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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   169,271 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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38587   edvard2   2013 Oct 17, 12:54am  

Bap33 says

what lib program is not funded by taxpayers or Soros?

Sure you want to go there? The ENTIRE Tea Party is basically one giant astroturf, invented front created by conservative billionaires whom use it as a cover, telling their eager followers one thing- that any and all things that benefit them like air, water, and environmental regulations, healthcare, taxation, social programs, energy policy and so on are all a bunch of liberal/socialist/communist ideas and then using that misplaced influence to get what they want through government.

As we have just seen, the tea-party led government shutdown cost the US economy 10's of Billions of dollars. So in other words, ironically the Tea Party did exactly the OPPOSITE of what its supposed stated mission was- which was to reduce spending. Well they cost us a LOT of money instead.

38588   MAGA   2013 Oct 17, 2:10am  

In other news, it's a great time to buy. NAR says so.

38589   freak80   2013 Oct 17, 2:14am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

It was pure as the driven snow until the REALTORs started twisting it.

Jerry Sandusky was a REALTOR.

38590   freak80   2013 Oct 17, 2:21am  

Facebooksux says

Better switch positions and buy while you can.

Mind if I permalink your comment? ;-)

We'll see what happens a year from now...

38591   SJ   2013 Oct 17, 2:32am  

I don't buy a lot of precious metals just a few collectible coins for fun. I will buy more when price drops below 1000.

38592   Facebooksux   2013 Oct 17, 2:38am  

freak80 says

Facebooksux says

Better switch positions and buy while you can.

Mind if I permalink your comment? ;-)

We'll see what happens a year from now...

Not at all.

38593   Facebooksux   2013 Oct 17, 2:39am  

SJ says

I don't buy a lot of precious metals just a few collectible coins for fun. I will buy more when price drops below 1000.

Realize that collectible coins are a huge ripoff. You get more for your BERNANKEbux by simply buying modern coins.

38594   David9   2013 Oct 17, 2:42am  

Here is another story of a Realtor who baited, kidnapped, held for hostage, and then murdered a super model.


38595   MAGA   2013 Oct 17, 2:45am  


He specializes in first time buyers and new houses. I guess that means he gets kickbacks from the builder's for bringing in the suckers.

38596   AverageBear   2013 Oct 17, 2:49am  

edvard2 says

It was his presidency in which this law was passed. Nuff said. Either way, this President has certainly gotten more done, and of those- better things done- than his predecessor.

Yeah, well Nixon pretty much proposed/invented the EPA around 1970, which was "created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress", yet I don't see liberals falling over themselves in celebrating Nixon's efforts on this.. 'nuff said.....


Yeah, Obama's gotten a lot done, or UN-done.

- You think the Middle-East is more stable or less stable siince he took office?

- Do you think our allies (UK, Turkey, Israel, Japan, etc) trust us more or less since Obama took office?

- Do you think small business owners and entrepreneurs are facing a more hostile or less hostile environment since Obama took office?

- Do you think Americans feel their privacy is more intact or less intact since we've learned about Obama's abuse of the NSA and in particular the IRS being used as a weapon of political nature?

- Since the abortion called Obamacare was rolled out a couple of weeks ago, you think Americans trust the gov't more in how our health care is managed, or trusts the gov't less since Obama lied to us about 'keeping our doctors', that 'rates will go down'?

Face it, those too naive to see it, Obamacare is a massive voter-buying wealth re-distrubition whirlpool of shit. He's ruined a system that gave 300 million Americans a decent (but not perfect) healthcare industry, all in the name of getting 17 million poor people health care. That's it in a nutshell. Wait till more and more companies health care contracts expire. More and more voters will get fucked and dumped into Obamacare. They will lose their doctors, and pay more for less service....

AAAAAND, they will remember Obama's lies back in 2009/10 when they vote in 2014.

38597   edvard2   2013 Oct 17, 3:04am  

AverageBear says

Yeah, well Nixon pretty much proposed/invented the EPA around 1970, which was "created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress", yet I don't see liberals falling over themselves in celebrating Nixon's efforts on this.. 'nuff said.....

Its not like Nixon was totally enthralled with the EPA when it passed. Ever since then the GOP has been trying its damnedest to have the powers of the EPA reduced. So if your narrative is about the supposed good-hearted, well-intentioned Republicans then your point is sort of pointless given how the GOP acts in regards to environmental protection.

Pretty much everything else on your list was in play well before not only the current administration, but well before the last, and the one before that. And so I find it ironic that you are somehow attaching these as things that have been "Un-done" since it wasn't this administrations.... "Doing" in the first place.

As far as the "wealth distribution" bullshit, when will that crap ever die? It never had a premise when it started other than some lame yakking point from the McCain campaign, and it doesn't have a premise now.

lastly, after this latest GOP/Tea Party induced debacle, where the shutdown THEY and THEY ALONE created, and did so despite even members of the GOP themselves saying the shutdown over Obamacare was doomed to fail, this cost the US economy something like over 20 BILLION dollars.

So anyone who thoughtlessly and unquestionably believes and follows every little whim that the GOP or Tea Party says has zero rational grounds to make any sort of claim against Democrats when their party themselves did more to damage the economy and take money out of people's pockets than the make-believe. hocus-pocus liberals they always like to blame things on as a means to detract from their own failings. So you want to complain about Redistribution? The GOP JUST DID THAT VERY THING!

In the end, the historical outcome is the same. Conservative Americans are wrong this time, every bit as wrong as they have always been in this country, and no matter how many times they use the same McCarthy-era scare tactics ( oooohhh! Communists/Socialists!", I personally take comfort in knowing that despite their noise they will lose. every. single. time. Just like they did last night, and just as they will going forward.

38598   exfatguy   2013 Oct 17, 7:10am  

The neighbor next to me just recently made some bank selling to a Chinese Own-to-Renter. The seller was older and retired, so her timing was perfect. She listed at $549,000 and the buyer, with 50% down (from a bank in China) swooped in and overbid to $600,000.

Within a week after closing, and with doing absolutely nothing to the house (with dead weed pile in driveway remaining as evidence), put the house on Craigslist for $2,800 per month. He had an open-house and there were many visitors, but it's been two weeks and the only activity I've seen is him there every now and then with various pickup trucks from local engineering contractors. Not sure if he's fixing it up, or just fixing it.

Anyway, this is textbook Chinese investment. Time will tell how good or bad it was.

38599   exfatguy   2013 Oct 17, 7:12am  

Nobody needs a mortgage anymore. Everyone (but me) has millions in cash and are buying homes straight-up.

It's different this time.

38601   everything   2013 Oct 17, 12:23pm  

Sure, their are fixers, but all flipping really does is take away the disposable income of the middle class, then the lipstick on the house wears off - back to the bank again, for whatever reason.

38602   everything   2013 Oct 17, 12:32pm  

Mortgage applications did fall off a cliff when mortgage rates jolted upwards about 1 percent. But, this just sounds like the refinancing craze is over for now. To be completely honest, I don't know where people get the money, I really don't.

38603   FunTime   2013 Oct 18, 2:56am  

everything says

To be completely honest, I don't know where people get the money, I really don't.

I have that thought a lot here in San Francisco. Someone will reply, "Tech stocks" or something similar. But I'm looking at the median and average incomes and still wondering!

38604   FortWayne   2013 Oct 18, 3:27am  

Many funds lately have exited the housing investments. There is no more money made, "recovery" is over.

That should probably be on the investment forum.

38605   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 18, 6:57am  

How could anything this awful have happened a full decade before Benghazicare?

38606   tatupu70   2013 Oct 18, 6:58am  

bgamall4 says

BTW, Fox News reported about the Israelis taking the day off.

Are you implying that Bin Laden told Israel about the upcoming attack?

38607   socal2   2013 Oct 18, 7:10am  

tatupu70 says

Are you implying that Bin Laden told Israel about the upcoming attack?

No - I think he is implying the Jooos told Bin Laden to attack the US.

38608   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 18, 7:34am  

The Jews don't even bother to lie about it. Al Franken was not in his WTC office that morning, and admits "Yep. I got the Jew call."

38609   ttsmyf   2013 Oct 18, 7:50am  

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Friday, October 18, 2013 __ Level is 98.3

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes indeed, go here:

38610   finehoe   2013 Oct 18, 8:00am  

Republicans and teabaggers have done nothing but visit monuments with veterans since the government re-opened, right?

38611   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 18, 8:03am  

finehoe says

Republicans and teabaggers have done nothing but visit monuments with veterans since the government re-opened, right?

Since monuments and air shows constitute the only legitimate activities of government: yes.

38612   MAGA   2013 Oct 18, 8:03am  

tatupu70 says

Are you implying that Bin Laden told Israel about the upcoming attack?

Maybe Bin Laden didn't want to be nuked by Israel.

38613   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 1:16pm  

Why is it that Hydrocarbon's posts come across as sounding less satirical than yours?

38614   tts   2013 Oct 18, 1:18pm  

This sounds like a different version of this pile of BS: http://www.snopes.com/rumors/israel.asp

38615   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 1:29pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Why is it that Hydrocarbon's posts come across as sounding less satirical than yours?

Why is it that you never have anything of substance to say?

Why is it that you are a conspiracy nut devoid of actual facts to back up your outlandish claims?

38616   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 1:30pm  

bgamall4 says

tts says

This sounds like a different version of this pile of BS:

So, explain Fox News reporting that Jews were told to stay home.

Your source of definitive proof of an extraordinary claim is Fox News? Ha, ha, ha.

38617   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 1:32pm  

bgamall4 says

HydroCabron says

The Jews don't even bother to lie about it. Al Franken was not in his WTC office that morning, and admits "Yep. I got the Jew call."

I was unable to find this. Do you have a link or are you just crazy? If you have a link and are serious, I will apologize for calling you crazy ahead of time. We know many Jews stayed home on 9/11.

He is taking the piss out of you. You are so stupid that you can't even see that he is lampooning your posts.

38618   tts   2013 Oct 18, 1:41pm  

bgamall4 says

400 out of 4000? Snopes proved nothing. Snopes is an idiotic website.

This is not a rebuttal. Its just name calling and denial.

Also Snopes is a good site because it always links it sources and its sources are usually pretty good 3rd parties.
bgamall4 says

So, explain Fox News reporting that Jews were told to stay home.

And this is shifting goal posts which is a fundamentally dishonest method of discussion.

But to answer your question: Fox News lies occasionally and has sued, and won, for the privilege to do so: http://ceasespin.org/ceasespin_blog/ceasespin_blogger_files/fox_news_gets_okay_to_misinform_public.html

38619   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 1:43pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Why is that you are a conspiracy nut devoid of actual facts to back up your outlandish claims?


That is what you take as evidence? Paint me utterly unsurprised.

38620   tts   2013 Oct 18, 1:44pm  

A news host who is a 9/11 Truther and goes on Alex Jones' show to talk about it is not proof of a conspiracy.

That is at the very best hearsay.

bgamall4 says

Even Rivera, and the coach from the Seahawks can't believe the government explanation of WTC7 Wigsby.

OK never mind he has to be trolling us.

38621   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 1:44pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

He is taking the piss out of you. You are so stupid that you can't even see that he is lampooning your posts.

I don't give a crap what he is doing. I don't give a crap that you can't see WTC7 was loaded with explosives. I don't give a crap that you don't know about the Yinon Plan of regime change.

You forgot to mention that you don't give a crap about actual evidence as well.

38622   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 1:45pm  

bgamall4 says

Even Rivera, and the coach from the Seahawks can't believe the government explanation of WTC7 Wigsby.

The quality of your 'evidence' sure is impressive.

38623   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 1:46pm  

tts says

A news host who is a 9/11 Truther and goes on Alex Jones' show to talk about it is not proof of a conspiracy.

That is at the very best hearsay.

bgamall4 says

Even Rivera, and the coach from the Seahawks can't believe the government explanation of WTC7 Wigsby.

OK never mind he has to be trolling us.

Sadly, he isn't.

38624   tts   2013 Oct 18, 2:18pm  

bgamall4 says

We have provided proof on this forum and it is there for everyone to see.

I looked at the "proof" the other 9/11 Truthers were presenting years ago and came away convinced these people were about reasonable as the TP'ers who push "black helicopter", chem-trail, and FEMA death camp conspiracies.

38625   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 2:29pm  

bgamall4 says

Snopes does not know. I will not click on a snopes link. They are discredited.

You want proof?

Now, three explosions with people injured prior to any tower falling.

Eyewitnesses, and Dan Rather was an eyewitness and he said it was explosions. These firefighters confirm he was telling the truth.

Perhaps you'd care to put that in context. What/When/Where? How does their claim relate to your claims etc. etc?

And by the way, eyewitness accounts are not proof, most especially when they fly in the face of all other evidence.

38626   Bigsby   2013 Oct 18, 2:32pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

The quality of your 'evidence' sure is impressive.

You rejected the real evidence. It is just that conservatives are starting to believe what the liberals and libertarians have been saying about 9/11. Just because your masters won't allow you to speak the truth doesn't mean others are no longer afraid.

Conspiracy nut gobbledygook.

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