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106446   Bd6r   2019 Nov 4, 8:41pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Who is calling an entire half of the country "nazi"?
That by itself is a bit extremist, is it not?

106447   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 5, 8:03am  

ignoreme says
Liberals especially like to do this and you see it with the whole “don’t be friends with, associate, date, talk to, etc Trump supporters” movement. It’s also why they support illegal immigration, I guess I would too if I didn’t actually know illegals.

You live in a bubble Marcus. You live in a different world with different concerns and values then most Trump supporters. That’s fine. But dehumanizing an entire group because you don’t understand them and don’t care too? That’s fucking racist

It’s worse. I’ve repeatedly made the point that Marcus doesn’t know any of these so called racists. When really pressed he will point to memes posted here which is preposterous as he clearly doesn’t understand trolling despite being a troll at times himself and actually has no clue whatsoever as to the actual race of anyone posting here.

Essentially he rallies against self created caricatures. Which is pretty looney if you ask me.
106448   mell   2019 Nov 5, 8:12am  

Agreed nobody on the left knows any actual Nazis or racists beyond the innate natural racism, when I point that out to my leftoid friends they squeal and sometimes I can get them riled up enough to turn on me. Usually they calm down and apologize quickly. I don't know what's up with the desire to see racists and nazis everywhere, reminds me of clustered hysteria.
106449   WookieMan   2019 Nov 5, 1:38pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Should be fun to watch...provided of course the Dems actually impeach Trump.
Two already flipped on a "symbolic" vote of no consequence for the Dems. They know the Senate won't vote to remove. It's hysterical, but the writing is on the wall that they're not even going to have the votes for actual impeachment in the house. You cannot take your name off that vote.

I don't know the procedures of this exactly, but if there's a chance it WON'T actually bring about an impeachment vote in the house, that's the way I see it going.
106450   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 5, 5:33pm  

jazz_music says
It’s the victimhood olympics.

The boss gets to cry the blues all day long , he wins.

So privilege wins the victimhood contest, the moral high ground.

Funny game really.

Just make plans to get that next gig in a couple years somewhere else unless you want to shive everyone to stay on.

106451   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Nov 5, 5:36pm  

jazz_music says

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham lamented how wearing one of Trump’s red “Make America Great Again” hats was now “basically considered a hate crime.” (that’s about right)

A San Mateo restaurant owner says customers will not be served if they are wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

The idea "Make America Great Again" upsets some people, and so it means its meant to hurt them, so it is a hate crime.
106452   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 5, 5:43pm  

People hurt by patriotism to one's own country. Don't deserve to wander free in that Country.
106453   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 5, 5:54pm  

BayArea says
CBOEtrader says
marcus says
CBOEtrader says
Somehow trump actually getting it done is racism in action though.

Actually Trump has gotten far less done on border security than Obama.

You made the point that somehow Trumps boarder protection is racist, then post about how Obama deported more that Trump.

Are you arguing w yourself?

The question to you: show us racism. Is the wall, etc... racist?

You say it is, yet somehow Obama isnt racist for being better at the thing you are calling racist.


Best thing Marco can do is to just let it go and avoid digging himself deeper by posting further, ouch

I'm expecting him to explain that he meant something different than what I heard (hopefully).

It is odd how the left sees the right as a group of KKK members, whereas the right just sees themselves as freedom fighters.

It's an amazing gap of cognitive dissonance.

I'm VERY curious how a "liberal" can judge another as a 'racist' while still calling himself a liberal.

Liberals are supposed to focus inwards and not judge others. I guess that's an old mentality.
106454   WookieMan   2019 Nov 5, 5:59pm  

Stop responding people....
106455   WookieMan   2019 Nov 5, 6:03pm  

Tim Aurora says
Biden became the leading dem candidate

To become the nominee......

Tim Aurora says
First of all the prosecutor fired was not investigating Burisma

Evidence.....? You can't have Biden bragging about getting him fired and his dip shit son holding a board position with no skills in the industry (or anything). Sure there are things that look shady with the Trump family on a cursory glance. But this Biden thing looks like smoke and you can see the fire at the same time.
106456   CBOEtrader   2019 Nov 5, 6:04pm  

jazz_music says
Anyway Trump clearly stands for reawakening of “White power” as a crusade for some mythic and lost greatness. He’s always conjuring some always vague presumed vision of meritocracy for his mob audience as red meat.

Lol. Really?
WookieMan says
Stop responding people....

106457   Shaman   2019 Nov 5, 6:33pm  

jazz_music says
White power” as a crusade for some mythic and lost greatness

What’s lost about it? White people still rule the civilized world that their ancestors built. Every other color of people seem to be clamoring to get in. Seems like white greatness continues unabated, regardless of detractors.
106458   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 5, 6:33pm  

I think the top of this chart gets it wrong, well so does the bottom. But the top has the next step after Progressive, as Militant. While calling the corresponding side Far right.
The Communist needs to go where the Militant is, and the Militant goes where it says Commie and Nazi. As Nazis are Left wing Socialists, that dressed nice, and had rigid city ordinances, and demanded everyone drives the same Green Car, and wear matching outfits. Nazi's are Liberal loons.

The next step after Far Right is Militant. Just like any extremist. Politics is more sophisticated than that these days. You have to be intellectually honest.
You can't hide your shit, your neighbors garden.

Heraclitusstudent says
106459   HeadSet   2019 Nov 5, 7:09pm  

As Nazis are Left wing Socialists,

Absolutely correct. Maybe 80 years in the future when late term abortion falls severely out of favor, the Dems will try to say that abortionists were "Right Wing," as well.
106460   Onvacation   2019 Nov 5, 7:12pm  

Tim Aurora says
First of all the prosecutor fired was not investigating Burisma

"Joe Biden was so proud of his role in the prosecutor’s removal from investigating the company paying his son $50,000 per month merely to serve on its board that he actually bragged about it in a 2018 speech at an event for the publication Foreign Affairs. In this speech, Biden boasts his threat to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loans from Ukraine if they did not agree to fire the prosecutor who happened to be investigating the company giving his son a cushy sinecure.

The prosecutor was fired, and the investigation was dropped six months later. While the investigation was just reopened last year, it has been a slow-moving process that has turned up little. At the time Biden pushed for the firing of Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor general, Shokin had plans to question Hunter Biden."
Tim Aurora says

Secondly, this was many years ago, why did Trump start the investigation after Biden became the leading dem candidate

Biden admitted to his corruption at a 2018 Foreign Affairs event. Trump has been busy. He'll get to all the swamp critters eventually.
106461   HeadSet   2019 Nov 5, 7:20pm  

He'll get to all the swamp critters eventually.

This is the essence of the whole affair. All the phony Russian Collusion, Ukrainian phone call, and related fallacies are all designed to impede Trump from clearing out the swamp and from prosecuting the people who created a fake dossier and spied on his campaign. Hillary was right with "If this bastard gets elected, all our heads are in nooses." Too bad it is just taking longer than it should to prosecute these crooks.
106462   HeadSet   2019 Nov 5, 7:24pm  

Great, another dynasty. Beshear's dad was also governor of Kentucky.
106463   Hircus   2019 Nov 5, 7:32pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

how do you come up with this stuff lol
106464   Onvacation   2019 Nov 5, 7:41pm  

downwithNPP says
Onvacation says
"Joe Biden was so proud of his role in the prosecutor’s

The federalist .... ROTFLMAO

So, are you saying Biden WASN'T proud of helping out his son?
106465   Onvacation   2019 Nov 5, 7:46pm  

downwithNPP says

cnn politics - fake news
106466   Bd6r   2019 Nov 5, 8:18pm  

THE ORANGE HITLER WILL BE IMPEACHED ANY MOMENT NOW!!! Just like previous two times they tried to impeach him
106467   mell   2019 Nov 5, 8:29pm  

Orange man baaaaaaaad!!
106468   Bd6r   2019 Nov 5, 8:33pm  

mell says
Orange man baaaaaaaad!!

106469   Onvacation   2019 Nov 5, 8:35pm  

The relevant portion of Biden's speech is transcribed below.

"I remember going over and convincing our team, others, to convince that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."
106470   Shaman   2019 Nov 5, 8:41pm  

Boy, CNN sure knows how to keep a Lefty on the edge of his booster seat for three years without actually delivering on any promises of Presidential impeachment! Either they’re really good at this “news” thing, or Lefties are SUPER gullible!
106471   Patrick   2019 Nov 5, 8:44pm  

Patrick why am I automatically being flagged?

Because you've insulted other users so consistently that I don't trust you anymore.
106472   Onvacation   2019 Nov 6, 5:41am  

downwithNPP says
Onvacation says
downwithNPP says
Onvacation says
"Joe Biden was so proud of his role in the prosecutor’s

The federalist .... ROTFLMAO

So, are you saying Biden WASN'T proud of helping out his son?

Nope I'm saying John Solomon writes fake news. https://www.justsecurity.org/66962/a-dozen-questions-for-john-solomon/

Biden and his son are corrupt. Your article never disputes the FACT that Hunter received a lot of money from a corrupt Ukrainian company and Joe got the investigator of the company fired in an actual quid pro quo for US aid. Joe Biden bragged about it and Trump asked Ukraine to investigate.

Do you dispute the facts?
106473   HeadSet   2019 Nov 6, 6:15am  

Now Virginia will have late term and postpartum abortions, sanctuary cities, and driver's licenses for illegals. Virginia went more blue internally (was long blue statewide) because "suburban" districts were re-drawn to include large enough sections of inner city to outvote the suburban/rural.
106474   Shaman   2019 Nov 6, 6:59am  

No just a rich asshole who bought himself an ambassadorship and wants to stay in the elite crowd so is throwing Trump under the bus.
He’s nothing special, just another ASSHOLE!!!
106475   socal2   2019 Nov 6, 9:03am  

Bevin had a 30% approval rating last week and was never that popular in KY. The teachers unions have been throwing everything at him over the fucked up pension system. Trump shows up for one night and Bevin improves by 20 points and gets within a few thousand votes.

Meanwhile, the Republicans swept all of the other elections in KY. Maybe it is just the candidates?

- AG: R+15
- AG Com: R+19
- Auditor: R+14
- SecState: R+4
- Treasurer: R+21
106476   mell   2019 Nov 6, 10:14am  

Too bad for them, they will get all the plagues that CA already has, illegal assholes, feces and highest taxes ever. Ah yes and late term abortions, truly something to be proud of.
106477   Shaman   2019 Nov 6, 10:26am  

Perhaps avoid any story with Trump in the headline. We’ve got to start deweaponizing your highly advanced case of TDS.
I promise you won’t be missing anything critical. 99% of the articles about the American President are completely useless.
106478   Ceffer   2019 Nov 6, 11:51am  

The only quid pro quo is all the whores who are willing to sell their souls for some kind of marginal gain or promise in exchange for testifying 'against' Trump.
106479   mell   2019 Nov 6, 12:17pm  

jazz_music says

Another cowardly example of MAGA hat violence.

And then they cry because people don't like them.

No need to double or triple post just because the attacks by the left outnumber the attacks of the right by a huge margin.
106480   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Nov 6, 1:02pm  

Beshear won on a campaign focused on statewide issues around health care and education. He promised teachers raises and new funding streams for the pension system. He has said he is pro-choice, will protect Medicaid, pushing back against Bevin’s proposed Medicaid work requirements.

Now you see how he won, free shit for everyone wins every time!
106481   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Nov 6, 1:38pm  

you know next thing on a docket in Ketucky will be "gender pronouns" and "puberty blockers" for all!
106482   Ceffer   2019 Nov 6, 3:29pm  

A little putsch here, a little ethnic cleansing there.

Why do they hate social and political hygiene?
106483   Bd6r   2019 Nov 6, 4:19pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
When you combine what has happened in the newly GLOBOHOMOIZED and suitably renamed KanTuckMe and VirginAss and the Sondland flip, it's clear that GLOBOHOMOPOCOLYPSE! has already begun in earnest.

AF, gotta agree with you with one correction: it is GLOBOHOMOPEDOPOCALYPSE. See what happened with common knowledge about Epsteins activities...nothing...
106484   Freedumb   2019 Nov 6, 6:00pm  

Quigley says
Perhaps avoid any story with Trump in the headline. We’ve got to start deweaponizing your highly advanced case of TDS.
I promise you won’t be missing anything critical. 99% of the articles about the American President are completely useless.

Yea this guys losing it. How can anyone not unquestionably worship Trump? Trump = God

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