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36992   lostand confused   2013 Sep 9, 11:49am  

He was just standing his ground against the ipad.

36993   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 9, 11:51am  

We can't know for sure what happened between George, his wife, her father, and the iPad, because none of us were there. We'll just never know.

Therefore my conclusions as to his motives and actions are completely supported by the facts, and everyone else is full of shit.

36994   SJ   2013 Sep 9, 12:04pm  

Congress seriously needs to impeach Obama's ass and throw Kerry in prison as a treasonous war criminal.

36995   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 9, 12:07pm  

You should all just shut up about Zimmermann. Anyone is free to molest a child, assault a fiancée, assault a cop, murder a kid in a hoodie, and brandish a weapon at relatives. If you think you can pay your employees better while doing so, then there's nothing stopping you.

Therefore, no one has any right to criticize him.

Checkmate, race baiters!

36996   marcus   2013 Sep 9, 12:08pm  

Geraldo Rivera is saying that maybe this will serve as a wake up call to young electorincs devices to not go around intentionally looking like they are dangerous or up to no good.

Some are saying that the ipad may have had the CNN website open on it at the time, or worse, PBS. That is suspicious.

36997   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 9, 12:16pm  

Must everyone just pile on to this murderer like he's Walmart or a realtor, judging him before we know that he did anything wrong?

By the way, that iPad, like the rest of them iPads, was going to commit a crime sooner or later.

36998   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 9, 12:23pm  

Exactly: Zimmermann minced forward to do the job the cops wouldn't.

36999   mell   2013 Sep 9, 12:28pm  

Call it Crazy says

egads101 says

and a reference to charles hugh smith, who has been 110% wrong on every economic prediction of doom for 6 years now. It that guy had ever been right, we wouldn't be having a discussion, but he has never been right ever.

Let's see... Charles Hugh Smith's blog is listed #7 on CNBC's list:

....Charles Hugh Smith is an American writer, and blogger. He is the chief writer for the site, "Of Two Minds".[1] Started in 2005, this site has been listed #7 in CNBC's top alternative financial sites.[2]

Hey Roberta, where's your blog on that financial blog list??

Hehe. Actually he has had some really good writings spot on leading into the crisis, spotted the problems with debt and the FIRE sector early on. He mos-def has been more right about everything than 2 years of housing "recovery" ;)

37000   CDon   2013 Sep 9, 12:34pm  

Call it Crazy says

egads101 says

and a reference to charles hugh smith, who has been 110% wrong on every economic prediction of doom for 6 years now. It that guy had ever been right, we wouldn't be having a discussion, but he has never been right ever.

Let's see... Charles Hugh Smith's blog is listed #7 on CNBC's list:

....Charles Hugh Smith is an American writer, and blogger. He is the chief writer for the site, "Of Two Minds".[1] Started in 2005, this site has been listed #7 in CNBC's top alternative financial sites.[2]

Hey Roberta, where's your blog on that financial blog list??

Its a legitimate point. After all, Charles Hugh Smith was the basis for the infamous 1975 nominal prices by 2014 call made by Dunnross.


In the long and spectacular history of failed housing calls on Pat.net -- this one will go down as the most epic failure of all time.

Would you not agree?

37001   mell   2013 Sep 9, 12:47pm  

CDon says

Its a legitimate point. After all, Charles Hugh Smith was the basis for the infamous 1975 nominal prices by 2014 call made by Dunnross.


In the long and spectacular history of failed housing calls on Pat.net -- this one will go down as the most epic failure of all time.

Would you not agree?

It is a valid objection, but that doesn't discount everything else he wrote where he was spot on. A lot of people underestimated not only the power but also the audacity of the Fed to print and recklessly indebt future generations, kicking the can down the road as long as possible while trying to maintain a state in between massive inflation and deflation so that the deflationistas and the hyperinflationistas eventually would give up or lose their appeal, however effectively creating stagflation and completely wrecking the US economy and middle class.You can see that by how manic the market reacts on tiny interest rate moves as it has lost all the ability to regulate and predict itself like a drug addict and any major rate move in any direction could cause it either to blow-out or plunge into the abyss.

37002   marcus   2013 Sep 9, 1:03pm  

Any minute now the technophobe baiters and the luddite baiters are going to be chiming in about how not enough respect is given to technology, and how the ipad was just being itself, a perfectly harmless electronics device.

In my opinion, it's irrelevant whether Zimmerman is a technophobe or luddite. He saw an electronics device that was clearly looking for trouble, and he gave it what it was asking for.

37003   CDon   2013 Sep 9, 1:07pm  

mell says

but that doesn't discount everything else he wrote where he was spot on.

Actually, I think it does. I mean, when he wrote this missive, it was not 2006 or 2007, but 2011. By this point, the extend and pretend can kicking had been going on for at least 2 years - and there were absolutely no signs coming from TPTB that it was going to end anytime soon.

That said, the one part where you and I agree:

mell says

A lot of people underestimated not only the power but also the audacity of the
Fed to print and recklessly indebt future generations, kicking the can down the
road as long as possible while trying to maintain a state in between massive
inflation and deflation

That part we agree on 100%. But again, in early 2011, how was this in any way surprising? In the eyes of TPTB, we had the option of (1) seeing the country possibly implode via deflation (2) seeing the country possibly explode via hyperinflation or (3) seeing the country slowly decay as it (and all empires do) slowly, over immense amount of time such that the suffering is delayed so long that some of us will be long since dead and buried by the time it "hits".

In a lot of ways, it amazes me that so many were so sure that TPTB would do anything other than choose door #3.

37004   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 9, 1:09pm  

What was the iPad doing in the house at that the of day?

37005   CDon   2013 Sep 9, 1:14pm  

Call it Crazy says

CDon says

In the long and spectacular history of failed housing calls on Pat.net -- this one will go down as the most epic failure of all time.

Once again, it's so easy to be an armchair quarterback and have such talent to search old posts for predictions....

Agree, but that is actually something to celebrate rather than mock.

For example, the first time I see someone write something I may possibly agree with, the first thing I do is check that persons track record.

In this case, we can see that CHS invested an incredible amount of credibility capital in a call that was going to be either a huge, life changing success, or a massive spectacular failure.

In this particular case, it was an EPIC failure - the types of which you will never recover from IMO. Thus, its reasonable to assume "this guy is an imbecile, and I should cite someone with a better track record in an attempt to prove my point"

Oh, and its not just bearish calls either. The wave theorist Harry Dent once had the audacity to predict DOW 40,000 by (I think) 2011. Again, this was not just a minor failure, but an epic and spectacular failure. Thus, the calls of both Messr Dent and (in the case at hand) Charles Hugh Smith should be avoided at all costs.

Do you disagree?

37006   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 9, 1:19pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

HydroCabron says

What was the iPad doing in the house at that the of day?

What the fuck was that iPad supposed to be doing with his *wife* for fuck's sake?

Maybe they were trying on hoodies?

37007   David Losh   2013 Sep 9, 1:23pm  

bob2356 says

There are no wins in the middle east, only degrees of losing.

You've obviously never been there.

We should talk Northern Africa rather than what we call the Middle East.

It's the home of God's Law, and the Will of Allah.

Only the morally bankrupt don't get it.

In the small clips of Assad's interview that I've seen he tells us he isn't in charge of what happens, God is.

Argue with that all you want.

37008   David Losh   2013 Sep 9, 1:25pm  

Blurtman says

He looks like a moron.

Sorry, but the win goes to Obama.

Our Middle East policies have been irrevocably altered by Obama.

Putin put in his two cents, God bless him for it, and that is as far as it went. We already beat the crap out of Russia.

37009   CDon   2013 Sep 9, 1:38pm  

Call it Crazy says

First, I give him credit for MAKING a prediction and going out on a limb. Who
here has a working crystal ball and can predict the financial future?? It's real
easy to look back, though...

I give him credit for the courage to making a prediction like that. I fully admit I am nothing but an armchair quarterback. Thus, if he got this call right, we should all applaud him for being the prescient voice of clarity. Since he did not, he is deserving of the full force of our ridicule and disdain.

Call it Crazy says

Epic failure?? He's still being quoted on major financial news sources and
financial blogs, so that says something...

He's also published and sold a bunch of books...

So, "experts" here on Patnet. can be armchair quarterbacks, but I haven't
seen the Patnet "experts" regularly on the sites that CHS is on or all their
published books....

So, I guess, CHS must be doing something right....

If you haven't figured it out by now, no one gets attention for making dull calls. Instead, the best way to stay relevant is to say something highly polarizing and/or insanely stupid.

I mean, look no further than Jim Cramer. His whole schtick is is being as obnoxious as possible, and a large chunk of his audience is made up of bears who love nothing more than getting agitated by his insufferable bullishness.

So again, going back to CHS, what about that spectacular failure of a call he made gives you any reason to rely upon what he says in the instant case?

37010   CDon   2013 Sep 9, 2:00pm  

Call it Crazy says

To go back a year or two later to spear the guy because he tried to predict the
future when you are using new data that he didn't have at the time is a bit

I disagree. As I noted above @8:07 pm, the choice of TPTB was door #1, door #2 or door #3.

In 2009, TPTB telegraphed as clearly as possible, we are going to choose door #3.

2 years later, CHS said, (in sum) despite the fact that TPTB have chosen door #3... door #2 (i.e. massive crippling deflation) will happen by 2014.

So again, seeing that in 2011 he was such an utter and miserable failure of a predictor of the future, what, if anything about his track record makes you think he is worthy of listening to now?

37011   Facebooksux   2013 Sep 9, 2:31pm  

David Losh says

Blurtman says

He looks like a moron.

Sorry, but the win goes to Obama.

Our Middle East policies have been irrevocably altered by Obama.

Putin put in his two cents, God bless him for it, and that is as far as it went. We already beat the crap out of Russia.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Vlad is playing chess. Obama can't figure out the rules for checkers. The russians have painted Obama into a diplomatic corner. If he attacks now, he acknowledges how full of shit he is.

37012   Bap33   2013 Sep 9, 2:31pm  

David Losh says

In the small clips of Assad's interview that I've seen he tells us he isn't
in charge of what happens, God is.

Argue with that all you want.


37013   Eman   2013 Sep 9, 3:21pm  

egads101 says

E-man says

If you believe the Elliot Wave Theory,

... then you are an idiot.

Or any other stupid moronic technobabble analysis.

Only an idiot doesn't realize he's an idiot, wouldn't you say?

37014   marcus   2013 Sep 9, 3:28pm  

It sounds like Shellie Zimmerman knows her husband.

Shellie Zimmerman tells her father on the call to get behind a car. "I don't know if he's going to start shooting at us or something," she says in the call.

She said her father "feels like he's going to have a heart attack." She requested medical attention for her father, saying it looked as though his nose may be broken.

"I don't know what he's capable of," Shellie Zimmerman said in the call. "I'm really scared."

37015   David Losh   2013 Sep 9, 11:08pm  

Facebooksux says

Vlad is playing chess. Obama can't figure out the rules for checkers

Vlad is trying to stay in office, because Assad is Russia's puppet, and Assad's people like Russia less than they do the United States.

Syria was painted into the corner by the Arab Spring.

Who blinks in this stand off? Russia has no clout, Iran has no desire, China doesn't want any more trouble, and United States killed Bin Laden, got Saddam Hanged, and Gaddafi killed in the street like a dog.

I'm sorry for the people of Syria, Egypt, and those left without leadership, but it should never be leadership from outside influence for oil.

37016   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 9, 11:28pm  

marcus says

It sounds like Shellie Zimmerman knows her husband.

"I don't know what he's capable of," Shellie Zimmerman said in the call. "I'm really scared."

Not even a spouse can know the mind of a killer.

37017   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 9, 11:44pm  

Hey, pathetic race baiters: Zimmermann just wants to kill everyone,regardless of race!

37018   freak80   2013 Sep 9, 11:54pm  

Everyone knows it was U.S. agents who carried out the initial gas attack in order to justify yet another (profitable) war.

37019   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Sep 10, 12:48am  

The Question is, Did Zimmerman get dragged out of his car by the iPad and thrown to the ground.

37020   Bap33   2013 Sep 10, 12:53am  

I bet someone in Syria said the N word

37021   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 10, 1:09am  

I can't count the number of times the police have been to my house on misunderstandings. Same with all my neighbors: we're always the victims, yet the police are always in our driveways.

It's the way it is these days. The cops repeatedly bother people who have done nothing wrong, or are even heroes.

And since all everyone does is attack George Zimmermann and make shit up about him, the police make it a point to visit him extra often.

37022   Facebooksux   2013 Sep 10, 1:15am  

David Losh says

Facebooksux says

Vlad is playing chess. Obama can't figure out the rules for checkers

Vlad is trying to stay in office, because Assad is Russia's puppet, and Assad's people like Russia less than they do the United States.

Vlad doesn't need to worry about running for office.He has strong armed himself into hisnposition and will always call the ahots in Russia, either in office or behind the scenes like he did when Medevedev was president.
Assad's people are pragmatic. Saying that one group loves or hates a particular country is very naive. This is about power and survival. Love has nothing to do with it.

Syria was painted into the corner by the Arab Spring.

Who blinks in this stand off? Russia has no clout, Iran has no desire, China doesn't want any more trouble, and United States killed Bin Laden, got Saddam Hanged, and Gaddafi killed in the street like a dog.

I'm sorry for the people of Syria, Egypt, and those left without leadership, but it should never be leadership from outside influence for oil.

Iraq is in crisis. It is a failed state, over 1000 people were killed in June. Same thing with Libya and Egypt. None of those places have been a win for the US and none is anything to brag about.

37023   Facebooksux   2013 Sep 10, 1:17am  

A few of my quotes didn't get highlighted above. Nook sucks btw. Shouldve just bought an ipad.

37024   Dan8267   2013 Sep 10, 1:52am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

Zimmerman Goes Apeshit and Knifes a Threatening iPad

What color was the iPad? Oh no, here we go again.

37025   Dan8267   2013 Sep 10, 1:54am  

"He punched my dad in the nose my dad has a mark on the nose. I saw his glasses were on the floor," Shellie Zimmerman said in the call. "He then accosted my father then took my iPad out of my hands. He then smashed it and cut it with a pocketknife, and there is a Lake Mary city worker across the street that I believe saw all of it."

Shellie Zimmerman tells her father on the call to get behind a car. "I don't know if he's going to start shooting at us or something," she says in the call.

She should have shot him under Florida's Stand Your Ground Law. She perceived he was a threat to her life. That's grounds for killing in Florida.

37026   Blurtman   2013 Sep 10, 1:57am  

"Iraq is in crisis." But the oil was freed up. Can't win 'em all.

37027   Blurtman   2013 Sep 10, 1:58am  

freak80 says

Everyone knows it was U.S. agents who carried out the initial gas attack in order to justify yet another (profitable) war.

Kept trying till they got it right. Remember that Obama was blaming Assad for the March gas attack, but the UN said it wasmthe rebels. Needed more cowbell.

37028   mell   2013 Sep 10, 2:14am  

Facebooksux says

David Losh says

Blurtman says

He looks like a moron.

Sorry, but the win goes to Obama.

Our Middle East policies have been irrevocably altered by Obama.

Putin put in his two cents, God bless him for it, and that is as far as it went. We already beat the crap out of Russia.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Vlad is playing chess. Obama can't figure out the rules for checkers. The russians have painted Obama into a diplomatic corner. If he attacks now, he acknowledges how full of shit he is.

Putin eats Obummer every morning for breakfast.

37029   rdm   2013 Sep 10, 2:16am  

It is in the US interest and Russia's to secure the chemical weapons. Punishing Assad for using them is not the end game, it is to get rid of/gain control of the chemicals weapons. There are plenty of Chechens fighting in Syria who would most dearly like to gas the crap out of Moscow. So there is a convergence of interests, somthing might come of this.

37030   freak80   2013 Sep 10, 2:18am  

Bap33 says

I bet someone in Syria said the N word

Naggers: people who annoy you.

37031   mell   2013 Sep 10, 2:19am  

freak80 says

Bap33 says

I bet someone in Syria said the N word

Naggers: people who annoy you.

Hehe. Classic.

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