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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   172,611 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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36808   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 29, 3:35pm  

Hey - only military spending creates jobs.

The only concern about this plan is whether there is such a thing as too much economic growth!

36809   Ceffer   2013 Aug 29, 3:45pm  

The judgment level for starting wars couldn't get any worse.

36810   marco   2013 Aug 29, 8:53pm  

Artistotle suggests that a tyrant rises to power by first demonstrating that he is a man of the people:

“He ought to show himself to his subjects in the light, not of a tyrant, but of a steward and a king.”


“He should be moderate, not extravagant in his way of life; he should win the notables by companionship, and the multitude by flattery.”

But once in power, a tyrant uses all available means to hold on to power, including spying on his people:

“A tyrant should also endeavor to know what each of his subjects says or does, and should employ spies . . . and . . . eavesdroppers . . . [T]he fear of informers prevents people from speaking their minds, and if they do, they are more easily found out.”

(Anybody have any ideas who this might describe today ?)

36811   freak80   2013 Aug 29, 10:44pm  

Someone is wrong on the internet!!!!

36812   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 29, 11:03pm  

He thought he was playing to his townhall comedy tour audience when he said, that there was a red line that Syria must not cross.
He could have sworn that he was going to Kill with that bit.

It got loads of laughs in the Chicago community leader theater.

Yeah funtimes funtimes.

36813   Y   2013 Aug 29, 11:47pm  

Isn't that an english sexual lubricant?

Bigsby says

And I also know what Qatar is.

36814   Bigsby   2013 Aug 30, 2:02am  

bgamall4 says

The City has resisted all efforts at democratisation for more than 1,000 years, through lobbying, bribery and threats. Post War Labour Prime Minister Clement Atlee, father of the Welfare State, said “”over and over again we have seen that there is in this country another power than that which has its seat at Westminster.” But neither Atlee nor any subsequent government have laid a single glove on this corrupt protectorate, quite the opposite. Until shortly before 1997, removing the Remembrancer was a Labour Party pledge – then even that paltry, unmet promise disappeared.


I guess only Brits don't know that the Square Mile is unruled by Parliament. It answers to the Queen, or some say, vice versa.

The City of London has a mountain of anachronistic quirks that have developed over many centuries. Why is that so surprising? It predates the creation of the country itself. That doesn't mean it doesn't answer to parliament, but hey perhaps you'd care to clarify what you mean by that because the City of London isn't the vatican. It is part of the UK and parliament legislates on the laws of the land. And FFS, the Remembrancer is just an historical carry over that has (wrongly) not been removed. Exactly what influence do you think that position has? The position is the world's oldest lobbyist if that makes you happy, but what do you think the position can do that any big business wouldn't be able to do? It's the peddling of influence not some grand bloody conspiracy.

I imagine you have been lapping up more of your conspiracy website guff once the City of London was mentioned and you now (like everything else you comment on) think you are an expert despite only reading a very slanted perspective of the actual situation. Unusual electoral practices in the City for its local government (companies having votes for instance) are hardly that surprising given that only 11,000 people actually live there and so many commute in daily (300,000). If you think that means parliament has no legislative power over the people and businesses that are there, then you are conflating some rather distinct issues.

36815   FunTime   2013 Aug 30, 3:04am  

egads101 says

So, how will "other house buyers be screwed" if they only let prices go up 10% more?

They'll be fine if they sell before the institutions. If they sell after...that doesn't seem so good.

36816   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 30, 3:15am  

Say hey! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here:

Elaboration: http://www.showrealhist.com/RHandRD.html

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden!

36817   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 30, 3:17am  

egads101 says

the oracle can show you the mistake in your thinking. the investors will sell at a certain price, but no lower. While that may someday limit home price increases beyond that amount, it won't lower them below today's amount.


36818   retire59   2013 Aug 30, 3:38am  

Why would investment portfolios only sell if they get the price they paid or more for real estate? Past history does not guarantee that. There are many reasons that investors get out for less than what they paid....it is the individuals who lives in a home that has more reasons to hold on. Or the small investor that has one or two homes.

So I am not that convinced that investors only sell for a profit...especially real estate which has built in expenses such as taxes and insurance, etc....so I am not as sure as you....just lived too long to see that history tends to repeat itself....

36819   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 30, 4:07am  

1. quig

a quig is a long haired frail creature with human like characteristics,yet more primative.

36820   Bigsby   2013 Aug 30, 5:01am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Or maybe the rebels did it. That is precisely why there shouldn't be a rush to judgement and the UN should be fully involved this time.

I agree.

Agree with what?

36821   michaelsch   2013 Aug 30, 5:11am  

OK, that's what Americans think:

and that's what John Kerry says:
"None of the actual evidence was released."

Note, it's just a repetition of infamous WMD of Iraq. I believe that some evidences would be released would they exist. The only reason not to release them is the message that the Empire wants to send to the World: I own you, when I want to attack you I need no reason, my wish is the reason.

The question is: why now? Here we may only guess, but i think it's related to Snowden case. US government was badly humiliated in this case. Partly it humiliated itself, like with Evo Morales' plane grounding or 35 years sentence to Manning, but partially the humiliation came from Russia and personally Putin. So attacking Syria is a way to show Putin who is the Emperor and who is just a local satrap.

bgamall4, the Greater Israel dream -- or Israel from Nilus to Euphrates -- is just that: a dream, I don't think it influences this current decision, no matter what some neo-con or neo-lib zionists may think about it. I'm not even sure the state of Israel really wants Asad regime fall. They know what a chaos with the rise of strong Islamists paramilitary forces will follow such a fall. They tried it in Lebanon and were defeated there.

36823   retire59   2013 Aug 30, 5:53am  

Sorry, but it has...one example, during the Great Depression, when folks needed cash they sold what they had for whatever they could get. It is not the same exact situation, it is the fundamentals that repeat. Same holds true for a stock market crash...an event happens that no one expects, and cash is needed, so people sell for whatever they can get before they cannot sell at all or for a lot less and take a loss. If you are looking for an exact example with every detail the same, you will not find that in history....it is an understanding of human nature....by the way, I do not care to argue or counter. I come to this site to read, learn and for a good discussion. You may be right, but I place my decisions on past history and so far so good. ...I wish you the best in your decisions as well.

36824   anonymous   2013 Aug 30, 6:24am  

"Vetted by the banks"

The same banks that roberto always claimed were so effing stupid


36825   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 30, 7:06am  

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999:

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
(Recent Dow day is Friday, August 30, 2013 __ Level is 94.6)

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes indeed, go here:

36826   michaelsch   2013 Aug 30, 7:23am  

Yes, gsr, that's getting really interesting.

And according to this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/10266957/Saudis-offer-Russia-secret-oil-deal-if-it-drops-Syria.html

Prince Bangar actually proposed to Putin creating a world oil cartel, if Putin gives up supporting Assad.

36827   anonymous   2013 Aug 30, 7:58am  

I lol at you for being a giant jack ass

36828   exfatguy   2013 Aug 30, 8:00am  

None of this matters because the new economy states that when one bubble bursts another one will simply be inflated.

You can't predict in what form the bubble will be, but for damn sure there will be one.

Housing will never go down.

36829   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Aug 30, 8:44am  

sbh says

Not by humans, no; but by capital, the stored labor of humans

Whose stored labor? Why do so many trust fund babies have so much capital without working, while Ms. Hernandez keeps mopping those floors and wiping the windows has no capital?

36830   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 30, 9:30am  

egads101 says

Most of the Dow stock companies from 1890 aren't even around any more. They change which companies are in the index...

So, your graph means nothing, like this thread.

Perception and non perception are both merely illusions.

You are questioning the relevance of the Dow. Are you perhaps doing this just because the inflation-adjusted Dow does well-show to the people their serial herd behavior?

DO NOTE the substantial similarity of the Real S&P (by Robert Shiller):

36831   dunnross   2013 Aug 30, 10:11am  

Except the channel you're showing is higher than the previous channel, which means that the bear market in gold should have ended back in 2012, when it broke out of the lower channel, but, due to bank manipulation, it was delayed. Bank manipulation could not get it to break down into the lower channel again, so now, primarily because of China and India buyer, western bank have lost control of it.

36832   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 30, 10:36am  

Arguing about lines on charts about things that already happened.

How silly is that?!

36833   dunnross   2013 Aug 30, 12:26pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

Arguing about lines on charts about things that already happened.

It's not silly at all. There is a logical explanation to it. Areas of support and resistance are real, because, other traders see them too, and to break through them, it takes a real fundamental event. If the event doesn't occur, then, the price action just stays within the channel. TA is not good without Fundamental Analysis, just like pure FA can't be done without technicals.

36834   dunnross   2013 Aug 30, 12:34pm  

egads101 says

In other words, "Technical Analysis is complete Bullshit. But enough people believe that Bullshit that it actually works, since they will all see the same buy and sell signals....

You can say that about almost anything:

1. Money ($USD)
2. Real Estate Prices.
3. Federal Reserve.
4. US Govt

The list goes on and on.

36835   NDrLoR   2013 Aug 30, 1:45pm  

Dan8267 says

I don't how nationalizing healthcare and socializing its cost is connected to the despotism of the Soviet Union.

This hour program has nothing to do with national health care but rather how in today's world feminism is inextricably bound up with Marxism.

36836   Shaman   2013 Aug 30, 2:52pm  

I think you need to completely own your handle before it can come to define you.

36837   RentingForHalfTheCost   2013 Aug 30, 2:56pm  

egads101 says

trying to identify companies that are going to increase their dividends over the upcoming decade, and buying them to hold forever.

I heard rumors of a REIT created by some new up-and-comer in Phoenix that has a nack for finding 20% and more ROI for rentals. Rumor has it that his dividend growth surpasses that of Apple and Google in their prime. The only expense is the risk of life during collection day, but so far so good. Hey, there is no easy money. What is a few gunshots verses making cold cash?

36838   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 30, 3:54pm  

i-Think you think too much about Ol' i-wog. Is he really so important to spend that much time?

Bay Arean Cool And Hip

36839   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 30, 4:29pm  

After reading all our threads & comments,everyday, We all can't use the handle, ASSHOLE.

36840   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Aug 31, 10:55am  

If it was possible to quantify the unquantifiable, it's likely that Goldman Sachs with their countless Math PhDs would have crunched it by now. Anybody remember Black-Shoales?

Also, doesn't capitalist theory say that once you identify a need, the margin disappears? The Tool Booth Situation?

I think my new tactic is to simply by garbage that has been oversold. Anybody seen the Greek ETF over the past few years? Buy when there is blood on the streets, sell when everybody is talking the asset to the moon and possibly beyond to the next parsec.

When Gold goes back to $300-400/oz. I'm a buyer. When Silver falls into the mid-teens, I'm a buyer.

36841   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Aug 31, 11:48am  

When did Walmart begin the downward spiral? When the founder died, and the new management fired or drove to quitting the thousands of long time employees making teens per hour with benefits.

They pursued a policy of aggressive expansion that drove tons of local businesses out of business. Fine, competition.

But then, they ate themselves. The multiple checkout lines were useless, since they were only partially staffed. The stores fell apart, disorganized shelves, filthy floors, overworked, hateful staff - the only people who wanted to work at Walmart were those who had no choice.

The lack of substitutes in rural areas makes Walmart a mad house at certain times (like all weekend long).

Having cut the staff to the bone, even Forbes noticed that Walmart seems to be cutting store management, too:

In the past few years, people started to get wise to Walmart's trickery. People now make sure there is no "W" at the end of a model identifier when comparing Walmart prices to competitors - although Walmart got wise to that and got manufacturers to drop any serial number ID for their inferior Wally Versions:

I wanted an inexpensive digital camera for my daughter. After finding one with the basic features I wanted, I went to sears, target and walmart to check prices. All 3 stores sold the a camera with the exact same model number. Sears -$119 target -$109 walmart - $99 . I bought it at the manufactures online store but when the camera was delivered it DID NOT have all the features that the Sears and Target salesperson had shown me (couldn’t get help at the Walmart store). I contacted the factory store and asked them if perhaps the one I got was an older version of this camera since the model number on the unit was the correct. The customer service agent apologized and said I must have gotten one of the “WALMART” cameras. These units were manufactured just for them with the same model number but with reduced features. So while the price was a little lower at walmart, the value was worse since it was a stripped down version.


TL;DR: They'll find the cheaper price is due to reduced features, not better prices than the competition.

36842   Blurtman   2013 Aug 31, 3:01pm  

She is hiding a co-conspirator in there.

36843   Ceffer   2013 Aug 31, 3:46pm  

Child bearing hips. Looks like she's good for a battalion of sociopathic Scotsmen.

36845   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 1, 1:55am  

No way that could be hard to trace.

Satellite imagery can be cross-referenced with data on gravitational anomalies. That can't just fade into the landscape.

36846   Blurtman   2013 Sep 1, 2:43am  


36847   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 1, 2:54am  


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