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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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108394   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Feb 12, 5:48pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Wow, did we just do ANOTHER 180?

Dems 1950s-2000s: "Don't Trust the Deep State"
Dems 2000s: "Trust the Deep State!"
Dems 2020: "Don't Trust the Trump Deep State"

More like hysteria #272 of the Trump administration.

The left can’t help itself. Never ending stream of hysterics
108395   Ceffer   2020 Feb 12, 6:05pm  

Guess the Chinese Bioweapons Lab gave up the vaccine because things were getting out of hand.

"Hey, youse over there, you want to discover this vaccine?" Throws open trench coat to reveal vaccines in pockets.
108396   RC2006   2020 Feb 12, 6:13pm  

All day theyve been talking about trump getting his buddies time reduced. Guess trump should have done things in secret on tarmac instead of not giving a shit what dems think.
108397   Onvacation   2020 Feb 12, 6:15pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Project and Deflect Mother Fuckas Justice is coming, in the next few weeks, some heads are going spin. It's going to move fucking fast.

Both sides keep launching bombshells and they keep landing duds. Maybe this time is different?
108398   Tenpoundbass   2020 Feb 12, 6:26pm  

Onvacation says
Maybe this time is different?

Something's gotta give!

It's like a scoreless World Series, it's the 57th inning and the teams keep going to bat. But deep down inside they wish everyone would just go home so they can stop.

"Damn You Donald! What heap of Shit have you brought down in this Town?"

"Well I told you, to back off, I was going to run for President and win because people are tired!"

"Well you'll get no damn help from ME!"

"Me Either!"

"Look Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr, I'm not asking for your help, just stay out of my way! All I have to do is just Tweet 144 words and a Shit Storm like you've never seen will ascend down upon on this town like the world has never seen."
108399   HeadSet   2020 Feb 12, 8:03pm  

Bloomberg will win.
108400   HeadSet   2020 Feb 12, 8:11pm  

Guess the Chinese Bioweapons Lab gave up the vaccine because things were getting out of hand.

Even worse if the vaccine can only be made from using panda livers.
108401   HeadSet   2020 Feb 13, 6:33am  

Some produced projections in excess of 5°C, a nightmare scenario."

A "model" can produce any results you like, just need to tweak the parameters. How do any of these models compare with actual measured results? Perhaps the people who worked on this model also helped with the Iowa Caucus app.
108402   HeadSet   2020 Feb 13, 6:36am  

HeadSet says
Bloomberg will win.

Win what? A split party going into Election Day or just being the first Republican to score the Democratic nomination?

I think Bloomberg will be the first ex-Republican Mayor to win the Democratic Presidential nomination.
108403   Onvacation   2020 Feb 13, 6:53am  

HeadSet says
A "model" can produce any results you like, just need to tweak the parameters. How do any of these models compare with actual measured results?

This graph shows the adjustments made to the actual temperature readings.

See any correlation?
108404   HeadSet   2020 Feb 13, 7:08am  

Ok, I am dumb here. What is meant by "adjustments." I would expect to see something like "Actual Predicted Temps" compared to "Actual Measured Temps." Also, what is the scale on PPP CO2? And how do you measure "atmospheric CO2? CO2 is heavier than air and would vary with altitude and proximity to sources.
108405   Bd6r   2020 Feb 13, 7:41am  

Nope, TRUMP! should be the new ORANGE JESUS! or at least POPE!
108406   Bd6r   2020 Feb 13, 7:42am  

"pre-clinical trials" is the rub. Most of those fail, I think...may be they are goosing their stock price.
108407   Shaman   2020 Feb 13, 8:00am  

New York City boys aren’t known for their wilderness experience.
What a thing to pick apart though! How fucking OBSESSED with the GEOTUS do you have to be to want to know all the details of an irrelevant conversation about badgers?
108408   Ceffer   2020 Feb 13, 8:43am  

I thought Putin was in line to become the new AG.
108409   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 13, 8:57am  

If we replace department of education with a rock, it’ll increase SAT test scores.

Doesn’t need to be an expensive rock, an ordinary pebble will suffice.
108410   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 13, 8:58am  

In China it’s cheaper to let thousands die. Equality has its downsides.
108411   Tenpoundbass   2020 Feb 13, 9:16am  

This is terrible news, now China wont be able to oppress 50 million people and the Dems wont be able to throw Trump supporters in FEMA camps if they can get the rest of the US to go along with their Coup.
I still aint Vaxing.
108412   Tenpoundbass   2020 Feb 13, 9:17am  

BTW the vaccine is called Spring Weather. This happens every Virus Hoax season, they are all gone and dried up by April.
108413   Onvacation   2020 Feb 13, 9:46am  

When will they release the transcript!
108414   Ceffer   2020 Feb 13, 9:47am  

"Will badgers eat that Cuban gardener that hangs around the stairwell all the time?"
108415   rdm   2020 Feb 13, 11:05am  

So which is it? The best economy in the history of economies or a national economic emergency?

In reality it is both, depending on your level of wealth. Never better (in my lifetime) for the 1%, quite good for the upper middle class, lower upper and flat to crappy for everyone else. The true emergency comes when we can no longer fund the debt. The kind off cut Trump is doing is political and will have no real impact on anything other than the workers.
108416   Bd6r   2020 Feb 13, 11:44am  

made out of badger fur

made out of pussy hair of Immense Swedish Hirsute Lesbians
108417   HeadSet   2020 Feb 13, 11:49am  

I heard the winds mixes the air & that's what is read to get the CO2 content.;-)

So, the best measures are taken in the jet stream?
108418   zzyzzx   2020 Feb 13, 11:58am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
A colleague from Tufts - right near Boston - reports that for the second year it is raining in February which is unheard of for the region. Not rare but just not seen in his lifetime. The age of the kids tell me he is in his fifties or sixties and has seen enough Februaries to make a call on what is odd weather. Could he also be deep state libby conspirator jihadi who hates freedom? Should I ask him?

Did you ask them if they would have preferred a shitload of snow instead?
It wasn't that long ago that they had so much snow that it didn't melt until June. Just ask Rin, I'm sure that he remembers that.
I hate the constant rain we have been having lately, but them I remind myself that at least it's not snowing!
108419   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Feb 13, 11:59am  

Badger don't care
108420   Bd6r   2020 Feb 13, 12:00pm  

People, we are arguing about the wrong things.

1. Some of us agree that CO2 changes climate substantially.
2. Others disagree, but most of those who disagree, think that it would be good to get off fossil fuels because FUCK YOU SAUDI BARBARIA and RUSSIA!

If we pick 1, 2, or both, then working towards elimination of fossil fuels makes sense. The we come to question: what should we do, and how to do that in a way that does not make 90% of country poor and destitute?

The only rational answer is nuclear power, and research into more nuclear power. Everything else will be piecemeal solutions suitable, at best, in some localities, but not universally.
108421   HeadSet   2020 Feb 13, 12:15pm  

1. Some of us agree that CO2 changes climate substantially.
2. Others disagree, but most of those who disagree, think that it would be good to get off fossil fuels because FUCK YOU SAUDI BARBARIA and RUSSIA!

Add to that the idea that resource depletion and plain old pollution can be curtailed also. But the AGW crowd does not want solutions other than everyone has the "original sin" of being a polluter and must fund big government as contrition. Any talk of solutions, like nuke power, will only get diverted back to arguing with deniers.
108422   Bd6r   2020 Feb 13, 12:34pm  

HeadSet says
But the AGW crowd does not want solutions other than everyone has the "original sin" of being a polluter and must fund big government as contrition

They (Greta and Co) are funded by so-called alternative, green energy companies which want to suck on gov't teat, as most of them can not compete in free marketplace.
108423   HeadSet   2020 Feb 13, 2:27pm  

What kind of pancakes?
108424   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 13, 2:28pm  

Asking for a friend?
108425   Ceffer   2020 Feb 13, 2:31pm  

Only if she kneads it.
108426   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 13, 2:32pm  

Is coffee included?
108427   Chiromancer   2020 Feb 13, 2:34pm  

Big nose, big hose
Big nose, big hole
So, pass
108428   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 13, 2:34pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Trump can just order a tactical nuke strike on the court and have the judge's relatives raped to death and fed to lions at the National Zoo.

One phone call.


Is that not what happened?
108429   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Feb 13, 2:36pm  

Two examples of many Dem retard posts.
If we still had nut house mental institutions around the country,they would be full of Democrats.

Not just Democrats, but yeah filled to capacity day 1.

Why can’t parents raise normal non retarded kids anymore.
108430   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 13, 3:00pm  

Timothy Snyder is a Globalist Cunt, he's good at playing with dates to advance his thesis.

The problem with the US is not Free Speech, but the lack of rational discourse and shaming/screeching by the Cathedral.
108431   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Feb 13, 4:08pm  

Mayor Pete would felch her bung hole.

108432   Onvacation   2020 Feb 13, 4:17pm  

HeadSet says
Ok, I am dumb here. What is meant by "adjustments." I would expect to see something like "Actual Predicted Temps" compared to "Actual Measured Temps." Also, what is the scale on PPP CO2? And how do you measure "atmospheric CO2? CO2 is heavier than air and would vary with altitude and proximity to sources.

The temperature record has been adjusted for "reasons".. This graph shows how much the record has been adjusted. The rise in co2 has been fairly linear over the last century rising from 310 ppm to 410 ppm so the x axis represents the time over the last century. You can see the co2 ppm scale in the middle of the chart.

The y axis, plotted with the little blue boxes, shows all of the adjustments that have been made to the raw temperature records over the last century. notice that in order to show warming they had to subtract a small anomaly from the early 20th century and then add a small anomaly to the later temperatures.

By manipulating the temperature record they are trying to erase history, the dust bowl never happened.

As far as how they measure earth wide co2 levels and worldwide yearlong temperature anomalies down to hundredths of a degree, that is beyond my understanding.

Below is a graph of co2 ppm vs temp anomaly. Scary warming, with adjustments the temperature warmed almost a whole degree in a century.

Charts can be manipulated to show whatever you want. I have a lot more faith in humanity's ability to adapt to the climate than to change how we change it.
108433   HeadSet   2020 Feb 13, 6:14pm  

Charts can be manipulated to show whatever you want. I have a lot more faith in humanity's ability to adapt to the climate than to change how we change it.

Yes, even primitive humans live worldwide in extremes from the Arctic to the Sahara. It is asinine to think a 2 degree increase anywhere will wipe out humanity.

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