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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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41722   Rin   2014 Jan 19, 9:19am  

What if you drink and do some mnemonic exercises, while smashed?

Doesn't that simply kill the bad cells and strengthen the good ones?

41723   Ceffer   2014 Jan 19, 9:55am  

How did they get a bunch of drunks to take IQ tests over and over?

How did they know how they would test if sober?

If they were comparing the drunks to a less drunk or non drinking control, I would say the drunks did pretty darned good by comparison.

If you sobered them up, they might even do better than the controls.

41724   Homeboy   2014 Jan 19, 11:25am  

bgamall4 says

Apparently that was not what was seen by many, many people. You may be right, or you may not be right. You weren't there. They were.

Neither were you there. People said they saw a streak of light and then an explosion. The streak of light was the plane, on fire. The explosion was the plane exploding. No mystery there. No reason to turn it into something it was not.

41725   bob2356   2014 Jan 19, 12:19pm  

Oh of course I forgot, it's on the web so it has to be true. Every single article about the 500 million lines of code goes back to a single article in the NY Times that says "According to one specialist, the Web site contains about 500 million lines of software code" Who is this mysterious specialist and how do we know he/she is telling the truth or even knows the truth? Gee I guess no one has ever told a NY Times reporter a lie before. You think?

CGI's people wrote 500 million lines of code in less than 18 months, including analysis and design. Bullshit. A lot of you guys are coders, you know this is bullshit. No one has ever done anything even remotely close to that starting from scratch.

41726   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 19, 12:24pm  

No no, Big Mal -- honeslty, I just think that ol gal's got her salmon grabber mashed into the poor girl's face, distorting her lip upward to resemble a kind of smile.

Look to the eyes. Those are not smiling eyes.

41727   NoYes   2014 Jan 19, 12:34pm  

I'll drink to that

41728   bob2356   2014 Jan 19, 12:43pm  

Call it Crazy says

I think the results show that....

You only need 1 line of code to have a poorly designed and functioning program if you do it right.

41729   lostand confused   2014 Jan 19, 1:41pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says


I am sure they'll spend the money.

Working system and auditable performance and iron-clad security tech and protocols?


Well, they could have gone with Deloitte!!!

41730   Y   2014 Jan 19, 1:58pm  

So by your own sarcastic volition everything you say must be false.

bob2356 says

Oh of course I forgot, it's on the web so it has to be true.

41731   daniellamariB   2014 Jan 19, 2:32pm  

Interesting. Drinking will really give us effects such as this. Just like in smoking, which is considered life threatening since it is the cause of so much disease that lead to death. Though, drinking cause less, we can still tell that mental decline is something we should think about.

41732   Homeboy   2014 Jan 19, 2:52pm  

Crude photoshop of what she might look like if her cheek weren't being smashed upwards.

41733   bob2356   2014 Jan 19, 9:59pm  

Homeboy says

Crude photoshop of what she might look

Photoshop? You mean that there are pictures that might have been altered? You mean you can't trust what is posted on the internet? No say it ain't so joe. If it's on the internet it HAS to be true. It HAS to be true. Pictures like this PROVE there are massive hoax's being put on every day. They PROVE it!!!! Why if the pictures were photoshopped the hoax truthers would actually be hoaxers. We would have a hoax death spiral. The mind boggles at the possibilities.

Ok you can delete it now mosquito dick.

41734   bob2356   2014 Jan 19, 10:47pm  

SoftShell says

So by your own sarcastic volition everything you say must be false.

bob2356 says

Oh of course I forgot, it's on the web so it has to be true.

No, that's a very poor read of what I said. I don't believe in things that come from an obscure anonomous reference to be engraved in stone especially when they seem very unlikely. Even when someone puts them up in a very nice looking chart.

It's called skepticism, something that somehow seems to be lost when dealing with the internet. Maybe there are 500 million lines of code, but I don't know that and neither do you so your assertions that having 500 million lines of code is the problem are meaningless.

41735   bubblesitter   2014 Jan 20, 12:11am  

A "recovery" "without real income growth" that needs life support

41737   indigenous   2014 Jan 20, 12:50am  

Call it Crazy says

Why basically repeat what was in the OP????

In a word tautology

41738   tatupu70   2014 Jan 20, 12:55am  

Call it Crazy says

The median income today is about $51,000, while the median home price is

Source? That median home price sounds way too high.


says $196K


is a bit out of date, but shows it in the low $200s.

41739   casandra   2014 Jan 20, 1:03am  

i published the newspaper at my school for about 10 years. the biggest problem i had when taking pictures is that some people will always look into the camera and smile, regardless the circumstances taking place. i never figured out the rhyme or reason, just realized i had to talk to them first and stage some realism!

41740   tatupu70   2014 Jan 20, 1:07am  

Call it Crazy says

We already know you don't read complete threads for the answers... Go check
out the post above from your butt-buddy, you'll find what you're looking

Wow--lots of sarcasm from someone who doesn't know the difference between average and median.

Care to try again?

41741   MrEd   2014 Jan 20, 1:44am  

Then why should we believe you?bob2356 says

SoftShell says

So by your own sarcastic volition everything you say must be false.

bob2356 says

Oh of course I forgot, it's on the web so it has to be true.

I don't believe in things that come from an obscure anomonous reference

41742   tatupu70   2014 Jan 20, 1:55am  


Since you claim I never post any data or links, here's one for you.


Read up!

41743   Homeboy   2014 Jan 20, 2:29am  

bgamall4 says

So what is your point?

My point is, the girl is not laughing. Her cheek and the side of her mouth are being pushed up by the woman's arm.

41744   bob2356   2014 Jan 20, 2:37am  

Call it Crazy says

Who knows how many lines there are, but the question is, can ANY company go in and re-work all the operational pieces in a few months and get it to work right??

No. What does that have to do with what I said? You're the one who said "all 500 million lines".

MrEd says

Then why should we believe you

Believe me about what? I said that in my opinion is that there isn't 500 million lines of code or even close. That's why it's called an opinion, there's nothing to believe. If I said there ARE less than 500 million lines of code then that's called a statement and you are free to believe or disbelieve me. Or even prove me wrong if you can find any proof.

41745   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 20, 4:25am  

bgamall4 says

Homeboy says

My point is, the girl is not laughing. Her cheek and the side of her mouth are being pushed up by the woman's arm.

You are one dumb fuck.

Whoah! Geezus, Big Mal! You do not cuss a guy out for simply disagreeing with you!

But...let's go with your premise: let's say the girl isn't having her face distorted by an overly huggy bear. I think it's possible that the kid is just weirded-out. She's got all kinds of chemicals coursing through her tiny brain. Adrenaline can make you pretty freaky. Mix that in with somebody taking her photo...you know, she's suddenly thrust into something very dramatic, and the eye is on her. Maybe she never received that kind of attention anywhere else ever before. Given our celebrity worship culture, I think it is not unreasonable to think she was camera conscious.

If she was smiling, it seems very likely to me that it was more to do with sheer bewilderment, and less likely a case of, "we're gonna fool them all!"

41746   Facebooksux   2014 Jan 20, 6:00am  

What's going on right now? The price is completely flat. Some circuitbreaker tripped?

Edit: NM. MLK holiday.

41747   Analyzer   2014 Jan 20, 6:54am  

humanity says

I'm not saying manipulation doesn't happen. I think that the money markets
are manipulated a little with QE. And there was a time when Gold and Silver were
manipulated by the hunt brothers. But they had their heads handed to them.

How about when upgrades/downgrades on stocks are issued? Manipulation? I think they should be banned from doing this.

41748   Y   2014 Jan 20, 12:40pm  

You are not a software engineer, thus have no qualifications to comment on this subject.
500 million lines of code is easy to achieve through inheritance, canned classes and objects that are bought 3 party to achieve rapid code development.
Unfortunately, this is at the cost of security and throughput.

bob2356 says

SoftShell says

So by your own sarcastic volition everything you say must be false.

bob2356 says

Oh of course I forgot, it's on the web so it has to be true.

No, that's a very poor read of what I said. I don't believe in things that come from an obscure anonomous reference to be engraved in stone especially when they seem very unlikely. Even when someone puts them up in a very nice looking chart.

It's called skepticism, something that somehow seems to be lost when dealing with the internet. Maybe there are 500 million lines of code, but I don't know that and neither do you so your assertions that having 500 million lines of code is the problem are meaningless.

41749   drew_eckhardt   2014 Jan 20, 1:02pm  

CaptainShuddup says

"Obama won and we "ALL" lost."

PhRMA did not loose. ACA passed with no re-import provision and they have millions of new customers headed their way, many with tax dollars in hand.

The gun industry and NRA did not loose. Background checks (required for all sales from dealers) are up 66% since Obama was elected and all ten of the record setting sales weeks followed his announcements of anti-gun schemes. NRA membership now totals 5 million.

General Motors and AIG won big. The real estate industry is doing far better than it would have without Obama's assistance appointing fed governors who buy $40B/month of their mortgage backed securities, keep interest rates down, and keep property prices up.

The military-industrial complex is still doing great. Even with the budget caps and sequestration we're matching the cold-war peak in real dollars.

41750   HydroCabron   2014 Jan 20, 1:09pm  

I guess this means an end to the "STFU Dirty Hollyweird Liberals" mantra among the Conservatarian crowd.

As soon as someone in Hollywood says something conservatives like, the rule that celebrities should have no say in politics is suspended.

41752   anonymous   2014 Jan 20, 1:42pm  

Richard and Sandra Weiner of Denville have filed suit in state Superior Court in Passaic County alleging breach of trust and fiduciary duties against Coldwell Banker of Madison and Wayne residents, and Coldwell agents, Robert Lindsay and Jeannemarie Phelan. The Weiners are seeking compensatory damages for invasion of privacy, infliction of emotional distress, breach of contract, trespass of land and other civil counts.


Is this even real?

What the hell kind of name is Richard Weiner

41753   Homeboy   2014 Jan 20, 1:52pm  

bgamall4 says

You are one dumb fuck.

Great argument. You've really convinced me.

41754   Homeboy   2014 Jan 20, 1:53pm  

bgamall4 says

Even in the phony picture, her eyes are still smiling.

I disagree.

41755   Ceffer   2014 Jan 20, 2:01pm  

Boy, you really know how to talk somebody into becoming a realtor.

41756   Bigsby   2014 Jan 20, 3:23pm  

There are thousands of images of the kids on that day. Care to post up a few more Bgamall or would that work against your moronic narrative?

41758   marco   2014 Jan 20, 4:30pm  

It's true that 95% of female real estate agents have intelligent DNA in them...

But 87% of them spit it out.

41759   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jan 21, 12:07am  


41760   New Renter   2014 Jan 21, 1:27am  

bgamall4 says

The world's wealthiest people aren't known for travelling by bus

Oh yes they do! Its even a double decker!


Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud the soon-to-be owner of the first private Airbus A380 is sparing no expense to make his doubledecker toy the most fabulously extravagant jet on the planet. He spent over $300 million on the plane and is currently spending more than half that much money on customizing the jet. As we've mentioned before on this site, the jet will have a whirlpool bath and sauna, a dining room paneled in marble, a gym and a desert-themed fiber-optic mural. The most incredible touch might just be the approximately $58 million he is spending to have the plane painted in gold leaf on the outside. It not only sounds luxurious it also sounds a little dangerous if the sun bounces off it. The plane will be ready in two years, until then, the prince will have to content himself with his current ride, his own 747 jumbo jet.

Their buses just fly:

41761   New Renter   2014 Jan 21, 1:32am  

errc says

Is this even real?

What the hell kind of name is Richard Weiner

This kind:

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