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106140   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 11:29pm  

Onvacation says
richwicks is right we are ruled by a murderous criminal organization.

Haha, I'm really serious. If you think of the government as a mafia, EVERYTHING it does makes sense. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck..

I know it's not pleasant to think about, but abandon your hopes, and just observe it entirely dispassionately, like any good sociopath would. I'm not thrilled with it. My big fault is I can think like a sociopath, but I'm not one - and I'm eternally grateful.


If that doesn't work properly start at 1:56 - what maniac would want to rule this world?
106141   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 11:34pm  

Chiromancer says
Onvacation says
Chiromancer says
the facts and evidence that everyday look worse and worse for Trump.

Remind me of the high crime or misdemeanor Trump committed?

That is what the impeachment inquiry determines;

It sounds like the plan is to investigate Trump until something is found or his 8 year term is up.
106142   Onvacation   2019 Oct 24, 11:37pm  

Chiromancer says
he is probably too stupid and inept

You really can't have a debate with someone that thinks Trump is stupid and inept.

Good night all.
106143   Ceffer   2019 Oct 24, 11:49pm  

Onvacation says
You really can't have a debate with someone that thinks Trump is stupid and inept.

Yeah, the 'Trump is stupid, insane, senile, foolish, incompetent etc. etc.' train left a long time ago and simply deems one an agitprop repeater station.
106144   richwicks   2019 Oct 24, 11:54pm  

Onvacation says
Chiromancer says
he is probably too stupid and inept

You really can't have a debate with someone that thinks Trump is stupid and inept.

Good night all.

Of course you can. You can ask them how they manage their own money for their benefit, and if you think they could start something like 200 businesses with only 6 failures and defeat all the garbage "mainstream candidates" when the media, the leadership of both parties, and the intelligence agencies oppose you.

Trump I don't think is any angel, he's a human being, but compared to what he's up against, he's a fucking angel.

Trump is no moron but he cultivates that perception intentionally. Let your enemy think you are weak when you are strong. I'm no blind supporter of Trump but he's been the best president I've seen in at least 16 years. Before that, I was too politically unaware to make a decent judgement although NAFTA was really a disaster I think now, and so was the Gulf war. Maybe 28 years.

I have hope with the current president. Been a long time since I've felt that. My heart and hope goes out to fly-over country who we absolutely depend on.
106145   Ceffer   2019 Oct 25, 1:53am  

Trump will sing the national anthem instead, and his falsetto will shatter the stadium lights. "it's the voice I use for Puti-cakes!"
106146   WookieMan   2019 Oct 25, 6:35am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
But they aren't following the rules.

You skipped that part as did that idiot Napolitano.

So which rules did they not follow? You skipped that part.

I don't claim to know the rules, but they were stupid rules made by Republicans. Whether they're being followed or not. See, it's not so hard to be balanced. Let's see the left do it. I'm guessing I'll be waiting, because Trump literally has done NOTHING right, ever as POTUS. EVER. lol.
106147   Onvacation   2019 Oct 25, 7:40am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
What offence did Joe and Hunter commit?

They shook down Ukraine for money.
106148   Onvacation   2019 Oct 25, 7:45am  

Would one of you Bidens' supporters explain how it is ok for them to extort millions from Ukraine while Trump wanting to investigate said corruption is an impeachable offence?

The military industrial political media complex is fighting for its life. I hope it loses.
106149   Onvacation   2019 Oct 25, 7:49am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
impeachment is political not criminal in nature.

And there you have it. It's not that Trump committed any crime, it's that "orange man bad".

Trump Derangement Syndrome is toxic.
106150   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 25, 8:37am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
CovfefeButDeadly says
CovfefeButDeadly says
Someone name the crime President Trump committed that will lead to his impeachment. Cite and link the government code please.

Otherwise I’m polluting any further impeachment threads. And you won’t like it.

And crickets. Thanks for the silent admission that the “impeachment” is a steaming heap of bullshit.

Hmmm, sounds like someone doesn't understand that impeachment is political not criminal in nature.

Why do you hate fact and logic?

There has to be an actual allegation of crime committed to impeach. The constitution says so. Now whether or not there is any basis to that allegation is another matter.

Your statement is wrong. Not to mention stupid.
106151   rdm   2019 Oct 25, 9:53am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
allegation of crime committed to impeach

Now you can argue that there should be a crime but no, there does not have to be a crime as Gerald Ford once said "....an impeachable offence is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it at any given moment in history" and this is technically true. Of course the senate doesn't have to convict in the trial. It was very clear that Pelosi didn't think it worth impeaching Trump and didnt want to do so before the Ukraine stuff came to light. The change occurred because she saw that what he has alleged to have done and in large part admitted to doing "... is an abuse of power of the office that violates the public trust, runs counter to the national interest, and undermines the republic." a high crime and misdemeanor. Now you can certainly disagree with that which I am sure you do. There may well be criminality associated with the Ukraine debacle, that remains to be seen but it is not a requirement for impeachment.
106152   rdm   2019 Oct 25, 10:20am  

richwicks says
Trump is no moron but he cultivates that perception intentionally

That sir, is ridiculous. The old 17 dimensional chess argument done one better. A clever Forest Gump he's not. His vanity is so exceedingly strong he believes and wants others to believe he is the very stable genius he has often claimed to be. As to his business acumen he has none. What he has is a great ability at both self promotion and promotion in general. Indeed I would call him a genius as a promoter_ to a certain segment of the population_, but it doesn't work with everybody only about 35 to 40 % which is a lot. And like all great promoters he believes his own bull shit.
106153   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 25, 10:21am  

Except it is. By definition there can’t be a trial without a charge. Whatever Gerald Ford said is irrelevant because that’s not the way the law reads. So Gerald Fords statements aren’t fact. There were criminal charges against both Nixon and Clinton.

Now bogus charges are another issue, but there has to be charges or else there’s nothing for the Senate to base a trial upon.
106154   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 25, 10:23am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
CovfefeButDeadly says
WaltertheoFlanders says
CovfefeButDeadly says
CovfefeButDeadly says
Someone name the crime President Trump committed that will lead to his impeachment. Cite and link the government code please.

Otherwise I’m polluting any further impeachment threads. And you won’t like it.

And crickets. Thanks for the silent admission that the “impeachment” is a steaming heap of bullshit.

Hmmm, sounds like someone doesn't understand that impeachment is political not criminal in nature.

Why do you hate fact and logic?

There has to be an actual allegation of crime committed to impeach. The constitution says so. Now whether or not t...
WaltertheoFlanders says
What "facts"? And remember your opinion does not equal facts.

I don't think you understand how impeachment works. We will get to a vote on articles of impeachment but we are not at that stage yet. That appears to be what you are overlooking. First is the inquiry stage. Remember Kenneth Starr? We are at that same stage. Except three house committees are taking the place of Kenneth Starr.

Show me the law, or where it states in the Constitution that what the Democrats are doing is against the law or house rules. Simple put you can't. You might say it's there but that's you just making up shit which does not equal facts.

Now you are making arguments against stuff I never said. This is just silly. The DNC needs to put you back in your box.
106155   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 25, 10:25am  

Calling John Boehner a Republican is like calling the Antifa, American Soldiers.
106156   rdm   2019 Oct 25, 10:30am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
By definition there can’t be a trial without a charge.

There certainly will be a charge and it will likely be abuse of power and related matters, that is not a crime in and of itself but there may well be related crimes alleged and charged, the process is in the investigation phase.

There is no criminal statute regarding impeachment only a paragraph in the constitution which defines the powers given to Congress to remove the President, Vice President and other certain other constitutional office holders (not members of Congress)
106157   Shaman   2019 Oct 25, 11:15am  

rdm says
There is no criminal statute regarding impeachment only a paragraph in the constitution which defines the powers given to Congress to remove the President, Vice President and other certain other constitutional office holders (not members of Congress)

Absent a crime that necessitates his impeachment and removal, removing the President for purely political reasons IS a crime against the Democratic nature of our country, and a violation of the peoples’ will in electing him to serve for four years. It’s a coup, not a judicial process. And considering that it would be the establishment government removing an upstart reformer, it’s the entirely wrong sort of coup. Our government was carefully constructed to allow for removing tyrants and reforming poorly functioning government through democratic and judicial processes. This is because the Founders understood that Revolutions were messy and chaotic and rarely ever resulted in BETTER government than before. So having a process installed for reforming the government by the People was essential to the continued existence of the country.

A coup by the establishment against the reformer is exactly cross purposes to the Constitution.
106158   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 25, 11:23am  

jazz_music says

Explain the text on the bottom: what the fuck it's supposed to mean? What "teenagers"? Who "tried to execute them"?
106159   Shaman   2019 Oct 25, 11:25am  

Onvacation says
WaltertheoFlanders says
What offence did Joe and Hunter commit?

They shook down Ukraine for money.

No, it’s worse than that. They took bribes to use the influence Joe had as VP of the USA to shelter a corrupt corporation from prosecution.
106160   Onvacation   2019 Oct 25, 12:49pm  

rdm says

There certainly will be a charge and it will likely be abuse of power and related matters, that is not a crime in and of itself but there may well be related crimes alleged and charged, the process is in the investigation phase.

A spokesman for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, Andrew Bates, said: 'Donald Trump is so terrified of running against Joe Biden that he sent his presidency into a tailspin by trying to blackmail Ukraine into intervening in our elections with universally-debunked lies.'

There's the smoking gun. Trump was afraid to run against Biden.
106161   Shaman   2019 Oct 25, 12:50pm  

“ https://patrick.net/post/1328083/2019-10-23-he-usurped-our-power-he-abused-his-authority-he-gave-false-information-that-to-me-mr-speaker-is-the-same-as-giving-no-information-at-all-actually-i-think-it-is-worse-”

Let’s take this point by point:
1)He usurped OUR power. Oh really? It’s yours? I thought the power belonged to the people?
2)he abused his authority. This is just a matter of judgement. At what point is authority exceeded or abused? In our Republic it would be when the authority was used at cross purposes with the good of the USA and the Constitution that defines our government. Investigating an ex-VP for abusing his authority to make money in the Ukraine meets neither of those qualifiers.
3) He gave false information: Oh really? And who determines that it is false? How do they determine that? How are you so sure that the info is false and how is giving such information a crime? Does it work against the good of the Republic? Or just work against your own nefarious plans?

Even the title of this post is ridiculous on its face.
106162   Shaman   2019 Oct 25, 12:53pm  

Any good union will absolutely charge mandatory dues. It’s fee for service, and the service is making sure your employment comes with rights and decent compensation as well as lobbyists for your cause in the DC swamp.
106163   socal2   2019 Oct 25, 12:55pm  

Yep - wish I invested. Tesla is so far ahead of everyone else in terms of technology, performance and battery infrastructure build out, I can't see anyone catching up with them anytime soon.

I've got two years left on my Chevy Bolt lease and can't wait to get into a Y.
106164   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 25, 1:15pm  

My cost basis is ~$160. But I didn't put THAT much into it.
106165   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 25, 1:28pm  

SF tech company fired software engineers seeking to organize, union claims
By Benny Evangelista Jan. 31, 2018 Updated: Jan. 31, 2018 4:13 p.m.

A San Francisco technology company laid off a group of software engineers as they were trying to join a labor union, according to a complaint filed with the National Labor Relations Board.

The Communications Workers of America claims Lanetix, which makes cloud-based software for transportation and logistics companies, violated federal labor laws by cutting 14 software engineers in January in San Francisco and Arlington, Va.

Most of the engineers were fired Friday, about 10 days after they filed a petition seeking union representation, according to the complaint filed by the CWA’s Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild. A hearing to determine a date to hold the union vote was scheduled for Thursday.

Lanetix did not immediately respond to several messages left by The Chronicle. On Thursday afternoon, a man who answered the company’s main phone line hung up on a reporter’s call.

While unions have made inroads in representing Silicon Valley bus drivers, security officers, food service workers and custodians, the Lanetix case could break new ground because union activity is still unusual for software engineers, who are generally highly paid and in short supply, labor lawyers said.

“Generally, Silicon Valley employers are deeply hostile to the idea of unions,” said William Gould, a Stanford Law professor who was National Labor Relations Board chairman under the Clinton administration.

According to the Labor Department, the median pay for software developers across the country in 2016 was $102,280. And the department projected there will be more than 10,000 job openings for software developers this year in California alone.

But there are other reasons unions can attract higher-paid tech workers, including “if you feel mistreated by the company or if you feel there’s favoritism going on or lack of job security,” said labor law attorney Steve Hirschfeld, founding partner of Hirschfeld Kraemer of San Francisco.

“There’s a myth that if you’re a highly paid employee, you either can’t join a union or wouldn’t be interested,” Hirschfeld said.

The Lanetix case is “significant because it is a tech company and they’re well-paid engineers,” he said. “That’s still a rarity today for that group of employees to be organized. (But) the feeling among many tech workers is that they’re viewed as being expendable.”

The Lanetix engineers signed union cards to join the CWA’s Washington-Baltimore News Guild. (The Pacific Media Workers Guild, which represents some San Francisco Chronicle employees, is also affiliated with the CWA.) According to the complaint filed with the board, the union said Lanetix began “threatening and coercing employees” for engaging in union activities starting in November. The complaint said one engineer was fired for participating in group discussions on Slack, an internal messaging service.

The union filed a petition with the board on Jan. 16 to represent the workers. The company terminated “all engineers and senior engineers in retaliation for demanding recognition,” the complaint said.

The engineers were called into a meeting and told of layoffs due to the company’s lackluster fourth quarter performance, CWA organizer Melinda Fiedler told Bloomberg Law.

“By the time they left that meeting, their computers were gone,” Fiedler said.

Cet Parks, executive director of the Washington-Baltimore News Guild, said the workers were told the company was moving engineering offices to Europe.

106166   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 25, 1:32pm  

12 Nov 2018 | 18:17 GMT
Startup Lanetix Pays US $775,000 to Software Engineers Fired for Union Organizing

... back in January [2018], an effort to unionize software engineers made the news when Lanetix, a company that creates cloud-based tools for the shipping and transportation industry, fired 14 engineers shortly after they petitioned to be represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA). The CWA then filed charges with the U.S. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), indicating that the firing of the 14—and one earlier termination—was clearly in retaliation for union-organizing activity (Lanetix had stated that it was a layoff due to the company’s poor fourth quarter and said the jobs were going to be outsourced). The firings reportedly were the culmination of months of effort by the company to disrupt the union organizing effort.

In late August, the agency took up the case, filing a complaint [PDF] against Lanetix and asking for a court to require that the fired engineers be reinstated with back pay. According to the NLRB complaint, threats against the engineers started last November, when company officials told employees that they were aware that employees were participating in an external Slack organization, “discussing wages, hours, and working conditions” and threatened reprisals if the discussions continued. The complaint also indicated that, after the January firings, remaining employees were told that the terminations were due to union activity.

Last week, with hearings on the case about to begin in Washington, D.C., Lanetix settled, agreeing to pay the 15 former workers a total of US $775,000. That’s not an insignificant amount of money for the startup; according to Crunchbase, Lanetix’s funding to date totals $9.2 million.

In a statement, former Lanetix developer Sahil Talwar called the settlement “a landmark win for tech workers.”

“We have shown what can be accomplished by standing together and standing strong,” Talwar said.

106167   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 1:37pm  

Back in the early 2000's a criminal fuck named Daryl McBride lied about Linux containing code from System 5 which was owned by SCO which he was the CEO of.

The entire creation of Linux is public record, and McBride wouldn't be specific about what code was supposedly stolen from System 5. There were doubts among the techinical community, but SCOs stock price went up 10 times and for about 2 years.

Turned out that SCO has actually stolen code from Linux and placed it into System 5.

You can make a lot of money off from a scam, even when it's a scam. McBride never faced any consequences for his gross negligence, because he made a lot of money for a select few people, by lying.

Musk isn't what you think he is. He's a marketer, and a terrible engineer. The "hyperloop" is an idea that was proposed 200 years ago, but was abandoned when the energy requirements of just evacuating a tunnel were computed. We are very near the max of energy density for batteries right now - we'd be better off running cars burning compressed natural gas - which we have so much of an abundance, that we burn it still at oil fields. Space is a complete waste of money - it's interesting, the Hubble was mind blowing, but there's absolutely no reason to send people into space today - the ISS hasn't produced a single piece of research that is useful and if you doubt this, name the research. SpaceX is another scam.

He's just another PT Barnum.
106168   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 1:41pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
What offence did Joe and Hunter commit?
For Hunter its: Failure to register as a foreign lobbyist, money laundering, and tax evasion; just like Paul Manafort. For Quid Pro Joe: the nickname speaks for itself.
106169   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 1:44pm  

Onvacation says
What offence did Trump commit? I can't think of anything that rises to high crime or misdemeanor.

He committed the crime of becoming president and putting US citizens first. I wish the inquisition impeachment squad would just be honest about that.
106170   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 1:51pm  

Chiromancer says
richwicks says
Trump hasn't murdered anybody in cold blood, when Obama did.

And you know this how? The drone attacks have continued under Trump. Granted he is probably too stupid and inept to realize those deaths are his responsibility as a supposed commander and chief. But who knows maybe the special ed daily briefing in comic book format has penetrated, so to speak.

Obama gave an executive order to kill, without trial or any other due process, a specifically-named individual who was known at the time to be a US citizen. I think it was a good idea, but there you have it. Remember, Obama himself said his time in office was scandal free.!
106171   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 1:55pm  

California should put a 50% state income tax on any the portion of each state pension exceeding $50k/year.
106172   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 1:57pm  

Onvacation says
What offence did Joe and Hunter commit? I can't think of anything. Now the way tRump held up aid for his political gain that's way more impeachable than anything Clinton did.

They OVERTHREW Ukraine. There was no revolution in Ukraine, it was a US led coup.

What happened is that Ukraine was broke and needed money. Yanukovych appealed to the IMF for help, Russia made a better offer and Yanukovych took the Russian offer and as a result, Ukraine wasn't going to join the treacherous EU that has just destroyed Greece and Italy. This couldn't be allowed so the US overthrew the government.

Victoria Nuland, a Neocon whore, even bragged it only cost 5 billion dollars to do, remember "fuck the EU" comment of hers?

In any case, the Obozo administration then inserted themselves into the process to profit, Biden was part of it. They are just mafia sluts. A cokehead asshole that just got dishonorably discharged from the Navy because of his drug addiction had no business being on Burisma's board of directors even for $1 a month, it was a bribe for favorable consideration through the Obozo administration.

Talk to a Ukranian for fuck's sake.

Stop defending criminals. The US is corrupt, and you shouldn't tolerate corruption. What the Biden's did is no better than what Dickhead Cheney did with Halliburton. Stop putting up with criminals in your government, assholes.

These are people suffering under you criminal government. You suffer too, I do as well. Will you assholes please get a sense of right and wrong, and stop thinking of left and right?
106173   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 25, 2:00pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Quigley says
Absent a crime that necessitates his impeachment

Unfortunately your view of "A crime that necessitates his impeachment" and the view of the duly elected house Democrats are probably different and since the duly elected house Democrats are the ones deciding then your opinion on this means jack shit to them.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Its literally as clear as day.

And you idiots wonder why there might be a civil war if President Trump is impeached.

Stop lying. Back In Your DNC Box.
106174   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:07pm  

I don't quite see what magic power TSLA stock has from an investment standpoint. Useful patents? Manufacturing know-how? Their genius manufacturing-in-a-tent technology will soon be cloned by their "partners" in China anyway.

The company's finances strike me as being highly leveraged and so any hiccup will cause an implosion. Remember Excite@Home company ... sailing along beautifully until oops! A cascade of financial problems resulting in instant bankruptcy.

Having products that people love doesn't guarantee business success. For the record: I plunked down nearly a model-3's amount of money for some PUTs @300 with year-out expiration.
106175   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:13pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Proposition to do just what you propose
It'll be like Prop 187 ... passed with overwhelming support and then shot down by the corrupt California courts.
106176   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 2:25pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
WaltertheoFlanders says
Quigley says
Absent a crime that necessitates his impeachment

Unfortunately your view of "A crime that necessitates his impeachment" and the view of the duly elected house Democrats are probably different and since the duly elected house Democrats are the ones deciding then your opinion on this means jack shit to them.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Its literally as clear as day.

And you idiots wonder why there might be a civil war if President Trump is impeached.

Stop lying. Back In Your DNC Box.

We literally have people in the executive office directly profiting off from war and coups - from the Bush administration right into the the Obama administration, and our so-called "news" media won't say a word about it. This isn't the country I grew up in. I'm always amazed, and disgusted, at what US citizens put up with. If your government has no principles, no honor, neither do you. Why do people allow this?

Fuck, at this point, I wouldn't even bat an eye to see a military coup. Our entire federal government is run by outright, obvious criminals.
106177   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 2:34pm  

OccasionalCortex says

I am starting to think that Shrillary is behind all this. Otherwise, the media would be protecting Hunter & Daddy.

Good, it would be funny to see Clinton who was doing pay for play, accepting bribes, through her so-called "charity", run again. She's George W. Bush with in a skirt with his dick stuffed between his legs. Just another Neocon dirtbag.

Biden is corrupt, as corrupt as Dick Cheney or Michael Chertoff - I wouldn't mind a bit seeing these criminals get dragged into this maylee. When a population accepts the corruption of their government, the population is tainted as well, and they don't even benefit from the corruption.
106178   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 25, 2:40pm  

Perhaps Pelosi can anger enough citizens that she'll flip the House back Republican majority. With Boehner and McCain out of the way in the Senate, the legislative branch might actually get something done. Hey! We can always hope!
106179   richwicks   2019 Oct 25, 2:43pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Yeah and Tulips once sold @ today's equiv of $17k per bulb, too.

Keep in mind, that was the cost of a house at one time. We are in a lot of bubbles.

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