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No one said that in the context in which you are saying. Typical attorney,
I could say "there's no racism that requires a quota system" and you'd quote it as "there's no racism".
Nice troll though.
And lol@ whoever thinks there's people who believe racism doesn't exist.
Funny how Latinos are all secretly republicans because, ya know, Catholics.
Then exit polls show that, despite what the GOP mouthpieces said, Latinos have tilted toward the Dems.
Now you have a racist Latino and the right is happy to believe the Demographics! As though Latinos are monolithic anyway!
This individual, I'm totally guessing, would not be a supporter of a party with a black standard bearer. He seems like he'd be more like to support the party of the Minority Whip.
Funny how Latinos are all secretly republicans because, ya know, Catholics.
Then exit polls show that, despite what the GOP mouthpieces said, Latinos have tilted toward the Dems.
Now you have a racist Latino and the right is happy to believe the Demographics! As though Latinos are monolithic anyway!
This individual, I'm totally guessing, would not be a supporter of a party with a black standard bearer. He seems like he'd be more like to support the party of the Minority Whip.
Project much?
Aaron Aranza is not White as most reporters would lead you to believe.
Here's a more accurate report.
Quit confusing the 'false' issue with the facts. He is obviously a racist so for purposes of this 'outrage' he is white. There, issue settled. Now how can we punish him? Can we cause him to lose his job (we'll try). Can we ignore his background and culture and immediately dismiss anything that comes out of his mouth (you bet we can)? I've not read anything about him being a republican, but for this incident can we paint him as such (you bet we will)?
Ah, the joys of being a leftist.
He seems like he'd be more like to support the party of the Minority Whip.
Monitor spray! Good one.
So "right wing lunatics" who fail to appreciate that Mexicans are racists are the problem or is it just an additional tragedy to add to the inherent racism of Mexicans making them "honorary Republicans", even though they most surely don't vote Republican?
Or, why is it the "right wing lunatics" problem if blacks and Mexicans hate each other? Blacks target Asians for car jacking and other crime in the Bay Area, are the "lunatics" not noticing this also?
Are the "right wing lunatics" ignoring that blacks also target Jews in NYC for the "knockout game" and therefore are also somehow responsible?
One thing is admirable about the Mexicans: they don't obsess about what people think about them, their customs, or their behavior. Right or wrong, they express their feelings in the ways they see fit.
We may disagree and of course my generalization is rather broad, but I know that most of my Mexican friends would say the man's actions were extreme altough also they appreciate he didn't want his daughter choosing a non-Mexican guy.
Meanwhile weirdo whites who have self-hate, or other issues have to see a shrink to get permission to even express themselves out of fear of political incorrectness.
People have many misconceptions about other people, it's learned behavior unfortunately, kids who are young all get along fine.
One might say the same of ignorance, which is the closest cousin of prejudice.
Which means the two are legally married in Alabama.
This incident does bring forth a few interesting points:
1. Is a person refusing to date outside his/her own racial/ethnic group or have preference considered a racist? How about a parent doing that on behalf of his/her minor age children? I mean, seriously, has political correctness advanced to such a degree that now we need proportional representation on entry to our private bedrooms and orifices? Is indiscriminate hookup's a political requirement now?
2. Are we sure that the father was upset because and only because that kid was black? as opposed to being the popular kid in the school because he has drugs or is significantly older than his daughter? Would the father be upset if the kid is a high achiever regardless his race? Parents can easily be upset if their teen daughter is picked up by a player, regardless race.
3. Why are the knee jerks more upset at the alleged race issue as opposed to the physical violence?
own whips are either dressing as Indiana Jones at Comicon or playing S&M
According to the story, he whipped her with his belt. Also threw her, and dragged her across the yard before leaving.
Fool should have done it right and shot her laptop and posted that on Facebook instead.
So says one of the biggest bigots on Pat.net
The guy who knows what black people think like an act like...lol
Is a person refusing to date outside his/her own racial/ethnic group or have preference considered a racist?
No. Racism and bigotry in general is denigrating a group without merit or cause. Arbitrary sexual preferences are simply personal sexual preferences, not denigration of a group. It does not dehumanize a person to fail to lust after him/her.
Furthermore, without arbitrary sexual preferences, there would be no races. It does not matter how well adapted an organism is to its environment if it does not reproduce. Different physical appearances within our species are due to the process of sexual exaggeration.
How about a parent doing that on behalf of his/her minor age children?
Yes. A parent imposing that choice on his/her children is not the same as the child acting on his/her own sexual preferences. This is analogous to sexual orientation. It is not sexist to be straight or gay. However, it is bigoted to try to make your children straight. By the same token, it's not racist to be attracted towards arbitrary physical attributes including ones associated with the political concept of race. It is bigoted to refuse to let your children date someone outside of your race.
Ultimately, each person retains the right to act on his or her own sexual preferences, especially since one does not choose his or her preferences. It is no more a choice to be attracted to blondes than it is to be attracted to members of your own sex. A man does not choose whether he's a breast man or a leg man. A woman does not choose whether she's into the strong silent type or the funny, outgoing type.
Are we sure that the father was upset because and only because that kid was black? as opposed to being the popular kid in the school because he has drugs or is significantly older than his daughter?
We're reasonably sure from the article,
After finding out that the girl chose her friend, a 15-year-old Black boy, to dance with her at the event, Aranza allegedly told guests it was canceled before pushing the boy and using a racist slur against him, stating, “I don’t care that you are a kid.â€
1. The guy was only a year older. That's not significant and most teenage girls date a year older then themselves.
2. The jerk used a racist slur, so there is definitely some racism there.
3. The article mentions nothing about drugs or the boy being a bad kid. If that were the case, the article would have most likely mentioned something like the dad accusing the keep of being a drug dealer.
Again, you can't be 100% certain of what's going on in the mind of the person at the time, but we're certain beyond a reasonable doubt that the dad criminally assaulted his daughter and that racism was at least a part of the motivation.
By current Texas standards, this is a very restrained and appropriate response. Nobody got drug behind a horse/pickup, no gunplay, no nooses.
No. Racism and bigotry in general is denigrating a group without merit or cause. Arbitrary sexual preferences are simply personal sexual preferences, not denigration of a group. It does not dehumanize a person to fail to lust after him/her.
Furthermore, without arbitrary sexual preferences, there would be no races. It does not matter how well adapted an organism is to its environment if it does not reproduce. Different physical appearances within our species are due to the process of sexual exaggeration.
Agree with your 2nd paragraph. Since the father in this case has multiple blacks among his favorite athletes on his Facebook page (in fact the majority of his favorite athletes are blacks), the accusation that he "denigerate a group without merit or cause" may not be valid. He was not happy with one particular individual because that guy was presumed to be dating his daughter.
A parent imposing that choice on his/her children is not the same as the child acting on his/her own sexual preferences. This is analogous to sexual orientation. It is not sexist to be straight or gay. However, it is bigoted to try to make your children straight.
How does that square with your earlier statement "It does not matter how well adapted an organism is to its environment if it does not reproduce"? Presumably the parents have a vested interest in seeing their children reproduce too instead of being genetic dead end for the same reason you stated above. Parents give kids gender role models all the time when the kids are young.
By the same token, it's not racist to be attracted towards arbitrary physical attributes including ones associated with the political concept of race. It is bigoted to refuse to let your children date someone outside of your race. Ultimately, each person retains the right to act on his or her own sexual preferences,
In this case, the child is a minor. A lot of girls prefer dating men much older than themselves. However, existing laws do not permit her that choice if she is under 17/18 in most states.
especially since one does not choose his or her preferences. It is no more a choice to be attracted to blondes than it is to be attracted to members of your own sex. A man does not choose whether he's a breast man or a leg man. A woman does not choose whether she's into the strong silent type or the funny, outgoing type.
Not necessarily true at all. African American population have acquired much lighter skin tone than their African cousins in a few hundred years, to the degree that most "whites" in this country probably have some black blood due to "cross-over" by blacks whose skin became so light they self-identified as "white" after a move . . . that's not due to some sudden genetic mutation, but clearly social promotion and its effect on women's choices in mating. Women (and men) of young age are heavily influenced by what the surroundings tell her (him).
Are we sure that the father was upset because and only because that kid was black? as opposed to being the popular kid in the school because he has drugs or is significantly older than his daughter?
We're reasonably sure from the article,
Not clear at all. There have been far worse sins of omission by journalists try to create sensationalism.
2. The jerk used a racist slur, so there is definitely some racism there.
3. The article mentions nothing about drugs or the boy being a bad kid. If that were the case, the article would have most likely mentioned something like the dad accusing the keep of being a drug dealer.
People use racial slurs as a short hand when they are angry, often even against members of their own race. It's not prima facie proof of racism, except for the very simple-minded. The article would not have mentioned drugs if the journalist was set out to make sensationalistic news. It wasn't at all mentioned in Treyvon Martin's case early on, for example.
Again, you can't be 100% certain of what's going on in the mind of the person at the time, but we're certain beyond a reasonable doubt that the dad criminally assaulted his daughter and that racism was at least a part of the motivation.
Indeed we can not be 100% certain; that's part of my point. I was also pointing out what should have been patently obviously: the assault against the daughter should have been the focus instead of the alleged racial slur against her date / dance partner. Seems to me the journalist is racist.
You don't grasp the difference between dancing and indiscriminate copulation.
Vertical expression of a horizontal desire. You'd know if you took formal ballroom dancing lessons.
Most religious conservatives don't either. You know why southern Baptists ban sex standing up? It might lead to dancing.
So you are bigotted against Baptists. I'm not a religious conservative, in case you are wondering.
The custom of quinzenera (15th birthday) is an ancient indigenous custom from Mexico, it is the transition of a girl into womanhood.
i am surprised how some missed this..
The racism White on Black is long long gone.. not our fight.
Horsehockey. Everyday racism abounds.
I take my sister to Chicken and Waffle a few years ago on Peachtree, in downtown Atlanta. I watch her get increasingly uncomfortable and nervous about the predominantly African American locals. It made ME uncomfortable watching her.
I have several family members who agreed on how TERRIBLE it was that "those people" rousted them from a curbside wait at the airport. In their minds there was some black conspiracy because they were rousted by black officers, and did not witness a black person similarly parked being told to move. Of course the other driver could have been similarly told to move along after they left. Anyhow there is a prejudice among them that anytime a white person might be inconvenience it's because of black racism. "You know those people, they stick together". Then followed a whole discussion about how terrible it is that Atlanta is dominated by black politicians.
Invert the financial world, with the 1% being say 80+% black and I'm quite certain you'd see a lot of boiling over white people spouting their racism more openly and baldly.
I was never really conscious how racism still abounds in the South, until we adopted an African American child. A terrible education for us.
The racism White on Black is long long gone.. not our fight.
So we should ignore it when it happens? Or voice our disagreement - but in a whisper? It happens. Like it or not, racism is alive & well all over.
You don't grasp the difference between dancing and indiscriminate copulation.
Vertical expression of a horizontal desire. You'd know if you took formal ballroom dancing lessons.
It is made easier for you to apologize for/defend something disgusting if you call it something more easily defendable. Thus, "dancing" (in a highly discriminating Hispanic ceremony) goes into the wormhole of topic pollution and becomes "indiscriminate hookups".
You are coming out calling a traditional Hispanic ceremony as racist; i.e. accusing practically all Hispanics as racist. Sounds like you are quite a racist yourself. FYI, the daughter in that case is obviously not discriminating, and she is Hispanic.
Why don't you just make your proud, full-throated defense of the racist and stand by it?
Because he is not necessarily a racist. The majority of his favorite athletes are blacks, and the guy is very much into sports and athlete hero worshipping. It's hard to make a case the guy is against blacks in general. He was just against the older kid dating his daughter. Neither of us have seen what that kid is like, so it's hard to judge the father as racist. Many fathers of daughters think the guy coming to pick her up is not good enough for her. That's a common thing for a father dealing with daughters arriving at that age starting to date. His reaction was a bit extreme. That's why I said the reporting should have focused on his violent reaction not the silly slur.
And while you're at it, get back to defending how Rothbard should be free to fertilize the worlds dumpsters with his infant children.
I have no idea what the heck you are trying to say. I'm probably more non-racist than you are; you should have had a clue when I suggested that most "whites" in this country probably have "blacks" somewhere in their ancestry simply because of the "cross-overs" in the past few hundreds years among "black" population whose skin got so light that they changed self-identification to "white."
I for the record am totally disgusted by this man’s behavior toward both of the kids. He has every opportunity to clarify to the media why he made the racial slurs and got so angry with his daughter. Both of the kids are probably traumatized by the whole event. Just because he is Hispanic doesn't mean it's OK for him to behave like a racist and he should be held as accountable for his actions as would any Caucasian.
Horsehockey. Everyday racism abounds.
I take my sister to Chicken and Waffle a few years ago on Peachtree, in downtown Atlanta. I watch her get increasingly uncomfortable and nervous about the predominantly African American locals. It made ME uncomfortable watching her.
Loose change... if you want to talk of Racism.. point to the racism between non whites.. Latins, Asians, Indians etc etc... these people are the folks who have big issues with RACISM... it sure isnt whites..
As for your AA comments... just look what is happening in Africa.. millions are Slaves and many are BUTCHERED EVERY DAY ..... Your talk of adopting a AA child is NOTHING compared to what is happening rest of the world... NOT OUR FIGHT !
Did you think of the possibility that your extended family members are just plain assholes doing that to you because you adopted your AA kid? Perhaps as their way of getting back at you for making them feel inferior previously? They are not exactly new in your life, and it's hard to imagine someone as intelligent as you would be unprepared for that before adoption if you always had extended family members like that.
People of color are laughing their ass off these days with how stupid white people are about prosecution for hate crimes. For example, people of color can say what ever they want to whomever they want and be left alone. However, if a white person says something derogatory, they are prosecuted for a hate crime.
Horsehockey. Everyday racism abounds.
I take my sister to Chicken and Waffle a few years ago on Peachtree, in downtown Atlanta. I watch her get increasingly uncomfortable and nervous about the predominantly African American locals. It made ME uncomfortable watching her.
I'm failing to realize where racism comes in here.
Wouldn't you feel uncomfortable around a motorcycle gang, or redneck hunting party. People feeling uncomfortable around people is hardly reason to call everyone in America racist.
Think the author would leave out the part where she was doing the duggie or twerking?
People of color are laughing their ass off these days with how stupid white people are about prosecution for hate crimes. For example, people of color can say what ever they want to whomever they want and be left alone. However, if a white person says something derogatory, they are prosecuted for a hate crime.
I don't know about that. According to FBI data, I believe blacks are statistically more likely to be convicted of a hate crime than "whites", even though Hispanics are lumped in with whites.
People of color are laughing their ass off these days with how stupid white people are about prosecution for hate crimes. For example, people of color can say what ever they want to whomever they want and be left alone. However, if a white person says something derogatory, they are prosecuted for a hate crime.
No one in the US is prosecuted for spouting a racial epitaph. It's if you commit a crime while spouting racial epitaphs or conspire based on race..something like that where the hate crime thing kicks in. And it does in fact go in every directions. Prosecutors like locking bad people up, regardless of race.
A Houston man was charged with injuring his 14-year-old daughter out of anger that she chose a Black friend to be her dance partner for a traditional Mexican event, the Houston Chronicle reported on Tuesday.
Police said 37-year-old Aaron Aranza attacked his daughter on April 11 during a rehearsal party for her upcoming quinceañera, an event celebrating girls’ 15th birthdays that typically features a spotlight dance between the honoree and a partner. The rehearsal was held at her maternal grandmother’s house.
After finding out that the girl chose her friend, a 15-year-old Black boy, to dance with her at the event, Aranza allegedly told guests it was canceled before pushing the boy and using a racist slur against him, stating, “I don’t care that you are a kid.â€