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And very bad news for the average American citizen.
Just the 49% ( Obama voters) who don't have money in the market.
Just like you, not having money going into your 401K, because of being unemployed. It must suck to be you.
That said YOU did NOT vote for Obama! lol!
Al Gore and the GW scientists predicted that ALL of the ice would be gone by now.
That's what I figured. Every quote I've seen from Gore says the ice cap MAY be gone in 10 years.
According to the Libtards they are the new Teabaggers, let's be sure to give that back to them folks.
Libtard Tea.
Every quote?
Every quote I've seen. Not saying I've seen every written word quoted by Gore..
That's why I asked your source.
Punch Utility Workers in the face.
Where are people getting these ideas? Certainly not in the Media & Entertai--- oh.
>>You can’t impeach a president because you don’t like him. It doesn’t work that way.
Did you tell that to Newt Gingrich when he pushed to impeach Bill Clinton for any reason he could find? Are you self-aware enough to understamnd that you have a gigantic double standard?
Bowie didn't want a Grammy for that album, that was his morning his end. His album was a Greek tragedy not a Pop hit.
An Oscar would be more appropriate than a Grammy nomination.
Sorry, Maxine. You can’t impeach a president because you don’t like him.
Shes a joke and a corrupt thief. She has a beholden voting block comprised of blacks and really really really(I can't emphasize this enough) stupid white liberals in the once conservative bastion of the South Bay cities like Manhattan Beach.
The white liberal imbeciles in that district are so incredibly stupid that they voted for a corrupt piece of shit candidate for state FUCKING ASSEMBLY WHOM THE DEMOCRATS SPENT 3 FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS ON along with COUNTLESS millions spent by soft money that resulted in a slurry of ads that ran oh ABOUT 3 PER FUCKING COMMERCIAL BREAK FOR MONTHS ON END.
Anyway, thats how unbelievable stupid the white liberals in South Bay are. The blacks in Inglewood at least get money spent in their district after Maxine Waters wipes the cum and semen off her face. The inconceivably feebleminded white demofucks in the district get jack shit.
Lord help Al Murastsuchi should I ever come across him in public. I will unleash a verbal embarassment on him to the ends of the earth in front of his children and wife. I have no doubt he will go to hell one day for the lying rat bastard he is, but I'd love to make his time here unpleasant as well.
CA is heavily over populated. 2h commute for 30 miles in Los Angeles.
lets just leave it at that.
So he is a scammer?
Is it a binary choice? One is either a climate scientist or a scammer?
"No. He is a scammer."
I guess that makes you a scammer too.
"Anyone that subscribes to a scientific theory that calls anyone that disagrees with said theory a denier who should be throttled is more a religious nut than a person that believes in the back and forth debate of science. Are you a true believer or a denier? If it were science, it would NOT be a binary question"
Great--so what would you call someone who doesn't agree with the theory of gravity?
"Gravty is a law. Global warming is theory. I thought yiu said you were educated?"
Actually gravity is both a theory and a law.
I thought you said you "know science"
Global warming is theory.
Global warming is a fact. Global warming from human activities is a theory. I thought you said you "know science".
Who do these idiot actors think they are? They are just making next republican presidents easier to elect! What a discrace. And all these stupid award shows really shows you the liberbubble they are all in! Don't even like hearing about the awards shows anymore because of what they have made it
Tow that sucker to an American port. We can get rid of ice makers.
Hashtag politics... lol ... that says it all. When observable reality itself is political.
Blame it on SUMMER & FMTT!
Reminds me of the shrinkage of the human brain.
The Human Race must start on a multicountry R&D and implementation plan for stopping global man made emissions.
This includes, but not limited to:
- Development of nanoscale/micro/microscale Hydrogen extraction technologies, small scale solar or efficient electrolysis.
- Advanced molecular sieves for hydrogen filtering/separation.
- Spectrally selective micro particles that are ecologically compatible with upper atmosphere, sea-life, and land life, preferably a carbon based non toxic photonic material.
- Compact safe Nuclear power and others
- Thin and flexible solar, thermosolar, scalable to acre solar sheets. Cells should have conductive posts to jumper damaged tiles within the acre sized sheets.
- Advanced waste heat reclamation
- Others
The US spend $700B on military and $850B annually on legal costs. Its completely reasonable, no mandatory that we should be ashamed and take great notice of the Malinvestements that the US is making.
Suggest immediate planning of R&D in all these, areas, 10% of scientists working on DOD can consult, and Lawyers would be fine if they capped their hourly rate to $325/hour given the flux (pun intended) the world is under.
Some of you true believers would want to jail me or worse just for questioning the religion.
Histrionics much?
That's a graphic you idiot!
I'm sure the Myans and Incas had wonderful charts too, to get everyone to go with random communal sacrifices to appease the global warming gods.
Global warming is an ongoing event that has been happening since the 50's right? So well there may be small dips and rises, the overall trend should be melting? If that's true, then why is every news story from 2014 about ice at RECORD levels. I small increase I could see, but RECORD!?
Get serious, you're just a bunch of wankers who want to cry about shit you can't fix, rather than do anything to make your world cleaner.
Obama told Putin "Wait until I'm elected I will have more flexibility"
So fuck off!
There you go Bass--you've finally got the company spin right.
But, but, but Obama!!
But, but, but Clinton!!
The Human Race must start on a multicountry R&D and implementation plan for stopping global man made emissions.
This includes, but not limited to:
- Development of nanoscale/micro/microscale Hydrogen extraction technologies, small scale solar or efficient electrolysis.
- Advanced molecular sieves for hydrogen filtering/separation.
- Spectrally selective micro particles that are ecologically compatible with upper atmosphere, sea-life, and land life, preferably a carbon based non toxic photonic material.
- Compact safe Nuclear power and others
- Thin and flexible solar, thermosolar, scalable to acre solar sheets. Cells should have conductive posts to jumper damaged tiles within the acre sized sheets.
- Advanced waste heat reclamation
- OthersThe US spend $700B on military and $850B annually on legal costs. Its completely reasonable, no mandatory that we sh...
We need to stop paying people to make babies and fine them instead.
We got Flynn. Now we are after Trump who has sold this country to the Russians. Traitors will be dealt with
I agree. Hillary getting Millions for arranging that 20% of Uranium could be sold to Russia was an act of treason.
So was hiding the 911 Commission Report section of Saudi Arabia.
So was visa-express for Saudi Nationals which meant they arrived with no interview given by US Embassy personnel beforehand.
How does this compare to previous middle of the summer ice sheets?
If the ice sheet is gone, how come sea levels aren't noticeably higher?
Are you going to blame this on the faulty dam in CA as well?
But, but, but Clinton!!!
Nevermind our candidates misdeeds!!! TRRRRUMP is Hitler and in the Pay of Putin who is like Stalin!!!
But,But,But Democratic & Republican voters.
href="/post/1302972&c=1380696#comment-1380696">Ironman says
You don't know how to use Google?
Google knows how to use "US".
"Nevermind our candidates misdeeds!!! TRRRRUMP is Hitler and in the Pay of Putin who is like Stalin!!!"
No, by all means. Let's not worry about what the current President is doing. Let's continue to focus on what happened years ago.
Let's pretend that it's OK that Trump is just as bad as Clinton even though you guys had 5 threads a day about how bad Clinton is. Now it's OK since it's Trump.
Can you provide links instead of just throwing punches in the air.
If you're Ignorant then you know not what of you speak. If you're intentionally stupid then you know not what of you speak.
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When President Obama met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Seoul on March, 26, a live microphone picked up whispered conversation in which Obama told Medvedev to tell Putin that Obama would "have more flexibility" after his re-election. (AP File Photo) ( - President Obama was running for re-election in March 2012, when a live microphone picked up his whispered conversation with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but its important for him to give me space.
U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in a bilateral meeting before they both attend the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit later today in Seoul, South Korea, March 26, 2012.
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