lostand confused's threads
The entire west is coasting on accumulated capital of past generations-burning its inheritance
lostand confused
on 16 Nov 2018
3 comments, latest
6 years ago
https://www.thegatewaypundit.c This is so true-just like most second or third/fourth generation fmailies-the current folks know nothing of the evils of socialism or communism and are truly frightening. It looks their ...
China building artificial sun
lostand confused
on 14 Nov 2018
4 comments, latest
6 years ago
While tax and spend liberals scheme of new ways to chain us, China is building an artificial sun. https://www.mirror.co.uk/scien
Will America follow other big powers before us.
lostand confused
on 14 Nov 2018
Posted 6 years ago
So the economy is booming, unemployment at record low levels, stock at record highs, democrats have been exposed to have used the FBI to spy on a candidate and frame ...
What is up with AZ?
lostand confused
on 11 Nov 2018
11 comments, latest
6 years ago
So now that IL is circling down the drain-dems won supermajority running ona platform of raising taxes and free everything pretty much-I have been looking at places to move. I ...
Democrats have become the party of haters.
lostand confused
on 9 Oct 2018
44 comments, latest
6 years ago
University pays someone to teach a course, " Problem of whiteness."
lostand confused
on 22 Dec 2016
9 comments, latest
6 years ago
http://www.breitbart.com/tech/ University of Wisconsin’s African Cultural Studies department during the upcoming spring semester, claims that students will be asked to consider “what it really means to be white.
Why do able bodied spouses with jobs need alimony??
lostand confused
on 17 Dec 2012
4 comments, latest
6 years ago
While unrelated to the CT shooting,it appears the mother and shooting victim of the killer was receiving 250k a year in alimony and this year was slated to receive ...
Massive liberal civil rights victory-CO childrens hospital dumps gender from wristbands-to satisfy deranged lunatics/liberals
lostand confused
on 25 Sep 2018
5 comments, latest
6 years ago
https://www.breitbart.com/big- "It’s huge. Bigger than anything on this planet." says one patient-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spartacus Booker admits to groping a 15 year old
lostand confused
on 21 Sep 2018
5 comments, latest
6 years ago
https://www.breitbart.com/big- I am sure the usual mob will be out to vilify him?Not. Democrats-when a senator admits to groping -no big deal, when a judge denies groping-he is a rapist.
Cosmopolitan defends photoshoot of giant land whale/woman in bikini in Times Square
lostand confused
on 21 Sep 2018
18 comments, latest
6 years ago
http://www.returnofkings.com/1 Cosmopolitan's secret gay weapon to turn straight men gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anne Hathaway calls for destruction for the myth of whiteness
lostand confused
on 16 Sep 2018
6 comments, latest
6 years ago
https://www.breitbart.com/big- This numbskull actually walks around believing her tripe-God save this country.
Newspaper publishers Association honors Maxine Waters with Leadership award!
lostand confused
on 17 Sep 2018
4 comments, latest
6 years ago
http://www.theamericanmirror.c Well if Obozo the clown got the Nobel Prize, anything can happen I guess.
Another day, another liberal violently attacks a conservative
lostand confused
on 12 Sep 2018
6 comments, latest
6 years ago
https://www.breitbart.com/big- Liberals are like Islam -the religion of peace-they calim to be the party of peace, love and tolerance and yet are violent , foaming in the mouth nast, foul ...
Tutu wearing AZ liberal fought to protect men who hired child prostitutes as young as 12
lostand confused
on 13 Sep 2018
2 comments, latest
6 years ago
https://www.thegatewaypundit.c While I am libertarian-end the war on drugs and prostitution should be legal-get rid of alimony and unreasonable child support-but I even understand someone who is say 17 or ...
Chicago to consider universal income-LOL!!
lostand confused
on 12 Sep 2018
19 comments, latest
6 years ago
Socialists strike again-socialist stabs Brazil's right wing candidate for president
lostand confused
on 7 Sep 2018
2 comments, latest
6 years ago
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new Socialists, if they can't win elections-they kill or impeach. Folks this mid-term is critical if we want to survive as a democracy. Obama the scum already weaponized the DOJ ...
So the SA govt will seize the white farmers land for nothing-but farmers still owe banks any loans they have-slavery???
lostand confused
on 2 Sep 2018
1 comment, latest
6 years ago
https://www.breitbart.com/lond Why do liberals always delight in this behavior? It worked so well in Venezuela or Zimbabwe or the former soviet republic-Russia.
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