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Which is patently false. But Mozilo (stupidly) believed it:How is it false? Default rates amongst so-called "prime" borrowers are now higher than "sub-prime". Clearly the way that we judge credit worthiness is very flawed. There was supposed to be only a 5% default rate for people with credit scores above 750, but in housing we're seeing numbers nearly 4x that. But what do you expect? A guy making $20k a year can still have an 800 FICO, but that doesn't mean he can afford a $200k house. At the same time, I make over $150k a year and have a sub-700 FICO (I don't use credit very often). Who's more credit worthy?
On the Sidelines says
Which is patently false. But Mozilo (stupidly) believed it:How is it false? Default rates amongst so-called “prime†borrowers are now higher than “sub-primeâ€. Clearly the way that we judge credit worthiness is very flawed. There was supposed to be only a 5% default rate for people with credit scores above 750, but in housing we’re seeing numbers nearly 4x that. But what do you expect? A guy making $20k a year can still have an 800 FICO, but that doesn’t mean he can afford a $200k house. At the same time, I make over $150k a year and have a sub-700 FICO (I don’t use credit very often). Who’s more credit worthy? Obviously, the guy making $20k a year is a better credit risk. I'd loan him a million, because he pays his minimums and believes in the credit system. You, on the other hand, bad risk. You might only borrow what you can afford, pay it off early, and make the rest of (us) look bad. :)
The Enquirer is also the only reliable news source about space aliens on earth. See "Men In Black". Hell, I like to drink. No problem with that as long as no one gets hurt and work gets done. I'll probably catch some shit for this, but I think Muslims and Mormons are way too uptight and could both benefit from learning to appreciate red wine.The Enquirer broke the John Edwards story. It is the only major news source that provides credible stories on Democrats anymore.
I’d love nothing more than a two term Palin presidency, to Slap America out of stupid and the Notion that our only valid choices is either one of the two busted broken parties running around the world embarrassing me for America every chance they get.Oh please. Palin agrees with 100% of the Republican agenda. The reason that the GOP turned against her is because she became a great big joke -- a caricature of the right that drove the independents screaming in terror. Name one GOP policy that Palin isn't a supporter of. Name one of Palin's policies that isn't in full agreement with the GOP. On the other hand, a Palin presidency might convince the left leaning states that the union needs to be dissolved, which is probably the best outcome for the people at this point. Let the whackos elect whackos to run their countries and keep them out of everyone else's business.
Destined to lead. Destined for the White House. Sarah Palin is the real champion of the middle class. That is why the media attacked her. She would have prevented the puppet Obama from shovelling 2 Trillion of our money to the DOW and Wall Street.Or destined to continue on her path as national scapegoat for the republican party? time will tell.
Sarah Palin is the real champion of the middle class. That is why the media attacked her.Champion of the middle class? Where do you get your weed? Which of her stated policies and objectives supports the middle class? Her opposition to health care, her support for big oil, or her support for cutting taxes on the rich? Perhaps you think her theft of $480m in federal funds for the bridge to nowhere was helping the middle class somehow? No? How about her outright lies in claiming that she didn't want the money in the first place? Only a moron would believe that she is any different from any other Republican. Every single stance that she has ever taken has been right in line with the GOP agenda. She's pro-war, anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-stem cell, pro-gun, anti-union, pro-death penalty, pro-creationism, and a global warming denier. How is that ANY different from ANY OTHER mainstream GOP candidate? Claiming that she's "different" is intellectual dishonesty. She has the exact same agenda as every Republican leader since Nixon. By the way, "the media" didn't attack her. The left attacked her (obviously, just as the right attacks leading democratic figures), and Comedians mocked her for coming across as a complete idiot and not being able to speak coherently. The GOP doesn't like her because they think that she cost them the presidency. I don't think that's entirely fair though -- it was GOP who lost the election. The real Presidential race in 2008 was the Democratic primary.
By the way, “the media†didn’t attack her. The left attacked her (obviously, just as the right attacks leading democratic figures), and Comedians mocked her for coming across as a complete idiot and not being able to speak coherently.The media did attack her. They attack everyone, and she's no different. But she did make it easier...
he media did attack her. They attack everyone, and she’s no different. But she did make it easier…Which "media"? Other than the left (who attack every leader on the right), and Comedians, who was attacking her? Was Fox, WSJ, or any other right wing media outlet attacking her?
That stuff didn’t stop Bush now did it? Bush couldn’t tell the difference between WMD’s from Shineola, and he said New-que-lur around polite company. He was president twice.Palin's dad isn't George H.W. Bush, and turd blossom won't have anything to do with her. I'm highly skeptical that the GOP would actually allow a non-white male be their candidate any time in the next 20 years. she could run as an independent, sure, but all that would do is split the GOP vote and guarantee another 4 years for the democrats.
Remember, it is like that Star Trek episode with the “Will of Landru†and mind control cultist everywhere programmed to report on you. Keep cult members at bay, never let them persuade you to attend their “gatherings,†or enter your house or for god’s sake see your home made beer until you finish your phd and get the hell out of there… At least that is what my cousin told me… he did 3 1/2 years in Utah…I've spent most of my life here. I use the pioneer method, and do what the pioneers did. Yep, drive over the state line and buy alcohol in Vegas. :)
The “ONLY†person capable of “SAVING†this country, is going to be anything but an Republican or Democrat.I agree -- but Sarah Palin *IS* a Republican. If she runs as an independent, it will be on the EXACT SAME AGENDA as whatever asshole the GOP plops out. The same agenda that has been failing since Nixon. How is that "independent"? Real change won't happen until we kick the lobbyists out and have citizen funded elections. After that we should focus on figuring out ways to reduce or eliminate political parties, which are the real root of the problem. When you read an article that talks about how passing legislation is going to be difficult because some PAC or lobbyist is going to "fight it", you know how wrong the system is. Speaking as someone who voted for Obama purely as the better of two crappy options last November, I would absolutely love to have some viable candidates without having "Democrat" or "Republican" next to their name on the ballot. Frankly, none of the smaller political parties (Libertarians, Greens, etc.) appeal to me either. I want politicians who are able to look at a situation and make the best decision, not the decision that happens to win votes or be most consistent with arbitrary ideology. I want politicians who aren't going to waste my time and theirs grandstanding on bullshit issues like defending "the sanctity of marriage" or resolutions honoring michael jackson.
Just a quick question, how much worse could she possibly be?That's what you idiots said about GWB and look how much worse it was. I guarantee you if Al Gore was elected president in 2000, things would be a lot better now.
Just a quick question, how much worse could she possibly be?How much worse than who? She could be a lot worse than Bush, who in turn was a lot worse than Obama -- there's a LONG way you can fall. Another war or two would be awesome. That's really beside the point though -- you aren't going to "fix" politicians, so you might as well go jump off a bridge now if you think any candidate has any chance of doing that ever. Every democracy on this planet is full of dumb fucks and dipshits who waste time and money on dumb things. We put up with it because the alternative is some form of dictatorship (fascism, monarchy, empire -- take your pick), and dictatorships are entirely too unpredictable to be pleasant to live in. Democracy always has been and always will be a bunch of dumb asses elected by a bunch of other dumb asses that tries to muddle through and make society work. So far it actually works pretty well.
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