation says
I had a hard time getting through that drivel.

I tried, and couldn't. Thats one of those things that if the author tried to say all that in person, people would either walk out, or the speaker would get punched in the face.
104883   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Sep 14, 4:46pm  

How about a 500-word summary.
104884   HeadSet   2019 Sep 15, 6:23pm  

"German Study: Alarming Levels of Dangerous Plastics in Children's Bodies"

Horrible. Plastic should only be in adult women's tatas.
104885   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 15, 7:29pm  

The timing screams that RGB is on her death bed.
104887   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 15, 7:32pm  

BTW this little tid bit here would discredit everything the Hell to the Naw on Kavanaugh brigade has to throw at him.

104888   marcus   2019 Sep 15, 7:40pm  

Probably just more liberal fear mongering. I wouldn't worry about it.
104889   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Sep 15, 7:41pm  

Smart people learn from mistakes.
Dumb people repeat them over and over.
104890   Dholliday126   2019 Sep 15, 8:12pm  

Its because RGB is on a ventilator and they know the next appointment will breeze through as a woman.
104891   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 15, 8:40pm  

I have no idea what happened to Democratic party, it's like completely retarded people took over. I saw it coming from a mile away, they were promoting all sorts of idiotic shit, and that shit now consumed the party. There is no way out now, they are fucked. Worst part is that now they are pushing their own "fucked" onto rest of us.
104892   Ceffer   2019 Sep 15, 10:58pm  

Old fake news mud slinging and groundless slander is better than no fake news mud slinging and groundless slander.
104893   marcus   2019 Sep 16, 7:10am  

I wonder how much money those liberal scientists will be able to squeeze out of governments to research this further.

It's probably just a scam. You know, to get "scientists" (i.e. liberals) paid.
104894   Y   2019 Sep 16, 7:23am  

We already know the who what where when why about plastics.
But don't let that stop a tax increase to enrich the indentured professor Leachmen...
marcus says
I wonder how much money those liberal scientists will be able to squeeze out of governments to research this further.

It's probably just a scam. You know, to get "scientists" (i.e. liberals) paid.
104895   zzyzzx   2019 Sep 16, 7:26am  

Children from poorer families had more plastic residue in their bodies than those from higher-income homes.

Sounds more like an issue with shitty parenting.
104896   BigFrank   2019 Sep 16, 8:09am  

Kavanaugh is a such a feckless, sissy little beta. No wonder the Trumpites worship him, someone they can finally relate to! Who could never score any ass because he obviously has no confidence or balls, let alone any game. I couldn't imagine how pathetic one would have to be to idolize this loser
104897   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 16, 8:44am  

BigFrank says
I couldn't imagine how pathetic one would have to be to idolize this loser

He's still your SCOTUS, he ruined several Democrat careers in his confirmation process.
This new round of insanity will end some more. People are getting sick of Evil Commie Fags huffing and puffing, and bitching and moaning about America and Americans.

Trump is fixing our Courts, so we can rid of them. How does that make you feel, Big ass Frank?

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