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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   172,869 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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46505   Ceffer   2014 May 22, 2:24am  

Cyanide laced hair pomade?

46506   Ceffer   2014 May 22, 2:32am  

Have him torn limb from limb by massive hirsute lesbians who have been fed a concoction of PCP and anabolic steroids for weeks to work them into a chronic, maniacal, frothing rage.

They can disembowel him with strap ons first.

46507   HydroCabron   2014 May 22, 2:34am  

Hand him to the Fed.

46508   Ceffer   2014 May 22, 3:16am  

Then, the MHLs can lick the blood streaming from the rending feast out of each others' swollen vulvas and steroid induced enormous clitorises for the televised entertainment of the masses.

Ewwww! I am becoming APOCALYPSerated.

46509   Strategist   2014 May 22, 3:23am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

How about pouring gravy on his gonads and tossing him into a room filled with starving dogs.

Why do you hate dogs? Turn him over to Al Qaeda.

46510   Bigsby   2014 May 22, 4:21am  

Yeah, a thousand VIEWS, and what, three or four people posting, so it's clearly repeated views by the same people. Most everyone who regularly posts on this forum has you on ignore and doesn't see your threads or posts. I was basically the only person left responding to your befuddled reasoning and laughable assertions, but that is now going to end.
Enjoy the remainder of your life and try and find a better hobby.

46511   Strategist   2014 May 22, 6:27am  

Call it Crazy says

BlackRock CEO Laurence Fink said Tuesday that the housing market is “ structurally more unsound ” than prior to the financial crisis due to its reliance on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, according to news reports.

True. We need more loan programs, more lenders and less regulations.

Call it Crazy says

Real-estate investor Sam Zell says he expects the Homeownership rate to drop as low as 55% as more people delay marriages.

More renters. Higher rents just round the corner. Buy now.

You forgot to mention this link that was part of the article. That's alright, I did it for you.

46512   Strategist   2014 May 22, 6:29am  

Call it Crazy says

(Condos may be the last step before moving to the rental apartment)

In high priced areas, condos are the first step before moving into houses.

46513   Strategist   2014 May 22, 6:41am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Call it Crazy says

(Condos may be the last step before moving to the rental apartment)

In high priced areas, condos are the first step before moving into houses.

or, the last step before moving to a rental....

You are thinking backwards. Are you still feeling the motions of the ship?

46514   varmint   2014 May 22, 6:48am  

Strategist says

Call it Crazy says

(Condos may be the last step before moving to the rental apartment)

In high priced areas, condos are the first step before moving into houses.

Condos are a ripoff. I guess they're ok if someone is lazy don't want to keep up their place, but in a decent condo the HOA fees are greater than the difference in price to a house. Each $100 in HOA is like 25K added to purchase price (minimum, HOAs will go up over 30 years while payments are fixed) and they aren't giving you 100k discount off a SFR. Apartment style condos are considerably cheaper, but then again you can rent something equivalent for significantly less than the payments.

I dunno when I was looking at a place my agent kept trying to push condos but I did the math and it didn't make sense. Likely in SF proper or other high density spots it's different but in the burbs condos suck IMO.

46515   Strategist   2014 May 22, 6:51am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Easier to rent to an ASSHOLE! who is eager to pay your mortgage.

Customers Apocalypse, Customers.

46516   Strategist   2014 May 22, 6:54am  

varmint says

Strategist says

Call it Crazy says

(Condos may be the last step before moving to the rental apartment)

In high priced areas, condos are the first step before moving into houses.

Condos are a ripoff. I guess they're ok if someone is lazy don't want to keep up their place, but in a decent condo the HOA fees are greater than the difference in price to a house. Each $100 in HOA is like 25K added to purchase price (minimum, HOAs will go up over 30 years while payments are fixed) and they aren't giving you 100k discount off a SFR. Apartment style condos are considerably cheaper, but then again you can rent something equivalent for significantly less than the payments.

That is a common belief, but keep in mind the association covers a lot of maintenance that you would do anyway, like roof repairs, painting and landscaping.

46517   thomaswong.1986   2014 May 22, 7:00am  

Strategist says

True. We need more loan programs, more lenders and less regulations.

Loan programs depend on who is willing to lend which are the savers and the risk reward. Currently the FED is screwing around with low rates which skews the risk premium. Adding Govt just screws the market even more.

As far as regulations... regulate who ? Banks ... im sure the left like that... but real regulations have not been implementated with regards to the Realtors ...

46518   thomaswong.1986   2014 May 22, 7:03am  

"1. Affordability is really, seriously good.

The median 2013 first-time home buyer had income of $64,400, according to the National Association of Realtors. With a clean balance sheet, Bankrate.com says that buyer can afford a $259,672 home. The national median house price is $201,700."

One should look at markets and see affordability is screwed in the West. National numbers as such mean little.

46519   Strategist   2014 May 22, 7:03am  

Call it Crazy says

Did you read the article??? If someone can't afford to buy a house, they buy a condo. What happens if they can't afford to buy the condo?

Buy a trailer or rent an apartment?

They continue renting.

46520   Strategist   2014 May 22, 7:11am  

thomaswong.1986 says

"1. Affordability is really, seriously good.

The median 2013 first-time home buyer had income of $64,400, according to the National Association of Realtors. With a clean balance sheet, Bankrate.com says that buyer can afford a $259,672 home. The national median house price is $201,700."

One should look at markets and see affordability is screwed in the West. National numbers as such mean little.

The West, along with NY has always had a pathetic affordability rate. Prices still keep rising. Compared to historical levels the West has seen a jump in affordability rates.

46521   Strategist   2014 May 22, 7:13am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Call it Crazy says

Did you read the article??? If someone can't afford to buy a house, they buy a condo. What happens if they can't afford to buy the condo?

Buy a trailer or rent an apartment?

They continue renting.

You're slowing learning.... Finally!!

My wife says I never learn.

46522   dublin hillz   2014 May 22, 7:14am  

Strategist says

More renters. Higher rents just round the corner

Precisely correct. We have over 6 million new renter households since 2007. And considering how both rents and home prices increased, it's going to be very difficult for the renters to save up for downpayment. Regrettably, many of them will end up renters for life.

46523   Strategist   2014 May 22, 7:20am  

dublin hillz says

Strategist says

More renters. Higher rents just round the corner

Precisely correct. We have over 6 million new renter households since 2007. And considering how both rents and home prices increased, it's going to be very difficult for the renters to save up for downpayment. Regrettably, many of them will end up renters for life.

Unless they want to make a real sacrifice and rent something small and cheap to save up for an FHA down payment.
But they won't, because almost no one voluntarily steps back into a lower standard of living even if it's for a temporary period.

46524   dublin hillz   2014 May 22, 7:21am  

Strategist says

But they won't, because almost no one voluntarily steps back into a lower
standard of living even if it's for a temporary period.

Exactly, for example going from washer/laundry and central AC/heat in the unit to a place with lack thereof is psychologically very difficult to do and most people would resent it.

46525   Strategist   2014 May 22, 7:27am  

dublin hillz says

Strategist says

But they won't, because almost no one voluntarily steps back into a lower

standard of living even if it's for a temporary period.

Exactly, for example going from washer/laundry and central AC/heat in the unit to a place with lack thereof is psychologically very difficult to do and most people would resent it.

Yea, what would their friends the Jones say. How humiliating.

46526   Bubbabeefcake   2014 May 22, 8:29am  

Heh! Same thing happened in 2006-2007 when the only willing buyers left were bottom feeders

46527   indigenous   2014 May 22, 9:37am  

Why does APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch hate a good apparatchik trying to help his fellow man?

46528   HydroCabron   2014 May 22, 10:04am  

I can't really justify wasting a bullet on this sub-human while Sam Zell walks on this planet.

46529   Bigsby   2014 May 22, 11:09am  

Don't flatter yourself Gary. If you keep track of a thread, you'll notice that you can quite easily flick back and forth to it hundreds of times over a period of time. It's obvious that hardly anyone bothers to view your threads simply by looking at the number of people who comment. The number who post on this forum seems to be little more than mid double figures or so. The regulars even less. Thirty-six of those have you on ignore. Look at the number of comments on your blog. There are zero. Nobody (except a couple of your fellow conspiracists) is paying any serious attention to what you are saying. You are a source of amusement from time to time.

Anyway Gary, as you are quite possibly the most paranoid and laughably deluded person I've ever come across, I guess we'll both benefit from giving each other a wider berth in the future.

46530   ttsmyf   2014 May 22, 12:49pm  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Thursday, May 22, 2014 __ Level is 104.2

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And "ThePublic Be Suckered"

46531   ChapulinColorado   2014 May 22, 3:13pm  

Make him watch episodes of MASH while in a cell with a bath salt fed cannibalistic face eating Hannibal Lector.

46532   indigenous   2014 May 22, 5:32pm  

Stewart was good.

How could there have been runs on the bank?

Glass Steagal would not have made any difference.

AIG was in no danger of going under, they are an insurance co with rock solid assets, a small part of AIG would have gone under but by no means the whole company.

Same with GE, Jeff Imelt would have lost his bonus, so what.

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley should be gone.

But the main thing that is wrong is that Geitner pulled the same chicken little charade that Paulson pulled.

The thing they should have done was NOTHING. Let the banks go under so what.

46533   bob2356   2014 May 22, 8:27pm  

The interview only confirms my opinion that gietner is the ultimate weasel. At least paulson was in your face screw you we are doing it anyway, not a boot licking apologist. Stand up be a man and admit you screwed over everyone but the bankers you mealy mouth shifty eyed little schmuck,

. indigenous says

The thing they should have done was NOTHING. Let the banks go under so what.

The thing that should have been done is nationalize the bankrupt banks, sell off the anything of value, and put the bankers in jail.

46534   Blurtman   2014 May 22, 10:24pm  

Most amazing was Geithner's performance during his confirmation hearing, when questioned about what the hell he was doing as NY Fed President during the Wall Street crime spree. Like the bored ruling class bureaucrat that he is, Geithner nonchalantly replied that he didn't see his job to be that of a regulator, thereby contradicting the very responsibilities defined on the Fed's web site.

And Congress enthusiastically endorsed him.

46535   Facebooksux   2014 May 23, 12:06am  

For all our feathered friends saying that there's no manipulation:


It's not just barclay's, but it's official now.

46536   Facebooksux   2014 May 23, 12:09am  

Fuck Turbo Tax Timmy.

I do like Stewart, but he's more of an entertainer, not a journalist. He's still mostly mainstream idealogue.

Matt Taibbi [sp] and Glenn Greenwald are two who REALLY expose the underbelly of what's going on.

46537   Facebooksux   2014 May 23, 12:11am  

Strategist says

The same way we got Osama Bin Laden?

Kidney failure at a hospital in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan?

46538   indigenous   2014 May 23, 12:14am  

If you really want to get an understanding of this read Stockman's book the Great Deformation.

46539   Strategist   2014 May 23, 12:28am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

It's true. Wasting bullets on monsters like this is a terrible waste as long as there are things like REALTORS, bankers and Sam Zell working the earth.

Which is why I now propose we execute Kim Jung-un with a log splitter.

Tell me how, PatNetters!

Don't you want to see him suffer first?
Why do you love dictators?

46540   bob2356   2014 May 23, 12:43am  

indigenous says

If you really want to get an understanding of this read Stockman's book the Great Deformation.

If you really, really want to get an understanding of this read Neil Borofsky's book. Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street Barofsky was the ig for tarp trying unsuccessfully to keep paulson and geitner from simply giving the money away even to people who didn't want it. Reading his book will make you want to turn ApocolyseFuck loose on timmy boy to do his worst.

46541   indigenous   2014 May 23, 12:55am  

bob2356 says

If you really, really want to get an understanding of this read Neil Borofsky's book.

You imply that Stockman's book is not worth reading.
It is, it is 700 pages, covering the meltdown and the events that created the situation in the first place. This from a guy who was on Reagan's cabinet and has served as a congressman and a investment banker. Mish endorsed the book and it is also endorsed by Austrians.

If you think that Geitner is the only or main player, you have more to learn.

I'm not saying the book you endorse is not worthwhile, just that Stockman's book is really good.

46542   Shaman   2014 May 23, 1:27am  

It does no good to torture sociopaths. They won't learn anything from that, and worse, the torturer incurs psychic damage. Simple removal from the planet is safest and most effective.

46543   FortWayne   2014 May 23, 2:23am  

I don't think he is the bad guy. I see him just like our president(s), a face for the public to vote for, while someone else is pulling the strings.

It's why we have a 2 party system, entrenched oligarchy that owns everything. Take one asshole out, another one comes in his place and does the same things while promising "hope and change".

46544   Strategist   2014 May 23, 2:29am  

Quigley says

It does no good to torture sociopaths. They won't learn anything from that, and worse, the torturer incurs psychic damage. Simple removal from the planet is safest and most effective.

You are much too practical.
I'm sure Apocalypse will thoroughly enjoy torturing him. When he's done he'll have a turkey sandwich and burp.

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