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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   177,756 views  117,730 comments

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7514   nope   2011 Jun 12, 3:58am  

Don’t assume you know me, I’m not at the places I work for, to drink Tea, and speak the Kings English. I’m there because I’m good at what I do. We are talking about a field where Indians reign supreme. Spell check is not needed for what I do.

At all of the leading software, hardware, and internet companies (apple, google, Microsoft, etc.) Being able to communicate clearly and effectively is considered to be just as important as being able to write quality software.

Actually writing code is not hard, anyone can do it, and for typical requirements of most businesses someone with little more then vocational training will suffice. You'll mostly be using software written by other people and making minor adjustments. The act of engineering new systems, however, is a different beast entirely.

7515   nope   2011 Jun 12, 4:03am  

I will continue to make the argument that NATO is unnecessary, and that doesn't mean that Europe needs to spend more on military.

The only credible military threat to Europe or the united states is china, and a war with china would go nuclear long before anyone even thought about deploying tanks.

7516   B.A.C.A.H.   2011 Jun 12, 4:24am  

elliemae says

I guess it can be seen as offensive to jewish people

It is almost a non-issue. Very few children in Cool and Hip San Francisco. "Doing the 'Kid Thing' " is too icky-poo for The Cool Hipsters.

But don't forget it is a Muslim tradition, too. More likely if it was intended as an affront to The Religious, would be directed at them, who seem to tolerate homosexuality in the USA a whole lot less than do Jews.

7517   Done!   2011 Jun 12, 5:34am  

Those companies you need to dumb it down for the Clowns in the meetings, I don't work for companies where I'm in meetings with Lori from the office coordinator.

I'm usually called after a company has dumped millions in a development team lead by a non technical MS Project end user, and the meeting minutes are taken by Marge from HR, has gotten them no where. Those meetings are always unproductive, because for the edification of those present the goals are dumbed down, substantially that the end result always miss the mark of the intended goals. I work directly with folks in Business Analytic just one person delivering in weeks that has not been delivered in years from IT dept due to the internal etiquette and politics.

Team work is a concept invented by the business consultants of the 80's to keep them in the loop and employed.

When in practice great ideas, abilities can't be a Democracy, as not every one is capable of them. The enterprise is weighed down by dead weight that demands email correspondence that reads like a undergrad term paper, instead of people with the whereat all to produce valid code.

Can I communicate? You bet, am I going to work in a company where my abilities are whittled down to who has the best penmanship?
Hell no, those companies only last a year or two tops anyway.

7518   marcus   2011 Jun 12, 6:04am  

Or to put it differently, tot is so damn good at C++, Java, Perl, SQL, and Python, that English might be considered his sixth language.

7519   Done!   2011 Jun 12, 6:05am  

I have the right to know...

7520   marcus   2011 Jun 12, 6:21am  

Tenouncetrout says

Team work is a concept invented by the business consultants of the 80’s to keep them in the loop and employed.

I don't know, there are times when I wish that others I work with were a bit more of a team player, and I can even acknowledge in myself an arrogance and a self interest that have at times prevented me from being a better team player. Too many chiefs, or chefs, can be a problem. If my idea is shot down, I would like to be in on a conversation (with mutual respect) discussing why.

Even if another person has a better idea, or if you do, how is that supposed to be recognized and win out without a reasonable team environment ? Remember, there's no 'I' in team.

7521   Done!   2011 Jun 12, 7:58am  

marcus says

Even if another person has a better idea, or if you do, how is that supposed to be recognized and win out without a reasonable team environment ?

Yeah but the emblematic problems I speak of, are not of developer fruition, but more from non technical people sticking their fingers in the gravy.

Developers spite their egos welcome enlightenment on superior processes, or even new processes. So that things don't go stale.

I guess I'm saying I found my niche with the business analytics side of the enterprise. They have a clear concise goal for their needs. Other areas of the organization it's a contest of will and usefulness.

BA side, it's can you give me this in the incredibly short time I need it?
There's no time for technical analytic dog and pony shows, they need people that problem solve at the speed of speech.

7522   elliemae   2011 Jun 12, 8:58am  

Tot has obviously found his niche where he belongs - he doesn't have to communicate effectively or work with others. Good for him.

"Developers spite their egos welcome enlightenment on superior processes, or even new processes. So that things don’t go stale."

However, much of the time when he's attempting to communicate here we aren't speaking the same language.

7523   marcus   2011 Jun 12, 9:11am  

In programmer lingo 'high level' (which he is calling superior processes), refers to what the program is actually doing for the user, or the way it's doing it (the user interface). IT's above the level the details of how it will occur or the code,... its describing logically what actually happens (or needs to happen).

"spite" means ",in spite of."

Gosh Ellie, do I have to explain everything ?

7524   elliemae   2011 Jun 12, 9:37am  

...and here I was thinking that programmers are treating their (alter) egos with "a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person," that they welcome the state of enlightenment possibly in a ceremony which includes peyote or other controlled substances (which would explain the "superior processes)" - or new processes for those people who've never partaken during such a spiritual ceremony. And of course, that they would have such a ceremony expeditiously so that the drugs don't get stale.

I was wayyyyyyyyyyyyy off.

7525   Done!   2011 Jun 12, 10:00am  

Time for another drinkey poo over at the goat farm Ellie?

7526   marcus   2011 Jun 12, 11:00am  

Taxpayer says

The article means that no one has automatic right to a big screen tv just because they exist on this planet.

How can they get their propaganda from newscorp, if they don't have a big screen tv or a car radio ?

I think that if a zygote doesn't have the right to not exist, then the least we could do is promise them a TV.

Also, if they promise not to be a criminal, which will cost the government what, 50 to 65K/year (or more ?), I think the least we can do is give them a big screen TV. Maybe a decent meal every now and then too. Obviously they would rather have the dignity of a decent job, but hey, sometimes that's just not in the cards.

7527   elliemae   2011 Jun 12, 11:48am  

Taxpayer says

elliemae, learn some basic comprehension skills before posting bs.

Awe, shucks, I guess that I should've learned basic comprehension skills, even though they obviously lacked basic communication skills (such as the ability to put their meaning into the written word).
Taxpayer says

The article means that no one has automatic right to a big screen tv just because they exist on this planet.

But that's not what it actually says. You're just assuming that's what they meant.

Taxpayer says

I guess like all liberal whiners you want a big screen tv delivered to your door...

Absolutely I want a big screen tv delivered to my door. In fact, I just checked to see if one had been delivered today, but it's Sunday in Utah and no one works on Sunday - except the multi-level marketers and internet scammers.

Taxpayer says

...and a thank you note from all the people who paid for it.

That would be awesome. I'll check the mailbox tomorrow. ;)
marcus says

I think that if a zygote doesn't have the right to not exist, then the least we could do is promise them a TV.

Marcus raises a valid point; I believe that if I should automatically get a big screen tv, we should implant teeny televisions inside every womb. Hopefully they won't have cables attached, 'cause that would be horribly inconvenient, to say the least.

7528   elliemae   2011 Jun 12, 11:50am  

Tenouncetrout says

Time for another drinkey poo over at the goat farm Ellie?

Yea, it's beer-thirty somewhere.

7529   elliemae   2011 Jun 12, 11:52am  


Every Democratic voter I ever met was insane with hunger to knife an American, take his wallet, and buy a al qaeda illegal a big TV! It’s like a entrance examination or something.

That's just crazy! We don't want to buy anyone else a tv, we want our own. We demand our own! You're right about the knifing, tho - guns are for republicans. (ellie sheepishly hides the guns behind the big screen tv...)

7530   Bap33   2011 Jun 12, 12:13pm  

I totally agree with political amimal behavior. There is very little honor in politics these days. Is it possible for me to have some intellect and still have extreemly conservative views about the human condition?

On Subject: @Sim,
I asked my wife, she said, "I don't care, get away from me! I thought that site was about housing!! What in the hell are you doing on there?" I bet Gemorrians are never treated so gruffly by their mate!

7531   marcus   2011 Jun 12, 12:22pm  

Hey Tot, look at the balloon animal that's number 1 on reddit today.


7532   elliemae   2011 Jun 12, 12:23pm  


I resent that - I'm not greedy. I definitely deserve more than the next guy/gal, but that's because I'm a bleeding heart, do-gooder liberal. I helped an old lady carry her groceries to her car the other day...

(the "old lady" was me, and I did use the box-boy's help. And I didn't tip him... But I did tell him where the local food bank is located, even tho I know he doesn't have a car and there's no bus service on his end of town).

Since he obviously can't afford cable/satellite, can I have his tv too? My republican ex-husband's man cave is missing the big screen since he left.

7533   marcus   2011 Jun 12, 12:24pm  

Also a winner: http://imgur.com/23eS1

Note, we can't post pics on here right now.

7534   elliemae   2011 Jun 12, 1:07pm  

Bap, tell the wife howdy fer us. ;)

7535   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jun 13, 3:11am  

No country can keep pace with us because we spend our entire income and corporate tax revenue on the military.

Pretty soon, we won't be able to keep pace with ourselves and may have to use the F-15 until 2040.

7536   MisdemeanorRebel   2011 Jun 13, 3:12am  

A favorite:

7537   HousingWatcher   2011 Jun 14, 3:31am  

"they are attempting to prevent the recess of congress………ANY recess of the 112th congress………"

That's a great idea. They should work 12 months a year passing bills that create jobs.

7538   merlino   2011 Jun 14, 8:17am  

I find scary that Bachman would get probably more than 40% of the national votes against Obama. Same thing for Palin.

7539   leo707   2011 Jun 14, 9:10am  

In fact, Bachmann equivocated only once, when she couldn’t choose between Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash. Go figure.

I don't see what her problem is, as much as I like Elvis, Johnny Cash is clearly better.

7540   tatupu70   2011 Jun 14, 9:24am  

I'm all for Bachmann. I think she might be even better for Democrats than Palin. I'm not sure there's a Republican candidate that can actually win in the general election.

7541   Vicente   2011 Jun 14, 3:00pm  

One brave politician has taken up protecting circumcision as his cause.


So I'll see Shrek & Co. on the campaign donor list to Brad Sherman next year?

7542   simchaland   2011 Jun 14, 4:24pm  

Michele Bachmann would be the Republican wet dream candidate. She's practically interchangeable with Sistah Sarah. The teabaggers will have furry palms before the end of the election season.

7543   nope   2011 Jun 14, 4:54pm  

The GOP leadership will never let Palin or Bachmann secure the nomination. They'll like to keep them around to fire up the base, but they know damn well that they won't have a chance of winning the 20% or so of voters who aren't automatically voting for one party or another.

(30-40% of people will vote republican no matter who they ran)

7544   tatupu70   2011 Jun 15, 7:35am  

Wow--your reading comprehension skills really need some work. Could you show me exactly where he is OPPOSING anything in his quote?

Explaining what happened is different than opposing it.

7545   leo707   2011 Jun 15, 9:03am  

shrekgrinch says

Kevin says

The GOP leadership will never let Palin or Bachmann secure the nomination

And how, exactly would they be able to accomplish that? The RNC is a paper tiger, as is the DNC.

Yeah, I am afraid that I have to agree with shrek on this one. I don't know if I would call the RNC and DNC paper tigers, but I don't think they have enough control to prevent Palin or Bachmann getting the nomination.

Ultimately I don't think that they will, but I would not rule it out.

7546   tatupu70   2011 Jun 15, 9:22am  

shrekgrinch says

Why? Who said I am opposing Obama being a luddite? I never made that contention….and you bitch about ‘my’ reading comprehension skills?

Yes, I am saying that. How on earth did you think that I was referring to you opposing Obama.

You claimed that Obama is a luddite. You then claim a luddite " opposes the changes or outright elimination in existing, status quo industries"

So again, please show me in your posted quote where Obama OPPOSES anything.

7547   Done!   2011 Jun 15, 9:30am  

OH there Nomograph goes attacking another asshole...


7548   Done!   2011 Jun 15, 9:40am  

Where doesn't it say I can't expect anything? I'm entitled to anything I think will benefit me.

All I got to do is bust my ass and go get it. But entitled is one of those words that if you use it, like it's a bad word that will rabble the crowd. Then you're definitely part of the problem.

People on the receiving end of the Dole aren't the problem, unless they are committing fraud. The problem is the people that further layer the system that keeps people on the dole.

7549   Bap33   2011 Jun 15, 9:48am  

Since a corporation is owned by investors, and investors gain money when a corp does well, why would profits be a bad thing?

When the porfit shareing model was in full swing, the public sector could not afford the great people working for profit. Today the public sector is where the gravey is due to profit demonization.

The sucking sound is your tax dollars headed to the local school admin dept.

Welfare and a few other progressive/liberal/leftist brainchildren have ruined America. Not a boogyman named Reagan.

7550   FortWayne   2011 Jun 15, 10:33am  

no its just a proof that our government is a colossal failure.

7551   EBGuy   2011 Jun 15, 11:19am  

Don't worry, prepaid debit cards used for government benefits are exempt from the new law. Where there's a will:
Last year, 10 state treasurers successfully prodded lawmakers to shield prepaid debit cards from part of the Dodd-Frank financial-overhaul law that limits so-called "swipe fees" charged to retailers. Prepaid debit cards also are exempt from a 2009 law that outlawed fees for infrequent card use. In addition, most of those cards aren't subject to Federal Reserve rules requiring debit-card users to agree before banks can charge them for overdrawing the balance in their account.

Richard Davis, U.S. Bancorp's chairman, president and chief executive, said last month that prepaid debit cards and other products will help the company recover roughly half of the revenue likely to be lost from swipe-fee rules being written by regulators. The banking industry is lobbying to repeal or delay the rules.

7552   marcus   2011 Jun 15, 12:32pm  

Bap33 says

Today the public sector is where the gravey is due to profit demonization.

It only appears to be gravy relatively speaking because everyone else has it so tough. You didn't hear people claiming that 15 years ago, or 5years ago for that matter. But now that we're in a depression, and the economy hasn't grown as scheduled, the states are broke, and the government employees are the problem?

Care to elaborate. I don't understand this (at all):

Bap33 says

When the porfit shareing model was in full swing, the public sector could not afford the great people working for profit. Today the public sector is where the gravey is due to profit demonization.

tatupu70 says

All the money ends up at the top at the end of the game.

And we now have money and corporations influencing politics in an unprecedented way, with a sort of feeback loop, where it's very hard to see this not going further in this direction. If it gets to where the propaganda is insufficient, there is plenty of money to blitz the ignorant with the message they need to blitz them with. Fox news and talk radio is only the beginning.

If the quiet majority doesn't stand up fairly soon, it's over.

7553   marcus   2011 Jun 15, 12:38pm  

Actually, I don't know that there is a quiet majority that really understands what's happening. But I think that there are a lot of intelligent people who know that we should have single payer health care (maybe with supplemental or alternative options ), and people who question our governments priorities.

As I and others have said, the only hope is limiting campaign contributions and limiting lobbying money to where politicians actually represent the peoples best interests.

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