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E-Verify is an answer. Sadly, it was not introduced when Trump had majorities both in House and Senate, showing that perhaps he is just as full of hot air as all other politicians WRT to illegal immigration.
tRump has had 3 years to gather evidence and yet the only thing I hear is how some dossier is the only thing that got Hillary a FISA warrent.
Tell me, what is tRump doing to get rid of the Patriot act and the FISA court. Jack shit, that's what he's doing.
E-Verify is an answer. Sadly, it was not introduced when Trump had majorities both in House and Senate
Saying the Republicans had control of the Senate and the House, with assholes like Paul Ryan and Chuck Grassley, is a joke.
I say "illegally spying" because they lied to get FISA approval for spying on him.
Wow things will be fun in 2020; the gloves will be fully off and a lot of guys we saw badmouthing Trump on CNN will be lawyering up and spending vast fortunes to keep themselves out of the joint
What other evidence got the visa warrent?
Are you saying that isn't important information to know before one passes judgment?
Lol, and slimy cunt tRump doesn't? Where are the calls to end the FISA court? It's crazy how gullible some Americans are.
So why if Hillary did something illegal, is tRump not doing anything about it?
Did he sign it?
The '16 loss compounded with having absolute shit running in 2020 has almost sealed the deal for Trump 13 months ahead of the election and they fucking know it.
theoakman saysOk but a saw isn't going to get a caravan off thousands of people through.
You are right. They would probably use more than 1
I can go through your house door with a battery-powered saw. It doesn't stop you from insisting on having a lockable door on your house though.
Trump won the election for his position on foreign illegal workers and criminals flooding the USA; the wall is symbolic and will start showing the USA is serious about this issue.
I have lived and worked in Mexico, I'm bilingual and have many friends there; they are now afraid of ICE because a lot of them who have tourist visas travel up to Texas to find work for a while.
E-Verify was the answer and the entrenched scumbags like Paul Ryan didn't support it unfortunately.
The Wall St. Journal and the NYTimes are foreign partially owned or fully owned; they are anti-Trump of course.
Since I have many Mexican friends, have been back for visits for decades, and live in California you guys should know; they don't like us, they want our money and benefits and they don't give a fuck about anything else.
After living in a third world country for a while I learned that the "honorable poor" is a media myth; they're desperate and want what you and I have. They...
Meanwhile if someone can tell me any crime committed by Joe Biden
Exactly!!! The FISA courts issued a warrant. What evidence did they have to do so? You're catching on. We know a warrant was issued on complete shit allegations, through a flimsy back door court. And you seemingly are okay with this because you don't like Trump? I'd be pissed if this happened to Hillary. She, with the help of Obama used government mechanisms to try and take down a political opponent that was actually on the ballot for President. It's unprecedented whether legal or not.
The Resistance to Tyrant Trump has found a home on our blog.
We are focused on all the law breaking and traitorous behavior of Trump and his crime family.
We will follow the Russian connections where ever they go
Climate Change deniers. Racists. Islamophobes. Corporate cronies. Wall Street insiders. Oligarchs.
Trump’s administration is already a reflection of Trump himself: vehemently bigoted and devoted to enriching the powerful and privileged.
Trailing by almost 3 million votes, this is the least-qualified and most unpopular president-elect in modern history. Trump has stocked his cabinet full of hardliners and shady loyalists.
Allowing Trump to appoint hate-mongers and corporate insiders to leading positions will corrupt our democratic institutions and put millions at risk. Leading Democrats need to find their spines and immediately commit to resisting and blocking Trump’s crony cabinet.
“Should you refuse, I will oppose you, every step of the way, for the next four years. I will champion the millions of Americans you will fail to protect. I will track your every move, and I will remind Americans, every day, of the actions you take that fail them.” Senator Elizabeth Warren
We will continue to resist Trump by challenging the Congress to exercise their moral conscience, we also will continue to pressure Democrats to put up a firewall against Trump. There is no reason to give a hate-group candidate who did not win the popular vote a free pass to appoint bigots, hatemongers and corporate puppets to leading positions in government. If Democrats stand their ground, they may even win allies from those Republicans who were lukewarm on Trump and foresee the damage from an administration full of unqualified cronies.
The Trump administration is elevating fringe elements of society while giving more influence to Wall Street and corporate elites. Only by standing united in fierce resistance can Democrats expose Trump’s true agenda and build a diverse coalition demanding bold progressive change.
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Am I the only one that doesn't have a clue as to whats going on here?
You try to say I'm the stupid one
You guys are too funny. Good story unfortunately it will never prove to be true. Already 1 dud, number 2 is coming soon(why is it taking so long to see the light of day). Pretty sure we will never get to dud #3. There hasnt been any and there will be No bombshells, mark my words.
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