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2007 Apr 15, 5:24am   40,430 views  399 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

New math and new paradigm. How will they shape our future?

To advance, we must imagine the unthinkable and consider the impossible.

What are such unthinkable or impossible housing events? If we are creative enough, we may be able to analyze them to gain valuable insights.


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133   Peter P   2007 Apr 16, 7:13am  

I wonder if there will be a correlation between NODs and shootings in California.

No, pirates caused the housing bubble!

134   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 16, 7:15am  

Remember, just because NOD's are past historic peaks is no reason to panic, because foreclosures, while rising, are still historically low.

So buy buy buy!

135   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 16, 7:16am  

We'll see a rise in shootings when the banks try to reposess the HELOC'ed house boats from the pirates.

136   Peter P   2007 Apr 16, 7:21am  

We’ll see a rise in shootings when the banks try to reposess the HELOC’ed house boats from the pirates.

If house boats were repossessed the number of pirates will fall and global warming will continue. We must bailout the pirates!

137   cb   2007 Apr 16, 7:22am  

Named after a hit TV series from the late 1960s and early ’70s, the Mod Squad consists of experts in loan modifications — custom-crafted solutions for borrowers who no longer can afford their mortgages at current rates and terms

The Mod Squad was one of my favorite TV shows, the Mod Squad were actually felons if I remembered correctly, they were given a chance to redeem themselves by doing undercover work.

138   requiem   2007 Apr 16, 7:24am  

Arr, it's a sorry pirate that doesn't know how to bail their own bilge!

139   DinOR   2007 Apr 16, 7:24am  


Also notice that 2004 was the low point in the cycle coming in right around 50,000. As FB's and future FB's finally get to the "what went wrong?" perspective the good old days just keep getting pushed back further and further. By early '06 the "where's the party phase" it was too early to say "2005 was as good as it gets" as easy money was still front and center in their minds.

In the fullness of time they'll come to realize '05 was very definitely late in the cycle and they "should" have felt queasy when they in fact felt very confident at the time.

140   skibum   2007 Apr 16, 7:25am  

I wonder if there will be a correlation between NODs and shootings in California.

Of course, this falls under the category of baseless correlations and bad statistical analysis, but my personal observation is that indeed, crime tends to escalate when the overall economy is sour, which in turn is correlated with the local housing market.

Currently, the "renaissance" seen in a lot of cities has gone hand-in-hand with the housing boom. NYC, Boston, DC, Philly, SF, LA, all had a decrease in crime (including violent crime) more-or-less during the boom. Now that there's some fraying around the economic edges, some of these cities are beginning to see crime creep back up - I've seen stories in the news about this happening in Oakland, SF, Boston, DC, etc. Interestingly, the city that's probably holding up its RE values is the one exception - NYC. From my understanding, their crime rate remains low.

Correlation? Yes. Causation? Who knows. Then again, maybe pirates are hovering around the shores of these cities as we speak...

141   skibum   2007 Apr 16, 7:29am  

File this under, we will avoid foreclosure at any cost…


No problem. The gun control issue bores me, honestly.

RE: lenders trying to avoid foreclosure, that's a pretty well-known fact. They will try almost anything to do this, as the foreclosure process is a huge negative for their books, from return on the property, to diminishing their appeal to the secondary mortgage market that may or may not want to purchase mortgage the primary lender is trying to repackage and sell.

Funny how this is happening so soon after WF (last year, I believe) entered whole-hog into the subprime game. I wonder if they still think that was a good idea.

142   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:31am  

As part of my ongoing series, entitled "What? You Mean Foreclosures Can Happen in Good Neighborhoods in Silicon Valley?"

I bring you the following listing:

143   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:32am  

Here's the courthouse steps where you can try a bid lower than the $1m they sought...


144   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:36am  

Here's another one for you. This time in sunny Saratoga:

Only $1.2m for a six bedroom in Saratoga!!!

145   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 16, 7:37am  

Awww... but that's EAST of 101! That's like... the East Palo Alto of Burlingame! BUY! BUY NOW!

146   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:37am  

$1.2m too rich for your blood? How does the new prices of $950k sound?


147   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:38am  

Still no takers at $950k? Don't you know that they are not making any more land in Saratoga?

Ok, last chance. Let's meet on the courthouse steps on 4/30.


148   astrid   2007 Apr 16, 7:40am  

I certainly would prefer to live in a secured building in the next few years.

Perhaps I should be even more paranoid, I do work on K St.

149   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:47am  

Cupertino, anyone?

Another one seemingly headed for the auction block... (But don't they have good schools? How can this happen?)

150   skibum   2007 Apr 16, 7:48am  


RE: the Saratoga listing - I wonder if the "straw that broke the camel's back" for that FB was the hottub in the back they likely bought at Costco, probably during one of their serial refi's.

RE: the Burlingame property - SFBB is right. It's nasty there. Plus, the house is in pretty awful shape. I wonder if it was a flipper who got caught upside down in a changing (read falling) market?

Either way, both these properties show me how screwed up things are. Someone paid over $1M for each of these POS's, and they couldn't hack it. In what universe is either of those properties worth over $1m???

151   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 16, 7:49am  

PAR, my wife and I actually went to look at the saratoga place. The guy handling the listing literally would not let people in to see it if they had a realtor. I have no idea what was going on there, but it was shady to say the least.

Also, Quinto is the end of the Lawrence Expressway. My wife and I nicknamed the street "Baby Killa Avenue" because of the heavy traffic.

152   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Apr 16, 7:51am  

That cupertino one is weird, as the 2006 taxes were 1,600 bucks, saying it's been Prop 13'd for a good long while. Is that a HELOC casualty? I think it must be!

153   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:52am  

Speaking of Cupertino.... Becky Lee just got a commission from a December sale in Cupertino. A nice 3/2 on 19121 Barnhart Ave. Way to go, Becky!

I hope their kids enjoy the great schooling...

154   e   2007 Apr 16, 7:52am  

None of those http://www.recontrustco.com/ links seem to work

155   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:53am  

Uh-oh. NOD filed in March. Back to the courthouse steps for this one.


156   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:56am  

Don't like the previous 6-bedroom that I listed? Then how about this $2.3m beauty?

(Bidding starts at 11:00am sharp on 5/9. Don't be late.)

157   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 7:59am  

I guess those links are cached. Try going to the main site, click on CA properties and scroll down to the county you want...

158   e   2007 Apr 16, 8:16am  

FWIW, if you want to go back to gun control debating, you should post them at this link:


"FBI Warns of Copycat Attacks"

159   e   2007 Apr 16, 8:17am  


Just refreshed

Date Inventory
(SFH + Condo) 25th Percentile 50th Percentile
(Median) 75th Percentile
04/16/2007 5,414 $577,500 $689,900 $915,000
04/09/2007 5,161 $579,000 $689,950 $915,000
04/02/2007 5,219 $579,000 $690,000 $924,000
03/26/2007 4,985 $584,750 $695,000 $928,888

Frickin Fortress South Bay

160   PAR   2007 Apr 16, 8:23am  

Here's a funny one from the archives. "doodler" posts on patrick.net in April 2006:

doodler Says:
April 3rd, 2006 at 8:11 pm

My good friend is the listing agent for a PRIME active listing Los Altos property: 1722 Selig Lane, Los Altos. This home has been on the market for weeks with NO BITES. Oh yes that spring surge is definitely upon us.

Well, if you missed your chance back in '06, here's your second opportunity. Just meet here with cash in hand:


161   Peter P   2007 Apr 16, 8:25am  

From “FBI Warns of Copycat Attacks”

Today’s events are perfect argument for gun ownership. A conceal carry owner could’ve taken this nut job down!

Comment by Hugh Higgins

I totally agree. Banning guns will only make the innocent more vulnerable.

162   Peter P   2007 Apr 16, 8:26am  

Frickin Fortress South Bay

Inventory rising. Prices falling. What else do you want?

163   Randy H   2007 Apr 16, 8:34am  

This just in . . .

There is a glimmer of a hope that we might be able to escape South Marin. My wife and I are talking about looking at Menlo again. I hope I'm not going to wake up from this one. Now if only I could get the hell out of here before they make Hwy 1 one way through Tam Valley.

164   lunarpark   2007 Apr 16, 8:35am  

Inventory is rising fast (faster than last year at this time). My Santa Clara County YOY stats:

4/03/2006 - 3809
4/17/2006 - 3879

A difference of 70 listings.

4/02/07 - 4531
4/16/07 - 4983

A difference of 452 listings.

165   Paul189   2007 Apr 16, 8:42am  


How about the big jump in Milwaukee crime-


166   OO   2007 Apr 16, 8:52am  


the 6-bedroom is a disaster waiting to happen. I grew up in a place full of landslides every summer, so I am ultra-sensitive to landslide-prone terrain. This house was built recently with little consideration to the steep slopes at the back and I see no fortification. The occupants of this house are paying $2.3M to bear the risk of being buried alive in the next earthquake, or rain-induced landslide.

167   skibum   2007 Apr 16, 8:56am  

lunarpark and eburbed,

Not only is there a big jump in inventory and a drop in median asking price from last week, but the ablsolut total number of listings remains significantly higher than last year at this time.

168   skibum   2007 Apr 16, 8:58am  


I'm not familiar with Milwaulkee's local economy and housing market, but I'd take a guess that it's part of the Midwest economic downturn. In that case, it wouldn't surprise me that the crime stats are so bad there, even in 2006.

169   Different Sean   2007 Apr 16, 9:04am  

Peter P Says:
From “FBI Warns of Copycat Attacks”
Today’s events are perfect argument for gun ownership. A conceal carry owner could’ve taken this nut job down!
Comment by Hugh Higgins

I totally agree. Banning guns will only make the innocent more vulnerable.

This just gets nuttier and nuttier. Some of the comments on that blog are the most insane and parochial I've read anywhere on anything. Most other 'civilised' countries where guns are effectively banned don't have any problems with school massacres. When was the last time you heard about a school or college massacre in the UK? (Apart from a single one some years back that triggered even stricter gun control laws. And I would argue that was a 'copycat' of events reported from America.) Security forces, private or public, are the only people who should be allowed to carry guns, and even that is a little scary.

When guns are outlawed, they are increasingly taken out of the hands of criminals as well -- given that every time they are apprehended, they are removed from circulation. There will always be some illegal ownership, but overall there is a net reduction. Crimes involving guns (holdups, etc) have dropped 60% in Australia over the last few years, for instance. And no, they don't substitute baseball bats to intimidate 7/11 owners...

The other thing is, someone wrote (as certain Americans always do) that the Bill of Rights need no further amendments, and still does the job perfectly, even in a modern, industrialised society. I find it amazing that a document written 2 centuries ago under completely different conditions in a frontier society should be so perfect today -- in a time where attempted assassinations of a king would be met with being hung, drawn and quartered in public view, for instance, and you could be hung for stealing an item of clothing.

170   OO   2007 Apr 16, 9:04am  

For those who consider themselves innocent and vulnerable, do you carry a gun around?

I don't, and I have no intention to live in a society where everyone is obliged to carry a gun with him wherever he goes so that he can "protect" himself. Do I need to carry a gun when I go to grocery shopping? Do I need to carry a gun when I send my kid to school? Does my kid need to carry a gun to school so that he can "protect" himself? Do I need to fit out bullet-proof windows and solid rubber tires for my car to "protect" myself?

I have no idea what we as a whole lose if nobody is allowed to carry a gun, plain and simple. I grew up in a place with strict gun control, lived in a few countries with strict gun control, all of them have substantially lower crime rate than the US.

171   skibum   2007 Apr 16, 9:07am  

Back to real estate.

The spike in CA foreclosures is on the national MSM:


Even the RE lackey posing as an academic, Alan Gin, thinks there's a ways to go, although I don't see why he is so confident the Fed will cut rates at the end of this year:

"It's hard for me to say whether or not the damage is done in those areas," said economist Alan Gin of the University of San Diego's Burnham-Moores Center for Real Estate.

"It probably won't be until 2008 before we seen some improvement," Gin said, referring to California's default trend. "I anticipate the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in late 2007 and into 2008, and I expect that will help give some support to the housing market."

172   astrid   2007 Apr 16, 9:08am  

I propose a small start: let's shame the killer. Really really shame them. Killed themselves, let dogs and cats defecate on the corpse. Leave it out to rot. Do everything possible to de-glamourize the taking of another's life.

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