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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   172,414 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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36921   nw888   2013 Sep 6, 2:51am  

CDon says

The guy in 1979 believing in the correlation was likely saying "im not paying 75K! Just wait til interest rates rise and prices will CRASH, and I will scoop it up for 50K!!!!". Imagine his disappointment as rates went from 9% to 18% and nominal prices continued to slooowly rise...

I agree with you. Inflation was very high at the time as well, so homes were seen as an inflation hedge. Wages were rising along with inflation as well.

I think the real question going forward is whether rates will rise a few points while inflation remains relatively low.

If so, maybe real estate would slow down a bit, or drop a little bit. If inflation picks up, I could see real estate continuing upward even as rates rise.

36922   anonymous   2013 Sep 6, 2:57am  

Pennsylvania Zillow Home Value IndexPennsylvania real estate info

Anybody that waited to buy, missed this run up over the past couple years.


36923   tatupu70   2013 Sep 6, 2:59am  

errc says

Pennsylvania Zillow Home Value IndexPennsylvania real estate info

Anybody that waited to buy, missed this run up over the past couple years.


Where can I buy a home based on the Zillow Home Value?

Here's the chart you mean to show (up 10% YOY):


36924   anonymous   2013 Sep 6, 3:35am  

call it and renting for half and company are just a bunch of miserable flops that are bitter about life and hate anyone that prospers and does well...no real point listening to them...they have been wrong for years and years now. Why bother with their opinion?? They are nothing but a broken record. I personally don't care about the comments from those who have been completely wrong. I don't care about the excuses. Wrong is wrong. If had followed any of their rants/advice/opinions I'd be paying an insane amount now in rent for the same house now and buying would be once again a thing that may never happen in my life unless I double my income again.

So...just ignore those fools. They are just as wrong as the extreme bulls were in 2005/06.

36925   Iwag   2013 Sep 6, 4:28am  

egads101 says

You should try to find out why you are so bothered by other's success...

success? do you call a 2.8 rating from your students success Roberto Ribas? do you call living in a home where you have to rent every room to pay the bills success? is that the low bar you have set for yourself Roberto Ribas?

36926   ttsmyf   2013 Sep 6, 7:54am  

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999:

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Friday, September 6, 2013 __ Level is 95.3

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes indeed, go here:

36927   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Sep 6, 8:33am  

Slow to react?

I dunno man.

Reacted pretty darn quick when credit tightened up by Volker.

36928   David Losh   2013 Sep 6, 10:02am  

egads101 says

He followed the Oracle's advice to near perfection. You should try to find out why you are so bothered by other's success...

That's a good question, why isn't Roberto listed as an alias for this commenter?

36929   Iwag   2013 Sep 6, 1:55pm  

Roberto A Ribas of Scottsdale Community College found out that acting like a pure dickface has consequences

fuck that guy, i'm glad he got in trouble, and whoever did get him in trouble, i'm buying an extra beer in honor of you tonight

36930   Iwag   2013 Sep 6, 2:03pm  

i don't hate you Roberto, but im glad you got in trouble, and someone fucked you over

you are a total dick, and its about time someone messed up your shit haha

36931   Bigsby   2013 Sep 6, 2:26pm  

Iwag says

i don't hate you Roberto, but im glad you got in trouble, and someone fucked you over

you are a total dick, and its about time someone messed up your shit haha

You need to grow up.

36932   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Sep 6, 2:35pm  

Iwag says

i don't hate you Roberto, but im glad you got in trouble, and someone fucked you over

you are a total dick, and its about time someone messed up your shit haha

If someone did get him in trouble in his professional life, that is pretty effed up. I disagree with a lot of people online. Pat.net is some of the worse because some of the posters are actually being terribly disingenous with the position they are promoting, Roberto not being one of those. I think he truly believes what he posts and also gets way too wrapped up and emotional over it.

But screwing around with someones personal life because of what they post online is way over the line.

36933   Iwag   2013 Sep 6, 3:11pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

If someone did get him in trouble in his professional life, that is pretty effed up. I disagree with a lot of people online. Pat.net is some of the worse because some of the posters are actually being terribly disingenous with the position they are promoting, Roberto not being one of those. I think he truly believes what he posts and also gets way too wrapped up and emotional over it.

But screwing around with someones personal life because of what they post online is way over the line.

i think that messing around with someones life is messed up

but Roberto has acted like an ass for a long time. you dont poke a tiger with a stick and dont expect it to make you a sandwich. roberto played with fire and got destroyed. cheers to being a dumb ass

36934   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Sep 6, 3:12pm  

Bigs, I only saw what he wrote, cause you quoted it. I put him on ignore bec of the personal attacks.

36935   Iwag   2013 Sep 6, 3:14pm  

Bigsby says

Like I said, ...

look at this guy all butt hurt now lol

36936   David Losh   2013 Sep 7, 1:43am  

The Professor says

Alas poor Roberto has left the patnet realm.

The style of writing is the same.

It's the same person.

36937   dunnross   2013 Sep 7, 3:57am  

egads101 says

hey sell them back little by little to homebuyers and/or make money from rent as the years go by.

Where are all those home buyers going to come from? Will they be the boomers who will be trying to unload themselves, or the young kids out of school ridden with college debt? Oh yes, I forgot about the foreigners who are now pulling out of the US market too.

36938   Blurtman   2013 Sep 7, 11:44am  

UN Says Rebels Used Chemical Weapons in Syrian Attack.


If the world doesn't retaliate, then what?

36939   Bap33   2013 Sep 7, 11:49am  

progressive/leftist/liberal demoncrats are not interested in facts, they want to move the media target and keep moving it .. its all for trevon, and ignore bengazi, and ofcourse it is all Bush's fault. Disagree and you are a racists homophobe

36940   David Losh   2013 Sep 7, 11:49am  

Blurtman says

UN Says Rebels Used Chemical Weapons in Syrian Attack.

Dated May 6th, it has been discussed.

36941   David Losh   2013 Sep 7, 11:52am  

Well, any way, Obama has acted brilliantly by taking this to the G-20, Congress, talking with Boehner, and waiting for the UN report.

Then he had a little talk with Putin where they agreed to disagree.

I'm sorry, but this is looking kind of positive for such a horrible situation.

36942   Blurtman   2013 Sep 7, 11:58am  

David Losh says

Blurtman says

UN Says Rebels Used Chemical Weapons in Syrian Attack.

Dated May 6th, it has been discussed.

No, it has not. It does not appear in any public dialogue. No corporate media. No questions to Obama. It is being ignored as if it did not happen at all. And they paid good money for this false flag gone bad.

36943   Blurtman   2013 Sep 7, 11:59am  

David Losh says

Well, any way, Obama has acted brilliantly by taking this to the G-20, Congress, talking with Boehner, and waiting for the UN report.

Then he had a little talk with Putin where they agreed to disagree.

I'm sorry, but this is looking kind of positive for such a horrible situation.

Actually, he is looking more like a tin horn George W. Bush.

36944   mell   2013 Sep 7, 12:16pm  

Yep. Krugmanites take notice! ;)

36945   Y   2013 Sep 7, 1:02pm  

Arm the rebels just enough to even the playing field and prolong the war as long as possible. Let them off each other.

36946   Vicente   2013 Sep 7, 2:21pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Ragheads are dying. Isn't this cause for celebration, no matter who is off'ing them?

If Assad's side were Christians, we'd be watching Bill O'Reilly jumping up and down on his desk screaming for immediate B-52 bombing runs against the rebel scum.

As things stand, most Americans really don't know how to feel about it.

36947   Bap33   2013 Sep 7, 2:31pm  

if Assad's side were Christians they would be defending themselves from murdering arabs that claim to be muslam, like the arfican Christians that get hacked to death by the negros that claim to be muslams in africa.

Also, if Assad's side were Christian, or Jew, then thay would already be our ally, and would already be targeted for death by the crazy arabs, like iran, for example.

36948   Y   2013 Sep 7, 2:40pm  

Sorry. I don't live in your makebelieve world but hey... have fun with it!
egads101 says

SoftShell says

Arm the rebels just enough to even the playing field and prolong the war as long as possible. Let them off each other.

your care for other human beings is really touching. You better hope for your own sake that there really isn't a god who punishes worthless assholes.

36949   Y   2013 Sep 7, 2:45pm  

Sorry. They are subhuman. Fuckem.
egads101 says

SoftShell says

Arm the rebels just enough to even the playing field and prolong the war as long as possible. Let them off each other.

your care for other human beings is really touching. You better hope for your own sake that there really isn't a god who punishes worthless assholes.

36950   Zlxr   2013 Sep 7, 2:46pm  

It's pretty scary that we can only worry about people using and bringing chemical weapons to maybe use against us - but we don't do anything about all the crap coming over here from Fukushima and the aluminum and barium and crap our Gov't is spreading on us from the chemtrails. Our Politicians must be brain dead.

So we ignore the truly dangerous chemicals, we piss off the countries who finance our debt, we don't even want to wait to find out the truth before going in to strike Syria. What are we planning to strike? Their hospitals, schools, exactly what? And what about the millions of Syrian refugees who are already displaced and trying to live in Libya and Jordan? How long before the Libyans and Jordanians go crazy from being overrun? How many people do we plan to kill? How many are going to die just from being displaced from their homes, jobs, schools etc? How will all those refugees be fed and schooled and how will they get medical treatments if they need it? Whose idea is it - that missiles are better than trying to work out a more diplomatic resolution?

36951   Y   2013 Sep 8, 12:50am  

Your childlike world view is laudable.
However, there comes a point where you must deal with reality.
Not all humans are created equal, no matter what your president/deity/CubScoutLeader tells you.
There are people on this earth who would kill you and your family without blinking an eye for any/all of the above. I see them on both sides of the Syria conflict.
They are subhuman. Get over it.

egads101 says

SoftShell says

Sorry. They are subhuman. Fuckem.

yeah, well i view a racist ass-hole like you as subhuman. so F you too.

36952   Y   2013 Sep 8, 12:52am  

But he would not start screaming until someone else started talking.
He only knows how to interrupt.

Vicente says

If Assad's side were Christians, we'd be watching Bill O'Reilly jumping up and down on his desk screaming for immediate B-52 bombing runs against the rebel scum.

36953   Y   2013 Sep 8, 3:51am  

well i'm not jewish so that makes me subhuman too!
how about you? What are you, cream of dogshit?

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

Sorry. They are subhuman. Fuckem.

For you all the Goyem are subhuman. That is why you are so screwed up Softshell. Here is a better way. http://www.newcovenanttheology.com/2013/09/fellow-descendents-of-jews-turn-from.html

36954   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Sep 8, 7:03am  

The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men.

The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts. They kept their faces pressed to the dirt as the rebels’ commander recited a bitter revolutionary verse.

“For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”

The moment the poem ended, the commander, known as “the Uncle,” fired a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly killing all the men at their feet.


Let's wait until the UN report comes out about Chemical Weapons. Assad would have to be a complete idiot to use them; he knows that using WMDs will guarantee a regime change. What we have is an unprovenced report about Sarin Gas used, no idea where the sample was taken, either. Many common agricultural and household pesticides will cause a false positive for Sarin gas, which is why having multiple legit and sourced samples is important.

For fucks sake, let's drop the party membership and agree not to be Yellowcaked a second time in about a decade. Let's be skeptical of any administration's smoking gun claims that are unsourced and unprovenced. AFAWK this is coming from the same Syrian defector who went over to the Saudis, who would not mind a Wahabi-friendly Syria.

36955   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Sep 8, 7:09am  

BTW, in the above article (original source is the NYT but I had trouble connecting), Kerry says 15-20% of the opposition are Islamicists. It's probably the other way around: 15-20% (or less) are secularists, and 80-85% are Islamicists.

I've posted elsewhere about the aftermath in Libya, with tribal warfare now endemic and the country in complete chaos, where the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated government has threatened to kill striking oil and dock workers.

36956   wave9x   2013 Sep 8, 7:40am  

Hate to say it, but looks like East Bay price-to-rent is getting out of whack if this is representative. PITI on this place with 20% down will be over $7k/month at 4.5% interest. Let's be honest, it is way cheaper to rent this place than to buy it, even if you factor in leveraged appreciation and interest deduction.

36957   rdm   2013 Sep 8, 8:31am  

thunderlips11 says

Let's wait until the UN report comes out about Chemical Weapons. Assad would have to be a complete idiot to use them

Assad is in a fight for his life and his sect's (Alawite) life. Even his Shiite allies will eventually turn against him as they consider Alawites to be Kifir, really worse than Christians and Jews. He has to show his strength and willingness to use anything at his disposal, IMO he has done that by gassing 1400 people and will do it again if needed.

There is never 100% proof in a situation like this. But lets say there was 100% proof that Assad did this. The question is, do we care? The answer in America seems to be no, not really our problem.

36958   Tenpoundbass   2013 Sep 8, 8:48am  

I wonder what the Gold line was doing from 2000-2008?

36959   lostand confused   2013 Sep 8, 9:32am  

Fed won't taper. Stocks and housing will soar and shatter all records!!!

36960   Bellingham Bill   2013 Sep 8, 11:21am  

For the nicest places in the SF bay area, it will never be cheaper to own than to rent. This is a hardcore reality of real estate.


has been the reality since the 1970s.

People can choose to sit out, but have gotten that rammed up their asses.

2010-11 I had naively assumed the general shittiness of the economy would keep prices from rising, but I underestimated the Fed, LOL.


Plus it needs to be understood that the economy's still OK for most people.

(I was never a bear wrt the Fortress, however. Money will always bid up that which is scarce, and SFHs in the Fortress are scarce!)

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