Time Magazine: Men are Obsolete

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2014 Jan 5, 4:16am   62,723 views  87 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


This story is a crock of shit. Seriously, with comments such as:

"Are men literally obsolete? Of course not, and if we had to prove that we could never win. For one thing, we haven’t figured out a way to harvest sperm without them being, you know, alive. But in order to win this debate we have to prove that men, quote unquote, as we’ve historically come to define them — entitled to power, destined for leadership, arrogant, confused by anything that isn’t them. As in: “I don’t understand. Is it a guy dressed up like a girl? Or a girl dressed up like a guy?” They are obsolete.

However, choosing a headline is "sexy" and draws readers in. It's an advertisement for her book.

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1   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 4:23am  

The only reason women want men is for their throbbing penis.
I feel so used.

2   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jan 5, 4:35am  

elliemae says

entitled to power, destined for leadership, arrogant, confused by anything that isn’t them

When rad fems theorize about "men", they have in mind Soap Opera type characters with inherited wealth, hollywood looks and lots of power. Not Larry the Lineman or Curt the Coalminer or Raj the Network Admin. The vast, vast majority of men bust their ass for every dollar and have little wealth or influence, don't have women falling all over them, etc. etc..

Also, they discount the incredible power of hormones, which determine not only human appearance and sex organs, but greatly influence behavior. They keep peddling the Social Origin of Gender, which is utterly disproven by biology and neuroscience.

4   lostand confused   2014 Jan 5, 5:45am  

Who is going to give alimony and outsized child support??

5   Automan Empire   2014 Jan 5, 5:58am  

What is obsolete is women suffering the consequences of mating with incompetent men.

6   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 6:09am  

elliemae says

entitled to power, destined for leadership, arrogant, confused by anything that isn’t them. As in: “I don’t understand. Is it a guy dressed up like a girl? Or a girl dressed up like a guy?” They are obsolete.

7   HydroCabron   2014 Jan 5, 7:14am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

There are lesbians who should not be encouraged to make out in public and this is one of them.

This can't be right: all lesbians look like Victoria's Secret models, and spend all day making love, working out, or rubbing massage oil on one another.

8   marcus   2014 Jan 5, 7:18am  

I liked a previous piece on this same topic by Camille Paglia.


Worth reading I thought. Her point is that it might be possible for women to be strong with all the rights they want and yet still respect men and masculinity.

9   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 7:23am  

HydroCabron is Kochel 271 says

This can't be right: all lesbians look like Victoria's Secret models, and spend all day making love, working out, or rubbing massage oil on one another.

seems 3/4 are not and your tax dollars used to find why not...

Feds Spend $1.5 Million to Study Why Lesbians Are Fat

(CNSNews.com) – The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $1.5 million to study biological and social factors for why “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese and why gay males are not, calling it an issue of “high public-health significance."

10   marcus   2014 Jan 5, 7:30am  

Ceffer says

Many species actually do go through periods when males are obsolete since the female is the primary sex, and males are introduced predominately to promote genetic variation.

In most of human history with a few exceptions men have done a lot of work of one kind or another. Not just hunting/gathering, farming, building, protecting, or fighting in wars for tribe or country. It can change but men won't become obsolete, if for no other reason than that women wouldn't want them to.

11   Ceffer   2014 Jan 5, 7:44am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Ceffer says

Of course, they are also just angry that biologic men present them with viable competition for their sexual quarry.

This happens all the time. I walk by a lesbian bar and one of them will notice me casually part my hair with my tongue. Suddenly, the doors burst open and wanton, panting lesbians are howling for my attentions and, the most unnatural of them, are enraged that I've turned their mates heterosexual just by my awesome self.

I bet it is embarrassing when converted lesbians follow you home and stand outside licking the windows.

It must require a Gatling to keep the big bruiser ones from stomping you on a daily basis.

12   lostand confused   2014 Jan 5, 9:23am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

This happens all the time. I walk by a lesbian bar and one of them will notice me casually part my hair with my tongue. Suddenly, the doors burst open and wanton, panting lesbians are howling for my attentions and, the most unnatural of them, are enraged that I've turned their mates heterosexual just by my awesome self.

These are the ones that are howling for your attention??!!

13   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 9:35am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

lostand confused says

These are the ones that are howling for your attention??!!

Yes, but these I put into a tub full of mud on the front lawn and watch them wrestle while I entertain the Victoria's Secret Lesbians.

I'll take them both. Lets really spice it up and throw in that teacher from Finland.

14   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 9:44am  

I'm always willing to learn new tricks from hot teachers like that. I'll even do homework.

15   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 9:48am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Right on!

that must be the 1% your fond of ... actually thats not the real world we live in..

are you ready to lip lock and loaded for deep tonguing ... by real lez ?

16   Vicente   2014 Jan 5, 10:04am  

HydroCabron is Kochel 271 says

all lesbians look like Victoria's Secret models, and spend all day making love, working out, or rubbing massage oil on one another.

I am working on a time machine, not so I can kill Hitler or anything so prosaic, but so I can go forward to the time when I'll be the LAST MAN ON EARTH!

17   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 10:13am  

Vicente says

HydroCabron is Kochel 271 says

all lesbians look like Victoria's Secret models, and spend all day making love, working out, or rubbing massage oil on one another.

I am working on a time machine, not so I can kill Hitler or anything so prosaic, but so I can go forward to the time when I'll be the LAST MAN ON EARTH!

They will kill each other just to look at you, and you will be repeatedly molested by the sexiest ones. You really want that?

18   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 10:22am  

Strategist says

You really want that?

the horror ... the horror.. horror...

19   anonymous   2014 Jan 5, 10:35am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

thomaswong.1986 says

are you ready to lip lock and loaded for deep tonguing ... by real lez ?

Not with biker chicks of any kind. There's a larger universe of Lesbians out there without tattoos, who need my help.

Is that olivia munn?

20   anonymous   2014 Jan 5, 10:36am  

Leave it to thomas wang to see the glass as half full,,,,

21   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 11:15am  

elliemae says

Time Magazine: Men are Obsolete

One more fucking thing to worry about...

22   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 11:18am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Not with biker chicks of any kind. There's a larger universe of Lesbians out there without tattoos, who need my help.

Don't discriminate. Dikes like bikes, too!

23   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 11:26am  

thomaswong.1986 says

(CNSNews.com) – The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $1.5 million to study biological and social factors for why “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese and why gay males are not, calling it an issue of “high public-health significance."

Why do you hate science?

24   mell   2014 Jan 5, 11:31am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

That may be true but Fucking is always in fashion.

I for one love it!

25   NDrLoR   2014 Jan 5, 11:32am  

thomaswong.1986 says

to study biological and social factors for why “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese and why gay males are not

Do you think anybody cares?

26   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 11:34am  

P N Dr Lo R says

Do you think anybody cares?

I'd like to know. I think there's at least a corollary. But then, I love big women.

27   lostand confused   2014 Jan 5, 11:41am  

JodyChunder says

I'd like to know. I think there's at least a corollary. But then, I love big women

Well big is relative. This is just right! I don't like the stick thin, one step away from death look on models!!

28   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 11:42am  

Call it Crazy says

I also get called to fix the crap she's always breaking or electronics she screws up....

Ha! That's funny. I'm always calling my daughter to help troubleshoot my wireless network or any PC issues I'm having.

29   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 11:44am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

The only reason women want men is for their throbbing penis.

I feel so used.

I wish that was the only reason...

I also get called to fix the crap she's always breaking or electronics she screws up....

Just inform her you have a marriage license, not a plumbers license.

30   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 11:47am  

You're talking jugsville, which is alright, too. But I'm a big man myself, and I like to feel like I've been someplace with a gal. I don't want to feel like I'm scaling a chain link fence in bed, y'know?

31   Ceffer   2014 Jan 5, 11:50am  

JodyChunder says

You're talking jugsville, which is alright, too. But I'm a big man myself, and I like to feel like I've been someplace with a gal. I don't want to feel like I'm crawling up a chain link fence in bed, y'know?

Looks like she is crawling up the chain link fence, or she is opening her jaws and getting ready to swallow him.

32   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 11:53am  

My only problem with her might could be that she's a little overdressed for throwing hams.

33   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 12:13pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

hat must be the 1% your fond of ... actually thats not the real world we live in..

are you ready to lip lock and loaded for deep tonguing ... by real lez ?

What I don't get is why so many lesbians want to look like the worst looking dudes?

34   FortWayne   2014 Jan 5, 12:17pm  

If men were not needed, we'd disappear in the evolution. The only thing that was disappearing were homosexuals and other deviants... and those only survived because of bleeding heart liberals who want to socialize misery and deviancy to entire society. Fools I tell you!

35   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 12:21pm  

FortWayne says

If men were not needed, we'd disappear in the evolution. The only thing that was disappearing were homosexuals and other deviants... and those only survived because of bleeding heart liberals who want to socialize misery and deviancy to entire society. Fools I tell you!

Wayne! No PAT.NET when you're drinking! You're a stirrer, you...

36   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 12:34pm  

JodyChunder says

What I don't get is why so many lesbians want to look like the worst looking dudes?

Thats why the Govt spent $1.5M to find those urgent questions.

37   HydroCabron   2014 Jan 5, 12:34pm  

FortWayne says

The only thing that was disappearing were homosexuals and other deviants...

They were doing a heckuva job hanging around without the help of filthy liberals for thousands of years.

38   Vicente   2014 Jan 5, 12:39pm  

Strategist says

They will kill each other just to look at you, and you will be repeatedly molested by the sexiest ones. You really want that?

I'm good with it.

39   marcus   2014 Jan 5, 12:41pm  

FortWayne says

The only thing that was disappearing were homosexuals and other deviants... and those only survived because of bleeding heart liberals who want to socialize misery and deviancy to entire society. Fools I tell you!

You seem to be bragging about your lack of reasoning skills again.

If anything, homosexuality which has only recently become somewhat culturally acceptable is leading to gays living their gay lifestyle, and usually not having children. This may make for less gays in the future if it is an inheritable trait.

In the sexually repressed past, that you wish we still had, gays would do everything to suppress their homo tendencies, and they would marry and have children, only in some cases occasionally having (what they felt were) their perverted dalliances on the side.

Bottm line: If gay is an inheritable trait, then having gays out in the open and accepted will if anything diminish the amount of gay genes in the gene pool.

I know that you might be one of those closet homos who thinks that if being gay is acceptable then all the people who are like you (except less willing to supress those urges), will become gay.

As a true heterosexual male, I can tell you, that's not how it works. I don't care how many gays are on TV or out and about as normal people or even nice interesting people. I still have no interest in having sex with men.

40   Vicente   2014 Jan 5, 12:51pm  

marcus says

Bottm line: If gay is an inheritable trait, then having gays out in the open and accepted will if anything diminish the amount of gay genes in the gene pool.

Shortsightedness as a personal example, why wouldn't that have been weeded out long ago? Many traits which you might consider killer limitations, are not even a factor worth worrying over in the vastness of time and complexity of reality. Evolution doesn't produce perfection only "good enough".

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