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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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110432   Hircus   2020 Apr 27, 9:07am  

marcus says
At least I'm smart enough to know that you don't know which came first. I don't either, but the Merkel one is very old

110433   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 27, 9:15am  

What we need is a real good pride parade. Because “love and anal” cures everything.
110434   rdm   2020 Apr 27, 9:18am  

Can cannibal anarchy be far behind? Cause yams just ain't gonna cut it.
110435   rdm   2020 Apr 27, 9:25am  

rigidmember says
space to try to become self sufficient

Space yes but even farmers don't have gardens cause they got (had) the food bar at the Golden Corral to provide their essential 4 food groups. Sweet tea, fried food, jello and soft serve.
110436   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 27, 9:31am  

More sensationalized bullshit from the msm media, though I’m not sure Time has been relevant in the past few decades.

Selective quotes, editorialized content using words like “skyrocketing”, and an article about an article that misrepresents what the source document says.

The msm is fucking evil.
110437   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 27, 9:43am  

Ever notice those that don't want people cured, or people to get back to work, they seem to cherish that there will be a definite food shortage, if the Lunatics are allowed to continue running the Asylum.

So to answer all of our Nagging Question, Yes this is a fucking psyops intentional Liberal Mind Fuck Hoax, and everything we fear that might happen. Is exactly what they have in mind.

This election season is going to be cake walk for every Republican looking to flip a seat and for Trump to keep his.
That's if we even get to an election. I'm fine with Trump ruling indefinitely until we can sort the Commies out in all of our institutions.

12 More Years, there's evil afoot.
110438   Bd6r   2020 Apr 27, 10:35am  

Fortwaynemobile says
“love and anal” cures everything

Especially HIV.
110439   Ceffer   2020 Apr 27, 11:07am  

How come nobody is suing Trump for 'crushed toe reparations'?
110440   marcus   2020 Apr 27, 11:20am  

No this can't be right. Geniuses here have repeatedly told us that it's the opposite. Even people dying in car crashes are being considered - cause of death: Covid 19.

i've seen it on at least three Trump cultist memes, it must be true. Now you try to tell me that it's actually the opposite ?

WE need to get TPB in here to sort this out.

He's so much smarter than the rest of us, I'm sure he has a cuss filled incoherent rant that will resolve this confusion for us.
110441   marcus   2020 Apr 27, 11:28am  


Media: "Check out what Trump just said."

Trump Cultists: "Look, look, the media is lying again. This is actually good for Great Leader. "
110442   Reality   2020 Apr 27, 11:32am  

Wonder what killed the excess? Doesn't matter as long as some were RepCons.


LOL! Obviously due to the Lock-downs! The chart clearly shows the death count was tracking seasonal average from beginning of the year all the way through early March, then suddenly jumped starting in Mid-March, exactly when the lock-downs started. Did the government release Covid-19 on the population at the same time as locking-down? I hope not; even if it did, there would be a 1-4 week delay between any deliberate release/spraying and death count shooting up. What happened was the Lock-down policy itself and media scare tactics preventing people from getting necessary medical care for other diseases!

The Left's innumeracy is truly astounding. In order to show Covid-19 causing extra deaths, they should cite numbers showing much higher death counts than normal before the lock-downs. What the chart showed was actually two facts that knowledgeable people have been pointing out for a long time:

1. Covid-19 doesn't kill more people than normal flu season does;

2. Lock-down policies (and the media driven scare) kill people!

BTW, WP made the same mistake in pointing out the rising stroke deaths among people in their 30's, 40's and 50's in recent weeks/days. The reason for the rise is quite obvious: people not seeking/getting prompt medical attention when they get unexplained head-aches, and the Lock-down is increasing the use of Cocaine and Crystal Meth, both are known for causing strokes (possibly also due to the media exaggerating the flu resulting in scaring people with high blood pressure away from taking their usual ACE-inhibitor meds).
110443   Rin   2020 Apr 27, 11:33am  

Reminds me of Iraq has WMD.

Which BTW, Trump threw Jeb Bush under the bus for, if you recall the 2016 primary.

If anything, Trump's been the most anti-war President for the past several generations.
110444   Rin   2020 Apr 27, 11:34am  

Before you respond with the same olde song and dance ....



Yes, I have a Part I which was finished during Iran's drone strike over the gulf region where Trump did not go the way of Bolton. Notice, it was almost half a year ago ...


Before I get to Part II, let me start with this ... I was not interested in politics AT ALL, prior to the bitches protesting the elections in Boston and NYC, during Jan of 2017, which in their collective minds, was perhaps worse (?) than the cozen fraud which was the 2000 Florida re-count, costing Al Gore Junior, yes an academic & environmental loser, but not a war wonger like GW Bush and his [ sarcasm on ] dream team [ sarcasm off ] of Cheney & Rumsfeld.

Since then, all I've heard was something I'd known since 1985 and that was that Trump was a sleazebag. Surprise, I'm 40 today and I can recognize ppl calling each other names on a schoolyard. This is no different than tactics used by kids in grade school. We all know Trump's personality; the question is 'is he putting our boys in harm's way?'


The answer to that is no. In fact, Trump is the first president in our post-LBJ world who's doing whatever's possible, to minimize the pre-existing land wars in place, while at the same time, keeping the Pentagon and contractors, fat and happy with money, so that his family isn't assassinated.

So now, we're at the General Soleimani moment, where once again, ppl are acting as if it were some sanctioned assassination in a non-war zone home country ...


No, the good general was in a grey war zone attempting to start another guerilla action. He put himself in harm's way and like anyone else in a similar situation, he payed the price.

The result, a feeble missile volley to which Trump responded with more sanctions.

So my question to the remaining Democrats is... "Where's the Gulf of Tonkin incident here?"

Why is it that for each military crisis, Trump doesn't respond with sending in 200K-500K troops like LBJ before him? Perhaps it's time to admit that in fact, our election process does work and when the country, meaning the entire land mass, not just the urban centers of Boston, NYC, DC, Chicago, LA, & SF actually places its votes, that those votes should count.
110445   Rin   2020 Apr 27, 11:35am  


Rin says

finehoe says
There are 200,000 troops deployed overseas today

Throughout the Cold War, there have been US troops scattered around the globe. So today should reflect a bit of that past ...


Let me add up ALL the mid east countries of Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain (no war there), Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, and what's our total .... 34K-35K?

Wait! Where's everyone else?

Let's see ... between Japan, South Korea, Italy, and Germany, that's already 109-110K? Hold on ... aren't those areas outside of active or grey war zones? Wait, so is half our overseas armed forces out of harm's way, living in post Cold War boundaries, awaiting post-Soviet ...
110446   rdm   2020 Apr 27, 11:37am  

Tenpoundbass says
I'm fine with Trump ruling indefinitely

I'm sure Trump is too. Note the use of the word "rule". Unfortunately for he and thee the constitution doesn't allow it. That doesn't mean he won't try, in fact I expect him to do so. He would need the support of the armed forces, which I don't believe he has, to pull off the coup.
110447   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 11:45am  

rigidmember says
The allure of living in an “urban hub full of culture and diversity” will be lost once people realize the stores in the City no longer have food on their shelves. I guess they’ll have to move to flyover country with those rednecks so they can have space to try to become self sufficient.

Yup. I've got multiple sources locally for produce and meat without stepping foot into a grocery store if I want. I could get a whole pig or cow tomorrow if I wanted. I've done all three phases. City, suburban and rural. Rural takes the cake if you can get in with the townies. Fortunately with kids that was a breeze. In 6 short years we're considered townies which is as good as gold in rural areas if you move into them.

Cities are shitholes and I think people be getting scared....
110448   HeadSet   2020 Apr 27, 11:48am  

When you have no facts, use outright slander.
110449   Bd6r   2020 Apr 27, 11:49am  

ThreeBays says
The plants are impacted by people getting sick from the virus.

Quote from article:

Tyson Foods shuttered a large pork-processing plant in Iowa on April 22, after several workers tested positive for the coronavirus

So because a few people get sick with a cold, the whole damned plant has to be shut down? Is that more consistent with Trump or the panicked left wing idiot policies?
110450   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 12:57pm  

rd6B says
So because a few people get sick with a cold, the whole damned plant has to be shut down? Is that more consistent with Trump or the panicked left wing idiot policies?

They want to cut supply to raise demand and therefore prices. Batshit flu is the excuse. Pigs/Livestock have their prime for tasting the best, but what 90% of what people buy in the grocery store is pure junk meat. You can throw a shitty "prime" or "choice" sticker on it, but that doesn't change what it is. They can let the cows and pigs chill for another 6 months and fuck with the supply chain to fuck with prices

Most people in cities and even suburbs have zero clue what good, quality tasting meat is. Fuck, most people are freaked out now that they have to learn how to cook..lol. This really has been an enlightening experience to see how stupid people really are.
110451   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 27, 1:04pm  

And this is why everyone thinks left is retarded. Priorities are so fucking stupid.
110452   Bd6r   2020 Apr 27, 1:12pm  

WookieMan says
They can let the cows and pigs chill for another 6 months and fuck with the supply chain to fuck with prices

Meat prices in my barrio neighborhood supermarket are down about 30% since corona began. Which is unusual and kinda difficult to explain, other than day laborers not having any money.
110453   rdm   2020 Apr 27, 2:15pm  

rd6B says

So because a few people get sick with a cold,

I think Tyson is just going for guberment cheese.

But more than a couple of people are getting sick at these plants. check out the pork plant in Sioux Falls South Dakota, like 900 people tested positive. Not fake news
110454   Onvacation   2020 Apr 27, 2:21pm  

rdm says
like 900 people tested positive

Being positive and being sick are two different things.
110455   Onvacation   2020 Apr 27, 3:16pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
You have to read his life's literary ouvre and reflect on the LARGER CONTEXT of his life and times and philosophy - exactly like considering the writing of Saint Augustine in which a nuance within a subtlety shaded by sui generis biographic background provides, if we're brave, insight into a timeless truth. Yes, only then can we view the soul of this hero.

Well said!
110456   Bd6r   2020 Apr 27, 4:03pm  

rdm says
I think Tyson is just going for guberment cheese.

you may be right here, what matters (for Tyson to decide the course of action) is where they get more $$$
rdm says
like 900 people tested positive

tested positive is not sick.
110457   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 27, 4:06pm  

Looks like a typical novel disease: The weakest and most vulnerable die in the first wave, then a collapse. Great!

Interesting how Stockholm (and probably Jakarta where any calls for self-quarantine are likely firmly ignored) have the lowest increases despite not locking down.
110458   rdm   2020 Apr 27, 4:18pm  

rd6B says
tested positive is not sick.

My understanding is that in SD only people with symptoms are tested. Now how sick they are is another question, and the data is not available.

Any way you slice it, so to speak, the meat plants seems to be hot spots for spread. Now the people that work there are typically relatively young as these are physically taxing jobs so the death rate should be pretty low except I would guess the general health is poor.
110459   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 27, 4:47pm  

ThreeBays says
Nah, the collapses are due to lock-downs. No collapse in Stockholm yet right?

Or, it's herd immunity.
110460   marcus   2020 Apr 27, 4:47pm  

jazz_music says

Psychological warfare tools clandestinely harvested and placed into Steve Bannon’s hands because the true platform of his party is to consolidate wealth into fewer hands.

That's a funny way to spin it. Are you trying to say that Trump's NOT being politically correct was not "refreshing™."
110461   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 27, 4:48pm  

Daily kos.
110462   joshuatrio   2020 Apr 27, 5:42pm  

ThreeBays says
NoCoupForYou says
Or, it's herd immunity.

Herd of Trump sheeple immunity.

There's a winning comment right there..../
110463   PeopleUnited   2020 Apr 27, 5:48pm  

ThreeBays says

Yawn. Because it primarily affects the old and infirm, you know people with shorter life expectancy, it just means that over the next 2-3 years it will even out as there are a few less deaths per year after the virus has provided the overwhelming majority of people who will become infected and survive the virus with beautiful immunity. It is called natural selection, you may have herd of it? (pun intended)
110464   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 27, 7:03pm  

He's been bitter since nobody followed him to Satellite Radio.
110465   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 7:14pm  

jazz_music says
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
msm is fucking evil.
The hate machine is fucking evil

Are these not the same?? Confused?
110466   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 7:17pm  

rdm says
Any way you slice it, so to speak, the meat plants seems to be hot spots for spread. Now the people that work there are typically relatively young as these are physically taxing jobs so the death rate should be pretty low except I would guess the general health is poor.

How is a meat plant job physically taxing?? Because you stand all day? Confused.
110467   Booger   2020 Apr 27, 7:19pm  

As fat as most Americans are, I'm not worried about anyone potentially starving.
110468   WookieMan   2020 Apr 27, 7:29pm  

jazz_music says
The news may cater to a group but they aren’t lying, they are trying for ratings is all.

They all exist to get ratings for ads to keep the lights on.... Call me confused. There is no difference between FOX and CNN beside the bias that you like best. Well actually the advertisers that want to buy air time. We all just get the content and can flow towards our bias. Hence why I don't watch TV at all for the most part.
110469   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 28, 3:14am  

Tim Aurora says
And you are comparing this with a President whose own agencies told him about the Virus in January

I posted a meme that documents the Media Underplaying Corona itself during and after the Impeachment. You found one of the articles, and quoted a section from later in the article that goes against the grain of the rest of the piece, including the lead, which I quoted.

The article begins by explaining WHY the CDC doesn't think Corona is as deserving of attention as the Flu. Indeed, it emphasizes it's lack of fatal outcomes and seems to find more issue with a sense of panic (which the WaPo was dutifully fighting, that is, before they embraced the panic and did a total 180, pumping it up in order to blame Trump).
110470   Bd6r   2020 Apr 28, 6:04am  

ThreeBays says
Try seeing if herd immunity works if you get viruses in the food everybody eats.

And how many corona transmissions from eating packaged meat have been observed?
110471   Patrick   2020 Apr 28, 8:01am  

Krratz says
Unbelievable level of stupidity.

Look at the video carefully.

True, the level of stupidity required to equate what Trump said to "inject bleach!" is profound and incurable.

At this point, it's Democrats arguing over what the meaning of "is" is.

Watch the video, here, it's only a minute:


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