Is he for real?

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2013 Aug 25, 8:03am   63,685 views  189 comments

by GonzoReal   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

no one knows

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131   turtledove   2013 Aug 27, 9:55am  

egads101 says

The oracle cares not if you understand.

Well, Turtledove, or "Her Imperial Highness" as she is referred to on her home planet, cares not if your readers are distracted from your message by your word choices.

egads101 says

so the oracle entered 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058...

Pi. Something a math teacher might think of. The plot thickens...

132   Bigsby   2013 Aug 27, 10:41am  

turtledove says

egads101 says

The oracle cares not if you understand.

Well, Turtledove, or "Her Imperial Highness" as she is referred to on her home planet, cares not if your readers are distracted from your message by your word choices.

egads101 says

so the oracle entered 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058...

Pi. Something a math teacher might think of. The plot thickens...

Bob has returned to offer David Losh politer pearls of wisdom (at least for now).

133   waiting_for_the_fall   2013 Aug 27, 10:50am  

To answer the original question of this post: Is Roberto gone?
Why don't we ask the Oracle what the answer is.

I wonder what his oracular knowledge will deduce. What will it all add up to?

134   David Losh   2013 Aug 27, 11:22am  

Too bad, dead site, eaten by trolls.

135   waiting_for_the_fall   2013 Aug 27, 11:22am  

I have to admit, I like the Oracle better than Bob.

At least I won't have to hear about how great Phoenix is all the time. Or how much money Bob made (even though he didn't sell any homes recently), or how we are all nitwits because we didn't buy in Phoenix like he did, or how great his crapshack empire is.

Yeah, the Oracle's mystic pronunciations are definitely better than Bob's egotistical rants.

136   turtledove   2013 Aug 27, 11:28am  

waiting_for_the_fall says

I have to admit, I like the Oracle better than Bob.

At least I won't have to hear about how great Phoenix is all the time. Or how much money Bob made (even though he didn't sell any homes recently), or how we are all nitwits because we didn't buy in Phoenix like he did, or how great his crapshack empire is.

Yeah, the Oracle's mystic pronunciations are definitely better than Bob's egotistical rants.

Her Imperial Highness decrees this to be a good point.

137   Philistine   2013 Aug 27, 11:29am  

David Losh says

Too bad, dead site, eaten by trolls.

There is no good
And no bad

Except in perception
And real estate blogging

There is nothing that is dead
That is not also undead

Let the trolls feast
For tomorrow is

Another day
And as God is my

Witness, I'll never
Go hungry again.

Oh, bother, screw all this. Get me another bottle of cheap scotch.

138   CDon   2013 Aug 27, 11:47am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

tatupu70 says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Yes, and they are. Just wait until you are shocked by the sales that are

occurring today in both the new and existing homes.

No offense, but you've been preparing me to be shocked for quite some time now. And your track record for delivering the shock is zero. I think I'll continue believing that the appreciation will slow this year, but there will be no reversal.

That is exactly why you and many will be shocked. To the point you will rush to the nearest agent and sell your cozy shack for 40 cents on the dollar.

Shocked you say? Horrific? Strong words...extremely strong words... the type of words I (and most rational people) only apply to extremely rare circumstances (like maybe 2-3 times in a lifetime). But I digress..

Seeing as you use such strong words, all with an air of prescience, almost cocksure arrogance, tells us you are "in the know" on what next months CS data will look like.

Care to put that into a numerical value so all of us can see whether your "shocked" and "horrific" words ring true?

I ask because it seems like many here on patnet are (for lack of a better word) drama queens. They seem to expect the 2006-2008 price declines (the last time the data truly was horrific) will resume in earnest - whereas the rest of us see a slight rise/flat/slight decline data point as yet another ho hum nothingburger we have seen (circa 2009-2012).

Is this what you are expecting?

Alternatively, the other possibility is that you will not give us any numerical value to judge your "shocked" and "horrific" statements against, and then when the next CS number comes out (no matter what it may be) you will triumphantly declare victory to no one in particular.

Is this what you are expecting to do?

139   RentingForHalfTheCost   2013 Aug 27, 12:01pm  

CDon says

Shocked you say? Horrific? Strong words...extremely strong words... the type of words I (and most rational people) only apply to extremely rare circumstances (like maybe 2-3 times in a lifetime).

This is not even a 2-3 times in your life. This will be a 1!!! A horrific, shocking, beyond you wildest nightmare event. Like I said, a retrace of all the recent gains will be just the start. I predicted a war a long time ago that will kick this thing off like a wasp nest. Once we are all distract with yet another war, the value of your house will be the last thing on your mind.

140   RWSGFY   2013 Aug 27, 12:33pm  

Bigsby says

Bob has returned to offer David Losh politer pearls of wisdom (at least for now).

Anyone wants to bet on how long this polite version of Bob will last?

141   Bm05211983   2013 Aug 27, 1:51pm  

This is the dumbest fucking thread I have seen in my life and the person who started it is a complete idiot

142   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 27, 3:22pm  


Your posts are funny and entertaining and sometimes even educational.

Nobody on here seems to give a damn about your well being though.

Please don't reach for the scotch.

Please stop blogging/social networking.

143   RentingForHalfTheCost   2013 Aug 27, 3:35pm  

egads101 says


egads your a nitwit with a full brain that doesn't function. How was the overheated summer. Hope the AC worked all through the heat waves.

Oh, and before I forget. Your breath stinks.

144   RentingForHalfTheCost   2013 Aug 27, 11:52pm  

sbh says

But, as I said previously, you might be right in the very next moment

No might. Down this house of cards comes.

145   edvard2   2013 Aug 28, 1:22am  

Is Roberto gone? Why are there 200+ responses here? If he is, then so be it. Its his choice so be done with it and let it be.

146   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 28, 1:26am  

Apparently like the Phoenix, he's apparently reemerged.

147   lostand confused   2013 Aug 28, 1:34am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

Apparently like the Phoenix, he's apparently reemerged.

Reemerged as the oracle ! I wonder if the oracle will demand we give offerings for his pearls of wisdom!

148   elliemae   2013 Aug 28, 2:05am  

Bm05211983 says

This is the dumbest fucking thread I have seen in my life and the person who started it is a complete idiot

I thought it was all the drugs I did in the 70's catching up to me. Thanks, I needed that.

149   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 28, 2:49am  

Please don't talk about me when I'm gone
Oh honey, though our friendship ceases from now on
And listen, if you can't say anything real nice
It's better not to talk at all is my advice

We're parting, you go your way I'll go mine
It's best that we do
Here's a kiss I hope that this brings lots of luck to you
Oh makes no difference how I carry on
Remember, please don't talk about me when I'm gone

We're parting, you go your way I'll go mine
It's best that we do
Here's a kiss I hope that this brings lots of luck to you
Makes no difference how I carry on
Remember, please don't talk about me
Please don't talk about me
Please don't talk about me when I'm gone

150   RentingForHalfTheCost   2013 Aug 28, 3:36am  

lostand confused says

B.A.C.A.H. says

Apparently like the Phoenix, he's apparently reemerged.

Reemerged as the oracle ! I wonder if the oracle will demand we give offerings for his pearls of wisdom!

Oracle is a nitwit and a moron rolled into one.

151   EBGuy   2013 Dec 4, 7:41am  

I probably missed his farewell thread over the long weekend. Did egads101 sign off for good?

152   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Dec 4, 7:47am  

EBGuy says

I probably missed his farewell thread over the long weekend. Did egads101 sign off for good?

Banned for threatening physical violence.

153   dublin hillz   2013 Dec 4, 8:34am  

Terminated stalinist style - like he never existed lol

154   waiting_for_the_fall   2013 Dec 4, 10:29am  

Bobby went off his rocker. He wasn't talking like someone rational.
I think Bobby is bipolar- he doesn't always act crazy, but only in fits and bursts. I bet Bobby doesn't even know he's bipolar. There's medication that really helps people like him- it is a brain chemical imbalance that medication can help a lot.

Poor Bobby. He can't help acting crazy...

155   CDon   2013 Dec 4, 11:32am  

thomaswong.1986 says

and frankly all the investors/flippers ever did was to insult renters ...

By the same token, all you have ever done is scare the shit out of them - posting your insipid chart and telling them to expect a quick "reversion to the mean" - telling them about jobs disappearing en masse for a decade (ignoring all the while prices were increasing) - waxing rhapsodic about what it was like in the 80s - saying the last 15 years has been nothing but "hype"

And yet, pretty much every single thing you have written in the last 4+ years... thousands upon thousands of posts predicting a downward direction of prices has proven... wrong.

Does this bother you? Even in the slightest?

To put it another way - do you ever plan on reviewing your thesis of an imminent crippling decline, and conclude - after years upon years of stagnation and then price increases - gee, maybe I am wrong?

Now knowing you, you are sitting there reading this and getting all angry about me calling you out like this...You are probably thinking, why ill show him - I will tell him all about the 80s and reversion to the mean and shiller, and jobs, and and and.

Before you do so, please, take a deep breath, calm down and answer what I ask of you. All the rest of your Chewbacca style defense we all have heard perhaps hundreds of times by now. Seriously, if that is all you are going to say, please, spare us - just run away and pretend like you never saw this post.

So that said, if you do plan to answer, I ask you, as I have asked perhaps 50+ times by now, (yet not once have you clearly answered)....

Is there ever a time, perhaps this year, perhaps next where you will look at the prices of homes continuing to confound your predictions and conclude gee, maybe I am wrong???

156   waiting_for_the_fall   2013 Dec 4, 11:58am  

CDon says

Is there ever a time, perhaps this year, perhaps next where you will look at the prices of homes continuing to confound your predictions and conclude gee, maybe I am wrong???

Let's see if cdon can resist talking about Phoenix home investments....

157   CDon   2013 Dec 4, 12:06pm  

waiting_for_the_fall says

CDon says

Is there ever a time, perhaps this year, perhaps next where you will look at the prices of homes continuing to confound your predictions and conclude gee, maybe I am wrong???

Let's see if cdon can resist talking about Phoenix home investments....

To be honest, I dont care at all about Phoenix, or really investing in rental properties in the slightest.

Tell you what, for the time being, lets table the discussion and I promise I will answer anything and everything you want to know on my views upon housing once Thomas weighs in.

So again, Thomas - the ball is in your court...

158   Reality   2013 Dec 4, 12:39pm  

Bellingham Bill says

We disagreed on the morality perhaps, but in the noble words of Winston Churchill:

You may want to read the rest of the article/speech. Churchill's "land monopolist" was referring to aristocratic/feudal land holders who inherited agricultural land and denied development in order to avoid property tax during the time of holding land for future sale. It has nothing to do with today's "landlord" renting out usage of houses but more akin to "conservationists" who deny development

159   CDon   2013 Dec 5, 7:40am  

RFHTC, seeing as you are now clearly winding down your time on this blog - I want to ask you about some stuff you said this summer, starting with this:

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Call it Crazy says

It does??? Here is today's Case Shiller... Want to take a guess at the direction of home prices??

Huge down movement is already happening, we just have to wait for the data to get collected as we speak. Anyone thinking of selling but waiting is a fool. Now is a much better time than later.

and culminating in this:

RentingForHalfTheCost says

tatupu70 says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Yes, and they are. Just wait until you are shocked by the sales that are

occurring today in both the new and existing homes.

No offense, but you've been preparing me to be shocked for quite some time now. And your track record for delivering the shock is zero. I think I'll continue believing that the appreciation will slow this year, but there will be no reversal.

That is exactly why you and many will be shocked. To the point you will rush to the nearest agent and sell your cozy shack for 40 cents on the dollar.

most of your comments were found around numbers 140-170 above


Anyhoo, now that time has proven all your apocryphal language about a massive downturn in case shiller prices, into yet-another-nothingburger, care to tell us what the hell all that was about?

I mean the way you wrote that stuff, you really were expecting the CS index to be in sort of massive upheaval by now, with all the bulls running around screaming with their hair on fire - OMG, SELL SELL SELL!

Yet, as is so often the case here on patnet, nothing has happened. Case Shiller is largely following its normal seasonal patterns, lower MOM but higher YOY, and likely higher in 2014... So again, what the heck was all that bluster all about? What was it that you thought you saw that caused you to get so hysterical?

160   Ceffer   2013 Dec 5, 11:34am  

I thought he was a "dial an insult" bot. Was he a real person?

162   Philistine   2013 Dec 5, 1:13pm  

EastCoastBubbleBoy says

DinOR and PeterP

Don't get me started. What a simple PatNet world it was then. I used to read it for the downright clever and witty repartee. Alas!, with the housing crash we all angled for back then, this place has now become morose and polarized and seems to have lost its Way With Words.

163   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 5, 1:31pm  

CDon says

By the same token, all you have ever done is scare the shit out of them - posting your insipid chart and telling them to expect a quick "reversion to the mean" - telling them about jobs disappearing

CDon says

And yet, pretty much every single thing you have written in the last 4+ years... thousands upon thousands of posts predicting a downward direction of prices has proven... wrong.

which oddly enough came to be true from Miami to Phoenix.. needless to say it has more history than most other claims i heard since 2000. It scared them.. GOOD!
I did my job right! Like i said couple of years ago.. its a good time to buy in Miami, just dont trip over the dead bodies... so where were the Flippers/Investors for Miami.. not to be found, because their scam no longer worked.

Yes, reversion to the mean actually came true... CA is still pending a correction..

164   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 5, 1:41pm  

CDon says

To put it another way - do you ever plan on reviewing your thesis of an imminent crippling decline, and conclude - after years upon years of stagnation and then price increases - gee, maybe I am wrong?

everything you ever wanted to know ( and we all know didnt want to ask)
about can be found here....pick it up one day and actually read about it.

165   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 5, 1:47pm  

CDon says

Now knowing you, you are sitting there reading this and getting all angry about me calling you out like this...You are probably thinking, why ill show him - I will tell him all about the 80s and reversion to the mean and shiller, and jobs, and and and.

nope.. i dont have to... all the history has been written and archived on the internet.

People down the road will easily dispute the shills who try to pump RE prices.

166   thomaswong.1986   2013 Dec 5, 1:56pm  

Don't Get Snookered by Rising Home Prices, Shiller Warns ( March 2013)


"One thing that makes it very hard to forecast home prices right now is that we're living in a totally artificial real estate economy," said Shiller, co-creator of the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller Index, a widely followed measure of housing prices.

Shiller pointed to the Federal Reserve, which last week reaffirmed its policies on bond purchases and record-low interest rates. In September, the Fed launched a third round of quantitative easing (QE), in which it has bought $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities per month, primarily in mortgage-backed bonds.

Meanwhile, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest U.S. home funding sources, remain in government conservatorship as Congress looks for ways to raise new tax revenues, Shiller noted.

"All of these things are weighing on the futures of housing," Shiller said on CNBC's "Futures Now," adding the recovery might even be a bubble. "One thing you learn from history is that bubbles can occur at any time."

167   HydroCabron   2013 Dec 7, 2:48am  

thomaswong.1986 says

You and Roberto are made for each other... should people really look forward to some BIG GAINS from buying homes... or focus on aspects of their life like jobs, career, children and family ? As long as you clowns make a bundle, you couldnt care less.

Psst.. if you can reap LARGE GAINS what prevents you from suffering LARGE LOSSES...

what goes up too far too fast has the ultimate consequences of falling equally ...

Some readers may be aghast at this outburst of hatred directed at success and entrepreneurial initiative. Such class-based envy and resentment indicates a very unhealthy mind!

For those not versed in the intircacies of modern "conservative" "thought", I will attempt to explain the doublethink which allows ardent worship of the wealthy to coexist with searing class resentment in the same mind.

The key is the Nixon-Atwater-Rove-Luntz touchstone concept of the "elite." The elite are the wealthy who cheated their way to wealth through inheritance, legacy college admissions, shady deals, and rent seeking. The Job Creators, on the other hand, worked their way to wealth fair and square through inheritance, legacy college admissions, shady deals and rent seeking.

Can you guess the difference between the elite and the job creators? That's right: the elites are wealthy who oppose any of the current precepts of conservatism which its buck-toothed followers are instructed to repeat.

The beauty of this Rovian concept is that class-hatred and envy can be harnessed in defense of class privilege, so that petty haters - of success, hard work, and the upper class - will continually give blow jobs to the wealthy, in both the privacy of the ballot box and in public, at family gatherings, at workplace water coolers, and on internet forums.

If the NAACP hired Rove, they could raise money from Klan members.

168   Ceffer   2013 Dec 7, 3:06am  

The real estate lobbyists are just around to pump up "gold fever" in real estate. Some of it may be mingled with their own wishful thinking and pipe dreams, but at heart, they are manipulators of investor opinion.

When their black swan comes to roost, they will be gone as if they didn't exist, don't try to find them, like the wheel dust of carny wagons tipping over the horizon.

169   bg   2013 Dec 7, 3:29am  

Call it Crazy says

would love to, unfortunately both of his screen names have been deleted...

That is too bad.

I was going to go look back at his posts. I didn't read his posts often enough to see symptoms of bipolar. I would be curious to go back and read more of it now. I just routinely got bored with Phoenix and insults, so I kind of tuned him out.

170   waiting_for_the_fall   2013 Dec 7, 3:44am  

I now understand why Bobby was acting so strangely the last 6 months: his homes were dropping in value.
It's easy enough to find out the truth. Do a google search on his name and you will see 3 parcel links that he owns. Each one has dropped in value by 5 to 10k since he bought them.

Poor, crazy, deluded Bobby. Putting all your investment eggs in one basket is never a good idea.

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