Proof that the Basel 2 set up the housing ponzi scam. Who is responsible for buying too much house?
on 20 Oct 2010
3 comments, latest
14 years ago
I wrote an article here with proofs that Basel 2 set up the off balance sheet banking that resulted in the ponzi scam. And I proved that the banks ...
This Will Blow Your Socks Off. Even If You Are Caught Up On Mortgage Payments Misplaced??? Tea Party Humble Pie.
on 17 Oct 2010
67 comments, latest
14 years ago
Well, it turns out that even if you are caught up on your mortgage, you may be paying to people who don't even own your note. Will you continue ...
Hey Guys I wrote an article to help the Tea Party understand correct housing ponzi blame since they are stupid.
on 19 Aug 2010
172 comments, latest
14 years ago
Hey guys, I just wrote an article you may be interested in. Here is part of my attack on the Tea Party logic that is so deserved: "This article ...
My New Seeking Alpha Article: Does the Tea Party Understand the Attack by Basel 3 Against Taxpayer Sovereignty?
on 6 Sep 2010
14 comments, latest
14 years ago
My new Seeking Alpha article exposes the Tea Party and their cronies, the Basel 3 bankers, who want to tie up the US taxpayer to Fannie and Freddie forever. ...
Matt Taibbi Blasts Santelli and the Tea Party Elitists
on 15 Sep 2010
8 comments, latest
14 years ago
I think it is high time we blast the Tea Party for what it is: The John Birch Society. I blast the Tea Party here. Taibbi blasts the Tea ...
Newsflash. CNBC says FASB wants Mark to market again.
on 26 May 2010
2 comments, latest
15 years ago
Fasb, the bank regulatory arm of the Bank of international settlements and the NWO wants banks to mark to market again. Stockholders may be thrown under the bus again. ...
I am so angry I had to post this. Senate refused to let states cap credit card rates.
on 19 May 2010
62 comments, latest
15 years ago
I realize that this is a housing forum, but the frustration I feel at the betrayal of our Senate towards the citizens of the United States is just welling ...
I Am Not A Revolutionary But Lets Fight The New International Order
on 24 May 2010
12 comments, latest
15 years ago
Since we need to look at the big picture once in awhile, I wrote this last night. I hope it helps to show you that there is a method ...
I know I will get flack but this is the Weakness of the Tea Party.
on 13 May 2010
55 comments, latest
15 years ago
The weakness of the Tea Party is not their anger at the banks. I support that. The weakness of the Tea Party is not immigration. I think the borders ...
I am concerned about the IMF. Defaults may be the only solution to massive debt.
on 12 May 2010
5 comments, latest
15 years ago
I wrote this on hubpages. I point out that the IMF is really deflationary and that default may be the only way out for many people and governments. Patrick ...
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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