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36768   Y   2013 Aug 28, 11:41pm  

that was then. this is now.
I base my opinion not on talking heads at fox, but on the public statements of the leadership of Iran.
things change.

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

In the hands of sane people.

In the hands of religious fanatics, all bets are off... ( Iran )

I used to believe that, but Iran has not invaded anyone for hundreds of years. They just don't do it. Iraq invaded Iran.

36769   Y   2013 Aug 29, 12:06am  

The provided narrative is coming from the leadership of Iran.
To sit, look at them and do nothing as they ramp up to 54000 spinning centrifuges is to perform a Neville Chamberlain redux.

It's not the neocon talking heads spouting irrationally about the holocaust, proclaiming the near future destruction of Israel, coupled with world domination of the oil industry.

But that is what you get with today's 'internet B grade liberalism', a bunch of whacko drugged up pussies intent on burying their heads in their crackpipes denying that there is, and always will be people in power on earth intent on dominating and/or destroying you and your country.

And when the facts don't match their version of nirvana, they blame the messengers. Yes Robert, you are right. It's O'Reilly's fault that the centrifuges are spinning at ultrasonic speed as the cracked crusty sandblasted fingernails of the iranian worker assemble and activate the dogs of war. ( disclaimer: another 2001 internet B boy phrase )

Robert Sproul says

as they lap up the provided narrative and regurgitate it as "common sense" conclusions.

36770   Moderate Infidel   2013 Aug 29, 12:38am  

Why don't the jews leave those fun loving peaceful arabs alone already.

36771   freak80   2013 Aug 29, 1:03am  

curious2 says

I wouldn't buy multi-million dollar ordnance to drop on Syria, either, but here we are.

I wouldn't either.

But remember, our whole economy is based on war. It has been since the end of WW2.

War creates jobs. And profits.

36772   Robert Sproul   2013 Aug 29, 1:06am  

I've lost track here of whether you are justifying killing Syrians or Iranians. Or maybe the brainwashed Neocon doesn't really care as long as we are engaged in some illegal foreign military adventure for your Fox produced televised enjoyment.

I notice that you admit here
SoftShell says

domination of the oil industry.

that it is about controlling other sovereign's resources.

You O'Reilly groupies have a megalomaniac view of world domination.
I hope it doesn't ruin your chicken hawk fantasies to realize that your imaginary nemesis Syria has a GDP equivalent to Memphis TN while the great boogyman Iran's is equivalent to Pennsylvania.

I wish the rest of us could vote on Texas Secession so that you micro-phallic, overcompensating, paranoiacs could go off on your own and declare war on Mexico or something.

36773   Bap33   2013 Aug 29, 1:41am  

why does the form of murder rate higher on the "we got to do something" scale?

Millions of Christians that were living in muslam infested lands have had their heads ripped off or bashed in. Women, babies, and men are being murdered by muslams without a peep from the lib media, the left, or the admin in DC.

Thousands of beheadings in Mexico ... and we dont go bomb the snot out of the drug gangs .... instead we let them invade and set up shop in Detroit and Chicago. Where they are busy doing the work that American whites would not do .... rape, murder, drug productions and distribution, brides for political hacks, .... awesome.

Whoever thinks we "must" do something by helping the rebel terrorrists has refused to factor in the lies of the arabs, and the possiblity that the gas was self inflected to gain support. Yes, that stuff is "ok" according to their god book.

36774   freak80   2013 Aug 29, 1:48am  

Bap33 says


You mean the "A-rabs"?

36775   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 29, 2:11am  

curious2 says

if given a free choice. I wouldn't buy multi-million dollar ordnance to drop on Syria, either,

I've always preferred the more cost effective carpet bombing methods, like we used in WW2.

36776   Y   2013 Aug 29, 2:55am  

Well, Saddam's threats of WMD's was just 'talk', and look where it got him.
Countries should not make idle threats.
Other countries will err on the safe side and take them out.

If Iran was concerned about the so called 'yinon plan', they should just say it and use that as justification for their pursuit of nukes. ( see NK ).

But denying reality ( no holocaust existed ) and threatening to blow israel off the face of the earth at the first chance they get, and supplying hezbollah with arms to shell israel...these are substantive things that require a real response.

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

I base my opinion not on talking heads at fox, but on the public statements of the leadership of Iran.

things change.

It is just talk. Iran is fully aware of the Yinon plan and knows that Israel's goal is to break up every middle east nation and send them back to the dark ages:


36777   Y   2013 Aug 29, 2:58am  

I agree.
And they are the most dangerous not because of some obtuse plan, but because they are the most threatened.
Experience Las Vegas being shelled on a daily basis for decades...see if that doesn't put you on edge....

bgamall4 says

Truth of the matter that the most dangerous nation on the face of the earth is Israel

36778   Y   2013 Aug 29, 3:00am  

Well, the grandchildren are another subject. They are fucked regardless of who does what...this planet only has so many resources and the population keeps growing astronomically. At some point it will all come crashing down. Inevitable.

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

these are substantive things that require a real response.

No, you are still wrong. Russia is sending a lot of warships and this is where Putin will make his last stand. Pray for your grandchildren.

36779   RWSGFY   2013 Aug 29, 3:00am  

bgamall4 says

Russia is sending a lot of warships and this is where Putin will make his last stand. Pray for your grandchildren.

ROTFLMAO. Russia's surface fleet is a fucking joke. And they know it. Putin is not suicidal, he doesn't need his own Tsushima (and all the internal political consequences which come with it), so no, he's not "making his last stand". When shit hits the fan Russian navy will be nowhere near the action, mark my words.

36780   Y   2013 Aug 29, 3:09am  

That's because I have not advocated either of your choices. It's hard to keep track of things that don't exist.
Robert Sproul says

I've lost track here of whether you are justifying killing Syrians or Iranians.

Since when does an entity's GDP have anything to do with it's ability to wage nuclear war. ( See N.K. )
Again, you've lost track of what's really important.

Currently 8 countries have the ability to wage nuclear war.
If Iran gets the bomb, other arab states will be required to follow.
Add enough countries to the nuke list, and nuclear war is inevitable.

Robert Sproul says

I hope it doesn't ruin your chicken hawk fantasies to realize that your imaginary nemesis Syria has a GDP equivalent to Memphis TN while the great boogyman Iran's is equivalent to Pennsylvania.

36781   Y   2013 Aug 29, 3:13am  

They have fortified themselves.
They have only responded to the shellings in self defense.
Yet the shellings continue. The fortifications are not impregnable.

What do you suggest they do to stop the shellings? The people pulling the trigger will not stop until israel is destroyed.

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

And they are the most dangerous not because of some obtuse plan, but because they are the most threatened.

No, they could have fortified themselves, acted only in self defense, and the world would support them. But the world does not support or trust Israel anymore. And that could have been avoided but for Yinon.

36782   Y   2013 Aug 29, 3:23am  

Nuclear war means everybody dies, if not by direct hit, then by the fallout.
Your statement below does not hold water.

bgamall4 says

The Greater Israel people want a nuclear war

36783   Y   2013 Aug 29, 3:24am  

So if Larry says it, it must be true.
I see.....

bgamall4 says

And Larry Eagleburger, a neocon for Greater Israel, also believed nukes would be exchanged. He wanted it and stated they would be exchanged on Larry Kudlow.

36784   Shaman   2013 Aug 29, 3:34am  

bgamall4 says

freak80 says

But remember, our whole economy is based on war. It has been since the end of WW2.

War creates jobs. And profits.

Nuclear war will not allow profits. At some point war gets too dangerous.

And this is why the US gets so upset by the possibility of Iran having nukes. Because then we could never go to war with them! Honesty, between North Korea and Iran, which would you rather see a nuclear power? And N. Korea already is one. So is Pakistan, whose citizens supply the Taliban and al quaida soldiers to fight us. They haven't even bombed India yet! And if there is any religion they hate worse than Christians it's Hindus. Then again maybe that's by true. Hinduism can never compete on a worldwide stage because you can't covert to it, you can only be born a Hindu. So Christianity is a bigger threat because it can spread.

36785   Robert Sproul   2013 Aug 29, 3:44am  

SoftShell says

Since when does an entity's GDP have anything to do with it's ability to wage nuclear war.

You think you are a hard-nosed realist, but yours is a comic book, Dallas Cowboys vs the evil Oakland Raiders, version of national diplomacy where America is Hopalong Cassidy versus the nameless Black Hatted arch-nemesis.
A foolish, adolescent, world view that the Neocons play to.

Meanwhile Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, contemplate a future where "Western special interests can invade with impunity, WITHOUT PUBLIC SUPPORT, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary."

I don't believe these people want to "wage nuclear war" with whatever punk ass weapon that they manage to cobble together. They are terrified and want a rape repellant.

36786   RWSGFY   2013 Aug 29, 4:03am  

Robert Sproul says

I don't believe these people want to "wage nuclear war" with whatever punk ass weapon that they manage to cobble together. They are terrified and want a rape repellant.

It doesn't work unless you have enough of it to do real harm. And it takes big GDP to be able to pull it off.

PS. Interestingly, NK's "rape repellent" is massive concentration of conventional artillery aimed at Seoul. For them nukes are more of a bargaining chip to get more cargo from the West.

36787   freak80   2013 Aug 29, 4:21am  

SoftShell says

Well, the grandchildren are another subject. They are fucked regardless of who does what...this planet only has so many resources and the population keeps growing astronomically. At some point it will all come crashing down.

Precisely why I'm not having children. I'm not that cruel.

36788   Y   2013 Aug 29, 4:27am  

So if you wrote an e-book about it, it must be true.
I see.....

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

So if Larry says it, it must be true.

I see.....

Well Larry was on the board of directors of the neocon/zionist institute that is run by Patrick Clawson. He called for a new False Flag as I wrote in my ebook, False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies:


36789   Y   2013 Aug 29, 4:34am  

Robert Sproul says

You think you are a hard-nosed realist,

Your warped reality.
Robert Sproul says

but yours is a comic book, Dallas Cowboys vs the evil Oakland Raiders, version of national diplomacy where America is Hopalong Cassidy versus the nameless Black Hatted arch-nemesis.

A foolish, adolescent, world view that the Neocons play to.

I can see this as a component of their long term strategy.

Robert Sproul says

Meanwhile Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, contemplate a future where "Western special interests can invade with impunity, WITHOUT PUBLIC SUPPORT, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary."

Possibly. But we really won't know until they get possession of the nuke and delivery system. And by then it is too late for us to do anything about it. We can only judge them by their words. Iran is not saying the right words to make your case. They are making my case.

Robert Sproul says

I don't believe these people want to "wage nuclear war" with whatever punk ass weapon that they manage to cobble together. They are terrified and want a rape repellant.

36790   Y   2013 Aug 29, 4:36am  

LOL...I gave you a 'like' for the humor....

bgamall4 says

Robert Sproul says

I don't believe these people want to "wage nuclear war" with whatever punk ass weapon that they manage to cobble together. They are terrified and want a rape repellant.

I totally agree. Israel is the threat to world peace. The Muslims have a jihad, or some of them, but the Israelis have a holy war that includes the ultimate subjection of the United States.

36791   Y   2013 Aug 29, 4:39am  

Send me a free copy and I'll read it.

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

So if you wrote an e-book about it, it must be true.

Are you a neocon Softbrain, I mean Softshell? Read it you idiot.

36792   Y   2013 Aug 29, 5:59am  

Actually I'm a NeoLib....does that disqualify me??

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

Send me a free copy and I'll read it.

Sure. Give me your email. But let me know if you are a neocon first.

36793   Y   2013 Aug 29, 6:24am  

Which end do you stick it in??

bgamall4 says

They adopted the YINON militant Zionist view

36794   Y   2013 Aug 29, 6:28am  

Yes, I noticed that. When he does not have an answer for something, he refers to his 'e-book bible', creating a situation where one would want to purchase it and read it to verify his claims, all the while he sits there cackling while enriching himself at the expense of the patnet crew...

Straw Man says

SoftShell says

Actually I'm a NeoLib....does that disqualify me??

Gary has ran out of his (very limited) knowledge on geography and military matters so the only fall back for him is to start name-calling campaign. I bet he couldn't even define "neocon".

36795   freak80   2013 Aug 29, 6:29am  

Lot's of money out there sloshing around from one "hot" asset class to the next.

And absolutely no productive work is done.

36796   Y   2013 Aug 29, 6:29am  

Between what parties?

bgamall4 says

Sorry, it was just reported that Russia is sending warships. There will be a major conflict if Obama does this.

36797   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 29, 7:25am  

It's just me, but I don't think houses and gold are the same asset class.

36798   Robert Sproul   2013 Aug 29, 8:35am  

SoftShell says

I can see this as a component of their long term strategy.

Robert Sproul says

Meanwhile Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, contemplate a future where "Western special interests can invade with impunity, WITHOUT PUBLIC SUPPORT, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary."

Ah...The old Insane Terrorist State Strategy

36799   Y   2013 Aug 29, 9:14am  

Uhh. I'm agreeing with you....WTF??

Robert Sproul says

SoftShell says

I can see this as a component of their long term strategy.

Robert Sproul says

Meanwhile Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, contemplate a future where "Western special interests can invade with impunity, WITHOUT PUBLIC SUPPORT, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary."

Ah...The old Insane Terrorist State Strategy


36800   michaelsch   2013 Aug 29, 9:40am  

btw, take a look at Yahoo news from 1/30 of this year:


"As per the scheme 'Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons,' the Daily Mail reports."

36801   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 29, 10:20am  

We should all write our legislatures and demand that they legislate that men pay the same lower auto insurance rates that women do.

36802   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 1:12pm  

Straw Man says

So UK is out. Isn't it funny when monarchy asks their legislature for permission to go to war while republic doesn't even bother? Who really has a king now?

That's not exactly how it works.

36803   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 1:27pm  

Straw Man says

Bigsby says

That's not exactly how it works.

Still ironic as hell.

I don't think it's ironic. The UK isn't a monarchy. It has a monarchy. We have an old democratic system. It did its job. I suppose it's more interesting how little power the US president has to push forward legislation but how much power he has to drop bombs.

36804   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 2:15pm  

The monarch does what parliament (or the PM) tells it to. The monarch is the official announcer for the party in power under certain circumstances because that aspect of tradition hasn't been done away with, but to say that the monarch has the power to declare war (and peace) is simply you taking a wikipedia entry as a reality when the simple fact is that parliament makes those decisions and the monarch makes the announcement. If that is what you think constitutes 'the power', then fine.

36805   DapperDan   2013 Aug 29, 2:39pm  

Why not just outsource all of the Industrial Military Complex to China...no more $1000 hammers & $3000 toliet seats...we could get a whole tank for $50,000 & can hire Chinese peasant mercenaries for $1000 per month .....I'm getting giddy thinking of all the saved tax dollars.....come on Republicans--you know you wanna do it.....hire the Chinese for pennies on the dolla

36806   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 3:30pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

The monarch does what parliament (or the PM) tells it to.

That is BS. Did you know that the Square Mile does not answer to the Parliament? Did you know that when the Queen goes into the Square Mile she bows to the Lord Mayor? Did you know that Gog and Magog, two statues of Roman soldiers, guard the Square Mile and that the Square Mile fancies itself the rebirth of the Roman Empire?

Bet you didn't know that Bigsby. Did you know they are all going to hell?

Are you completely mental? Lord, you come up with some utterly irrelevant (not to mention stupid) crap. I said the Queen doesn't make any political decisions because, er, she doesn't. And did you know I am English? I am aware of the very long history of the City of London, and its unusual privileges through the exercise of its power and wealth over that period. That doesn't mean it doesn't answer to parliament, though I suppose it depends on what you think you mean by that. And I also know what Qatar is.

36807   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 3:32pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Proving your position? PROVING? Bloody hell. I guess when David Icke opened his mouth and highlighted his mental breakdown on national TV by babbling about a reptilian conspiracy (or whatever nonsense it has now transformed to) that you took that as proof as well.

So you don't think that Israeli militant Zionists want a Greater Israel?

I know you don't think the neocons who want a Greater Israel did 9/11. But you are wrong there. Want to go for two wrongs?

You want a coherent argument. It doesn't mean you're going to produce one.

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