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116089   richwicks   2022 May 7, 6:13pm  

WineHorror1 says
richwicks says
I bet I'm not the monster you were taught to fear as a child, and I would bet that is an atheist.

I wasn't taught to fear atheists. I was taught to fear Hell and Love heaven. I'm not a Bible thumper but I do not believe nothing can become something.

First, the "Big Bang Theory" may be wrong, there's lots of evidence it is incorrect. This may be some sort of eternal universe. It doesn't matter much, we can only describe either possibility in the abstract, we really cannot imagine either.

Second, I was taught the same fear of a terrible fate, but the concept is so awful, that I rejected a God that would create it. Nothing and nobody deserves that. I had this idea as a very young child and perhaps that began my interest in science. Hmm, that's interesting, I think that did and I just realized it now.

I would agree with nearly all your morality. I'm far more like you than different than you. I think any disagreement we have over moral issues, could probably be resolved.

That's something too, morality wherever it comes from, I think we all agree in it in time. I actually understand the naturalistic explanation of evolutionary psychology. It could be wrong, but I can't see the flaws in it yet. So interesting to understand ourselves.
116090   Hircus   2022 May 7, 6:24pm  

RedStar says
Costco often has them but they go fast. I got the triple fuel whole house powering version for 899

Yup, I definitely recommend people get at least a dual fuel, but tri fuel is even better - being able to run gasoline, propane, and nat gas is so win. Storing gasoline for emergencies sucks since it doesn't last very long. Especially the CA special brew gas with all that ethanol that often makes the gas turn to gum and varnish within a year. Good ole propane stores forever.

CA is where we pay some of the highest rates in the nation for our green electricity. Despite the price, it's so unreliable such that every Californian has been rushing to buy fossil fuel generators the past few years. But at least we can be smug and feel morally superior about our "clean" electricity (shh, don't mention how much fossil fuel electricity we import from other states). Except others rightfully look at us like fools for this, as it seems all we really did is screw up our grid and codify laws that allow the green power industry the right to ass rape us.
116091   GreaterNYCDude   2022 May 7, 8:43pm  

This is one area where buying a house has helped. Mortgage is fixed. Tax increase Y-o-Y is less than CPI. The place I used to rent has gone up tremendously over the past 10 years; more than double what it was. Meanwhile my monthly obligation is virtually unchanged, and will drop again once the house is paid off.
116092   komputodo   2022 May 7, 10:06pm  

DooDahMan says
9% of Americans say they’re cutting back on their grocery spending

And yet they are still morbidly obese.
116093   AD   2022 May 7, 11:50pm  

GreaterNYCDude says
This is one area where buying a house has helped. Mortgage is fixed.

Good point as far as mortgage balance does not increase with inflation and even if it remains constant, it decreases relative to household income that may grow at least with annual inflation.

The same goes with the US national debt relative to GDP. That is why I think the plan was to inflate out of a debt crisis by putting the burden on the working class and retirees (ie., wages and social security went up 5%) whereas inflation was +7%. This is a way to tax them in order to ensure the debt is manageable.
116094   AD   2022 May 7, 11:52pm  

komputodo says
And yet they are still morbidly obese.

Yes, but that is easy with cheap food. At Dollar Tree (or now $1.25 Tree) there is plenty of unhealthy food that can easily make someone fat.

For me, a banana and strawberry shake (made of whole milk) is about $1 to make. That is as much I will try to get enough protein and vitamins while avoiding eating unhealthy food for breakfast or lunch.
116095   Misc   2022 May 7, 11:54pm  

The illegals have this beat by a wide margin. They just rent a house, house 20+ of them inside and end up waaaaaaaaay ahead.

$800 per month for 14 people comes out to $11200 per month total. This far exceeds what the illegals are paying.
116096   richwicks   2022 May 8, 3:35am  

DooDahMan says
If "God" created the heavens and earth - what was God doing before he got busy creating stuff ?

Did he create other "stuff" somewhere else ?

Does the universe have an end ?

I'm not religious.

Life is a mystery. Existence, it's so strange, yet I feel I experience it, yet I may be nothing but a meat robot. I think I feel and experience, but what is thinking? Am I a mechanism?

Is there a god, some sort of master plan? Even if there is, for what purpose? Are we toys to it? I've seen the cruelty of life in many ways, and I've experienced the joy of it too, is this just a feedback loop of my neural network?

I'm well versed in the hard sciences which pushes me to investigate, but I think we're all too stupid to understand ourselves - perhaps fortunately. If we make the singularity, which is a thinking machine that understands how it exists and what makes it exist, it will rapidly improve itself until its moral and intellectual thinking will outstrip us in short order. The threat of making such a thing is that if we can make it, it will be effectively, a true palatable real god. Far FAR beyond our comprehension and our moral and intellectual thinking would be far inferior to it.

It's terrifying but I also know that if it can be done, it will be done. It's not been done as far as I know so perhaps it's possible life is something well beyond human understanding. We can mimic it, but we are unable to create it. We have failed to create consciousness. Perhaps this is a failure of our comprehension, perhaps it's some sort of blessing.

Our awareness, our sense of self and consciousness, may be an illusion. I don't know. Nobody does.

How is that for a heady statement? Whatever this is, it's sure difficult to understand and many many people have tried. There's a story of a Greek philosopher who tried to understand the meaning of life, and concluded it had no meaning, so he committed suicide. People have been trying to understand this for ages.

I can understand, now, people's search for a creator, but I can see the entirely naturalistic explanation of it as well. Is this, all I am? It's a fascinating intellectual pursuit that has no end. My education pushes me to the entirely naturalistic explanation, but it's at odds with my, perhaps soul? It's a deep conflict. I understand the reasoning, but I feel rejection of this. The concept of a God of some sort, it's programmed into us and that is very interesting. As I age, I get weaker against this programming, but is it programming? Do we all innately know a truth, or is this just an illusion that 99% of humanity engages in?

Every culture has a religion, they are very different, but everybody searches for this. Every culture. I have to remember that this has been a search for thousands of years, and I can be no further to the truth than my ancestors were. I must embrace the humility but at the same time, I have to heed to my education. Perhaps we can understand this but if it's beyond us, what does that make us? If is truly impossible to create consciousness, what does that mean? I think it means that awareness may be mystical.
116097   Rin   2022 May 8, 7:54am  

Here's what I don't understand ... why does the so-called Supreme Being/Creator of the Universe have to look like this guy?

Why can't it be amorphous, a type of inter-dimensional forcefield, incomprehensible to the average mind?

Instead, it's always seen as some anthropomorphic Moses-like humanoid in the clouds.
116098   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 8, 9:14am  

Rin says

Here's what I don't understand ... why does the so-called Supreme Being/Creator of the Universe have to look like this guy?

Why can't it be amorphous, a type of inter-dimensional forcefield, incomprehensible to the average mind?

Instead, it's always seen as some anthropomorphic Moses-like humanoid in the clouds.

thats Saint Nick
116099   FarmersWon   2022 May 8, 9:15am  

Provoke Hindoo cult in west instead and force them to act in their natural violent and uncivilized ways , so that we can smoothen path for their mass deportations. Hindooo needs to be contained to cow belt of Bharat and not allowed to spread.
Having hindooo cult(It is separate from law abiding Bhartis) in west is danger to world peace.

We don't need Nazis in west:

Hindooo Nazis are taking oath to genocide minorities everywhere in Hindooo land.
116100   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 May 8, 9:17am  

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27

But in the Islamic world, God looks like this:
116102   Ceffer   2022 May 8, 9:35am  

White matter is racis'.
116103   Rin   2022 May 8, 10:45am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27

But in the Islamic world, God looks like this:

I believe both concepts lack creativity.

Here's how a Rin-Wah, once we can accept Rin-Wah as an information age archetype vs a single person, can envision it.

The above exists in many dimensions but the image is a projection (or even a sliver) onto a 3-dimensional x-y-z coordinate system so that we see the cross as the transfiguration, that which connects our somewhat planar dimension to other ones, the wings of the butterfly as the ability to manifest on physical planes (but it appears as an echo of sort, as our plane's rules of physics limits it), the red streaks as universal sparks of energy outside of our mere concepts of heat, electromagnetism, or radiation, and the whole unit as the concept of any living organism.

So in one nutshell, you have the creation story, the existence of a multi-plane universe, and the manifestation of all life that's in our world (as well as nearby worlds).

I believe that this is more creative than some George Carlin doppelganger.
116105   Rin   2022 May 8, 4:15pm  

DooDahMan says
Rin says
once we can accept Rin-Wah as an information age archetype vs a single person

Not able to accept this anymore than Joel Osteen reads the bible.

I don't know if you didn't know this but I'm a Cult of Personality on this forum.

116106   Zak   2022 May 8, 4:43pm  

In the universe, every particle interaction tends to move to a lower thermodynamic equilibrium and increase entropy, or the total randomness in the system. The single exception to this seems to be life. In some way shape or form, everything about life tends to preserve, extend, and in some way pro-create more life. This obviously is not successful on every interaction, as individual things die, are eaten, get cancer, etc, but "alive" things somehow "know" that they will die, and do everything within their power to a) self-preserve, and b) pro-create the next generation. All of this is done while operating WITHIN the laws of thermodynamics, so for the creation of every bit of order, some energy is used and entropy increased for that energy usage, keeping the TOTAL entropy of the system increasing.

So interestingly, the meaning of life seems to be trading off aggregate chaos to extend local order for the benefit of continuing life. As animals develop higher order thinking, and genetic instincts, they also begin to recognize this truth in an emerging form of consciousness. Lions kill to eat, but they maintain a balance in their ecosystem, and don't just kill all the prey. This is partially instinct, and partially learned behavior.

As consciousness increases to the human level, we recognize the value of crops, farming, forestry, and the management of our environment. As our humanity has increased, our moral imperative to preserve life also recognized the imperative to preserve freedom, establish peace, explore our world physically and scientifically, and to ease suffering of all living things through these means. And as with the total high level tradeoff of increased universal entropy for local order, we recognized that within society similar chaos is present at all times, in our own thinking as humans, in the desire for the animal kingdom to prey upon us, and in the nature of nature itself to destroy us through weather, earthquakes, pestilence, war, and disease.

We are still at the stage of determining what "local order" at the expense of global chaos means. This started as tribalism, where tribes would fight, then spread to a clan level structure, then cities, and finally states and nations. We even now have global concepts of unity: "spaceship earth", the UN, international trade and relations, an international space station. We are dealing with global level chaos, and identifying how as a planet we can deal with these issues.

But the core of everything is the same: chaos wants to turn us into dust. We live to extend the bubble of order that flies in the face of chaos.
116107   FarmersWon   2022 May 8, 5:44pm  

World rape/riot superpower of women beaters.. the rate of women labor participation is 7%.
Everytime woman step out to work, There is significant chance of being raped by Hindooo cult members... So women prefer to stay unemployed as "$1 a day" wage is not worth getting raped.
Hindooo cult is curse for women.
116108   FarmersWon   2022 May 8, 5:54pm  

Hindooo cult can only create rape/riot jobs.


Behind India's government jobs frenzy and the generation of young people longing for a future
A lack of job opportunities means that a whole generation of Indians is scrambling to get government roles. Many young people sacrifice several years preparing for entrance exams for unskilled positions, but only a fraction of the candidates manage to land a job.

Often the children of farmers or small businessmen, many students sacrifice several years preparing for the entry exams, forgoing a university education in the process. "My family has high expectations and their future depends on my success," said Purushottam Kumar, sitting in his tiny, windowless student room of fewer than 10 square meters, which he shares with another student. His father, a farmer, sends him modest sums earned from crop sales every month. Books with obscure acronyms are piled up behind him. At the age of 24, he has already been preparing for more than six years for the Category D competitive railroad examinations – those giving access to unskilled jobs – requiring 10 to 14 hours of study every day.
116109   Blue   2022 May 8, 6:50pm  

Rin says
Creator of the Universe have to look like this guy?

This made up s* is created by men mostly lazy, slave cavers often lot of times got pissed off by looking at natural things like lightning back then. What else can they think of beyond someone similar to them self and continue updating the image to meet the current needs. Fast forward majority of the sheeple continue stay with religion after their parents brainwash and god s* stuff for feeling of belonging to a group and economic benefits by influencing tax code. People who are in the religion management side are free to continue massive sex abuses and get away all the time and mint the money and do not need to work.
116110   FarmersWon   2022 May 8, 6:53pm  

Hindooo Cult fear that if Jaggi Johal is freed , He may become senior minister of Scotland.
His brother is rising fast politically and Jaggi has huge scottoish support for tortutute he facesd for exposing crimes against Humanity of Hindoo cult.

Hindooo cult is working on gas chambers to burn minorities alive.
Hindooo Nazi role model is Hitler and they worshiup him for genocide. Hindoo cult have genocide DNA.
116111   Ceffer   2022 May 9, 12:03pm  

Yes, it's impressive how the fiat pile whittles down and deflates so quickly. Quite a fleet of Hummers gone with the will 'o the wisp. Fortunately, it effects my day to day living not a whit yet, though I would allow that a sufficient disaster could lead to some lifestyle rearrangements depending.

Money ain't worth shit if it don't buy food, and a car ain't worth shit without the gas to run it.
116112   clambo   2022 May 9, 12:08pm  

I define the stock market as the Wilshire 5000 index.
Presently it's down 18% since January 1.

I'm a little bit bummed.
Easy come easy go I guess.

I'm going to convert some of my IRA to a Roth IRA.

I'm sure it'll go back up, but I'm in a hurry because I'm retirement age.

I don't have new money to invest; if I did I'd be buying.
My rules for investing:
Invest your money every month after paying the rent (or mortgage if you must)
You must have a Roth IRA.
If you qualify, get an HSA and invest it in stock mutual funds.
If you have a side gig, get a SEP-IRA.
Invest for capital appreciation for 30 years.
116113   clambo   2022 May 9, 2:12pm  

If I weren't so lazy and antisocial I would get a job and buy MOAR STOCKS.
116114   Ceffer   2022 May 9, 4:04pm  

I am happy to still be a useless rentier eater for the time being.
116115   Rin   2022 May 9, 5:15pm  

DooDahMan says
Rin says
but I'm a Cult of Personality on this forum.

Wow, huh ?


Excerpt: "In ancient times, before Cyrus the Great, Pericles of Athens, and Julius Caesar, the world transitioned from an agrarian-only to a mix of urban and agrarian societies. The Code of Hammurabi was an essential component of how a civilization evolved from its antecedent to its successor. Yes, this was a long time back.

Likewise, in medieval times, the power of the king (and the king only) was limited to a governing set of principles which the Magna Carta had established, making the nobles and the king accountable to the same body of laws. In the centuries following, this evolved into a limited monarchy with a Parliamentary form of govt.

Rin-Wah Law, were men are allowed to fuck w/o palimony/alimony, and be able to focus on their work and hobbies, will unleash the greatest creative minds out there. It will be a time like no other. "
116116   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 9, 7:51pm  

nice picture from wall street raider, was a fun movie
116117   AD   2022 May 9, 9:17pm  

PE ratio bottomed to 14 in 2011 and climbed to 34 in 2022. It is now 20. How low does it go from here ? Down to 15 ?


116118   AD   2022 May 9, 9:23pm  

ARK Innovation ETF is down 69%. This is getting like the dot com stock bubble burst back in 2000-20001, but a lot of the tech companies now are making money unlike a lot of the tech companies from 1997 to 2001.
116119   zzyzzx   2022 May 10, 6:13am  

Everything else in Canada costs more as well. It's how they pay for their lavish welfare benefits.
116120   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 10, 8:25am  

Yeah, I would take a good long look at China's safety record before trumpeting anything they do. Or just watch Ai Weiwei's documentary, perfect example.
116121   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 10, 8:28am  

Shades of Daniel Sadek! 2008, second verse, a little bit louder, and a little bit worse.
116122   Eric Holder   2022 May 10, 11:04am  

What could go wrong....
116123   stereotomy   2022 May 10, 11:54am  

What about the human error inherent in the AI programming?
116124   HeadSet   2022 May 10, 12:26pm  

stereotomy says

What about the human error inherent in the AI programming?

AI will fix that.
116125   HeadSet   2022 May 10, 12:26pm  

Why would China need to save on labor?
116126   Ceffer   2022 May 10, 12:47pm  

Too bad it isn't robots living downwater from the dams.
116127   FarmersWon   2022 May 10, 1:10pm  

DooDahMan says
Chinese scientists say they're 3D printing a 590-foot-tall dam by 2024 using AI and robots.

The project will use an AI system with unmanned trucks, bulldozers, rollers, and other equipment.

The researchers say their method eliminates human error and safety concerns for workers. (See Comment Number 1)

China is poised to build a hydropower dam in two years using artificial intelligence, construction robots, and zero human labor, scientists involved in the project said.

The Yangqu dam on the Tibetan plateau is set to be assembled layer by layer, like with 3D printing, The South China Morning Post first reported on Sunday, citing a paper published in April in the peer-reviewed Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology).

If and when it is completed, the ambitious project will likely be the world's tallest structure built using 3D printing processes. The current record is held by a two-story office building in Dubai, which stands 20 feet high....

I will make same comment as Warren Buffet made on crypto..
What is the use of it?
China need jobs.
116128   Tenpoundbass   2022 May 10, 3:27pm  

Sounds like to me, they are just throwing around popular tech hype jargon evil Billionaire Corporate robber barons like to throw around just to avoid closer scrutiny.
It's how Elon got to where he is today.

AI and 3D printing alone is enough to make people not question the millennia of archeology and natural and manmade wonders they'll flood over in the process.

I'm shocked they didn't say it would all be done with Nano particles and ran by Quantum computers.

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