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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   173,367 views  117,730 comments

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41445   dublin hillz   2014 Jan 10, 8:44am  

The 16-19 demographic drop is particularly troubling - it's confirming what I suspected all along - that these young millenial bums want to sit on their ass all day long on "social media" and play video games. Their parents need to provide them a swift kick in the ass which should not be too hard to find considering their obesity.

41446   Strategist   2014 Jan 10, 9:15am  

The labor participation rate has been dropping since 2000 when Bush became President.
What did he do to screw up so bad?

41447   New Renter   2014 Jan 10, 9:29am  

SiO2 says

thomaswong.1986 says

Bellingham Bill says

just for the record, my retired Apple millionaire friend was priced out of Los Altos, and that was 2-3 years ago.

real millionaires live in SilverCreek... even back in the day, why buy a chicken shack in LA when you can buy a modern home in SC.... whats the point, are you looking to bank roll the retailers on University Ave so they can charge you $5 cup of coffee ?

It's true that for the same $, you can get a nicer place in SC than in PA/LA/Cupt/Sara/LG. But;
- schools are not as good in SC. Some prefer a less stressful school, so in that case SC is better. But many people buying $1m+ houses look for high academic achievement schools. Private school is an option, but...

- traffic is worse in SC. Commute to North SJ, or Cupt, or PA; it's much better in the Fortress area than from SC. And there's more routes; in the last two days there's been a fire and series of crashes on 101N. Not a lot of other good options. But if going from LG to North SJ (for example), you can take San Tomas if 17/880 is bad.

- Not only that, but traffic is generally worse around evergreen and sc. just going to the store or shopping is more troublesome than in other areas.

After all, Thomas, you live in LG; obviously you see some benefit there compared to SC.

Amazing timing! I JUST came back from looking at a house in the Silver Creek/Evergreen area. I totally agree with the traffic issue. 101 in the morning is terrible but of course so is pretty much anywhere in the Bay Area. The main problems I saw were isolation, its just a bunch of residential housing with no interspersed commercial. Shopping will take a car. The house were also mostly original late '60s to early '70s and not kept up well. The yards were dead, cracked concrete etc. Not a slum but not sparkling.

Of course one man's dump is another mans fixer upper.

41448   SJ   2014 Jan 10, 9:39am  

Bush and Clinton pushed through NAFTA and foreign visas along with doing away with Glass Steagall which destroyed the American middle class.

41449   ttsmyf   2014 Jan 10, 9:51am  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Friday, January 10, 2014 __ Level is 105.3

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And http://patrick.net/?p=1230886

41450   MrEd   2014 Jan 10, 9:55am  

Tru dat...but the pace has quickened under oc...
dublin hillz says

SoftShell says

Insurance premiums will continue to skyrocket unless the republicans win all 3 branches in '16...which will not happen.

Goodbye Starbucks...we are all fucked.

I think they were scyrocketing non stop under repub watch for years!

41451   hrhjuliet   2014 Jan 10, 12:26pm  

Nice. :-)

41452   Homeboy   2014 Jan 10, 3:09pm  

Call it Crazy says

Yep, Very Sad....

Yes very sad:

1. That you can't discuss Christie without bringing up Obama or Hillary. They have nothing to do with this, yet that's all you can talk about.

2. That you can't grasp the difference between something bad happening and being the DELIBERATE CAUSE of something bad happening. If you want to play the "how many people died on your watch" game, then George W. Bush wins by a landslide, but what's the point? As much of a moron as he is, he didn't deliberately cause 9/11 to happen as political payback for some imagined slight. Why can't you understand that it's the MOTIVE that is the problem? Christie DELIBERATELY endangered the public for no good reason. His intent was to CAUSE traffic jams. Nobody was criticizing him until we learned that he did it ON PURPOSE, as an act of political retribution. If you accidentally run over a squirrel with your car, you are perhaps careless and maybe a bad driver. If you DELIBERATELY swerve to run over a squirrel, you are a sadistic bastard. Are you starting to get the difference yet?

3. You can't form a coherent argument; all you can do is post stupid pictures with pithy slogans on them.

41453   HEY YOU   2014 Jan 10, 3:57pm  

Manslaughter? Or Murder?
And the thread turned into a script for stand-up comedy show.

41454   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 10, 5:09pm  

Homeboy says

If you want to play the "how many people died on your watch" game, then George W. Bush wins by a landslide, but what's the point?

Bush got thousands of Iraqi, Afghan, and other Arab terrorists and murders killed ...

These thugs wont be killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in

the future...And how is this bad again ?

41455   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 10, 5:24pm  

Call it Crazy says

My big concern is that in some ways, but not all, the Fed has returned us to 2007 – assets of all kinds including home prices are rising rapidly –

When people talk of Housing Bubble... some simple attribute all to the

"Mortgage Crisis" and missing out on the over the top price appreciation.

This becomes dangerous when key people are in govt policy positions.

41456   Homeboy   2014 Jan 10, 6:18pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Homeboy says

If you want to play the "how many people died on your watch" game, then George W. Bush wins by a landslide, but what's the point?

Bush got thousands of Iraqi, Afghan, and other Arab terrorists and murders killed ...

These thugs wont be killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in

the future...And how is this bad again ?

The terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, and bush put all the Saudis on a plane and shipped them back to their country safe and sound, then attacked the wrong country. You don't get how that's bad? You must be a goddam genius.

41457   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 10, 6:23pm  

Homeboy says

he terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, and bush put all the Saudis on a plane and shipped them back to their country safe and sound, then attacked the wrong country.

PLO terrorist came from Germany, Ireland and Italy...

You seemed to forgotten how long Syrian, Libyan, and Iraq have been pro-state

sponsored terrorist. You equally forgotten how long they were seeking


41458   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 10, 6:25pm  

Homeboy says

then attacked the wrong country. You don't get how that's bad? You must be a goddam genius.

homeboy = short on memory !



41459   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 10, 6:33pm  

Homeboy says

1. That you can't discuss Christie without bringing up Obama or Hillary. They have nothing to do with this, yet that's all you can talk about.

Leadership.... deal with it today to understand who is the better one for tomorrow.

41460   lostand confused   2014 Jan 10, 8:12pm  

Not again. Imbeciles. Why can't have we have a real opposition???It is like voting between Attila the Hun and Vlad the Impaler.

41461   HydroCabron   2014 Jan 11, 12:47am  

Why are we even arguing about this?

Bush took out Sodom, freed Iraq, and got rid of all the terrorists!

(Or, in the language of WTF1986, "all the terrorist.")

41462   Shaman   2014 Jan 11, 3:49am  

The Jews really learned a lot from the Nazis.
Where they improved on the Third Reich was in the field of propaganda. It's really not easy to conduct an unprovoked war of extermination against a population and then successfully bill the survivors as terrorists. That takes a special sort of spin!

41463   Homeboy   2014 Jan 11, 4:24am  

thomaswong.1986 says

PLO terrorist came from Germany, Ireland and Italy...

Non sequitur.

41464   Homeboy   2014 Jan 11, 4:26am  

thomaswong.1986 says

homeboy = short on memory !

Also non sequitur. Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack. If you believe otherwise, you are an IDIOT.

41465   Homeboy   2014 Jan 11, 4:28am  

HydroCabron is Kochel 271 says

Why are we even arguing about this?

Bush took out Sodom, freed Iraq, and got rid of all the terrorists!

(Or, in the language of WTF1986, "all the terrorist.")

41467   Homeboy   2014 Jan 11, 7:45am  

Call it Crazy says

There isn't a SINGLE evidence of proof that it was Christie himself that ordered the lane closures...

There isn't a "single evidence of proof"? LOL. Dude, put two and two together.

Your hero is a lying gansta-ass, fat fuck thug, and you are in denial.

41468   Homeboy   2014 Jan 11, 7:52am  


The scandal over lane closures at the George Washington Bridge is spreading within New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s inner circle.

And a top New Jersey lawmaker issued a warning to the embattled governor on Saturday. New Jersey Assemblyman John Wisniewski, the Democrat who chairs the legislative panel that is investigating the lane closures, told NBC News that Christie could face impeachment if it is revealed the governor had knowledge of the alleged plot to get political revenge against the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee.

“Having people use their official position to have a political game is a crime. So if those tie back to the governor in any way, it clearly becomes an impeachable offense,” Wisniewski said in an interview. He also said he finds it “implausible” that Christie really didn’t know what his close aides were up to.

Newly released documents show that a top Christie aide received an angry warning about the closures, which started on Sept. 9 and caused massive gridlock for four days.

The complaint came from Patrick Foye, the executive director of the Port Authority, who sent a scathing email to Bill Baroni, the Port Authority’s deputy executive director, on Sept. 13. Foye called the lane closures a “hasty and ill-advised decision” that was likely illegal. A trove of documents released Friday by the New Jersey Legislature showed that Baroni forwarded Foye’s complaint to Regina Egea, a senior Christie aide and the governor’s pick to be his new chief of staff, just three hours after it was originally sent.

“This puts Foye’s complaint right into the governor’s office,” Tom Hester, spokesman for New Jersey Assembly Democrats, told NBC News’ Michael Isikoff Saturday. Hester said the revelation makes Egea a likely candidate for subpoena by the legislative committee investigating the plot.

As Isikoff reported, the email raises questions about what Egea told Christie when the governor assembled his top aides to ask what they knew about the bridge plot.

Fat fuck is going DOWN.

41469   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 11, 9:55am  

SiO2 says

It's true that for the same $, you can get a nicer place in SC than in PA/LA/Cupt/Sara/LG. But;

- schools are not as good in SC. Some prefer a less stressful school, so in that case SC is better. But many people buying $1m+ houses look for high academic achievement schools. Private school is an option, but...

I spent my early life in the so called better schools ... Fremont High grad...
Yet do you see any of the past grads becoming some genius with a PHD
and several Degrees to boot... Really now... its all a myth..

where do you get this so called better schools anyway... past grads just
laugh at all this...if you want a good education as was the case for decades past.. go for private... Bellarimine, Presentation and others.

41470   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 11, 9:57am  

SiO2 says

traffic is worse in SC. Commute to North SJ, or Cupt, or PA; it's much better in the Fortress area than from SC. And there's more routes; in the last two days there's been a fire and series of crashes on 101N. Not a lot of other good options. But if going from LG to North SJ (for example), you can take San Tomas if 17/880 is bad.

no one know where your next job will be or if your employer will move to the other side of the county... I worked all over so no point picking and chosing...

41471   EInvestor   2014 Jan 11, 9:58am  

When you take away from rich and handover to poor, you make both of them poor because the poor will not increase their handout but will squander it ! Real economic equality is COMMUNISM ! The rich not only produce jobs and wealth for themselves but also for others too by expanding their businesses and investing. There are plenty of poor who through hard and smart work came out of poverty into middle class and then became rich. NOT EVERYONE CAN BE RICH OR POOR !
Most rich live within their means and work to increase their wealth.

41472   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 11, 9:59am  

SiO2 says

Not a lot of other good options. But if going from LG to North SJ (for example), you can take San Tomas if 17/880 is bad.

my daily cruze ... time goes fast...

41473   New Renter   2014 Jan 11, 10:04am  

thomaswong.1986 says

where do you get this so called better schools anyway... past grads just laugh at all this...if you want a good education as was the case for decades past.. go for private... Bellarimine, Presentation and others.

My turn to laugh.


Friend of mine from JH went to Bellarmine as did my neighbor. My friend went on to graduate from Berkley as an accountant. Could never find a good steady job,. My neighbor? Ended up as a part time bouncer, part time jailbird in Fresno.

41474   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 11, 10:04am  

bgamall4 says

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_tax A wealth tax is not a tax on the flow of assets as you have given us, but rather a tax on that which has been accumulated, ie land, houses, etc.

Property Tax.. which already exists... and is taxable every year for companies, partnerships and other small business assets.


41475   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 11, 10:07am  

bgamall4 says

Here is the problem, income can be hidden and taken out of the country, but wealth here at home must be taxed once in awhile.

And as far as France, this country still has a wealth tax and you are wrong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidarity_tax_on_wealth

No its difficult to hide income, since the person paying your income reports it to the IRS via W-2 and 1099. So how are you going to prevent that ?

41476   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 11, 10:23am  

New Renter says

Berkley as an accountant

should have gone to Santa Clara university or San Jose State.. they are the only ones that have a Accounting and Finance undergrad program.. UCB does not.

41477   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 11, 10:25am  

jazz music says

thomas, puh-LEEZE you embarrass yourself!

well I was born here.. a lot of natives laugh at this myth of better schools..

if true, where are to so called genius of decades past... reality doesnt support

this notion...

41478   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 11, 10:27am  

New Renter says

Could never find a good steady job,. My neighbor? Ended up as a part time bouncer, part time jailbird in Fresno.

welcome to post 2000 job market... where jobs are scarce... we are sinking
not expanding like we did back in the 1970s to 1990s.

41479   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 11, 10:29am  

thomaswong.1986 says

welcome to post 2000 job market... where jobs are scarce... we are sinking

not expanding like we did back in the 1970s to 1990s.

I am hiring a window tint man (or woman). Prior experience is great, but I guess I can train your ass.

41480   smaulgld   2014 Jan 11, 10:43am  

Call it Crazy says

For Every One Job Added, Nearly 5 People Left the Workforce

Today’s jobs report underscores a deeper problem facing our economy: a large and growing block of people who are chronically jobless and completely outside the workforce. In December, the economy added only 74,000 jobs – not nearly enough to keep up with population growth –and 347,000 left the workforce.

That means for every one job added, nearly 5 people left the workforce entirely. There are now nearly 92 million Americans outside the workforce, resulting in the lowest participation rate in 36 years.


It's worse than that 74k jobs were created in a MONTH, 347k jobs were lost in a WEEK


41481   elliemae   2014 Jan 11, 10:56am  

Seriously? A 91 year old woman dies of cardiac arrest and they're blaming it on traffic jams?

The Linked Article says

Favia did not say whether the delay directly caused her death, but he noted in the letter that "paramedics were delayed due to heavy traffic on Fort Lee Road and had to meet the ambulance en-route to the hospital instead of on the scene," the report said.

1) She was enroute to the hospital when the paramedics intercepted her. Need more info about the abilities of the ambulance attendants, but surely they had the ability to provide some treatment (!).

2) A 91 year old person has brittle bones. If the cardiac event doesn't kill them, the treatment will either be so incredibly painful that they'll wish they were dead or the trauma of the treatment itself will lead to the patient's death.

It's horrible that the bridge was used as a political pawn by Christie or his staff. But they're reaching here - it's doubtful that the woman would have survived even if she'd suffered the cardiac arrest in the ER while sitting next to a crash cart.

This is Christie's opponents and the media looking for something to keep this story in the media, until something newsworthy happens - like Kim Kardashian farting or something.

41482   elliemae   2014 Jan 11, 10:59am  

Call it Crazy says

Hmmmm... 80% were "unaware".... What's that say about the population today??

It says that most Americans are uninformed and don't pay attention. The media and entertainment industries (basically the same thing) take themselves wayyyyyyyy too seriously.

41483   lattitude   2014 Jan 11, 11:13am  


I went to Homestead in Cupertino. I think most in my class haven't done huge things, but as a percentage, most seem to have found solid and educated jobs. In fact, I think 98% of all grads in my class went on to college in one way or another. This alone, is what most parents want and I believe your perception is a little bit skewed. Have you spent much time analyzing the accomplishments of kids in the worse neighborhoods of the bay area?

41484   New Renter   2014 Jan 11, 11:45am  

lattitude says

This alone, is what most parents want

Maybe in 1970

Today's parents expect their kids to get the corner office by 30, and be pulling down eight figures by 40. Its the only retirement package most parents get.

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