by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Oh! You think I'm kidding?
working white men embrace divisive lies and propaganda as reality
they can sure dish it out every day can't they? Taking pride in a despicable nature.
rd6B saysQuit vilifying and discriminating themthey can sure dish it out every day can't they? Taking pride in a despicable nature.
jazz_music saysTaking pride in a despicable nature.
They can, but vilification of a whole group of humans because of their race and gender does not help
That's not even possible when too many working white men embrace divisive lies and propaganda as reality.
I have not supported Malcolm X and sure do not care much of what he says.
FortWayneIndiana saysMost dangerous and racist people are white liberals according to Malcolm X.
To then label them after the fact as a "type" may have a very minor affect of making them likely to stick with the propaganda even while realizing it's wrong.
I'm guessing at least 60% chance rdB6 didn't read the paragraphs about Steven's book, at least not yet when he wrote that comment.
Steve Bannon’s new book says he invented the “deep state” and only idiots believe it exists
OooOOOoooo... you’re a bbbbeta .... LOL LOL LOL
Steve Bannon’s new book says he invented the “deep state” and only idiots believe it exists
There is a great divide between the Trumpsters and Liberals
CBOEtrader saysPer police encounter a black is far less likely to be shot by police.
Any guesses why that might not be as meaningful as you think it is ?
"It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump" by Stuart Stevens
That graph is showing totals, blacks only make up 13 percent and are doing more that whites which make up 66 percent. This graph clearly shows how much more violent blacks are, thanks for sharing.Bingo. Facts can hurt. Unfortunately Tim, we can do this all day.
Please provide the link with statistics. Alt-Right fibs numbers
BTW, the chart shows that white on Black and Black on white is low and almost the same.Um, what part don’t you understand about 76% of the population being White and 13% being Black? The facts are not one dimensional.
The last few years we saw Congress and the Supreme court marginalized. Checks and balances are no longer effective. Presidential branch trumps the others, free to purge and punish all opposition and reward loyal cronies.
richwicks saysrealizingOBSERVING
No monsters here. These people are all right wing conservatives
No monsters here. These people are all right wing conservatives enjoying their comfortable lives which they work for and obviously deserve.
Persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany followed the Nazi takeover.
My point exactly. Even after Mueller report confirming that Russia interfered and hacked, we still get these stupid arguments from Trump people.
SunnyvaleCA saysThe hacking isn't the issue, it's the leaking of the emails that are alleged to have been exfiltrated from their server. And then we have sworn testimony from CloudStrike's CEO: "Crowdstrike says it believes Russians hacked into DNC. But it admits to not having direct evidence that Russians actually exfiltrated the emails from DNC. This would track w/ what Assange has said: Russia may have hacked DNC, but they didn’t provide stolen emails."
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