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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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81028   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 16, 2:17pm  

Ironman says

If ducky really wants to make a anti-Trump point, he should post Fox News links.

81029   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 16, 2:21pm  

Heres Your Card says

Ironman says

If ducky really wants to make a anti-Trump point, he should post Fox News links. Duckface Fuckface Lying Libby Pedophile has to use quotes that are pro-Trump otherwise he has to admit he's RIGGED EVERYTHING!! RIGGED EVERYTHING!! Admit it Duckface Fuckface Lying Libby Pedophile!! I demand that you admit it!!!!!!!!

81030   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 16, 2:25pm  

YesYNot says

The interesting thing is that this fake 'fake news' topic isn't completely off topic, because it highlights the very problem with the Trump administration.

81031   Rew   2017 Feb 16, 5:02pm  

Ironman says

So which is it, do they work for the "red, white, and blue", or just for the "blue" (team)?

You can't have it both ways to suit your narrative (today).

I think you wrongly assume going against Trump, de-facto, makes you part of the blue team. A good civil servant will not only support whatever factions and agendas are put forward by their leadership, they will also challenge it where they believe they need to, and in some circumstances they may be insubordinate and attempt to sabotage an agenda they believe is a threat to America.

The CIA and FBI aren't a bunch of "yes" men. Blind allegiance isn't what our Democracy values.

81032   indigenous   2017 Feb 16, 6:24pm  

Test to see how my civil service is.

81033   indigenous   2017 Feb 16, 6:24pm  

100% does that mean I can get a job working for the government?

81034   Patrick   2017 Feb 16, 6:31pm  

Are you trying to say that a thing and its opposite cannot simultaneously be true?

That's patriarchal logic!

81035   indigenous   2017 Feb 16, 6:50pm  

Go fuck yourself Wogster.

81036   Y   2017 Feb 16, 6:55pm  

In the dome one has more cred the lower the score.

81037   Y   2017 Feb 16, 6:56pm  

Shit I just lost some cred by posting

81038   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Feb 16, 7:23pm  

From Politico:

But according to an individual familiar with Harward's thinking, the former Navy SEAL who served on the National Security Council under President George W. Bush turned down the Trump offer because he did not receive sufficient assurances about staffing and autonomy. Specifically, the source said Harward wanted commitments that the National Security Council would be fully in charge of security matters, not Trump's political advisers.


81039   Y   2017 Feb 16, 7:30pm  

It's patently obvious Blurt man has dominated and won this exchange going away...

81040   anonymous   2017 Feb 16, 7:49pm  

Trump's platform emphasizes renegotiating U.S.–China relations and free trade agreements such as NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, strongly enforcing immigration laws, and building a new wall along the U.S.–Mexico border. His other positions include pursuing energy independence while opposing climate change regulations such as the Clean Power Plan and the Paris Agreement, modernizing and expediting services for veterans, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, abolishing Common Core education standards, investing in infrastructure, simplifying the tax code while reducing taxes for all economic classes, and imposing tariffs on imports by companies offshoring jobs. He advocates a largely non-interventionist approach to foreign policy while increasing military spending, "extreme vetting" of immigrants from Muslim-majority countries to preempt domestic Islamic terrorism, and aggressive military action against ISIS. His positions have been described by scholars and commentators as populist, protectionist, and nationalist.

81041   anonymous   2017 Feb 16, 7:50pm  

Trump's platform emphasizes renegotiating U.S.–China relations and free trade agreements such as NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, strongly enforcing immigration laws, and building a new wall along the U.S.–Mexico border. His other positions include pursuing energy independence while opposing climate change regulations such as the Clean Power Plan and the Paris Agreement, modernizing and expediting services for veterans, repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, abolishing Common Core education standards, investing in infrastructure, simplifying the tax code while reducing taxes for all economic classes, and imposing tariffs on imports by companies offshoring jobs. He advocates a largely non-interventionist approach to foreign policy while increasing military spending, "extreme vetting" of immigrants from Muslim-majority countries to preempt domestic Islamic terrorism, and aggressive military action against ISIS. His positions have been described by scholars and commentators as populist, protectionist, and nationalist.

81044   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Feb 16, 9:23pm  

CBS...a story that goes straight to the toilet

81045   Rew   2017 Feb 16, 10:26pm  

Ironman says

bad choice to use as an example. You'll have to do better.

I see. The goal posts ever shifting. So now not only must be a right wing news outlet, it must be the 'right type of person' too? When you decide on hair color and favorite sport the media person has to have to be credible, let me know.

My impression is the only "source" you would listen to is one you agree with.

81046   OneTwo   2017 Feb 16, 11:45pm  

Trump's verbal diarrhoea over one state/two state was probably even worse than this latest debacle.

81047   OneTwo   2017 Feb 17, 12:17am  

Heavily used alts... Didn't his wife post very occasionally?

81048   bob2356   2017 Feb 17, 12:28am  

Rew says

My impression is the only "source" you would listen to is one you agree with.

You are just figuring this out now? A little slow on the uptake.

81049   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 17, 12:43am  

Rashomon says

Trump's verbal diarrhoea over one state/two state was probably even worse than this latest debacle.

Time for the two state solution is now passing. The Palestinians had been made several good offers in the past 20 years, but each time they walked away and doubled down on terrorism instead of a making counter-offer. The world never penalized the Palestinians for walking away from the table.

There is probably one chance, but to succeed there has to be aid cuts, travel bans of Fatah and Hamas members, and other sanctions for refusing to negotiate. Not just the usual "Blame Israelis."

Only a slim majority of Palestinians and Israelites want it. And increasingly, a large number of Americans don't want it, almost a plurality now. One of the big problems is that when Palestinians hear "Two-State Solution" they think not just ALL the pre-1967 border, but additional lands reducing Israel to basically a strip on the Coast.

81050   OneTwo   2017 Feb 17, 1:00am  

It's an extraordinarily complex issue with huge regional ramifications and doesn't warrant the blathering and ill-informed comments produced by Trump:

“I’m looking at two-state and one-state and I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like...”
“I can live with either one. I thought for a while it looked like the two-state might be the easier of the two – but honestly if Bibi, if Israel and the Palestinians are happy, I’m happy with the one they like the best...”

Does he even know what one state potentially means? His spiel isn't funny anymore, if it ever was.

81051   bob2356   2017 Feb 17, 1:58am  

Quigley says

There's no volcano recently, so this colder winter must be the result of a different phenomenon.

What colder than normal winter? Winter has been pretty mild around me. Jan was 11 degrees above normal and Feb is 6 degrees above normal so far. Ice thickness is pretty poor. There have been a bunch of people through this season.

81052   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 17, 2:40am  

YesYNot says

But according to an individual familiar with Harward's thinking, the former Navy SEAL who served on the National Security Council under President George W. Bush turned down the Trump offer because he did not receive sufficient assurances about staffing and autonomy. Specifically, the source said Harward wanted commitments that the National Security Council would be fully in charge of security matters, not Trump's political advisers.

Who is this guy? Can I talk to him? Oh, another anonymous source. "Familiar with Harward's thinking" = somebody from another administration who worked with him occasionally.

I can't possibly imagine why Harward wouldn't want to put themselves through the smear jobbing each cabinet nomination has gotten. He'd be called an anti-semite, accused of being in the pay of Iran because he lived there under the Shah as a Kid, or just in the pay of Putin and having Russian connections as usual. etc. etc.

81053   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 17, 2:43am  

Rashomon says

blathering and ill-informed comments produced by Trump:

“I’m looking at two-state and one-state and I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like...”

“I can live with either one. I thought for a while it looked like the two-state might be the easier of the two – but honestly if Bibi, if Israel and the Palestinians are happy, I’m happy with the one they like the best...”

Does he even know what one state potentially means? His spiel isn't funny anymore, if it ever was.

Lead if Obama said it: "President wisely insists on broad, multi-lateral agreement on any solution adopted between Israel and Palestine. Nobel Peace Prize winner leaves door open for any kind of agreement."

81054   lostand confused   2017 Feb 17, 5:45am  

it looks like the lefties are doubling down on their election strategy-good. Don't change, don't try to understand-double and triple down-very, very good. They used to say Obama was the master of 8th dimension chess.Hahahaha!!

81055   MrEd   2017 Feb 17, 6:12am  

She did until she came across his misogynist threads, then she stopped mysteriously...

Rashomon says

Heavily used alts... Didn't his wife post very occasionally?

81056   OneTwo   2017 Feb 17, 7:29am  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

Lead if Obama said it: "President wisely insists on broad, multi-lateral agreement on any solution adopted between Israel and Palestine. Nobel Peace Prize winner leaves door open for any kind of agreement."

Utter nonsense. If Obama had done what Trump did, then he too would have been lambasted. Unfortunately for you, Obama was actually able to grasp the details and handle himself in front of the press.

81057   deepcgi   2017 Feb 17, 8:16am  

The Political Climate Crew spend their time trying to implement Carbon Credits and Tax Penalties. They have zero interest in practical solutions for warming. They also deliberately fudge numbers to create alarming headlines aimed at effecting strategic international events which push for taxing powerful carbon dioxide creators. Al Gore went all-in with his personal investments a decade ago on the carbon credit scheme.

I cannot possibly count the number of sensational headlines showing why we should freak-out and pay taxes because of retreating ice at Glacier Bay.

Unfortunately for the political crowd, we know precisely where the glaciers were in the early 1700's. Heavy glacial retreat was underway by 1750. They intentionally ignore how the trend began in Glacier Bay more than 150 years before the industrial revolution. This is because the truth would damage the plan for Carbon Taxation.

81058   deepcgi   2017 Feb 17, 8:27am  

Here's a photo I have enjoyed on days when arctic ice retreat bs was ten miles thick.

The USS Skate surfaced at the ice free North Pole on March 17th 1959.

Now can we get back to what really matters. Let's get Kris Kringle back above sea level before no one even celebrates Christmas anymore!

81059   FortWayne   2017 Feb 17, 8:40am  

Liberals who hate America sure love to hate Trump for his patriotism.

81060   indigenous   2017 Feb 17, 9:15am  

This article is apt to this thread.

Obama endorsing subversion even mayor Garcetti endorses this BS, an army of unwitting zombies.


81061   Entitlemented   2017 Feb 17, 9:42am  

How was relationships with Russia in 2009?

How was relationships with China in 2009?

How many islands (Rock outcroppings) had occurred in 2009?

How many rapes and mass murders in EU by terrorist in 2009?

How big was Boka Harrum kidnappings going on in 2009?

How many dictators in the Middle East were on their back foot in 2009?

How many Dictators had we given open support to in 2009?

Leaving out these global and known facts that this mess has been created but must be fixed by another makes this thread a fallacious thread.

81062   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 17, 9:44am  

Rashomon says

Utter nonsense. If Obama had done what Trump did, then he too would have been lambasted. Unfortunately for you, Obama was actually able to grasp the details and handle himself in front of the press.

Ah, incompetent now. No more Hitler? Or is it Incompetent anti-semitic misogynist Hitler Russian-Puppet?

How did Obama's insistence that Bibi stop settlements for months - which he did beyond the period Obama requested - help the Peace Process? What was the result?

Then, as a parting gesture, against the platform of BOTH Dem and Rep parties, in the last days of his office, colluded with the Palestinians not to veto a one-sided anti-Israel UN resolution for the first time in 50 years. The media covered this huge Norm Violation only superficially.

Trump could say "Freshly cut grass smells nice" and the media would make a smear out of it.

81063   Entitlemented   2017 Feb 17, 9:51am  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

Obama was actually able to grasp the details and handle himself in front of the press.

This is 180 degree wrong. The press giving a break to every sin of Obama willfully sat by while our Military is smaller than it was 50 years ago, all the incursions by ISIS into every continent, China and their takeover of altols and projection of military might.

The press and Obama believed their false rhetoric just as they believed the rhetoric the press created that "Hillary has this by 3-8 points" - "shes picking out drapes". Same false observations and collusion with traitors, the press, and the president, and the democrats. These 3 put the US National Security in worse shape that it was in the Cold War.

Obama had no foreign policy - none whatsoever (save for dozens of drone strikes, and getting OBL when he had coordinates).

81064   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 17, 10:51am  

Look on the bright side Folks.

Imagine the alternate reality where this was a Jeb! press conference.

Better than Ambien.

81065   marcus   2017 Feb 17, 11:30am  

Quigley says

talked sense to working people

Is that what they're now calling what Trump did to get the Presidency ?

81066   indigenous   2017 Feb 17, 11:34am  

marcus says

Is that what they're now calling what Trump did to get the Presidency ?

You bet

81067   indigenous   2017 Feb 17, 11:35am  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

Imagine the alternate reality where this was a Jeb! press conference.

Not to mention a continuation of the 4th branch of government, and of all things insidious.

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