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46986   spydah_hh   2014 Jun 8, 7:34am  

bgamall4 says

spydah_hh says

So much hate for the 1%, but you're failing to realize that the problem resides in the U.S. Government.

No, the 1 percent owns the government. Nice try though.

So.. You're saying that it's the fault of the government for being controlled? I they do write the laws don't they? Yet all the laws favors more government control, while keeping those at the top in the top so that new players will never raise to challenge them. In other words the 1% is the government.

Actually, more like the .1% or .01%

46987   casandra   2014 Jun 8, 7:53am  

72,800 dollars a year.

That's the best answers I have. Go on social services. It has been estimated that a person receiving section 8, welfare, food stamps and the rest of the program benefits is like a person making 35 dollars an hour before taxes. So 72.8 k a year is better than working, isn't it!

Oh and you get to stay homes all day, go on cruised, Vegas, Hawaii, Orlando, or the beach!

46988   tatupu70   2014 Jun 8, 8:10am  

casandra says

It has been estimated that a person receiving section 8, welfare, food stamps and the rest of the program benefits is like a person making 35 dollars an hour before taxes.


46989   prodigy   2014 Jun 8, 10:42am  

Also putting food on the table keeps desperate people from committing crimes to feed themselves, which eliminates policework, court costs, prison costs, and lawyer fees.

bgamall4 says

For one thing, Cassandra, giving medical care to the poor probably saves the government money in the long run. You have not figured that savings in. How about a pandemic prevented, etc. Put a dollar figure on that.

46990   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 8, 11:24am  

Go! Obama! Go!
Drive this country over the cliff. Anything to get even for 8 years of Bush & the Republican party.

46991   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Jun 8, 11:27am  

Call it Crazy, the title of your post presumes that it hasn't already happened.

46992   indigenous   2014 Jun 8, 11:40am  

And there you go...

Do you have your SHTF gun ready? can you drop AF from a 1000 yards?

Can you bug out? Do you have a plan that does not include the 3rd level of the economy?

46993   spydah_hh   2014 Jun 8, 12:14pm  

bgamall4 says

spydah_hh says

So.. You're saying that it's the fault of the government for being controlled? I they do write the laws don't they? Yet all the laws favors more government control, while keeping those at the top in the top so that new players will never raise to challenge them. In other words the 1% is the government.

In finance, the bankers write the laws. It is frequently reported, even by the globalist piss ant press.

Whoa whoa whoa... Last time I checked it was Congress who wrote the laws, followed by the President signing it into action. Sounds like to me its the government who writes the laws. Someone needs a lesson in Government or Political Science 101.

46994   spydah_hh   2014 Jun 8, 12:16pm  

bgamall4 says

For one thing, Cassandra, giving medical care to the poor probably saves the government money in the long run. You have not figured that savings in. How about a pandemic prevented, etc. Put a dollar figure on that.

This is probably one of the most idiotic comments I've ever read... on the internet.

46995   carrieon   2014 Jun 8, 1:35pm  

bgamall4 says

Half The Country Makes Less Than $27,520 A Year

That is true for people that work The other half makes more for not working.

46996   Entitlemented   2014 Jun 8, 1:59pm  

Did he specify what the Hope and Change would be?

So sue him.

46997   spydah_hh   2014 Jun 8, 2:59pm  

bgamall4 says

spydah_hh says

bgamall4 says

For one thing, Cassandra, giving medical care to the poor probably saves the government money in the long run. You have not figured that savings in. How about a pandemic prevented, etc. Put a dollar figure on that.

This is probably one of the most idiotic comments I've ever read... on the internet.

I hope you die of Swine Flu.

By the way, big Pharma is gouging everyone. So, the value of medical is most of the value given to the poor. It is puffed up by gouging and is not worth what people have to pay for it.

Maybe you should do some research on FDA (Food and Drug Administration). I am sure starting there will shine the light for you and your thoughts on "Why Medical Costs are so High". But that's just scratching the surface.

46998   casandra   2014 Jun 8, 4:41pm  

Oh, also if you are on welfare and have kids under 18 years of age, and you work one da, yes one day during the year you get a tax refund on top of everything else for 1100 hundred dollars per kid. One of my friends got her 4400 dollar check last month and she did. It even pay any federal taxes! All she did was check a box that said she was head of household. NICE!

46999   Bigsby   2014 Jun 8, 5:32pm  

casandra says

Oh, also if you are on welfare and have kids under 18 years of age, and you work one da, yes one day during the year you get a tax refund on top of everything else for 1100 hundred dollars per kid. One of my friends got her 4400 dollar check last month and she did. It even pay any federal taxes! All she did was check a box that said she was head of household. NICE!

A welfare claimant worked one day and got a tax refund check for $4400. Hmm. Got a link for that?

47000   bob2356   2014 Jun 8, 6:35pm  

Call it Crazy says

tatupu70 says

casandra says

It has been estimated that a person receiving section 8, welfare, food stamps and the rest of the program benefits is like a person making 35 dollars an hour before taxes.


Try this:


Hmm. I couldn't find this chart anywhere in PennDPW. After some heavy googling it turns out it was from a presentation given by Alexander (former secretary PennDPW)) to the American Enterprise Institute. So it's not some kind of official state document with sources and numbers that can be checked. It's something he made up to sell as part of his consulting group (selling consulting services for government health care and welfare. revolving door?) with no way of checking if it's right or not. Yet it has PennDPW right on it. Hmmm. Material that is not available from PennDPW, created while Alexander was head of PennDPW, very probably created by PennDPW employees, being used to sell consulting services for Alexander. Smell test anyone?

There is enough things to legitimetely criticize about government. Why is the far right wing always so insecure they have to go into making things up? Is there some kind of small dick requirement for being a right wingnut?

47001   margaretB   2014 Jun 8, 8:07pm  

That was interesting. We can make a better community by being productive and progressive.

47002   margaretB   2014 Jun 8, 8:39pm  

Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and other organisms from the remote past. The totality of fossils, both discovered and undiscovered, and their placement in fossiliferous rock formations and sedimentary layers is known as the fossil record. Admit it – it would be awesome to have a dinosaur skeleton. Most are in museums or at universities, but willing buyers are out there, hence fossil smuggling. In the United States, one requires a permit to remove fossils from federal land. Private sellers with legally obtained specimens can sell them.

47003   tatupu70   2014 Jun 8, 9:13pm  

casandra says

72,800 dollars a year.

That's the best answers I have. Go on social services. It has been estimated
that a person receiving section 8, welfare, food stamps and the rest of the
program benefits is like a person making 35 dollars an hour before taxes. So
72.8 k a year is better than working, isn't it!

Oh and you get to stay homes all day, go on cruised, Vegas, Hawaii, Orlando,
or the beach!

I just saw CIC's chart but even if you believe those numbers, it still proves you wrong. The mythical person getting 70K/year in benefits (according to that dubious analysis) is working full time earning $29K/year. Nobody is staying home all day going on cruises.

(btw-I don't think they take a WIC card on a cruise)

47004   carrieon   2014 Jun 8, 9:29pm  

margaretB says

That was interesting. We can make a better community by being productive and progressive.

Karl Marx would of agreed. That was his plan.

47005   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jun 9, 12:42am  

It's the start of June and it we've gotten the first real heat all year, in the past week. It was fairly mild for the first six months. Now watch nature go and show its Ass, and give us a brutal summer like this is Florida or something. That would really prove global warmiong.

47006   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jun 9, 12:49am  

tatupu70 says

No--they can because people keep voting in Republicans.

Is there someone close by I could call to smack you?

-disclaimer tongue and cheek empty threat.

People vote republican but the democrats win the elections and destroy the country.

47007   tatupu70   2014 Jun 9, 1:00am  

CaptainShuddup says

People vote republican but the democrats win the elections and destroy the

Unfortunately, that's not the case.

47008   control point   2014 Jun 9, 1:07am  

Call it Crazy says

tatupu70 says

casandra says

It has been estimated that a person receiving section 8, welfare, food stamps and the rest of the program benefits is like a person making 35 dollars an hour before taxes.


Try this:


God damn, you conservatives are not good at using charts to support your case.

$35 dollars per hour before taxes is about $70k.

That chart shows maximum earned income AND benefits peaks at $57k. That person is also making $29k in income by working.

So the net benefits is $57k - $29k = $28k. $28k is 40% of your $70k number. That charts shows $35 per hour is completely FALSE.

$28k is $14 per hour in benefits. And $16k of that is in child care, and it is very dubious, because it starts at $0 in earned income.

You are telling me Pennsylvania pays child care for people who are not working? What? Not according to this:


Minimum is must work 10 hours per week and go to school 10 hours per week. At minimum wage in Penn, that is $3625 annual income, and in school. If they are not in school, then it is over $7k income.

But that chart shows $16k starting at zero income....

Not that you guys can read it.

47009   casandra   2014 Jun 9, 1:12am  

Regarding the tax refund thing getting back 1100 bucks per kid is a fact if on welfare. I have friends getting back 2200, some 3300 depending on the kids. Another friend got back 3300 a few years ago. Worked for a friends childcare company a week. Got her check bought a used honda civic and had it two weeks before it got stolen, hehe!

47010   casandra   2014 Jun 9, 1:18am  

Graphs don't prove me wrong. My six hundred pound nephew gets 1200 on disability per month. Lives rent free in a nice section 8 house worth 1500 a. Into in california. Get 215 on EBT and food stamps. Clears about 115 on discounted car insurance. Saves another 80 or so on energy credits and free telephone. Free healthcare.

So far that totals just over 3200 a month tax free. And this is a single guy and I don't think I have listed all his benefits here, I will have to ask him in detail. I have other sing,e friends on disability who get near the 2k mark who go fishing every day. They are all looking for a welfare queen to hook up with and make their lives filfilled, hehe!

47011   tatupu70   2014 Jun 9, 1:46am  

casandra says

Graphs don't prove me wrong. My six hundred pound nephew gets 1200 on
disability per month. Lives rent free in a nice section 8 house worth 1500 a.
Into in california. Get 215 on EBT and food stamps. Clears about 115 on
discounted car insurance. Saves another 80 or so on energy credits and free
telephone. Free healthcare.

So far that totals just over 3200 a month tax free. And this is a single guy
and I don't think I have listed all his benefits here, I will have to ask him in
detail. I have other sing,e friends on disability who get near the 2k mark who
go fishing every day. They are all looking for a welfare queen to hook up with
and make their lives filfilled, hehe!

uh-huh. And pigs fly out of his ass while he's watching I Love Lucy reruns

47012   casandra   2014 Jun 9, 2:06am  

My nephew is getting ready to go to Disney land now as we speak as big as he is utilizing his year pass, you are posting stupidly as I am, who are the fools!

47013   CL   2014 Jun 9, 2:10am  

thomaswong.1986 says

none of Clinton or Obamas economic policies can compete with Reagan..

Jazz Music has provided a detailed history of Clinton's policies. Your comment above certainly doesn't reflect the overwhelming recollection of politicians, voters or economists of Billy's tenure.

Isn't it incumbent on you to detail what was so great about Reagan's policies that weren't solely dependent on Volcker's courageous monetary policy? Did Reagan end stagflation or Volcker?

47014   casandra   2014 Jun 9, 2:20am  

And he has a lot of ass to fly out of. He is in his forties hasn't worked since the age of 22 when he threatened his boss at Safeway grocery store. Then got on disability for being bipolar within a year or so.

47015   control point   2014 Jun 9, 3:02am  

casandra says

Graphs don't prove me wrong. My six hundred pound nephew gets 1200 on disability per month.

$1200 disability benefits, for a guy who quit working at 22 and is now in his 40s is pretty remarkable. And he worked at safeway.

Assuming he is now 40, that means he quit in 1996. In order to have that benefit amount ($1200/mo) he would have hasd to have $27k in SS income in 1996.

That is $13.50 per hour when minimum wage was $4.25. He made 3 times minimum wage at 22 working at a grocery store?



Not to mention that SS benefits are taxable, so that gives him taxable income of $14,400. Even in the lowest income areas of CA, that puts him in the 40% of AMI. In the 40% of AMI the highest rent that will be paid on section 8 housing is $701 in that area. For a 5 bedroom house. Much different than $1500. In higher income areas, his AMI falls and it more than compensates for higher rents. IN San Francisco, he is in the 20% AMI range.

In other words, hmmm.

47016   Bigsby   2014 Jun 9, 4:21am  

casandra says

Regarding the tax refund thing getting back 1100 bucks per kid is a fact if on welfare. I have friends getting back 2200, some 3300 depending on the kids. Another friend got back 3300 a few years ago. Worked for a friends childcare company a week. Got her check bought a used honda civic and had it two weeks before it got stolen, hehe!

So link to where the grounds for these payments are explained rather than simply making assertions that sound less than convincing.

47017   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 9, 4:48am  

Call it Crazy says

So, you determined from the CNN article that Walmart FORCED Roper to stay awake for 24 hours???

Calm down.

We know from the scanty MSM evidence that Bergdahl is totally a traitor and that Walmart as good as put a gun to this guy's head, and is totally responsible for the crash. It's called "jumping to conclusions" and "witch hunt" - given the near-total reliability of the MSM, what could go wrong?

What we don't know is whether global warming is real: the evidence isn't in yet.

47018   FortWayne   2014 Jun 9, 4:50am  

Call it Crazy says

So, you determined from the CNN article that Walmart FORCED Roper to stay awake for 24 hours???

What was Walmart doing, constantly shocking him with a electronic probe to keep him awake??

Walmart and many other corporations do implement policies that slave drive employees. I've seen plenty of it. Management always has an unspoken policy of looking the other way when problems occur.

I wouldn't be surprised of this happening at Walmart at all.

47019   Robert Sproul   2014 Jun 9, 5:35am  

socal2 says

liberating Iraq.

We liberated and democracied them fools back to the stone age!

47020   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jun 9, 5:56am  

"I'm not saying you need to keep working without sleep, but what I am saying is that we need to get the job done competitively, and we can only employ competitive people, Roper.", said the Boss.

47021   dublin hillz   2014 Jun 9, 6:00am  

It's really difficult to get sufficient sleep when job requirements must be managed in conjunction with direct tv DVR recordings...

47022   Bigsby   2014 Jun 9, 6:29am  

I wonder why that video doesn't have any sound.

47023   socal2   2014 Jun 9, 6:36am  

bob2356 says

You didn't bother to read my point apparently. The Jihadis hated the US for
supporting dictators who become some of the richest people on the planet while
the average person lived in abject poverty. Most of the dictators were cruel,
ruthless, and flouted the laws of islam,. These petty tyrants created the
fundamentalists. Starting with the shah of Iran who the US directly put into

I am not disputing this point.

But it doesn't dispute the fact that the Neocons believed and advocated after 9/11 that "spreading democracy" in the Middle East (i.e. overthrowing dictators and holding elections) would be a better policy than the "Realist Policy" of supporting dictators for short-term stability.

You can continue to choose to have the 9/11 Troofer type belief that the Iraq war was nothing but an oil grab or some Bgmall conspiracy to enrich the Bushes/Cheneys - but in reality, there were MANY reasons to liberate Iraq. The belief Saddam had WMD's was the most pressing and important in terms of US security and getting public support, but kicking over the post-Ottoman empire and European drawn borders in the Middle East was another component.

47024   Robert Sproul   2014 Jun 9, 6:42am  

FortWayne says

until black people evolve on a mass scale and learn to live within the laws of the land, they are going to be more of them in jail.

After 250 years of slavery, 89 years of Jim Crow, decades of being redlined into declining neighborhoods with substandard schools, them crowding into our prisons (40% of the prison population) is the thanks we get.

47025   Strategist   2014 Jun 9, 8:19am  

bgamall4 says

Actually, the more Republicans become like the Whigs, unashamed party of the rich, the quicker we will see their demise like the Whigs. That isn't even counting their involvement in the 9/11 conspiracy:

911 conspiracy. It didn't take long for that to come out.

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