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when the same number of people using arms now equals the number that used arms in 2006, we will hit peak bubble.
When you start seeing jumbo loans given to unemployed strawberry pickers and humanities graduate students THEN we will be at peak bubble.
Well this guy shot Kennedy then some other dude shot that dude, then that dude died of Cancer a year after he was convicted.
Sounds like the Cancer was in on it all along and cleaned up the all the lose ends quite nicely don't you think?
Sells books and some make a career out of it...
no mafia could pull off the cover up. here's now it went down.
the Military Industrial Complex wanted JFK dead so they could escalate the Vietnam war, a war that wasn't meant to be won but profited. they probed into LBJ's past and saw a bunch of skeletons in the closet. they had their next puppet president that would do everything they asked.
their CIA guys carried out the assassination (Howard Hunt, one of the hitmen, confessed on deathbed), their FBI guys (JEH) did the cover up. they setup a phony Warren Commission to do a phony investigation and cover up with their lone gunman theory.
what pawns like Hunt didn't know was that both LBJ and JEH answered to a higher power, the power that owns this country. those guys alone wouldn't be able to do crap without facing consequences.
he drug wars are to provide an easy source of black money for our intelligence agencies to use for world wide agenda pursuit and domestic freedom suppression. That's really all there is to it.
if you are concerned over black money and freedom suppression, then you would be infavor of bombing the coke and heroin fields.. how can you not be.
good question to ask why Clinton ended the war on drugs since we were wining it with our military assets.
When a drug dealer is arrested, there are multiple charges. These charges are usually parole violation, assault and battery, robbery, breaking and entering, possession of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance with
the intent to distribute, felon in possession of a firearm, firearm used in commission of a felony, felonious assault(pointing the weapon), attempted murder(using the weapon) and the list goes on and on.The drug dealer is then offered a plea deal: Plead guilty to only the drug charges, receive a stiff sentence and all the other charges will be dropped OR go to trial for all of it and once convicted they're pretty much done for life. They always take the plea deal because the evidence is usually overwhelming and they know they were caught red handed.
and very often .. too often they are members of organized crime. would the people today be complaining that we locked up all the Italian Mobsters from the Don down to the street thugs. no of course not... but they are the same Crips, Bloods, Ms13 et c etc They are all violent members of organized crime. So yes, they do belong behind bars.
Gangs in the United States include several types of groups, including national street gangs, local street gangs, prison gangs, motorcycle gangs, and ethnic and organized crime gangs. Approximately 1.4 million people were part of gangs as of 2011, and more than 33,000 gangs were active in the United States.
Many American gangs began, and still exist, in urban areas. In many cases, national street gangs originated in major cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and New York, and they later migrated to other American cities such as Atlanta, Memphis, Orlando,Houston, and Detroit.
American gangs are responsible for an average of 48% of violent crime in most jurisdictions, and up to 90% in other jurisdictions. Major urban areas and their suburban surroundings experience the majority of gang activity, particularly gang-related violent crime.
Gangs are known to engage in traditionally gang-related gambling, drug trafficking, and arms trafficking, white collar crime such as counterfeiting, identity theft, and fraud, and non-traditional activity of human trafficking and prostitution.
It's just pretend currency for criminal enterprise to launder the money. Why would an average person buy into this scam is beyond me...
If you don't mind holding a bag of worthless pretend money at the end it's your call.
It's just pretend currency for criminal enterprise to launder the money.
Please stop bad mouthing the Dollar. My wallet is full of them just now.
I'm buying bullets.
Seems much more prudent than real estate, stocks, bitcoin, ripple, and gold.
Cigarettes, booze, condoms, old-school printed pornography: also very valuable quite soon.
pornography: also
What a thrilling usage of the colon: an abused and forlorn punctuation mark.
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."
Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!
And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Friday, January 3, 2014 __ Level is 105.6
WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:
And up to date (by me) is here:
WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!
It was the weather.
Not everyone lives in beautiful and sunny Southern California, you know.
We spent the afternoon on Christmas day at the beach, while the rest of the country was freezing to death.
High prices in California? Worth every penny.
Here goes....
Or maybe shoppers are strapped for cash and had to make a decision where to spend:
....."but also people were more impacted by the compressed shopping season, most of which was in December," Kelley Blue Book senior analyst Karl Brauer said. "People were doing more Christmas shopping than car shopping."
Are retailers offering sub-prime loans for Christmas presents??
Credit cards. Worse then sub-prime loans.
29.99% apr. What a scam.
Ahhhh.... I know the reason!
People had to send in their first premium payment for their Obamacare insurance (which just went up). So, that just used up their disposable income they were going to use for their new car payment....
Isn't that a responsible thing to do? Spending limited funds on healthcare, rather than a new car you may not need?
I even have health insurance for my German Shepherd. $350 annual premium. What's that? 100 trips to Taco Bell?
Walked by 4 dealerships at 7pm last night. Not one customer. This was in LA County South Bay Area....probably one of the wealthiest areas in the US.
I was going to get a new car just before the new year. But then I thought to myself "why bother." My current car runs just fine.
Oh come on... Don't be a cheapskate... Do your part for America and buy a new car!!! I did!!
I prefer to call myself responsible with my money. I also pay cash for a car. Nope, maybe next year.
Weird: I can swear I've heard a very upbeat report re car sales on NPR this morning.
This in spite of doubling down on the "Buy a car as a christmas present" themed commercials this year.
I'm in the car repair biz. A lot of people got rid of their perfectly good cars with 100-200,000 mile life potential remaining during the bubble years, over some $600 list of repairs, declaring angrily, "I'm getting a NEW car!" Now these 2005-2008s are coming in for repairs when the owners are strapped for cash, and they're finding it has a list of $1200 repairs needed- that's $1200 EACH! Lots of regret now, letting those earlier model but durable cars go.
Wait till you see what it costs when your 2013-14 has 80,000 miles and needs repair. The rearview mirror alone has more computing power than the Apollo spacecraft of the '70s! I am not even exaggerating.
"Buy a car as a christmas present"
I never heard of people actually doing this in RL.
I never heard of people actually doing this in RL
I know, right? But every year come the 6 figure budget commercials.
I'm in the car repair biz. A lot of people got rid of their perfectly good cars with 100-200,000 mile life potential remaining during the bubble years, over some $600 list of repairs, declaring angrily, "I'm getting a NEW car!" Now these 2005-2008s are coming in for repairs when the owners are strapped for cash, and they're finding it has a list of $1200 repairs needed- that's $1200 EACH! Lots of regret now, letting those earlier model but durable cars go.
The average price of new car is what - $30K? This means throwing away $3K in sales tax alone. Getting a new car over $600 repair bill is just silly.
is just silly.
Oh, I agree. They are thinking of a monthly payment that they saw in a commercial, which is probably waaay less than the actual payment would be. "Why spend $600 on an OLD car (a few times a year mind you) when I could have a NEW one for $450/mo!" is the likely thinking. Never mind the increased cost of full insurance required by financing, and the fact that it depreciates like an ice sculpture off the lot.
I always say, the new car market would practically collapse in a world of rational thinkers.
The average price of new car is what - $30K? This means throwing away $3K in sales tax alone. Getting a new car over $600 repair bill is just silly.
I agree! I just saw something on TV that said the average new car price is 30K, and I can buy vintage Ford Escorts for around 1K and run them for years for next to nothing!
It's illegal for patients to be turned away from emergency rooms without being seen. The actual story:
"'The people in there told me that since I didn't have an insurance card, I would be billed for the whole cost of the x-ray,' Galvez said, her young daughter in tow. 'It's not fair – you know, I signed up last week like I was supposed to.'
The x-ray's cost, she was told, would likely be more than $500."
"A similar situation frustrated Mary, an African-American small businesswoman who asked MailOnline not to publish her last name. She was leaving the Inova Alexandria Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia with two family members.
'I had chest pains last night, and they took me in the emergency room,' Mary said. 'They told me they were going to admit me, but when I told them I hadn't heard from my insurance company since I signed up, they changed their tune.'
She told MailOnline that a nurse advised her that her bill would go up by at least $3,000 if she were admitted for a day, and her doctor told her the decision was up to her."
So, these people weren't turned away (as the headline said). They were notified that if their insurance isn't in effect, they would have to pay the entire cost out of pocket. That's standard practice - and if the hospital is later provided with the insurance info, they will bill the provider.
This is no different than it was on December 31st. If you don't have insurance you might have to pay out of pocket. While Universal healthcare would be better than our current plan, this story appears to be the result of an overzealous reporter who was looking for people to meet a script he'd already written.
The latest lies about Obamacare are shocking in their implications.
Is there no depth to which fictitious Obama and made-up Pelosi will not stoop?
These imaginary revelations have caused me to lose all respect for made-up Obama!
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
administrators have been terrorized into herded the dying into the hands of Michelle Obama and her roving death panels
I believe they strip them of their clothing and possessions first. Then yank gold teeth out with pliers, execute, and eat on the spot or grind up for fertilizer.
I bought two cars last year, and the dealer sends me emails every day begging me to buy another. They must be desperate.
I for one will be waiting as long as possible before upgrading my 2007 KIA Spectra. Two technologies are delaying purchase:
(1) Self-drive
(2) Fuel cells
I want both.
I bought two cars last year, and the dealer sends me emails every day begging me to buy another. They must be desperate.
It's how the scumbags make their living.
The average price of new car is what - $30K? This means throwing away $3K in sales tax alone.
Whoa... You have a 10% sales tax??? I'd move....
Yep. And a 10% state income tax.
I'd move....
I would too. But the weather, man, THE WEATHER!!!
None of them mentioned that they were there for "free" care. There are always co-pays, deductibles, etc. The story mentioned that a woman with cardiac pain balked because she might be responsible for a $3,000 hospital charge. Hell, I've seen $20,000 charges for overnight visits.
If she truly experienced chest pain, she'd have stayed. And if she has a heart attack she'll be back. Then she won't care about the out of pocket cost.
There's always medical bankruptcy. She should look on the bright side
Ellie's right we all just shit money while we walk that cheap bitch!
Undoing Obamacare will be the only sensible solution, may Obama go to hell in the pages of the History books as the great President we want to forget.
There really is no other choice. It's a fucking healthcare system that was framed and sold as "Affordable" and there is not anything remotely affordable about it. Unless you pose a hypothetical question about the alternative of not having insurance. Debt is debt buddy, the Voters will be smart enough to figure that out.
Hey If I'm paying out rageous premiums and every complaint about high the premiums are, under a system called "The Affordable something or another ACT" (Yes it's all just an act!)
And when people complain about high premiums, the biggest Champions who probably are being crushed by premiums them selves and know it, all chime in defending it telling us we're lucky it's not more. BULLSHIT!!
Between that 16K a year, and what I would need to pay out of pocket anyway.
Say I need a 30K operation. I would have to come up with 10K anyway. Plus I already spent 16K on premiums, so that's 26K. What's another 4K out of pocket? I'll just pay the damn thing, and forgo having to shell out 16K the next year and the year after that. Especially young and even older healthy people don't see any value in this healthcare fiasco tragedy at all.
The Healthcare system needs to be a healthcare system not a profit center that greedy, and politically alined loyal constituents defend to tooth and nail.
The lady having a heart attack wanted free healthcare when She's already shelling thousands a moth, shame on you Elliemae, you should know better.
I'm waiting for you to post a thread about the planes not being able fly as fast as they did at sea level on 9/11.
That will get them started.
The lady having a heart attack wanted free healthcare when She's already shelling thousands a moth, shame on you Elliemae, you should know better.
Well, my stoned acquaintance, she hasn't paid anything yet. And she arrived a the ER presenting with chest pain, but chose not to be treated due to the possibility that she might be responsible for out-of-pocket costs.
TPB, I know you hate the affordable healthcare act. You've said it before. You've also made no secret of the fact that you hate Obama.
But this story has nothing to do with either of those.
Last year, January, I worked with a guy who needed to fill his prescriptions but hadn't received his new prescription card yet. He was frustrated - as well he should have been - and chose to pay out of pocket. His new insurance reimbursed him for the cost. At my work, we have changed health plans every year because they find a way to save a little on their part. Every January we do this dance.
The woman in the story chose not to be treated rather than to risk having to pay out of pocket for her care. That's a choice that millions of Americans have had to make year after year prior to the affordable healthcare act.
However, if she is indeed covered, and if she's admitted, she will pay an out-of-pocket amount that is different than the billed charges. That $3,000 quoted as a possibility was simply that - and that she chose to walk out was either a smart fiscal move or a really stupid way to fuck up her health even more.
One thing is for sure - this has nothing to do with the affordable healthcare act.
Especially young and even older healthy people don't see any value in this healthcare fiasco tragedy at all.
You say that because you have had access to healthcare all along.
I had insurance for only 1 year in my life and that was last year, it cleared my savings account out. Say what you want, but Obamacare is that insurance system. The insurance being offered at that same company today is the same BCBS Florida Blue plan as it was for 2012.
I dropped it March of last year, and never plan on purchasing anything like it ever again. It was the dumbest most pointless thing I've ever paid for in my life. I only had to buy it because the Clinic that said they would perform medical treatment at a set price, then reneged and told me I needed insurance. Because they are owned by Memorial Regional Hospital and are considered a wing of the Hospital. There was a long fucking line of Hospital executives, Doctors, Nurses, and lab techs that wanted my dollars, and I'll be damned if they were going to let some pissant doctor single handedly treat my wife for a mere Seven grand and send us off Scott free of daily/weekly and 3 month latter mystery bills that we must pay or lose our credit rating.
I'll bet anything they ran our Fucking credit, after we set the procedure up and about swallowed their butt plug when they realized what Whale they had on the hook.
All the people who wrote the constitution did so with the understanding that the USA was created by Whites for the benefit of Whites only. US citizens before the 1960's believed this fact. To try to change this made you a traitor.
The constitution is a written document with guaranteed rights which are spelled out very clearly. There is nowhere in that document that claims any intent from its authors. As such, your argument is not an argument, but rather an assertion based on personal opinion instead of facts, and hence the remainder of your commentary is nonsense.
neither of you are right.
the constitutions were written for Slave Owning Anglo-Saxon Males (not women).
how could "all men be created equal" when Blacks and the Irish were still slaves at the time?
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