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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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46366   bob2356   2014 May 19, 1:23pm  

socal2 says

You really think Bush "lied" about WMD's? For what? To steal oil?

Bush, oil wealth. Cheney oil wealth, Rice chevron board, Dan Evans (commerce secretary) oil wealth. In a word yes stealing oil, or at least removing it from Saddam's control was a big factor in the Iraq war. Plus don't forget garnering reelection votes for knocking the crap out of an Arab country. Doesn't matter which one since the average American voter doesn't have a clue which is which. But the one with the second largest oil reserves in the world was not a coincidental choice. If you truly think Rove wasn't all over the reelection potential of winning a war in the middle east I have some really prime land in florida I can sell you. Slightly wet land.

North Korea had worse human rights violations than Iraq and has nuclear weapons and is working on missiles that can reach the us, but no oil. Did we attack?

Pakistan is the second largest sponsor of terrorism after saudi arabia, had direct links to 9/11, hid bin ladin for 12 years, illegally sold nuclear technology to iran, china, north korea, south africa, and who know who else. But no oil, did we attack?

Shall I continue?

46367   bob2356   2014 May 19, 1:46pm  

Call it Crazy says

Just keep quacking about WMD's but I don't expect you to recognize the multiple UN resolutions and sanctions that Iraq ignored that caused the run up to the war... Specially UN Resolution 1441...

Just keep with your WMD narrative.....

Here I'll help your memory

Perhaps revisiting hans blix's (head of the un inspection team) report on 1441 will help your memory more than a poorly documented wiki post.

46368   bob2356   2014 May 19, 1:48pm  

bgamall4 says

bob2356 says

Extreme paranoia is one of the signs of an advanced case of syphillis. Just saying.

I always thought Bigsby had Syphillis.

Bigsby isn't the paranoid one. Not knowing you are paranoid is the second sign.

46369   bob2356   2014 May 19, 1:52pm  

Iosef V HydroCabron says


If that can be documented, I will puke!

I don't believe it's biologically possible. Obama is half white. Those white genes are of course totally dominant based on the teaching of the bible. It's sort of like not being able to get pregnant from rape. The usual carefully documented scientific explanations.

46370   Y   2014 May 19, 1:59pm  

North Korea: Nukes
Pakistan: Nukes
Iraq: No Nukes
World axiom for the 21st century: You don't attack countries with nukes.

Shall I continue?

bob2356 says

North Korea had worse human rights violations than Iraq and has nuclear weapons and is working on missiles that can reach the us, but no oil. Did we attack?

Pakistan is the second largest sponsor of terrorism after saudi arabia, had direct links to 9/11, hid bin ladin for 12 years, illegally sold nuclear technology to iran, china, north korea, south africa, and who know who else. But no oil, did we attack?

Shall I continue?

46371   bob2356   2014 May 19, 2:00pm  

Iosef V HydroCabron says

fly those planes into the WTC towers on 9-11.

Bgmal said that was a hoax. He said those planes have been actually circled australia for 13 years then crashed into a school yard in ct somewhere. I think that was the story, it's all so confusing. How does anyone keep all the conspricies straight?

46372   bob2356   2014 May 19, 2:04pm  

SoftShell says

North Korea: Nukes

Pakistan: Nukes

Iraq: No Nukes

World axiom for the 21st century: You don't attack countries with nukes.

Shall I continue?

We need to spread democracy even if we have to nuke them back to the stone age to do it. Why do you hate freedom?

46373   bob2356   2014 May 19, 2:06pm  

bgamall4 says

Bob, I am not afraid. I know that God will bury you and the Zionists on the Last Day

Great, can we have a big party?

46374   Automan Empire   2014 May 19, 2:07pm  

Call it Crazy says

drone strikes...{snip}

Let's see how much YOU care about those innocent civilians...

And it sounds like YOU only care about them or drone strikes when they have pawn value in some partisan online battle. If you think Benghazi is a bigger scandal, justify it vis a vis the 16 yemeni diplomats and others; don't try to attack your way out of addressing them.

46375   HydroCabron   2014 May 19, 2:11pm  

bob2356 says

Iosef V HydroCabron says


If that can be documented, I will puke!

I don't believe it's biologically possible. Obama is half white. Those white genes are of course totally dominant based on the teaching of the bible. It's sort of like not being able to get pregnant from rape. The usual carefully documented scientific explanations.


There is still a lot of debate, so the issue is far from settled. The biblical explanation is correct, of course: all scientists on the other side are just part of a conspiracy!

46376   Y   2014 May 19, 2:33pm  

because there won't be any when they nuke us back.

bob2356 says

We need to spread democracy even if we have to nuke them back to the stone age to do it. Why do you hate freedom?

46377   Y   2014 May 19, 2:38pm  

Define "conspricies", and then i'll let you know.

bob2356 says

How does anyone keep all the conspricies straight?

46378   bubblesitter   2014 May 19, 3:02pm  

You better put the price graph along with it before some one puts it. Remember, prices matter most, even if there is 0 sales activity. Yeah, that's the sign of a healthy housing market.

46379   swebb   2014 May 19, 3:03pm  

socal2 says

Name 2 things Bush could have done that would have prevented 9/11 that wouldn't have sent the hacks on the political left and the ACLU to the courts pulling their hair out.

Locked cockpit doors would be a good start.

46380   Bigsby   2014 May 19, 3:52pm  

bgamall4 says

bob2356 says

Bigsby isn't the paranoid one. Not knowing you are paranoid is the second sign.

Bob, I am not afraid. I know that God will bury you and the Zionists on the Last Day. I am completely confident about that. Real Zionism, as it is spoken of in Isaiah, comes in peace. The new David is the prince of peace. What we have now in Israel is not real Zionism, and these "Zionists" stole the term from God and want war, not peace.

So, I have no doubt that the enemy of God is this militant Zionism, and these so called Zionists will pay with severe eternal punishment.

Thanks for the laugh.

46381   hanera   2014 May 19, 5:24pm  

Just for info, rentals in Fortress are rising rapidly.

46382   bob2356   2014 May 19, 8:58pm  

SoftShell says

Define "conspricies", and then i'll let you know.

bob2356 says

How does anyone keep all the conspricies straight?

Are you mocking a man with disabilities like a broken finger and being too lazy to proofread? The political correctness police will be knocking on your door in the very near future.

46383   tatupu70   2014 May 19, 9:06pm  

SoftShell says

The Obama administration is guilty of temporarily spinning the news of a
terrorist attack into news of an unplanned civil disturbance caused by an
internet video which disenfranchised millions of swing voters from information
that may have changed their vote based on the information denied, thus robbing
McCain of the presidency.

Wow--did McCain run as a third party candidate in 2012?

46384   anonymous   2014 May 19, 10:52pm  

There can be only one, real BENGHAZI

46385   indigenous   2014 May 19, 11:28pm  

Why do you hate the government taking care of people?

Besides you have to admit the Kim Jung Un haircut is spiffy?

46386   Y   2014 May 19, 11:41pm  

I'm asking a question, so I can answer yours.

bob2356 says

Are you mocking a man with disabilities like a broken finger and being too lazy to proofread?

46387   Bubbabeefcake   2014 May 19, 11:45pm  

bubblesitter says

Yeah, that's the sign of a healthy housing market.

How eerily familiar....this same ole song and dance, only this go around we don't have anyone left to pick up all the pieces

"With this mysterious taper dance an all going on"

46389   zzyzzx   2014 May 19, 11:48pm  

No oil in North Korea, so no war. Just like Syria which only has a little oil. I see no inconsistencies here.

46390   Bubbabeefcake   2014 May 19, 11:55pm  

....kinda makes you wonder how their allowed to have sex
JACKI, JACKI witb happy ending or without???

46391   indigenous   2014 May 20, 12:04am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says


Apparently he really is not a progressive, surprising...

46392   Facebooksux   2014 May 20, 12:36am  

Same goes for all you other assholes that want to attack NK.

46393   Facebooksux   2014 May 20, 12:45am  

I'd start to seek some professional help given your rancorous diatribe over this false dichotomy of Dem vs Rep.

Seriously, it's not healthy. Your slum empire will collapse if you can't focus your positive energies towards crushing your serfs with ever more burdening levels of rent.

How will you then be able to move to Chile?

46394   marcus   2014 May 20, 12:55am  

Bellingham Bill says

We've got 317M people here now and not that many meaningful, wealth-creating, jobs, with easily 100M people more coming by 2050.

Conservatives don't want to be on the hook for hundreds of millions of peoples' welfare, and they think liberal policies allow helpless people to procreate and just overwhelm everyone else.

Yeah, there is some truth to that. But they don't have solutions. We're going to have to figure out ways to help these people be productive, and going forward hopefully our culture changes in key ways. For example mating decisions do need to be based at least in part on finding a mate that can help provide for children.

I'm conservative in this regard. But I'm not opposed to government investment.

The republicans have no ideas for how to deal with the decreasing number of decent jobs. That is other than the magic of lowering taxes on "job creators."

46395   Bigsby   2014 May 20, 1:58am  

bgamall4 says

It is funny now. It won't be funny then. You phony Zionists who believe in war and doubt the writings of Isaiah will pay with your souls, Bigsby.

Gary, Gary, Gary. I just got off the phone with God, and he told me he put you on ignore months ago.

And by the way, and for perhaps the tenth time, I'm not a zionist (do you have memory problems in your declining years?). God didn't mention his particular views on zionism though. You may be shit out of luck.

46396   CL   2014 May 20, 2:02am  

socal2 says

Whereas Democrats are still trying to hold together a coalition of immigrants and blue collar union workers fighting for the same work?

If Republicans had half a brain, they could capture quite a bit of the blue collar union vote over immigration "reform".

True, and another example of competing interests would be environmentalists and union workers (sometimes).

But the Unions can address the immigration issue in several ways, the obvious one being to try to unionize the immigrant laborers.

The second would be to acknowledge that the immigrants create jobs by their presence. Witness Hazelton.

Third, Unions have much in common with the immigrant workers. Laborers of all stripes are more threatened and therefore united by Corporations and globalization and the resultant exploitation.

Si se puede!

46397   socal2   2014 May 20, 2:11am  

bob2356 says

Bush, oil wealth. Cheney oil wealth, Rice chevron board, Dan Evans (commerce
secretary) oil wealth. In a word yes stealing oil,

Gawd - we got another Bgmall here.

These nefarious "oil thiefs" forgot to plant WMDs to keep their oil caper from getting exposed! Shit, they were apparently smart enough to bring down the Twin Towers without any fingerprints, but too dumb to ship a few containers of WMDs along with the millions of men/women and tons of equipment that was shipped in and out of the country over a 10 year period? Just ask Bgmall.

Others have already pointed out the obvious in terms of countries already having nukes. And I guess the previous 10 years since 1991 didn't happen, Gulf War 1, sanctions, no-fly zones...? They just threw a dart on the map and picked Iraq?

Again, there are many many legitimate issues to argue over the run up and operation of liberating Iraq. But we still have so many dumb mooks in the West continuing to ape Jihadi propaganda that clouds the debate. Doesn't it give you the slightest bit of pause that you believe the same conspiracies as Jihadis?

46398   dublin hillz   2014 May 20, 2:19am  

The whole muslim behavior of violence towards mohammend films that they find offensive is something that the west should never cave on. In the west, artistic expression reigns supreme so newspapers have right to publish "offensive" political cartoons and filmmakers have right to practice their craft. If some group finds them offensive and resorts to violence in an attempt to shut up the artists, that should never be tolerated. More cartoons and more films must be made and if the "offended" resort to violence, there can be "counter-response".... until they get the message that violent reaction simply does not pay...

46399   clambo   2014 May 20, 2:22am  

no se puede.

Workers in themselves don't create jobs.

If this were true, Bangladesh would be rich.

46400   socal2   2014 May 20, 2:22am  

CL says

But the Unions can address the immigration issue in several ways, the obvious
one being to try to unionize the immigrant laborers.

Sure that is great for the Union management and board making massive salaries. It's also good for the Democrat party looking for another population to infantalize and keep dependent on government to secure their votes.

But what about the average union worker who is competing for the same jobs?

Last I checked we have massively high unemployment. Are Americans too good to work in agriculture and construction now where we need to import un-educated low skilled workers like we are Saudi Arabia or something?

I'd rather pay more for my vegetables and fast food to cover good wages than paying more in taxes to pay for welfare for people on unemployment or to support massive communities of people that can't speak the language and lack primary education.

46401   clambo   2014 May 20, 2:26am  

controlio, you're wrong.

The amnesty was ostensibly meant to end further illegal immigration.

In fact, it encouraged more illegal alien workers coming here.

GDP is not increased by the mere presence of more workers. If this were true, Bangladesh would be rich.

1. Production 2. innovation create wealth.

It's so simple but some guys don't get it.

Capital is the excess wealth from production left over after taxes are taken.

So, our system requires allowing production and innovation to thrive, and not confiscating the excess savings with taxes which are too high.

We already see high taxes interfering with the free movement of capital, Apple, Google and others are keeping $1 trillion offshore because bringing this capital back to the USA means throwing away 35% of it as taxes.

Illegal alien workers do not create any wealth. They simply depress wages and take jobs away from legal workers.

46402   CL   2014 May 20, 2:31am  

clambo says

The point of Benghazi is it was a lie to the public to suit Obama's political needs before an election. Some people take great exception at being lied to.

Benghazi!! Someone needs to explain to me how Pearl Harbor can occur on FDR's watch, the worst terror attack in history can occur on Bush's watch and both are reelected.

Obama, smelling victory, must've decided he didn't want the obvious BUMP in the polls a sympathetic electorate gives the incumbent.

Conversely, Bush the elder had a spectacular "victory" in Iraq, but since it didn't coincide with the election, he was easily trounced.

Yessiree, the GOP makes a lot of sense. Maybe one more committee will finally get to the bottom of this. Obama was just trying to go easy on Romney rather than trouncing him even worse than he thumped McPalin, Romney being the father of ACA and all.

Because you know that, deep down, the electorate was just aching for some good old-fashioned war and terrible economic policies. If only they knew the truth!

46403   Strategist   2014 May 20, 2:38am  

Bubbabear says

bubblesitter says

Yeah, that's the sign of a healthy housing market.

How eerily familiar....this same ole song and dance, only this go around we don't have anyone left to pick up all the pieces

"With this mysterious taper dance an all going on"

Call it Crazy says

bubblesitter says

Remember, prices matter most,

Hmmm... I wonder where I've heard that before???

I'm glad you guys are finally getting it.

46404   corntrollio   2014 May 20, 3:13am  

SoftShell says

temporarily spinning the news of a terrorist attack into news of an unplanned civil disturbance

Actually, the NYT investigation found no evidence that al Qaeda was even involved:


The investigation by The Times shows that the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests. Benghazi was not infiltrated by Al Qaeda, but nonetheless contained grave local threats to American interests. The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.

Again, this has already been investigated thoroughly -- the effort to keep it in the news is a sideshow with the hope that it's repeated by clueless chumps who can't make real arguments.

46405   corntrollio   2014 May 20, 3:16am  

clambo says

Illegal alien workers do not create any wealth. They simply depress wages and take jobs away from legal workers.

There's plenty of data on this that you're ignoring. What you're saying flies in the face of facts, end of story.

clambo says

In fact, it encouraged more illegal alien workers coming here.

Again, not true. There was a clear cut-off date that meant further workers would get no relief, and in fact lots of the people who didn't qualify have gone back or gotten deported since then. You're again talking about things that are well-settled in fact.

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