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2014 Feb 28, 4:12am   2,114 views  9 comments

by jojo   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


A Ugandan newspaper seller reads a copy of the "Daily Monitor" in Kampala Tuesday. The "Red Pepper" tabloid published a list of what it called the country's "200 top" homosexuals, outing some Ugandans who previously had not identified themselves as gay, one day after the president enacted a harsh anti-gay law.

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1   HydroCabron   2014 Feb 28, 4:35am  

Much needed legislation.

Not passing this bill is tantamount to discrimination against dumbfuck bigots.

2   Shaman   2014 Feb 28, 5:29am  

I think this is nothing more than a convenient theory, disguised as a fact, and based on a lot of hand waving. To say that a few American preachers can dictate a harsh law in an African nation is about as absurd as saying Muslim imams in Detroit can bring sharia law to the USA.
Much of this theory is based on comments by the Ugandan president/dictator who claims to wish to throw off the influence of American cultural imperialism, where Popular American culture (which currently embraces gay rights and gay marriage) is trying to spread its influence worldwide.
This is actually a true statement. The USA is culturally imperialist, perhaps rabidly so, releasing thousands of songs movies, novels, and other works of art each year that spread American cultural values to the globe. Such is the deluge of American "art" that other nations like France have special ministries to promote the existence of their own anemic cultural output.
If you need any more convincing that America is a cultural imperialist, consider our President's public condemnation of this law, going as far as threatening to retract foreign aid to Uganda if it doesn't toe the line of American cultural sensibilities.
Look at the reactions of many of the posters on Patnet! They're quite concerned about the cultural values of one tiny nation in deepest Africa that they will likely never visit.
All of this hype and hubbub because as Americans, we really can't stand to have our culture dissed by bumfuck yokels from some third world hellhole.

3   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 28, 6:16am  

So which is it, White Christians are racist, or they are interested in traveling to Africa to influence how Black people on another contentment lives?

Come on people, keep your Lies straight!

You can't Bullshit everyone, with that weak load of shit.

Got any names? Of fucking course NOT!

4   Shaman   2014 Feb 28, 7:07am  

jojo says

That may be true and if so evangelicals shouldn't be over there. It just makes them look bad; like they are meddling and instigating problems.

Is it possible that Ugandans prefer the cultural views of a smaller less mainstream segment of America than the mainstream culture? If so, then this would explain all the hand wringing and wailing from the cultural imperialists, who are just fucking incensed that some preachers might be messing with their propaganda stream! The nerve of some people!

5   Shaman   2014 Feb 28, 7:16am  

This assertion that evangelical influence in Africa is always bad is pretty absurd. Evangelicals have spearheaded drives to provide clean water, food, education, and medicine to Africans for decades.
Rwanda is a great example. Ethnic purges in the mid 90's claimed the lives of about two million, and broke the nation in two. Their elected President promised a Christianity based government after that, to offer peace, hope, and much-needed forgiveness to the citizens. Evangelicals sponsored massive drives to aid in this mission, and today Rwanda is a rapidly rebounding nation, an island of peace and stability and relative prosperity on the continent.
Of course they don't have any nasty gay laws, so you won't have heard about this.

6   FortWayne   2014 Feb 28, 1:16pm  

jojo says

Like I said, Hamas does the same thing in the middle east. They help people in need and push their values on people at the same time. Come to think of it Scientology does this too, and so does Islam, and so does Catholicism, and so does..... Wait a minute! I'm beginning to see a pattern!

The common denominator there is "human".

7   finehoe   2014 Mar 1, 1:26am  

Quigley says

comments by the Ugandan president/dictator who claims to wish to throw off the influence of American cultural imperialism, where Popular American culture (which currently embraces gay rights and gay marriage) is trying to spread its influence worldwide.

This is actually a true statement.

It's only true if you believe the fiction that homosexuality didn't exist in Africa before the coming of the white man. The reality is that homosexuality existed in Africa long prior to European contact, just like it did anywhere else in the world.

8   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 31, 10:35am  

Some of those religious weirdos are the only thing standing between tens of thousands of people and machete wielding pistol waiving, machine gun shot'em up in the air, murderous war lords. Who want's to make Jr. Put a bullet in Mothers head, and brother come be his bunk mate.

Their house their rules.

Why don't you go over there and give them a better choice with your mamby pamby Unduku is just different crap!

9   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 31, 2:36pm  

You have no idea what you're pissed off about do you?

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