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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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77783   Dan8267   2016 Dec 6, 10:27pm  

I suspect that the alt right brand is going to suffer the same degradation from misuse, both accidental and deliberate, as all other political brands have. The word feminist was poisoned in the 1970s by misandrists who had nothing to do with the real fight for equal rights in the early 20th century. Liberalism is under constant attack by people trying to poison that word by associating it with leftist ideology and political correctness that are the polar opposite of liberalism. Black lives matter originally meant that we must stop the killing of innocent, nonthreatening blacks simply because there is no concern for those lives. It was deliberately misconstrued by racists as saying "only black lives matter", which is such a gross misinterpretation that it must be deliberate. And then black thugs used the term as an excuse to riot, putting the nail in its coffin.

The problem with political and social terms is that their coiners must aggressively defend these terms from misuse or they become nothing more than meaningless and inconsistent labels. The founders of movements need to own their self-coined terms and put their definitions in writing on an official platform that is specific, explicit, and clear so that it cannot be hijacked by other parties. Vagueness invites misconstruing.

77784   anonymous   2016 Dec 6, 10:48pm  


A derivative of the English adjective normal, the term normie first came into colloquial usage in the context of mental health-related discussions sometime in the mid-to-late 1990s, with its earliest known mention dating back to April 1996 on the personal website of James L.

77785   justme   2016 Dec 6, 10:50pm  

My taste must be too refined. I have no idea who any of these people are, except Milo Y..

77786   Dan8267   2016 Dec 6, 10:58pm  

I miss the Internet being dominated by cats. There was never a problem back then.

77787   justme   2016 Dec 6, 11:22pm  

I think people should stop blaming Emacs for Trump winning.

(Escape Meta ALT Control Shift)

77788   justme   2016 Dec 6, 11:32pm  

I wonder if the alt-right will manage to do the impossible: To reverse 40 years of "liberal" being made a dirty word by the right-wingers.

77789   justme   2016 Dec 7, 12:31am  

I find this whole explanation of the "alt-right" quite interesting. There is definitely a truth that the alt-right contain many people who care about FREEDOM, and therefore are LIBERAL.

Now, whether electing Trump to get said freedom is going to work, is another story entirely.

77790   Y   2016 Dec 7, 7:51am  

I love laci green...

77791   _   2016 Dec 7, 1:16pm  

S&P 500: All-time High
Dow: All-time High
Russell 2000: All-time High
MidCap 400: All-time High

77792   anonymous   2016 Dec 7, 1:40pm  

Ironworker says

But no new money should enter the market now.

it did today...

77793   _   2016 Dec 7, 1:42pm  

"The Demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots"
~ H. L. Mencken


77794   anonymous   2016 Dec 7, 1:45pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

d nobody will ever bring back those horrible loans ever again.

you sure?

77795   _   2016 Dec 7, 1:59pm  

SubOink says

you sure?

100% positive, banned from legal protection, you would need congressional approval to take that off

77796   lostand confused   2016 Dec 7, 8:09pm  

zzyzzx says

Wisconsin's recount, which started last week, has increased Trump's margin of victory over Clinton thus far.


77797   Ceffer   2016 Dec 7, 11:18pm  

All that botox means Melanoma can barely get suction on Trumpligula's micro penis. How the heck is she going to impress anybody with that?

Nancy Reagan was one of a kind and her greatness will never be equaled.

77798   anonymous   2016 Dec 8, 10:12am  

well thats good haha...

77799   anonymous   2016 Dec 8, 10:13am  

Logan Mohtashami says

"The Demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots"

~ H. L. Mencken


I think people like Peter Schiff are not lying - I think they believe their own BS

77800   _   2016 Dec 8, 10:16am  

SubOink says

- I think they believe their own BS

SubOink says

untrue to men he knows to be idiots"

77801   anonymous   2016 Dec 8, 11:09am  


Logan, you think the 30 year bond bull market is done?

77802   mell   2016 Dec 8, 11:16am  

SubOink says

I think people like Peter Schiff are not lying - I think they believe their own BS

Nobody is right all the time, but the general inflation/stagflation thesis is holding. You don't have to be an extreme gold bug or market bear, but wrt inflation Schiff is mostly right (not so much on it's direct implication on gold or the dollar, esp. relative to other countries and wrt timeline). Why do you think Trump won the election? If everybody would be doing as dandy as the market in nominal terms Trump would not have had a chance at all. Reality is inflation has been raging in healthcare, housing, education/childcare, essential and local items. The printed money goes selectively into the most crony sectors.

77803   RWSGFY   2016 Dec 8, 11:33am  

Come on, people, don't be shy: there is still time....

77804   mell   2016 Dec 8, 11:47am  

Straw Man says

Come on, people, don't be shy: there is still time....

Heh ok. Volatile 2017 (as opposed to 2016), good for traders, but no downturn, more flattish, maybe slightly down. I thought 2016 would be flat to down and it was flat until it made new highs recently - thanks to the Trump effect. Market super resilient.

77805   _   2016 Dec 8, 12:07pm  

SubOink says

Logan, you think the 30 year bond bull market is done?

This is a very complex discussion but for now... bond rally 1.31% 10 year lows, would need a world event to bring it down under 1%

In my predictions articles I have talked about 1.60% - 3% channel and that 1.60% level is the key to everything in the bond market

As much as everyone makes a huff about this bond market sell off.. I tell people this

Lower lows and lower highs in this cycle haven't been breached yet, once we close over 2.50% and get next day follow through you got something legit, bigger sell off in 2013 and in 2015 ...

So much to talk about but to break under 1.60%

European event... 2012, Spain default fear trade $ and Brexit, both times were short lived

77806   anonymous   2016 Dec 8, 1:27pm  

Thanks Logan

77807   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 8, 5:23pm  

REVEALED: Michigan Recount Uncovers Serious Voter Fraud in Detroit- VOTES COUNTED UP TO 6 TIMES

Once they started the Michigan recount in earnest, and knowing he would be exposed, the Detroit City Clerk Daniel Baxter all of a sudden started claiming that the optical scanners which read the paper ballots did not work the day of the election. Baxter blamed the discrepancies on decade-old voting machines. That is his cover story. Nothing like this was mentioned until he realized their voting fraud scheme would be detected.

Baxter’s claim is that, when trying to push the ballots through the readers, the ballots would be stuck and they’d have to push them through again thus ‘ACCIDENTALLY’ resulting in a double count. He says the poll workers sometimes ‘FORGET’ to adjust the machine count and instead let the ballot count twice.

Of course, that’s COMPLETELY BULLSHIT.

In one Detroit Precinct, a recount team was given a box of ballots with an unbroken seal where everything appeared proper and in place. The tag on the box said there were 306 ballots. The book said 306, and the ticket said 306, so that means there should be 306 paper ballots on the box. When they pulled out the ballots, there were exactly FIFTY paper ballots in a locked sealed box that again was supposed to have 306. The official canvasser approved count for this precinct was 306. For FIFTY ballots.

It looks like Detroit counts each vote more than SIX TIMES! No wonder they get such high turnout rates!


77808   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Dec 8, 5:52pm  

Black democrat politicians commit fraud? Surely you jest!

77809   Gary Anderson   2016 Dec 8, 7:58pm  

Hey Logan the guy in the picture, standing next to you, I know who he is but I am old and forgot his name. He proved that the housing bubble was premeditated. And I wrote this about that: http://www.talkmarkets.com/content/us-markets/fed-premeditated-mispricing-of-risk-in-housing-oil-junk-bonds-and-other-markets?post=81636&uid=4798

77810   _   2016 Dec 8, 9:13pm  

Gary Anderson says

I know who he is but I am old and forgot his name.

Benjamin Bowler?

77811   curious2   2016 Dec 8, 9:43pm  

Anyone whom the House Republicans would elect would be worse.

77812   AllTruth   2016 Dec 8, 10:28pm  

See my other threads as to why I think Trump will be disastrous, unfortunately, now.

But I fear that if anything like electoral college revolt and election of anyone other than Trump happens, we'll have a full-on civil war (the real type).

77813   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Dec 8, 10:34pm  

there's also a possibility that a meteor will also hit the planet and kill everyone as well.

why not take that into consideration.

77814   justme   2016 Dec 8, 11:48pm  

Is it the current congress or the new congress that gets to decide if Trump fails to get the 271 needed votes?

77815   curious2   2016 Dec 9, 1:08am  

justme says

Is it the current congress or the new congress that gets to decide if Trump fails to get the 271 needed votes?

New but they're both Republican, and this effort is driven by the bipartisan Petrodollar establishments. Notice they never complain about Pence. They want to keep the Pence/Blackwell transition going, but replace the President-elect with someone who will continue GOP business as usual, including escalating wars on behalf of their MIC and Saudi sponsors and importing Sunni Islam into NATO.

Paul Ryan isn't going to elect Bernie Sanders. The GOP House would auction to the highest bidding Koch's choice, a reliable continuation of everything that voters rejected.

Democrats created this fiasco in 2010 by enacting Obamneycare instead of electoral reform, thus throwing the House and eventually the Senate to the Republicans. Following the 2000 election debacle, one might have expected "the party of the people" to enforce the 14th&15th Amendments, but no, they had become "the party of the insurance companies" (quoting Representative Dennis Kucinich, D-OH) and once they got elected the Chicago Democrats saw no need for electoral reform. Thus we continue to have paperless electronic ballots, policies that prevent voters from voting, etc. There was a chance to address those in 2009-11, but it didn't happen, and now here we are.

77816   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 9, 1:09am  


Voter ID law approved in Michigan House

Lansing — Michigan’s Republican-led House on Wednesday night approved a strict voter identification proposal over strenuous objections from Democrats who argued the plan could disenfranchise properly registered voters.

Michigan voters without photo identification could still cast a provisional ballot under the controversial legislation, but they would have to bring an ID to their local clerk’s office within 10 days of an election in order for their vote to count.

The legislation seeks to “protect the integrity of every single Michigan citizen’s vote, because every vote is diluted if fraudulent votes are cast,” said Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland.

Current state law allows registered voters to cast a ballot without photo identification if they sign an affidavit affirming their identity under threat of perjury, an option 18,388 residents used in the Nov. 8 election, according to the Michigan Secretary of State.

Nearly half of those voters were in Wayne County, including 5,834 in Detroit.

“This legislation is simple: In order to have your vote count, you must prove you are who you say you are,” she said, suggesting the voters could lie on an affidavit.

The proposal will help “deter and detect fraud, however widespread it may or may not be,” Lyons continued.

It's all Jill Stein's fault!!!

77817   bob2356   2016 Dec 9, 2:14am  

curious2 says

Democrats created this fiasco in 2010 by enacting Obamneycare instead of electoral reform,

Bullshit. Citizens united decision created this fiasco. Spending by 501's went from 3% of election spending to 48% after citizen's united. Of that spending 90%+ went to support conservative/libertarian candidates.

Within weeks of the Jan 2010 citizens united decision Ed Gillespie (RNC) and Karl Rove sat down and drew out a map of every district in the country with an analysis of every congressional and state candidate. They then laid out a plan to capture as many seats a possible, especially state seats since 2011 would be a redistricting year. They called it REDMAP (REdistricting Majority Project). The koch donor network funnelled over 30 million into the Republican State Leadership Committee to fund the running of project. Not the campaign funding, just the administration. They targeted moderate republicans as well as democrats. The project was very successful, especially in the swing states like NC.

In NC the Pope family (Variety Wholesalers) poured huge amounts into the NC state races through dozens of 501's. Over 75% of the "independent" spending in NC in 2010 came from Pope family funding. Tax deductible BTW. REDMAP targeted 22 democratic held districts in NC and won 18. NC legislature went republican in both houses for the first time since 1870. Very creative redistricting followed resulting in NC going from 7/6 D to 9/4 R in congress in 2012. Many other states had similar results. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/10/10/state-for-sale

77818   Shaman   2016 Dec 9, 4:02am  

Are we forgetting that this time all the big money went to Hillary who outspent Trump something like 8 to one and still lost?
I'll otherwise agree that 1)losing the electoral college vote is possible if very unlikely, 2)faithless electors in those numbers would ruin our Republic, 3)civil war II is possible in that event. It would be a straight up hijacking of our government by the elitists, more of a coup than an election.
That one faithless elector in Texas is a publicity whore asshat. I read his twitter stream. Self-aggrandizement all over the place and he's a total nobody. I hope he gets what's coming to him. I wouldn't approve of his actions if Hillary Had the Texas vote and he decided not to cast his vote for her. Rules are rules, he signed a pledge, that's a promise, and civilization itself relies on promises kept. So FUCK that guy!
I think the grand majority of Americans are with me on this one.

77819   AllTruth   2016 Dec 9, 4:40am  

After thinking about this, I can now see how liberals AND neocons could justify (in their minds) mounting a serious effort towards getting the electoral college to deny Trump the 270 electoral college votes required to be elected president...

...even if it means a complete and total national crisis (and maybe some form of civil conflict).

77820   smaulgld   2016 Dec 9, 5:10am  

AllTruth says

I can now see how liberals AND neocons could justify (in their minds)

if Trump picks Romney as Sec of State, that possibility fades

77821   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Dec 9, 5:48am  

zzyzzx says


Voter ID law approved in Michigan House

Lansing — Michigan’s Republican-led House on Wednesday night approved a strict voter identification proposal over strenuous objections from Democrats who argued the plan could disenfranchise properly registered voters.

Michigan voters without photo identification could still cast a provisional ballot under the controversial legislation, but they would have to bring an ID to their local clerk’s office within 10 days of an election in order for their vote to count.

The legislation seeks to “protect the integrity of every single Michigan citizen’s vote, because every vote is diluted if fraudulent votes are cast,” said Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland.

Current state law all...

Racist Michigan legislators! Why they tryin to hold the black man down?

77822   BayArea   2016 Dec 9, 6:30am  

you sir are spot on much of the time. But you wasted a post starting this one

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