White teen shot dead. Cop "feared for his life."

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2015 Aug 6, 10:12am   25,329 views  61 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

OK. Now that they are killing white kids, I think it is time to take notice.

-Parents of unarmed white teen shot dead by police on a first date claim he was murdered as private autopsy suggests cop 'shot him from behind'
-Zachary Hammond, 19, was shot on July 26 in Seneca, South Carolina
-Was on a date with Tori Morton, 23, who was eating ice cream at the time
-Police set up a drugs buy to snare the pair for possession of marijuana
-Officer has claimed he shot him because he feared for his life
-The force have refused to reveal his name despite the response
-Family are now demanding answers and want someone held accountable


The deceased:

What the cop claimed he saw:

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1   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 6, 10:18am  

I'm tellin ya we need good cop, bad cops.

Only the Good Cops are allowed to face the public on a day to day basis, and they are unarmed.

Only the Mayor can dispatch the ones with guns.

But if he does, your ass is grass you better get your ass to the Police station and turn your self in before the goons find you.
Which were dispatched because you're a real blight on society and it is unsafe for you to be out in public.
IF they are on your ass, the orders are dead or alive.
But they wouldn't be if you didn't run, assault someone or carjack someone while trying to run from the good cops.
The Good cops will be unarmed, so people wont be able to say the perp ran because they were scared.

2   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Aug 6, 10:51am  

And the Thug Chief's son was arrested for stealing hydrocodone.

3   Blurtman   2015 Aug 6, 1:37pm  

thunderlips11 says

And the Thug Chief's son was arrested for stealing hydrocodone.

Probably wiping out perceived competition.

4   Rew   2015 Aug 6, 1:44pm  

Blurtman says

OK. Now that they are killing white kids, I think it is time to take notice.

Do you realize how disgusting that statement is?

CaptainShuddup says

I'm tellin ya we need good cop, bad cops.

I disagree pretty fiercely with this premise. What we need are peace officers and less law enforcement officers. We actually need more government officials serving communities in non-policing capacity. The police are being misused, over committed, and understaffed to face some of the wrecks we have made of the states and cities by a wanton attack, from the right, on needed social services themselves.

Any smart cop worth a darn would tell you defunding planned parenthood will mean more crime.

5   lostand confused   2015 Aug 6, 3:01pm  

Interesting no protests/riots??

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Aug 6, 5:45pm  

The bottom of the barrel (bottom 10%): Black and Native American lumpenproles. The "Untouchable" Caste.
Next lowest level: Rednecks, regardless of employment status, and Blacks, Latinos, etc. with low status but legal employment
Upper Bottom Level: Workaday schmucks in 9 to 5 jobs
. This level and the one below it are the "Serf" class, does all the work, few protections if the powerful decide to exploit them.
Middle Level: Unionized Employees, who have special protection for at least half the time they're awake (at work).
Upper Middle Level/Lower Upper Level: Thug Union Members, Prosecutors, Judges, Juiced-in Businesspeople (local VIP Realtors, Developers, Construction Personnel, Chamber of Commerce Leaders). This corresponds to the petty nobility or Knightly class, where one really begins to get different treatment for social status, the opportunity to resign instead of being prosecuted, wristslap fines or probation for drug possession that would get a Serf or Untouchable multiple years in prison, etc.
Upper Level: Politicians, State and National Top Lobbyists, Pentagon Top Generals, CEOs of Wilshire 2000 companies, etc.

As the ability of the Upper Level to exploit foreigners declines, and there's already too many Untouchables in the Prison Pipeline System, more and more "Serfs" are ending up in the Dungeon of Maximum Exploitation. This will continue until the Upper Level is checked by forcible action, not elections. Also, Uppers prefer to sell out to foreigners (Aztec Nobility) or go out in a Bang along with everybody (Mayan Nobility), than to give up their power, as they believe their lives to be tolerable as they are, and would hate to live at any lesser rung.

7   Strategist   2015 Aug 6, 6:29pm  

Call it KKKrazy says

Call it Crazy says

Exactly..... Why aren't the whites in Seneca, South Carolina burning down the CVS and looting all the other businesses?

Why aren't you attacking the dead guy, saying he committed a capital crime? You always do that if the dead guy is black.

Hello SBH.
Because you aren't standing up for the dead guy like you always do.

8   Strategist   2015 Aug 6, 6:33pm  

Rew says

Any smart cop worth a darn would tell you defunding planned parenthood will mean more crime.

Even a dumb cop knows that.

9   Strategist   2015 Aug 6, 6:37pm  

Call it KKKrazy says

We can all hope for the prison industrial complex to renew the American economy. If the citizenry gets wise to the scam, and if law enforcement becomes too underfunded the police can always fill their coffers by walking down the streets of America ordering everyone to lie on the ground with their hands behind their heads. Anyone who runs will be monetized or shot in the back.

Hey, you sound just like Jazz. You must have been cell mates.

10   Strategist   2015 Aug 6, 6:59pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Hey, you sound just like Jazz. You must have been cell mates.

Or in rehab together, notice both have not posted much the last few weeks...

Yeah. Rehab must have a lot of restrictions.
They are posting now. Do you think they got kicked out of the program?

11   Strategist   2015 Aug 6, 7:15pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Or in rehab together, notice both have not posted much the last few weeks...

Yeah. Rehab must have a lot of restrictions.

They are posting now. Do you think they got kicked out of the program?

Maybe they get an hour of computer time for good behaviour (and staying dry).

I still think they were cell mates, and Dan bailed them out by pawning his car.
Jazz would be in prison for starting a revolution, and SBH for jay walking.

12   HEY YOU   2015 Aug 6, 7:41pm  

Cops shooting unarmed Americans in this country is certainly not a sign of the collapse of the social structure?

13   Y   2015 Aug 6, 9:20pm  

zimmerman is innocent

14   FortWayne   2015 Aug 7, 11:08am  

The "non-racist" ghetto only protests when it's a black person gets shot... they even say so. "blacklivesmatter". They never said White lives matter... to them they do not.

I'd love to see white kids line up on the streets like they did during that whole #blacklivesmatter fake outrage, but they won't because they don't care about #whitelives.

Liberals only care about you if you are either black-Democrat or gay, or feminist. Otherwise... you can drop dead like a tree in a forest.

15   epitaph   2015 Aug 7, 12:10pm  

Police officers don't even have a very dangerous job. I think city trash workers were something like 10 times more likely to die on the job than a police officer. And even then you know what the main reason that leads to police officer death on the job is car accidents, not shoot outs with bad guys. I think it's time we all stop respecting their job as hard or dangerous.

16   marcus   2015 Aug 7, 2:30pm  

FortWayne says

The "non-racist" ghetto only protests when it's a black person gets shot... they even say so. "blacklivesmatter". They never said White lives matter... to them they do not.

I'd love to see white kids line up on the streets like they did during that whole #blacklivesmatter fake outrage, but they won't because they don't care about #whitelives.

Liberals only care about you if you are either black-Democrat or gay, or feminist. Otherwise... you can drop dead like a tree in a forest.

THere are different levels of moronic. Sometimes you venture down to a level where I'm honestly vicariously embarrassed for you. Really. I'm not kidding. And sadly I think I know where you're really coming from here. Do you ?

THere's plenty of outrage about this case from many of the same corners that have been outraged about cases where the victim happened to be black. Too many cops are trigger happy incompetent assholes that dream of having a chance to discharge their firearm in the line of duty. Any decent gun owner should deplore that incompetence more than anyone.

The black lives matter movement is legitimate and it is separate from the issue of trigger happy related police incompetence. And yes, anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that if a cop is incompetent with regards to how easily he will use his gun, that if this is on top of being racist or even just scared and inexperienced around black communities, but also working a beat with a heavy black population, it's a recipe for fatal errors.

17   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Aug 7, 2:55pm  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

A real cop would have gone backed to the cruiser, grabbed the shotgun and chunked the kid.

Would have set the girl straight.

At least she might have stopped licking her ice-cream.

18   epitaph   2015 Aug 7, 3:06pm  

South Carolina obviously a police training problem, in California we would have emptied at least 4 clips into the kids lifeless corpse.

19   Strategist   2015 Aug 7, 7:17pm  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

Right. California cops would have had this kid chunked and soupy in 15 seconds flat, exactly as the Founding Fathers intended.

You must have a very very long list of what the Founding Fathers intended.
Here are some:
They intended to have slaves.
They intended to prevent women from voting.
They raped Black women, and kept their own mixed race children as slaves.

20   Dan8267   2015 Aug 7, 8:23pm  

FortWayne says

during that whole #blacklivesmatter fake outrage

If you think the outrage over cops killing innocent people including sleeping 7-year-old girls is fake, then you're just an asshole.

21   Vicente   2015 Aug 7, 8:30pm  

The shooting took place during a drug buy, set up by police, outside a Hardees restaurant.

Officers found just 10 grams of marijuana on Morton and arrested her. The police report failed to mention the two gunshots that killed Hammond.

As long as we're winning that War on Drugs, this is excusable collateral damage.

He had an older, doubtless more experienced girl on a date. She had WEED! Don't get much better than that.
Then BLAM!

Where's the Teabaggers marching down the streets with AR-15's slung to route the Sheriff out of town? Oh.. right.

22   FortWayne   2015 Aug 8, 8:34am  

marcus says

THere's plenty of outrage about this case from many of the same corners that have been outraged about cases where the victim happened to be black. Too many cops are trigger happy incompetent assholes that dream of having a chance to discharge their firearm in the line of duty. Any decent gun owner should deplore that incompetence more than anyone.

Bullshit buddy. Where is the outrage, there is zero media coverage, there are no protests. When Zimmerman shot that black kid, you couldn't miss it even if you want to. Because ghetto were protesting on a daily basis, media was covering it all the time. A white kid gets shot, and what... crickets that's what!

If your peeps cared about white folk, maybe white folk would care about them. But they don't, they still live in primitive tribal ways and hate everyone around them, so naturally white people or civilized blacks don't care about them too. If Donald Trump gets elected, instead of kicking Mexicans out, I just hope he deports entire ghetto out. THey are all worthless deadbeats anyway, just a drain on society that provides no good.

23   marcus   2015 Aug 8, 9:30am  

marcus says

And sadly I think I know where you're really coming from here. Do you ?

Sure enough, I guess you do.

FortWayne says

But they don't, they still live in primitive tribal ways and hate everyone around them, so naturally white people or civilized blacks don't care about them too. If Donald Trump gets elected, instead of kicking Mexicans out, I just hope he deports entire ghetto out. THey are all worthless deadbeats anyway, just a drain on society that provides no good.

Entire ghetto ? What does that even mean ? It's a rhetorical question, please spare me your embarrassing answer.

Outrage about incompetent cop gun usage is one thing. Outrage about when this intersects with unnecessarily killing a black kid (or adult) is another. The latter is what you see with the blacklivesmatter movement.

"Blacklivesmatter" is really saying something that's hard for racists such as yourself to see, which is "black lives matter just as much as white lives." So of course there is no whitelivesmatter movement responding to a shooting such as this.

Do you ever just stop and realize how much of a fucking idiot you are ?

24   Vicente   2015 Aug 8, 9:51am  

FortWayne says

Where is the outrage

Yes why aren't white citizens of this town marching?

They have few personal negative experiences with the police. Protests would go against their tendency to make heroes out of all policeman, who protect them daily from "those people". It would mean reversing their tendency to always assume the peace officer innocent, and the perp 100% guilty. Lifetimes of defending police actions under all circumstances and demonizing the dead as deserving, could be called into question.


25   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 11:02am  

FortWayne says

Where is the outrage, there is zero media coverage, there are no protests.

You are so full of shit. A Google search for Zachary Hammond yields "About 1,090,000 results (0.42 seconds)". The very article in the original post is The Daily Mail, a rag you'd call mainstream liberal bias media.

FortWayne says

When Zimmerman shot that black kid, you couldn't miss it even if you want to.

Zimmerman got so much media attention because
1. The cops did not arrest or charge him until AFTER the massive protest and most people rightfully believed he wouldn't be charged unless there was public pressure because of Zimmerman's connections. He got away with shitloads of crimes without being charged or having the charges dismissed.
2. The case quickly became about the controversial Stand Your Ground law because this was an early possible legal strategy for the defense.

FortWayne says

ghetto were protesting on a daily basis

The "ghetto", code for "niggers", as you call it, was protesting because there is an obvious two-century long violent oppression of blacks in this country which clearly continues to today. There is nothing in white communities or households that even remotely approaches the all-out violent warfare the state wages against blacks. There just isn't. If there were, whites would turn against the police in a minute.

Unfortunately, as Vicente correctly points out, most whites have a great fear of blacks, particularly young black men, and so they want the police to treat all blacks as criminal scumbag and keep them away from white families. As such, fearful (cowardly) whites glorify the police, who are just basically uneducated thugs with badges. If they didn't have the badges, they'd be in prison themselves. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, about 10% of cops. The other 90% are alpha-male or butch-female Stone Age brutes.

FortWayne says

If your peeps cared about white folk, maybe white folk would care about them.

No they wouldn't. Your hypothesis is empirically false.

I have stated on this forum many times
1. The only way to protect your rights and your family is to protect everyone else.
2. Your white skin won't protect you from police because they can and do commit atrocities against whites as well. It's not as often as blacks, but if a cop doesn't feel like you are bowing to him like a slave, he'll fucking kill you to satisfy his ego.

Put me on the jury and I'll have this cop and his entire family eaten alive by bears. That's an appropriate punishment and it would send a message to all criminal cops. So don't give me any bullshit that I don't have outrage over this murder.

26   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 11:17am  


An independent autopsy has concluded that Zachary Hammond, an unarmed white 19-year-old killed by a Seneca, S.C., police officer July 26 during a drug bust, was shot from the side, contradicting what the officer said led up to the fatal shooting, The Guardian reports.

The officer claimed that the teen was driving the vehicle toward him, causing the officer to fear for his life and to fire at the young man. However, the Hammond family’s attorney Eric Bland said that the autopsy now raises questions about the validity of the police report.

“When he [the officer] shot, it was physically impossible for the car to hit him because he’s next to him [Hammond],” Bland told The Guardian. “So unless a hurricane comes and blows the car over, it’s physically impossible for him to be hit by a car at that point.”

“It is not reasonable,” the autopsy reads, according to the news site, that Hammond “would have suffered these injuries in these anatomic locations [the back of his shoulder and the side of his chest] had [he] been shot from either the rear or the front of the vehicle.”

This fucking criminal cop murders an innocent man and then he and his criminal cop buddies commit further crimes including perjury, obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, conspiracy to commit various felonies, and interfering with a homicide investigation. As I've stated many times, there aren't "just a few bad apples". The conspiracies to cover the original crime and the commission of all the subsequent crimes by many police demonstrate that the vast majority of police are crooked thugs. Where's the outrage over that? That's the real question.

Not only the murderer cop and his family should be eaten alive by bears, but so too should all the other criminal cops who helped him and their families. When these thug cops attack any person, they threaten both you and your family. They endanger the lives of everyone's children. It is only fitting that their own families act as a deterrent for their crimes. How's that for outrage, FortWayne? Just thinking about these scumbags makes me wonder if the Romans had the right idea with colosseums. We could make their executions a public affair.

27   HydroCabron   2015 Aug 8, 11:25am  

Blurtman says

Now that they are killing white kids

I'd hate to think that we'd fixate on just cops killing white kids.

All white kid's lives matter. This particular outrage is not important in the grand scheme of white kids being killed by blacks and whites alike.

If Ben Carson tried to bring up the more general issue of white victims, he'd just be shouted down, so why post this thread?

While we're at it, why hasn't Ben Carson stood up to say that white lives matter? What about all white lives?

28   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 8, 11:41am  

Did the kid leave a parting catch phrase as he expired? NO! Then you'v got nothing!

29   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 12:14pm  

HydroCabron says

I'd hate to think that we'd fixate on just cops killing white kids.

All white kid's lives matter. This particular outrage is not important in the grand scheme of white kids being killed by blacks and whites alike.

When a black kid kills a white kid, he either gets the death penalty or decades if not life in prison. When the exact same thing happens to cops who kill innocent people, my outrage over that injustice will die.

30   Dan8267   2015 Aug 8, 12:15pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Did the kid leave a parting catch phrase as he expired? NO! Then you'v got nothing!

Yes, trivialize this man's murder. Perhaps that's why Blurtman thinks there's no outrage over his death.

31   FortWayne   2015 Aug 8, 12:48pm  

marcus says

black lives matter just as much as white lives

If they mattered just as much, there would be equal outrage from them when someone who is not poor black gets shot. Here is a clear example of a white kid getting shot, and crickets from your worthless deadbeat friends in the ghetto. So it's not just as much, it's not equal.

32   FortWayne   2015 Aug 8, 12:51pm  

Dan8267 says

The "ghetto", code for "niggers", as you call it, was protesting because there is an obvious two-century long violent oppression of blacks in this country which clearly continues to today. There is nothing in white communities or households that even remotely approaches the all-out violent warfare the state wages against blacks. There just isn't. If there were, whites would turn against the police in a minute.

Well Dan, why don't you go live with those "civilized" ghetto. You'll be robbed or shot the same week you move in, and mostly just because you are white, and partially because you are a gullible idiot.

33   marcus   2015 Aug 8, 1:00pm  

FortWayne says

marcus says

black lives matter just as much as white lives

If they mattered just as much, there would be equal outrage from them when someone who is not poor black gets shot. Here is a clear example of a white kid getting shot, and crickets from your worthless deadbeat friends in the ghetto. So it's not just as much, it's not equal.

In other words:


FortWayne says

If they mattered just as much, there would be equal outrage.............................................., it's not equal.

You're correct.

IF it were equal, then senseless unnecessary killings of black children or men would be just as rare as senseless unnecessary killings of white children or white men (per capita) in America. Only then could we expect the outrage over senseless unnecessary killings of black children or men (by cops) to be equal to the amount of outrage over senseless unnecessary killings of white children or white men (by cops). Equally low that is, relatively speaking.

A lot of people, including good cops, which I place at a way higher percentage than Dan, are outraged about incompetent pussy rookie cops that fire their weapons way too easily, such as in the case of this kid. My guess is that 90% of cops read this story, and think "that SHOULD NOT have happened." Unfortunately, of that 90% maybe some significant fraction of them are willing to back the guy up for his mistake, rather than see him punished. Maybe they fear that their ability to defend themselves and each other is jeopardized, if police start being harshly punished every time a killing is questionable.

I'm not saying I agree with this view. I can just understand that the cops perspective might not be as simple as it would seem.

34   Dan8267   2015 Aug 9, 10:56am  

FortWayne says

Well Dan, why don't you go live with those "civilized" ghetto. You'll be robbed or shot the same week you move in, and mostly just because you are white, and partially because you are a gullible idiot.

Statements like that are exactly why there is so much media attention on racism today. Conservatives are the cause of every problem they bitch and moan about.

35   Dan8267   2015 Aug 9, 1:43pm  

First off, there are no liberal controlled cities. Second, if we're counting murders throughout history, 90% of them are caused by conservatives. Every genocide was caused by a conservative, whether it's a leftist conservative or a rightist conservative.

36   Ceffer   2015 Aug 9, 4:34pm  

One of the questions on the police academy entrance exam is: "Are you constantly, chronically, and without reservation fearful and terrified for your life under all conditions and circumstances? Are you as skittish as a colt on acid?"

If you answer "yes", you are a shoo in.

37   FortWayne   2015 Aug 9, 8:53pm  

marcus says

In other words:

In other words, your peeps in the ghetto hate white people.

38   FortWayne   2015 Aug 9, 8:56pm  

marcus says

IF it were equal, then senseless unnecessary killings of black children or men would be just as rare as senseless unnecessary killings of white children or white men (per capita) in America.

It probably evens out statistically. My point is that today no one cares about anyone. Ghetto only riots when one of them gets shot, and that's really the extend of it.

39   marcus   2015 Aug 10, 9:36pm  

FortWayne says

today no one cares about anyone

Speak for yourself. It would seem you're wrong wrong wrong, again.

The story is not going away, and notice the comments. http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/06/us/seneca-teen-dead-police-shooting/index.html

40   FortWayne   2015 Aug 10, 10:29pm  

Really Marcus, twitter posts? Ferguson has riots and clashes on daily basis still over a black kid, white kid gets only a few folks on twitter? I'm pleasantly surprised that there are a few who actually genuinely care, but as a nation as a whole there is absolutely too much not giving a fuck.

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