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Are you just learning this stuff? And the Irish were called Pattys.
These names were more about the Europeans that were here before these other groups trying to villainizes the competition. Than it was about expectations of group or race inferiority.
I mean we called Canadians, Canuck, and the only difference in them and those calling them that, was a Border.
Gee, Tenounce, I thought the Irish were called micks and tater heads.
But the real point here is that undocumented immigrants and cultural assimilation never seems to go out of style.
Undocumented Italian women were not deported mainly because of of their large, succulent breasts. Or so I’ve heard.
I don't know about Italians, but this looks reasonable. :)
Patrick, note to you: if this thread doesn't prompt you to begin to excercise some basic moderation then I think you've just basically publicly admitted that your forum has become a joke. I get the feeling that you've wanted to keep an arms length over what gets posted here and thats admirable in many ways but is it your intension that this site become a joke, where jerks post notes they don't even take seriously themselves simply in order to get laughs?
There are boards where 10 year olds post, these kinds of things ought to be removed so this doesn't become one of them. For what its worth my faith that its worth posting any kind of serious thread or replies is wearing really thin.
With all of the stuff posted on this forum, you take offense at this? Wow.
yo ken … what are you doing hanging out where 10 year olds post?
Now, that's funny.
Kent may be right. This forum is becoming more and more liberal.
A forum is not a toy or game, it's official business.
A dose of Sharia law may be in order.
And that Elliemae with her naughty puns must be stopped at all costs. I'm tired of blushing every time I read her posts. I may even have to stop reading them if it becomes necessary.
I'm all for free speech but it needs to be regulated properly.
Mikey, I'm not offended because I'm liberal. I'm offended because I'm a comedian! (bastardized line from Seinfeld).
Actually, I'm a little ticked because it was a learning moment, and I already graduated. You'd think it'd teach me to choose my forums more carefully. But I'm too cool for school and have too much class to be risque. I go thru different stages, but overall I'm majorly edjumakated.
I do have a confession, tho. Sometimes I print the funnier forum threads out on paper enroll around on it - usually when I'm board. I do prefer them when they're uniform, of course - but that's secondary to your comment.
This subject needs more research.
High, Ellie, I guess we have to chalk this one up to experience but let's face it, it's grade A and one for the books. A class act.
Just do the Math and it will make History. So claims this yard bird.
You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
It's the principal of the thing. This should ring a bell.
Hope you are feeling gym dandy.
I'd like to post more but I need to take a P.E.
Well, that'll teach this pencil neck. Now ain't that Pee Chee?
You people must be punished by those that know better...
It's for the good of a few, that take them selves way to seriously.
I'll sit down in my seat, sir, and study like a good little girl. But Mikey, I'm still thinking naughty thoughts...
Yikes, Ellie, you're straining my faculties. I'm going to report you and maybe card you, too. That should even the score.
Undocumented Italian women were not deported mainly because of of their large, succulent breasts. Or so I’ve heard.
Undocumented Italian women were not deported mainly because of of their large, succulent breasts. Or so I’ve heard.
Sorry, but all undocumented pics were deported in a plain brown wrapper.
Italian fun fact:
An epithet used for those of Italian descent. WOP stands for WithOut Papers. Many Italian immigrants had no papers to identify themselves and were branded as WOPs. Sorta like beaners nowadays, I guess. (no offense to my greaser peeps)
Undocumented Italian women were not deported mainly because of of their large, succulent breasts. Or so I've heard.
PS: This topic is not intended to defame those of  Italian  extraction, regardless of their mob affiliations.