What will the GOP be like in 10 years?

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2013 Oct 11, 4:16am   87,344 views  242 comments

by edvard2   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

This is a semi-serious question. Some of you probably are well-aware that I am definitely someone who leans left. That wasn't actually always the case. My Dad, Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles were all staunch Republicans. I was sort of in the middle, as in I recall my Grandmother telling me that it was "Generally a good idea" to vote Republican at a very young age and so for a few years I simply saw them as the Good guys. It really wasn't until after college that I paid attention to much of anything political and so as time went on, I became more and more liberal in my views. I am projecting here, but I will speak for myself that many of those more liberal opinions came from my experiences being around people from other places and other backgrounds and from hearing their differing views and opinions. Where I grew up everyone had been there for sometimes over 200 years and things were more static. I am not trying to say that's all bad. With that came a very unique culture.

But moving on, I can't help but feel that the GOP has some growing pains ahead. Today I was watching the news and Ted Cruz was at some sort of social conservative event and the news channel was broadcasting what he was saying live. The rhetoric he was using was so far from being rational that it was painful. I also strongly believe that the views being expressed there were appealing only to a very small, far-right segment of the GOP constituency. To be fair, there are equally ridiculous far-left sections of the Democratic constituency that I also find ridiculous. Insomuch I believe that more than less of the GOP constituency is more moderate than far right.

But seemingly this far-right brand of Republican politics seems to take center stage all the time now. We're seeing this with the government shut down. While I didn't vote for McCain ( because of his decision as running mate) He along with a number of other GOP leaders seem to be some of the most reasonable people in this whole thing. How come people like he are not more decisive in this? I have a number of friends who are absolutely as Republican as they come. Yet they also have common sense and though we don't agree on things, they have my respect. They- like myself- do not agree with many of the socially conservative and asinine economic demands that the far right faction of the GOP has.

So when I saw Ted Cruz speaking today, I couldn't help but feel that the GOP needs to get this sort of idealogical divide under control. Part of me would be delighted to see the GOP fade into memory. But like it or not, you HAVE to have more than one party because that brings restraint and debate to government policy.

So with that said, where do you see the GOP in 10 years time? Let's try and keep this one civil.


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30   CL   2013 Oct 11, 9:59am  

As it is now, I'd say the GOP seems likely (at least much more likely than at any point in my lifetime) of splintering into factions. The real Republicans are the RINOs, and that ideological slice will live on or be absorbed into the Dems (who now awkwardly hold the "left", the middle and part of the Republican right.)

The teabaggers are true believers, not into compromise (despite our system necessitating it); they are neophytes and have alienated the business wing and other factions of the GOP. Unfortunatly, for the GOP, this is also their base. And their base hates the GOP in almost the same numbers as they hate the Dems.

Business will roll toward the Dems in the midterms and that will costs the GOP dearly. Already, Republicans are running "pro-business" candidates against the bagger faction. Polls for baggers are even worse than the anemic polls for GOP as a whole (except in bagger districts).

At that point, either the Baggers will realize there's more to the game than talking to idiots in a homogenous closet and become normal Republican-politicians, or they create their own party.

Either way, when viewed in addition to the Demographics, they seem to be destined for outsider status for the next few cycles, at the very least.

Used to be the constantly fractured Dems could be relied upon to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and they still may. However, the GOP has been really deserving the award for that lately.

My score: doom for the GOP, either semi-long term, long-term, or permanent.

And for the record, I've never, ever thought that would be a prediction that would fall from my pen, lips or keyboard.

31   Dan8267   2013 Oct 11, 10:02am  

ABC news proves that there is a huge double standard (i.e., bigotry) when it comes to what is acceptable behavior for straights and gays. A straight couple can kiss in public, but if a gay couple does, southerners call the police. Anyone who thinks that is reasonable is a bigot and should not be respected by anyone.


32   Dan8267   2013 Oct 11, 10:11am  

FYI, heterosexual men are also discriminated against as shown in this ABC News experiment.


As a liberal, I don't see the difference between a man drugging a woman and a woman drugging a man. Both are doing evil and obviously intend on doing even more evil later. Both should be confronted.

33   upisdown   2013 Oct 11, 11:17am  

edvard2 says

What will the GOP be like in 10 years?

GONE, hopefully. Flush that shit down and be done with 'em.

34   bob2356   2013 Oct 11, 12:01pm  

FortWayne says

But when our morality fails nationwide, and the only thing people are into is sex, drugs, violence, homosexuality, and corruption the way liberals are pushing us (to celebrate and spread their deviances)... we'll burn faster than Rome did.

Way I see it, if we do same thing Romans did we ain't gonna be any different. It's in the history books and in the bible for crying out loud, Sodom, Gomorrah, Rome.

Get a life. Roman empire fell because of corrupt politicians, dividing the empire, citizens dodging military service, currency debasement, poor trading practices, and the huge rise in number of and cooperation between the barbarian tribes. Morality wasn't the issue.

People have been into sex, drugs, violence, homosexuality, and corruption since Columbus landed. Nothing is different today except it's more reported.

35   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 11, 12:44pm  

sbh says

Neither is being a Christian bigot.

Dan8267 says

Of course it would be silly because gay people haven't gone around lynching and imprisoning straight people ever in history.

The biggest group that has harmed and killed Gays by the 100,000 are gay people themself all due to AIDS.. you need not point to some Christian Bigot.. You did it to yourself..

Many gays actually believed back in early 80s it was their HUMAN RIGHT to go out and Fuck anyone anyplace and anytime... And certainly many died of it... it took them 10 years and well over 100,000 dead to see how bad it gotten since no cure was found. I have no problem with GAYS but they do live/think with their DICK and not any brains. Yes, thats an immoral lifestyle.. and thats what you get...

How many gays have AIDS today.. 1 Million 2 Million.. 5 Million.. ??

so skip the finger pointing at Christians..

36   Dan8267   2013 Oct 11, 12:49pm  

Once again tom proves what an idiot he is. Equating the morality of the deliberate burning of people at the stake to a natural epidemic is the most moronic thing ever posted on PatNet.

37   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 11, 12:53pm  

bob2356 says

People have been into sex, drugs, violence, homosexuality, and corruption since Columbus landed. Nothing is different today except it's more reported.

since so many here claim to be Jeffersonians... brutal stuff!!!

In 1778, Thomas Jefferson wrote a law in Virginia which contained a punishment of castration for men who engage in sodomy, however, what was intended by Jefferson as a liberalization of the sodomy laws in Virginia at that time was rejected by the Virginia Legislature, which continued to prescribe death as the maximum penalty for the crime of sodomy in that state.

"Whosoever shall be guilty of Rape, Polygamy, or Sodomy with man or woman shall be punished, if a man, by castration, if a woman, by cutting thro' the cartilage of her nose a hole of one half inch diameter at the least."

38   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 11, 1:02pm  

Dan8267 says

natural epidemic

it certainly isnt natural. you have to be very wreakless to get it today.. and yet 30,000 of gays get it from wreakless behavior last year...and those who get it dont care if they pass it others.

39   freak80   2013 Oct 11, 1:54pm  

Wait, there are people on PatNet who don't ignore TomWong??

40   freak80   2013 Oct 11, 2:12pm  

Dan8267 says

I'm for gay rights because I'm American and real Americans believe in equal rights for all.

But what rights are being denied people based on their sexual activities? That's what I don't understand. When I go to vote, no one asks me where I put my dick last night.

Sure, there's the marriage issue, but is marriage a "right"? Or is it more like a government-enforced contract between two individuals? And why do we limit the definition of marriage to *only two* people? Doesn't that discriminate against polygamists?

One might even wonder why government is involved in personal relationships at all. And with a 50% divorce rate, what does marriage really mean? It seems like marriage is mainly a cash cow for divorce lawyers.

As a Real American (tm), I believe that gays should have equal opportunity to lose half their assets in divorce court. ;-)

41   Dan8267   2013 Oct 11, 5:23pm  

freak80 says

But what rights are being denied people based on their sexual activities? That's what I don't understand

There are 1,138 benefits, rights and protections provided on the basis of marital status in Federal law.

freak80 says

Sure, there's the marriage issue, but is marriage a "right"?

According to the Supreme Court, it is. From the case of Loving v. Virginia (June 12, 1967)

These statutes also deprive the Lovings of liberty without due process of law in violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival. Skinner v. Oklahoma, 316 U.S. 535, 541 (1942). See also Maynard v. Hill, 125 U.S. 190 (1888). To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law. The Fourteenth Amendment requires that the freedom of choice to marry not be restricted by invidious racial discriminations. Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State.

Now this case dealt with laws forbidding interracial marriage, but if you replace "race" with "sexual orientation" the reasoning is exactly the same. Hence, this Supreme Court case also validates the Unconstitutionality of any restrictions on gay marriage. It also affirms that marriage is not just a right, but a fundamental human right.

No real American can deny equality under law. One who does is American in name only. The very essence of what it means to be American is embodied in the 14th Amendment. It is the fundamental principle of our society.

42   Dan8267   2013 Oct 11, 5:30pm  

anonymous says

Tom, do you think all these folks are gay?

He probably does. Tommy and Homeboy are basically these two idiots...

43   New Renter   2013 Oct 11, 6:13pm  

Dan8267 says

FYI, heterosexual men are also discriminated against as shown in this ABC News experiment.

As a liberal, I don't see the difference between a man drugging a woman and a woman drugging a man. Both are doing evil and obviously intend on doing even more evil later. Both should be confronted.

Maybe more people would have helped the guy had he not looked so much like a realtor. They probably thought the pill was some kind of meat tenderizer.

44   freak80   2013 Oct 12, 3:27am  

Dan8267 says

Now this case dealt with laws forbidding interracial marriage, but if you replace "race" with "sexual orientation" the reasoning is exactly the same. Hence, this Supreme Court case also validates the Unconstitutionality of any restrictions on gay marriage. It also affirms that marriage is not just a right, but a fundamental human right.

Fair enough.

But then why limit the definition of marriage to *only two* people? My sexual orientation is the desire to have sex with as many women as possible. I'd love to have 10 wives. Isn't the government discriminating against my sexual orientation?

If I remember correctly, the Mormon church was forced by the federal government to outlaw polygamy (correct me if I'm wrong).

Oddly enough, there isn't a mass-movement in favor of polygamist marriage right now. Ok, maybe in Utah...

45   FortWayne   2013 Oct 12, 3:42am  

Dan8267 says

The gay rights movement is about equality under law. That includes what laws are written, marriage equality, equal taxation, and eliminating law enforcement discrimination against gays, both in terms of police crimes against gays and civil crimes against gays that the police ignore.

But we are not all equal in every way, we are only equal under equal circumstances. And laws are not about "equality", they are about promoting better society and order. If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society. Everything goes is anarchy of failure.

46   FortWayne   2013 Oct 12, 3:43am  

bob2356 says

Get a life. Roman empire fell because of corrupt politicians, dividing the empire, citizens dodging military service, currency debasement, poor trading practices, and the huge rise in number of and cooperation between the barbarian tribes. Morality wasn't the issue.

You just described failure of morality and then said morality was not an issue. You liberals don't know your left hand from your right one!

47   Dan8267   2013 Oct 12, 3:45am  

freak80 says

But then why limit the definition of marriage to *only two* people?

It shouldn't be. As far as the state is concerned, marriage is a business contract. You can enter a business contract with multiple people, so polygamy should be legal. Nonetheless, the issue of polygamy is independent of the issue of gay marriage. So one battle at a time.

The fundamental problem is that the state should not have a secular institute of marriage in the first place. The state should stay out of the bedroom. There should be no legal definition of marriage and no law using the word marriage and no rights based on marriage and no tax codes based on marriage status just like there isn't any of these things regarding holy communion status or baptismal status.

A religious and social institution should not be a secular institution. All laws concerning marriage should be immediately and unconditionally repealed. Laws regarding child custody and parental rights should be marriage agnostic.

Unfortunately, the state has long based its control over the population around marriage that moving away from that model is inconceivable. Nonetheless, no government agency should have any authority over the personal and private relationships of any persons. The state should no more be in the marriage business than in the proctology business.

48   freak80   2013 Oct 12, 4:56am  

Dan, I admire your consistency on the marriage issue. +1.

Too often I hear, "well you're just a bigot for using polygamy as an argument against gay marriage" or something to that effect.

I wish more politicians would make a careful distinction between "civil" marriage and "religious" marriage (like you do). There'd be a lot less conflict. Unfortunately, many politicians want conflict. They want to rally their "true believers" and portray the "other side" as a bunch of evil scum. Do you think it's the tribal psychology thing, similar to the psychology of pro sports? I think it is.

The gay marriage issue is also a great "wedge issue" to divide the population. The top 0.1% can "divide and conquer" the 99.9%

49   bob2356   2013 Oct 12, 7:06am  

FortWayne says

bob2356 says

Get a life. Roman empire fell because of corrupt politicians, dividing the empire, citizens dodging military service, currency debasement, poor trading practices, and the huge rise in number of and cooperation between the barbarian tribes. Morality wasn't the issue.

You just described failure of morality and then said morality was not an issue. You liberals don't know your left hand from your right one!

Good thing I'm not a liberal then. I'm middle of the road right leaning on fiscal, left leaning on social issues. That means I have the burden of actually thinking for myself, rather than just regurgitating whatever fox,beck,rush feed me like you do.

Which of the above so you see as a morality issue other than corrupt politicians? That's not a morality issue, it's just nature of the beast. Trade? Stronger enemies? Poor trade practices? Splitting the empire? Currency debasement? Yep all of these are certainly about sex, drugs, rock and roll. Not.

50   mell   2013 Oct 12, 7:11am  

Dan8267 says

The state should no more be in the marriage business than in the proctology business.


51   Shaman   2013 Oct 12, 7:39am  

mell says

Dan8267 says

The state should no more be in the marriage business than in the proctology business.


When I look over the withholdings on my paycheck I think they actually are!
Every week!
No lube!

52   thomaswong.1986   2013 Oct 12, 7:53am  

freak80 says

Too often I hear, "well you're just a bigot for using polygamy as an argument against gay marriage" or something to that effect.

Polygamy has failed in many cultures. The world has adopted the Roman/European model to marriage and rights of the blood offspring to carry on the family name. The question is not about all kinds of unions, but the rights of offspring to carry the name and pass on property/assets.

YOU ARE the son of your fathers, fathers, father.. and all the rights that come with your last name, authority, property, and etc etc.

53   Automan Empire   2013 Oct 12, 9:35am  

FortWayne says

If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too,
but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized
society. Everything goes is anarchy of failure.

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law. We should call it Dogwin's law, as a gay marriage thread progresses, the chance of someone mentioning marrying their dog approaches 1.

The vanguard phase of a social change movement requires an excess of pride for the sake of cohesion and motivation. In a generation, when gay couples are accepted instead of stigmatized, gay "pride" will be a moot point. Until then, it's really going to bother certain people, in measure with their dislike (for whatever reason) of gay people.

Championing divisive causes such as this is one of the Republican party's current problems.

54   Automan Empire   2013 Oct 12, 10:50am  

Cool, I just submitted Dogwin's Law to Urban Dictionary and they're publishing it. Thanks, FortWayne.

55   freak80   2013 Oct 12, 12:04pm  

Automan Empire says

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law. We should call it Dogwin's law, as a gay marriage thread progresses, the chance of someone mentioning marrying their dog approaches 1.

That's a good (and hilarious) observation. +1.

56   bg   2013 Oct 12, 12:24pm  

FortWayne says

Whats there to take pride in exactly?

Pride in being true to yourself, and doing it despite the hate that is likely going to be directed at you for it. It takes bravery to come out as homosexual. An openly gay person has faced a dilemma, been true to themselves, and has earned the right to be proud of it.

57   New Renter   2013 Oct 12, 12:42pm  

freak80 says

But then why limit the definition of marriage to *only two* people? My sexual orientation is the desire to have sex with as many women as possible. I'd love to have 10 wives. Isn't the government discriminating against my sexual orientation?

Go ahead - provided:

1) You can support your 10 wives and all resulting children without any state support

2) You marry American women that no other man will take - fat, ugly, stupid, and possibly psychotic.

3) No pre-nuptuals

Have fun!

FortWayne says

If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society.

THAT gets into the question of consent. Marriage has to be between two consenting individuals - how can you confirm a dog (or any animal) consents or even has any comprehension of marriage?

58   Dan8267   2013 Oct 12, 12:42pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

They should get one big fucking bed, literally, for savage group fucking and satiation of the god-man of the household.

And the bed should be made of the bones of bankers with skulls for the headposts.

59   Dan8267   2013 Oct 12, 1:32pm  

FortWayne says

But we are not all equal in every way, we are only equal under equal circumstances. And laws are not about "equality", they are about promoting better society and order.

What does that even mean? No one is arguing that we are all equal in height, good looks, finance, intelligence, and body odor. The 14th Amendment says we are all equal under law. That means something specific. It means

1. We all have the exact same set of rights.
2. There are no privileges under law.
3. Laws cannot be written to arbitrarily discriminate against any group or enforce any prejudice.
4. No one is above the law or not subject to it.
5. Enforcement of laws must be universal. Police and the state cannot choose against whom to enforce the law.

Does our government violate the 14th Amendment? Yes, every fucking day. And every time it is, the government pisses on the graves of every soldier who died defending our freedom. But that means we, the people, should not tolerate any violation of the 14th Amendment. It is the most important part of the Constitution, even more important than the First Amendment. The principle that we all have the same rights is more important than any particular right, even free speech.

To argue that we are equal under law has nothing to do with stating that all people are identical, have the same talents, most have the same net worth by law, or any other Straw Man argument. To argue that we are all equal under law pertains only to the taxation, representation, legislation, and court system to which every individual is subject. Yet, these things are so critical to the liberty and quality of a person's life, that equality under law is the single most important principle of our society. It is utterly impossible to promote a better society without this principle.


FortWayne says

If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society.

If someone wants to marry an African or Jew or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society.

Notice that the reasoning, or lack thereof, in the above two sentences are exactly the same. This should be the first clue that your statement is false.

During the 1960s, bigoted Americans made the exact same argument against interracial marriage, called miscreation at the time. They argued that if a man were permitted to marry a nigger, it's like and will eventually lead to men marrying dogs and to polygamy. This, of course, is a racist and ridiculous marriage. A black human being is not the same thing as a dog. Black persons can enter legally binding contracts; dogs can't.

This argument when applied to same-sex marriage is just as bigoted and ridiculous, and for the exact same reasons. A homosexual person is not the same thing as a dog. Homosexual persons can enter legally binding contracts; dogs can't.

As for polygamy, there is no legal justification to ban it. However, that argument is independent of the argument of same sex marriage. The two issues have nothing to do with each other, so equating them is a red herring. However, if you want to discuss the morality of bestiality or polygamy, go to Why the hell is bestiality or polygomy immoral?

FortWayne says

If someone wants to marry a dog or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society. Everything goes is anarchy of failure.

The statement that polygamy cause anarchy is empirically false. Polygamy was legal in the United States until it was outlawed by the federal government in 1862. It did not lead to any fall of government, mass hysteria, or crime against humanity. Drones, the NSA, and America's dependency on oil has lead to all three of these things. They should be banned rather than polygamy.

The banning of polygamy does clearly and wholly violate the First Amendment. Many religions such as Islamic ones practice polygamy. Even some Christian and Christian-like religions practiced it. The ban on polygamy is based solely on modern Christian beliefs and thus is both an attack on other religions and is forcing the practice of another religion onto the people.

Even if you dismiss Islamic religions as "subhuman and unworthy of respect", are you willing to do the same to Native American religions and look like an intolerant asshole? Yep, many Native American religions practiced polygamy. Are you willing to go so far as to let the federal government, the same assholes who committed genocide against the Native Americans, to now prevent their few surviving descendants from practicing their non-violent native religions? That would be pretty low. Yet, this is exactly what the federal ban on polygamy does.

Yet, banning the marriage of multiple persons does not ban the practice of having sex with multiple persons either sequentially or in parallel. Polygamous sex is the norm in our society and there is nothing that the state should be allowed to do about it. The freedom to make one's own sexual decisions is a basic human right.

60   FortWayne   2013 Oct 13, 2:18am  

Automan Empire says

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law. We should call it Dogwin's law, as a gay marriage thread progresses, the chance of someone mentioning marrying their dog approaches 1.

It's a reasonable analogy for the slippery slope society we are in.

61   FortWayne   2013 Oct 13, 2:20am  

New Renter says

THAT gets into the question of consent. Marriage has to be between two consenting individuals - how can you confirm a dog (or any animal) consents or even has any comprehension of marriage?

Chickens, pigs, and cows don't exactly consent to being on a dinner plate either, but oh well. Whats your point?

62   tatupu70   2013 Oct 13, 2:23am  

FortWayne says

Chickens, pigs, and cows don't exactly consent to being on a dinner plate either, but oh well. Whats your point?

Wow--did you just compare being married to being eaten?

63   marcus   2013 Oct 13, 3:40am  

FortWayne says

Automan Empire says

The Dog analogy always comes up sooner than later; so much that it needs its own internet-lore law. We should call it Dogwin's law, as a gay marriage thread progresses, the chance of someone mentioning marrying their dog approaches 1.

It's a reasonable analogy for the slippery slope society we are in.

Just in case you weren't clear on who you're talking to, well,..now you know.

Let me guess Fort Wayne. As a student you were always one of the brightest. You got perfect scores on your SATs and went to either MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford or Harvard. And since then, well the rest is history.

So it's no wonder that when you bring your high powered thought processes and your resulting opinions to this forum, that most of us can't begin to comprehend where you're coming from.

64   Y   2013 Oct 13, 6:03am  

Not even close.
You cannot equate canines with humans.

Dan8267 says

If someone wants to marry an African or Jew or 10 wives it's their sexual orientation too, but they shouldn't have the right to do so if we are to have a civilized society.

Notice that the reasoning, or lack thereof, in the above two sentences are exactly the same.

65   Y   2013 Oct 13, 6:07am  

My dog nods 'yes' and 'no' to questions asked.
You must house a dumb bitch...

New Renter says

Marriage has to be between two consenting individuals - how can you confirm a dog (or any animal) consents

66   Automan Empire   2013 Oct 13, 9:22am  

FortWayne says

Renter says

THAT gets into the question of consent. Marriage has to be between two
consenting individuals - how can you confirm a dog (or any animal) consents or
even has any comprehension of marriage?

Chickens, pigs, and cows don't exactly consent to being on a dinner plate
either, but oh well. Whats your point?
It's a reasonable analogy for the slippery slope society we are in.

The point is, animals cannot consent or enter into contracts, so your strawman argument is so ridiculously inapplicable as to exclude your opinion from serious consderation in the debate.
Ditto for the "slippery slope" argument; it is poor debating technique, especially when your provided examples have high shock value but near zero practice or demand in real life.
You can do better than this, I suspect...

67   freak80   2013 Oct 13, 9:44am  

New Renter says

1) You can support your 10 wives and all resulting children without any state support

Don't worry, I'll use condoms. And they'll be on the pill.

Dan8267 says

Even if you dismiss Islamic religions as "subhuman and unworthy of respect", are you willing to do the same to Native American religions and look like an intolerant asshole?

Dan, if I remember correctly, you're no fan of Islam. Does that make you an intolerant asshole? ;-)

68   CL   2013 Oct 13, 10:12am  

bg says

FortWayne says

Whats there to take pride in exactly?

Pride in being true to yourself, and doing it despite the hate that is likely going to be directed at you for it. It takes bravery to come out as homosexual. An openly gay person has faced a dilemma, been true to themselves, and has earned the right to be proud of it.

Did I miss it? Did Fort Wayne finally come out of the closet? :)

69   Dan8267   2013 Oct 13, 10:15am  

FortWayne says

Chickens, pigs, and cows don't exactly consent to being on a dinner plate either, but oh well. Whats your point?

His point is that marriage is a contract and chicken, pigs, and cows can't sign contracts, whereas blacks, gays, and Jews can. Therefore, comparing same-sex marriage or interracial marriage to bestiality is retarded.

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