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Yeah, if you are a true patriot then you understand that as far as we have swung to the right in the last 30 years, its not far enough ! More ! More ! More !
Not all TP's are nuts that use religion as an excuse to justify their personal intolerant, racist, mentally backwards behavior.
Bigots and crazies go out of their way to be bigots. Lets not tie TP into this.
Otherwise it's an equivalent to saying all Americans are trigger happy degenerates that like to kill people overseas.
And don’t even get me started about the Presbyterians.
The Episcopalians are clearly the greatest threat to Christian America. Any religion is allowed to TALK about helping the poor and other forms of social justice, just only in church, sitting lined up in the pews in your Sunday best. If they start talking about carrying that philosophy of helping others into their lives outside the sanctuary, that's where the line in the sand has been crossed.
What is with this obsession with the TPs? It does make you come across as crazy as you keep insisting them to be.
Yea, Vicente. Posting crazy stuff people say makes you come across as crazy. For instance, just quoting schrekgrinch makes me sound nutty.
I can't help but call him shrekgingrich for some reason, tho.
Monitor? I'm against the idea. I don't approve of people peeking through windows and tapping phones of citizens and what-not that sounds more like people who want Bush Junior back. They approve of government snooping wholeheartedly, but not private of course. Me I don't approve of government snooping, and private only in terms of whistleblowing government transgressions.
No need to monitor Sarah Palin or any Tea Party nutter, they have reality shows and rallies and radio shows and tweets and take great pains to shove it in my face. You can't refudiate it.
Wow, my Tea Party Auntie would be very surprised to learn that her party wants to eliminate her church. LOL!
Oh and she'd be most surprised to learn that her church is really the first Church of Karl Marx.
I'm surprised because this is the church that vociferously persecuted a First United Methodist Minister in Chicago for conducting same sex marriages. GASP!
They hate the gays too. Shouldn't the Tea Party give them "props" for that?
Oh and this quote has some absolute gems. :-)
"Reading the Methodist social justice manifesto is like reading a socialist wish list. They want amnesty, they want “economic justiceâ€, they opposed “global climate change†(earth to the Methodists, man isn’t doing it), fighting global poverty (here is another hint, most poverty is caused by a lack of freedom and lack of a free enterprise system). Not shockingly, the Methodists side with the Islamists against Israel, and of course oppose America in Iraq.
In short, if you hate America, you have a great future in the Methodist church."
Next the Tea Baggers will be saying that the Methodists need to be sent to "re-education camps," deported, or tried for high treason. Wow, what nut cases! LOL!
Oh and this is a gem too:
"For the few remaining patriots in the Methodist church, know what that church supports and then you should abandon the church, much like the Methodist church as abandoned American values and patriotism."
I love how Tea Baggers claim that so-called "liberal" "marxist" "communist" "socialist" "fascist" organizations have few if any members while asking any "true patriots" to abandon these organizations. Idiots...
Tea Party Nation has decided to take on the Methodists: