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111669   marcus   2020 Jun 6, 10:18am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
Oh! You think I'm kidding?

Not entirely. That's why it's funny.

Yes, this was the "freedom to offend" site.

But as it becomes increasingly obvious (even to members of the cult) that the strongest argument that can be made in the 2020 campaign against Trump is how divisive he is, suddenly some of his supporters are trying to get in front of that by saying that the opposite is true.

Since Trump is and always has been completely about unifying America and not dividing it (that's what the dirty commie libs do), it's only appropriate that after having this break through about Trump, Patrick wants to lead by example helping Trump to continue his successful efforts unifying America.

As much as the polarization in America has decreased in America, thanks to Trump, there's still more work to do. Hence civil debate is what it's all about.
111670   Bd6r   2020 Jun 6, 11:05am  

jazz_music says
working white men embrace divisive lies and propaganda as reality

Quit vilifying and discriminating them and they will stop voting for tRUMP. They might even vote D in elections, if they will not be repeatedly told by D-supporters that they are FUCKING WHITE MALES.
111671   Bd6r   2020 Jun 6, 1:20pm  

jazz_music says
they can sure dish it out every day can't they? Taking pride in a despicable nature.

They can, but vilification of a whole group of humans because of their race and gender does not help and is RACIST! SEXIST! and despicable.
See last elections in Great Britain, where working class regions switched to Tories after voting for Labour since forever. Reason: if liberal media calls you an idiot hick long enough, you will get pissed and vote against your own economic interests.

Next stop: US of A citizens of Mexican descent. SJW's will succeed into turning those into Trumpkins as well...in W. TX they already have started voting R.
111672   stereotomy   2020 Jun 6, 1:21pm  

jazz_music says
rd6B says
Quit vilifying and discriminating them
they can sure dish it out every day can't they? Taking pride in a despicable nature.

Whattasamatter, has "deplorable" fallen out of fashion?
111673   marcus   2020 Jun 6, 1:48pm  

rd6B says
jazz_music says
Taking pride in a despicable nature.

They can, but vilification of a whole group of humans because of their race and gender does not help

I haven't read Steven's book, but I can see that what IT IS NOT ABOUT, is a group being labeled in an innocuous way, and then reacting to that label by buying (or being resold) a bunch of propaganda.

They and others, including trust fund types and many others that have reason to wish the right wing propaganda were true may I guess be considered victims of their own vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

To then label them after the fact as a "type" may have a very minor affect of making them likely to stick with the propaganda even while realizing it's wrong. But it's really beside the point. Certainly beside the point Jazz was making, which was about what happened to the republican party.

I'm guessing at least 60% chance rdB6 didn't read the paragraphs about Steven's book, at least not yet when he wrote that comment. Whether or not I'm right, it's all so fucking beside the point.
111674   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Jun 6, 1:56pm  

jazz_music says
That's not even possible when too many working white men embrace divisive lies and propaganda as reality.

That's not divisive at all...
111675   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Jun 6, 2:01pm  

Tim Aurora says
I have not supported Malcolm X and sure do not care much of what he says.

FortWayneIndiana says
Most dangerous and racist people are white liberals according to Malcolm X.

Neither MLK apparently since you aren't supporting that part either.
111676   Bd6r   2020 Jun 6, 2:12pm  

marcus says
To then label them after the fact as a "type" may have a very minor affect of making them likely to stick with the propaganda even while realizing it's wrong.

Tell that to British Labour - recent landslide historical election loss is not a minor effect.

marcus says
I'm guessing at least 60% chance rdB6 didn't read the paragraphs about Steven's book, at least not yet when he wrote that comment.

I read about 60% of it and in that sense you are right %-wise. But Jazz comment before quote from book seems kinda racist and divisive, 180 deg from what he claims he means (that we all should be united against establishment, which I agree with). If his side keeps calling me a Fucking White male, Oppressor of Womyn and Minorities, what chance there is that I ever vote for them?
111677   krc   2020 Jun 6, 3:11pm  

Interesting article. Bias may exist but not in actual shootings - as others have noted earlier in thread.

More info on the data collection and statistical analysis used. Both the washington post and guardian reference sets were analyzed.
111678   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jun 6, 3:17pm  

jazz_music says
Steve Bannon’s new book says he invented the “deep state” and only idiots believe it exists



OooOOOoooo... you’re a bbbbeta .... LOL LOL LOL

You read it?

If not, please link to quote. Tks.
111679   Ceffer   2020 Jun 6, 3:39pm  

jazz_music says
Steve Bannon’s new book says he invented the “deep state” and only idiots believe it exists

More properly in context:

"The “deep state conspiracy theory is for nut cases”, Bannon is quoted as saying, because “America isn’t Turkey or Egypt”.

There is a formidable government bureaucracy in the US, he adds, but “there’s nothing ‘deep’ about it. It’s right in your face.”"

Bannon is being glib. He didn't say it didn't exist, he said it isn't a conspiracy because it isn't secret and it is right in your face. I would say that means it has graduated from conspiracy theory to a fact of life, but there are more layers than a dismissive theory.

I would tend to agree, although 'Deep State' is still a synoptic useful term. If they covered up Epstein's mess, and murdered him in a Federal prison in full view brazenly, and continue to pull transparent and obvious psychopathic strategies, they are certainly not a shadowed conspiracy theory any more. They just now have the arrogance to believe that nobody can do anything about it so why lurk in the shadows any more.
111680   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 6, 11:16pm  

The Geiko Caveman?
111681   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 6, 11:18pm  

Not this guy?

111682   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 6, 11:21pm  

Now look at this slightly bigger version of the screenshot in the OP:

And here's the url: https://twitter.com/ObamaFoundation/status/1262054709772324866

May 17th? WTF?
111683   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jun 6, 11:37pm  

Tim Aurora says
There is a great divide between the Trumpsters and Liberals

Starts out completely lost and drones on with complete delusion. First, it's liberals and conservatives who protect liberal principles who voted for Trump. The democrats and leftists ARE-NOT-LIBERAL!

But second, I'll answer the question in the title: Because if dip-shits keep ratcheting shit up lots of people like you are going to get hurt very badly or killed. That's why. I think it was ten-pound that recently said: We're ballers and killers and he's exactly right. That's what humans are.

One day, you'll be standing there with your ear muffs on about to break a window to steal a donut then blam! You're dead. Somebody got sick of this shit.

It's one of the reasons a lot of Texas are civil with each other.
111684   CBOEtrader   2020 Jun 7, 7:23am  

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
Per police encounter a black is far less likely to be shot by police.

Any guesses why that might not be as meaningful as you think it is ?

Do you ever just state a fact? You communicate in memes and ambiguity. Try direct information please
111685   Shaman   2020 Jun 7, 8:32am  

jazz_music says
"It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump" by Stuart Stevens

Someone wrote a book! Ok gosh! I guess that changes everything! Because as you know, they don’t let anyone put anything but ABSOLUTE TRUTH in a book!
111686   porkchopXpress   2020 Jun 7, 8:50am  

Guess where the left wing media focuses.

And, this is raw numbers. Imagine if it were on a percentage-of-population basis lol
111689   RC2006   2020 Jun 7, 9:03am  

Tim Aurora says

That graph is showing totals, blacks only make up 13 percent and are doing more than whites which make up 66 percent. This graph clearly shows how much more violent blacks are, thanks for sharing.
111691   porkchopXpress   2020 Jun 7, 9:03am  

Soooo....who's the real victim here?
111692   porkchopXpress   2020 Jun 7, 9:04am  

RC2006 says
That graph is showing totals, blacks only make up 13 percent and are doing more that whites which make up 66 percent. This graph clearly shows how much more violent blacks are, thanks for sharing.
Bingo. Facts can hurt. Unfortunately Tim, we can do this all day.
111693   CBOEtrader   2020 Jun 7, 9:13am  

Tim Aurora says
Please provide the link with statistics. Alt-Right fibs numbers

The FBI is alt right? Im sure official government facts and data are all just tools of white supremacy
111694   RC2006   2020 Jun 7, 9:14am  

Tim can you explain the violence in your chart, why are you ok with so much violence against whites?
111695   porkchopXpress   2020 Jun 7, 10:33am  

Tim Aurora says
BTW, the chart shows that white on Black and Black on white is low and almost the same.
Um, what part don’t you understand about 76% of the population being White and 13% being Black? The facts are not one dimensional.

Blacks have built their own perception problem.
111696   Hircus   2020 Jun 7, 10:38am  

I listened to the first few minutes of the video. All of the retorts were either strawman arguments, or were very weak arguments that did not disprove Trump's claim.

A typical TDS infected girly man.
111697   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 7, 10:41am  

Are you working Jazz?
111698   Bd6r   2020 Jun 7, 11:10am  

Jazz MIGHT be right, but the underlying problem (why we have unemployment) is idiotic shutdowns of everything because of a common cold, and tRUMP is not responsible for that other than not having large enough BALLS to stop shutdowns.
111699   richwicks   2020 Jun 7, 12:30pm  

jazz_music says
The last few years we saw Congress and the Supreme court marginalized. Checks and balances are no longer effective. Presidential branch trumps the others, free to purge and punish all opposition and reward loyal cronies.

Funny you're just realizing this now, instead of 20 years ago when you should have.
111700   richwicks   2020 Jun 7, 12:45pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says

Oh bullshit.

Where was the declaration of war against Afghanistan? Iraq? Syria? Libya? Pakistan? Yemen? Somalia?

"The rise of tyranny"? We've been in it for decades. People have been warning about this for decades. Google, Facebook, and Twitter actively censor political speech. Our government constantly lies to us about why they go to war. Our "news" media is relentless propaganda in support of the criminal syndicate that calls itself the government.

Where's the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? What was the "humanitarian crisis" that Qaddafi was "about to cause"? Why was our nation bombing Syria?

Shit, we just had a coup attempt against Trump because he's an outsider. Complete silence on that. We had a previous president that used the intelligence agencies spy on candidate Trump in an attempt to get that butcher Clinton elected, a piece of shit that voted for the Iraq War. NOW you worry about tyranny. We don't live in a democratic system, we don't live in a republic - unless a banana republic is a republic to you.

It's has to get so fucking obvious to get you to be "observing". Well, here we are - 4 trillion dollar bailout to the banking system, neither party will allow us to exit the wars in Afghanistan or Syria - even though you have no fucking idea why we're there. It's been a dictatorship for a shockingly long time - but finally you're "observing" as if the obvious hasn't been obvious for years, but finally it's obvious to you - finally. Finally, people like you are starting to "observe".
111702   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 7, 1:23pm  

jazz_music says
No monsters here. These people are all right wing conservatives

Um, no. These people on the still picture are all National-Socialists.
111703   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 7, 1:26pm  

jazz_music says
No monsters here. These people are all right wing conservatives enjoying their comfortable lives which they work for and obviously deserve.

No matter how much the Media tries to gaslight them that their work prototyping embedded chips and vector engines is only possible because of cotton picking in 1795
111704   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 7, 1:33pm  

jazz_music says

Persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany followed the Nazi takeover.

Please name all the Fascist States in Europe in 1938.
111705   richwicks   2020 Jun 7, 2:10pm  

He's the precise meat puppet the criminal syndicate that runs this nation wants.

This man can't think, and I literally mean that, he has no principles at all, and he will be the perfect figurehead. All of our presidents have been complete sellouts and figureheads since at least George H. Bush with the possible exception of Trump.
111706   RC2006   2020 Jun 7, 2:15pm  

Jeeze he seemed wasted, I know he's not but shit he couldn't even string together one sentence.
111707   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jun 8, 10:24am  

Tim Aurora says
My point exactly. Even after Mueller report confirming that Russia interfered and hacked, we still get these stupid arguments from Trump people.

SunnyvaleCA says
The hacking isn't the issue, it's the leaking of the emails that are alleged to have been exfiltrated from their server. And then we have sworn testimony from CloudStrike's CEO: "Crowdstrike says it believes Russians hacked into DNC. But it admits to not having direct evidence that Russians actually exfiltrated the emails from DNC. This would track w/ what Assange has said: Russia may have hacked DNC, but they didn’t provide stolen emails."

Your point seems to be exactly that the wikileaks emails came from the DNC server even though there was scant indication that happened and there are other possibilities that are seem believable (such as that someone inside the DNC copied the files to a memory card and walked out the door with them) and that the Mueller Weissmann report never bothered to investigate.
111708   Misc   2020 Jun 8, 11:13am  

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Trump didn't let his little general weneral have his itty bitty war in Syria. So the general says mean things about Trumo after throwing a temper tantrum and quitting.

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