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47449   Ceffer   2014 Jun 20, 3:41am  

They forgot free marijuana and guaranteed surrogates to adopt and pay for your kids if you don't feel like raising them.

"Life is a Commune!"

47450   Entitlemented   2014 Jun 20, 3:58am  

This communal idea has been tried before.

Its my webname^5th.

I will add a 6th dimension. - That burger flippers make the same as a Physician - this is really fair!

47451   bob2356   2014 Jun 20, 4:03am  

Call it Crazy says

Yep, there has never been in history any conflicts between Iraq and Iran and Iran has never sent or supported any attackers in Iraq... ever...

Got it!!

I suspected it before but now I actually believe you really are too stupid and/or uninformed to be a real person. ISIS is a sunni group funded and supplied by saudi arabia. Iran is a shia country just like the current government in iraq. Iran and Iraq had a war when Hussein and the sunni's were in power in Iraq.

It is far better to remain silent and appear to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Mark Twain.

47452   Entitlemented   2014 Jun 20, 4:04am  

Communist Manifesto:


While Marx acknowledges that the revolution will be different in different countries, he includes an outline of its likely course in advanced capitalistic nations: (in Marx's words, 104)
1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of the rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.

Rolling Stone should be censored for Plagarism - Its not nice to copy someone elses Manifesto and then publish it as if it were Rolling Stones idea!!!

47453   bob2356   2014 Jun 20, 4:05am  

Call it Crazy says

And I guess the generals were unaware of this agreement when they made their recommendations to Obama after 2009, because it must have been so Top Secret, that they didn't know the terms and conditions of it, you know, they were just generals with no experience, making recommendations without any previous knowledge..

Generals make military recommendations which don't (or shouldn't) have any consideration of political agreements.

47454   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 20, 4:10am  

Call it Crazy says

And I guess the generals were unaware of this agreement when they made their recommendations to Obama after 2009, because it must have been so Top Secret, that they didn't know the terms and conditions of it, you know, they were just generals with no experience, making recommendations without any previous knowledge..

What's with all the sarcasm?

I guess you're still angry at Bush for all the times he ignored the advice of generals, then?

47455   Entitlemented   2014 Jun 20, 4:17am  

Call it Crazy says

Funny, Bush ordered the surge, and things really quieted down in the country. Obama, as part of his campaigning, ordered all troops out of Iraq, totally AGAINST the judgment of all his top generals and his other military advisors.

The country goes to shit as a result of Obama's orders and he doesn't even leave a support group to help...

But some how, it's Bush's fault now for the CURRENT situation.... Hmmm...

We have this assymettrical warfare.

A) These Gangs dont march their troop on top of soil in the open like Hitler.

1) Clinton did not have the will to get OBL when he bombed two embassies in a "stealth" secretive attach. (See A) He did a test early in the basement of the WTC.
2) This embolded OBL and his venture capitol group for terror to attack with 4 Plane destroying NYC and P-gon.
3) We got one dictator, in the non-ideal fashion (see A)
4) The surged worked, but the terrorists have funding and will.
5) We downscaled in Iraq, the terrorists move in.
6) But several other countries in the Meds upper and lower East side get rid of their dictators.
7) Bad Drug and Religious gangs seeing their support fall step it up.
8) Obama does nothing in Syria. Russia sees this and goes into Ukraine.
9) Korea sees this and tests missiles frequently
10) China sees this and is trying to gain islands around their sea in conflict with Japan, Vietnam etc.
11) The complete lack of foreign policy, the fast withdrawals is saying to all communists (or wish they were ) countries that we are losing our will, and so with that Europe as well.
12) Drug cartels are still in control in many parts of Mexico.

Clinton, Bush, made mistakes that they wish they would have dont differently (See A).

But Obama is undoing all the work of Reagan, Clinton and Bush in support of Terrorist and Communist Regimes. That Terrorist/Drug Cartels and Communist Regimes have more in common with each other than Liberty Egalitarism, and Freedom.

This is a Cluster and Obama's passivity is the root cause.

47456   mell   2014 Jun 20, 4:22am  

Dems=Repubs, funny that some still manage to get a kick out of the one-party system. To war with Oceania! ;)

"Handing Bush a major victory, the Democratic-led Senate voted 77-23 for a war powers resolution negotiated between the White House and congressional leaders backing a possible use of force to rid Iraq of suspected weapons of mass destruction and possibly oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

The Republican-led House earlier on Thursday passed it 296-133."

47457   Entitlemented   2014 Jun 20, 4:24am  


Obama uses "A" from above to justify NSA spying. I am on the fence about this, but may be one of the things he is doing correctly.

But if we do nothing to stop the progress of past or Current communist/dictatorial countries, the probability of a terrible conflict increases dramatically.

47458   smaulgld   2014 Jun 20, 4:48am  

bgamall4 says


January 3, 2014 10:00 AM ET It's a new year, but one thing hasn't changed: The economy still blows. Five years after Wall Street crashed, America's banker-gamblers have only gotten richer, while huge swaths of the country are still drowning in personal debt, tens of millions of Americans remain unemployed – and the new jobs being created are largely low-wage, sub-contracted, part-time grunt work.

Thumbs down- noting in that plan that is helpful just recycled rabble rousing.

47459   smaulgld   2014 Jun 20, 6:33am  

bgamall4 says

I believe a wealth tax, not even yearly, would balance the budget. We have assets worth too much compared to income and every economist knows it.

that's rich-taking people's money would balance the budget- the assumption there is it's better for the government to have the money than individuals. Is it because the government is such a grand responsible steward of money? or that they worked for it or deserve it? that they wouldn't use it to fight more wars or institute tyranny?

47460   smaulgld   2014 Jun 20, 6:34am  

bgamall4 says

10. Free education for all children in public schools.

"free" public education is very costly and in many instances amounts to nothing more than day care, indoctrination or worse -a dangerous place to be.

47461   smaulgld   2014 Jun 20, 6:36am  

bgamall4 says

Capitalism has been tried before a failed as well.

Capitalism fails when the capitalists find willing partners in government to back stop their failures, subsidize their success, and write laws to keep competitors at bay, thus ensuring that they reap all the gains without having to serve their customers.

47462   Automan Empire   2014 Jun 20, 6:44am  

RE Cartoon in post 2... looks like clever use of Guernica imagery.

47464   cc0   2014 Jun 20, 7:04am  

indigenous says

The US spent what 2 trillion on this exercise, but now we should just throw that away?

You prefer throwing good money after bad? Hey, I have a couple houses over here you might like to buy...


47465   indigenous   2014 Jun 20, 7:10am  

cc0 says

You prefer throwing good money after bad? Hey, I have a couple houses over here you might like to buy...

Is that what Gouley is saying?

Don't know, it seems like the thing to do?

47466   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 20, 7:39am  

Call it Crazy says

The bottom line, 29 Dem senators voted for it...

Do you have a point here

Yes: that it's okay, because your enemies do it.

Time for another thread titled "Why are liberals always pointing at Bush?"

47467   FortWayne   2014 Jun 20, 7:53am  

indigenous says

Yup they should not have gone into Iraq, but leaving zero troops there is O's mistake.

What do you want them to do? We can't stay there permanently.

I think there is no good solution available here.

47468   indigenous   2014 Jun 20, 8:16am  

Call it Crazy says

Unfortunately, the politicians get the last word...

Another fine example of the many benefit of top down organizing.

Another fun fact is O's new improved rules of engagement.

He fails to realize he has no business introducing rules in a knife fight or a gun fight.


47469   Entitlemented   2014 Jun 20, 8:31am  

If Morman was elected, we would not be in this multinational pickel.

O'Revelations Realizer is making us all walk the Maxwell Planck

47470   marcus   2014 Jun 20, 8:47am  

Entitlemented says

8) Obama does nothing in Syria. Russia sees this and goes into Ukraine.

9) Korea sees this and tests missiles frequently

10) China sees this and is trying to gain islands around their sea in conflict with Japan, Vietnam etc.

11) The complete lack of foreign policy, the fast withdrawals is saying to all communists (or wish they were ) countries that we are losing our will, and so with that Europe as well.

12) Drug cartels are still in control in many parts of Mexico.

Clinton, Bush, made mistakes that they wish they would have dont differently (See A).

But Obama is undoing all the work of Reagan, Clinton and Bush in support of Terrorist and Communist Regimes. That Terrorist/Drug Cartels and Communist Regimes have more in common with each other than Liberty Egalitarism, and Freedom.

This is a Cluster and Obama's passivity is the root cause.

Wow, all that cause and effect from Obama handling Syria fairly well (all things considered) and wisely winding Iraq and Afghanistan down.

Nice try on the spin, but I don't see it at all. The cause and effect you claim exists is just a bunch of unbelievable lies as far as I can tell. Unblievable. Nonsensical. Propaganda.

A lot of Presidents would have been more decisive about Syria, and would have made the wrong decision. What kind of idiot is impressed by that ? OR by what we did in Iraq ? You think decisivly making terrible decisions impresses the rest of the world ? It might scare them. That's true. I guess to some that's a good thing.

I guess what the world thinks of Obama and his foreign policy is whatever Newscorp and talk radio want it to be ?

47471   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 20, 9:18am  

mell says

Independents and Libertarians opposed the wear as wel

What planet were you on?

The libertarians I knew at the time were red-faced with screaming "Liberals are friends of Saddam if they oppose this!" over and over.

Same for the Patriot Act: all the native samples of Gunnutus Americanus, having lectured us all about trading liberty for safety, insisted we trade liberty for safety at that time.

This was the moment when I fully embraced the notion that 90% of libertarians are simply card-carrying Republicans who won't hide the card.

47472   indigenous   2014 Jun 20, 9:20am  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

The libertarians I knew at the time were red-faced with screaming "Liberals are friends of Saddam if they oppose this!" over and over.

By definition that is NOT Libertarian, your story does not add up.

47473   indigenous   2014 Jun 20, 9:32am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

You forgot about libertarians gagging on bankster cocks and shouting MOMMMMEEEEEEEE when a skin head fucks them in the ass.

You got purdy lips

47474   mell   2014 Jun 20, 9:39am  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

The libertarians I knew at the time were red-faced with screaming "Liberals are friends of Saddam if they oppose this!" over and over.

You can look em up if you know how to use the web - I gave you one name. By the way there is a whole Libertarian party, no need to go Democrat if you truly abhor that war so much. Same for the patriot act - you will go nowhere by voting either Democrat or Republican. But you can still support a Democrat or presidential candidate (e.g. Ron Paul) who does not conform to the party line.

47475   mell   2014 Jun 20, 9:42am  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

Same for the Patriot Act: all the native samples of Gunnutus Americanus, having lectured us all about trading liberty for safety, insisted we trade liberty for safety at that time.

What planet are you on? In this day and age where the prez can drone-kill anyone and go to war with everyone without any formal declaration he can certainly easily veto the patriot act (extension). What did Obummer do? Oh right, he signed it.

47476   Entitlemented   2014 Jun 20, 9:55am  

marcus says

Nice try on the spin, but I don't see it at all. The cause and effect you claim exists is just a bunch of unbelievable lies as far as I can tell. Unblievable. Nonsensical. Propaganda.

On the propaganda, name one item that you can logically dismiss using past historicals or logical induction.

Instead of calling names, either tell me what is incorrect or we can wait a few years to see who was propaganda.

Propaganda example: The cold war is over.

47477   zzyzzx   2014 Jun 20, 9:59am  

FortWayne says

We can't stay there permanently.

I agree, but we still have substantial troops in Europe and some in Japan and Korea.

47478   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 20, 10:15am  

mell says

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

Same for the Patriot Act: all the native samples of Gunnutus Americanus, having lectured us all about trading liberty for safety, insisted we trade liberty for safety at that time.

What planet are you on? In this day and age where the prez can drone-kill anyone and go to war with everyone without any formal declaration he can certainly easily veto the patriot act (extension). What did Obummer do? Oh right, he signed it.

Yes: Obama perpetuated the Patriot Act.

Now how, exactly does this exonerate libertarians in 2003 who lined up to support it?

Is it time for yet another thread complaining how Dems are always pointing at Bush when confronted with Obama's crimes, or might we admit that yours is a prime example of "Yeah, but Obama did it toooo!"

47479   Bigsby   2014 Jun 20, 10:16am  

Entitlemented says

On the propaganda, name one item that you can logically dismiss using past historicals or logical induction.

You stated 9 and 10 occurred as a consequence of 8. North Korea has been testing missiles and threatening the development of nuclear weapons for how long? And disputes over the Senkaku islands have been going on for decades. So yes, to claim those are down to the very good idea of not getting directly drawn into military action in Syria is really rather stretching it, wouldn't you say?

47480   mell   2014 Jun 20, 10:25am  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

Yes: Obama perpetuated the Patriot Act.

Now how, exactly does this exonerate libertarians in 2003 who lined up to support it?

I didn't say there were a lot of Libertarians anywhere. Those who voted in favor are not Libertarians. However, just because somebody votes once against a war like Iraq or the patriot act does not make them instantly Libertarian. It's a question of consistency and you have to have a consistent record. The people you refer to are not Libertarians.

47481   Oilwelldoctor   2014 Jun 20, 10:26am  

I don't understand this. Don't you see... it is not about a political party. It is about America. Why is this so difficult for so many? We are being played as if we can make a difference.

47482   cc0   2014 Jun 20, 10:26am  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

Yes: Obama perpetuated the Patriot Act.

Now how, exactly does this exonerate libertarians in 2003 who lined up to support it?

Go back to watching Fox News.

from LP News

[March 19. 2002] The Libertarian National Committee has voted to call for the repeal of the USA/Patriot Act, charging that it "sacrifices" the liberties of American citizens.

At its meeting in Evergreen, Colorado on March 16, the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) voted 10 to zero, with one abstention, to urge the repeal of the bill, which was rushed through Congress in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The resolution said the USA/Patriot Act "sacrifices many of our liberties and curtails many of our freedoms in the name of military security, thereby compromising some of the purposes for which [the United States] government was created."

While "securing our liberties and protecting our rights are among the primary purposes of the United States government," Libertarians "do not support sacrificing our liberties and curtailing our rights in the name of military security," the resolution noted.

Therefore, "the Libertarian National Committee calls for the repeal of the USA/Patriot Act," it stated.

The resolution was introduced by LNC Secretary Steve Givot.

LP Executive Director Steve Dasbach applauded the LNC's action, and said the resolution will help define what Libertarians stand for in the post-September 11 world.

"The Libertarian Party has previously endorsed appropriate military action to bring to justice the ruthless terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on September 11," he said. "However, with this resolution, the LNC has drawn a line in the sand, and made it clear that Libertarians will not tolerate any infringement of our basic civil liberties in the name of combating terrorism.

"When Republicans and Democrats passed the USA/Patriot Act, they did an easy thing, given the mood of the public. When the LNC voted to repeal the bill, they did a difficult thing -- because real patriotism entails defending the Bill of Rights, even when doing so is unpopular, instead of sacrificing fundamental American principles during a time of crisis."

The USA/Patriot Act gave the U.S. attorney general the power to install the carnivore e-mail snooping system without a court warrant; expanded the legal definition of a "terrorist;" and made it easier for the government to tap multiple phones as part of a "roving wiretap."

The bill was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001, after passing the U.S. Senate 98-1, and the U.S. House 356-66.

47483   Entitlemented   2014 Jun 20, 10:44am  

Oilwelldoctor says

I don't understand this. Don't you see... it is not about a political party. It is about America. Why is this so difficult for so many? We are being played as if we can make a difference.

I am part of each species.

But why do dudes like Clinton get a pass when dating other women in office and lying, and Christie get pummeled for 3 months for parking his car on a bridge in NY?

47484   Bigsby   2014 Jun 20, 10:46am  

Entitlemented says

Oilwelldoctor says

I don't understand this. Don't you see... it is not about a political party. It is about America. Why is this so difficult for so many? We are being played as if we can make a difference.

I am part of each species.

But why do dudes like Clinton get a pass when dating other women in office and lying, and Christie get pummeled for 3 months for parking his car on a bridge in NY?


47485   smaulgld   2014 Jun 20, 10:51am  

Bgmall I oppose concentrations of power in institutions, corporations, political parties, states, mobs and governments etal as they lead to abuse

47486   smaulgld   2014 Jun 20, 10:57am  

bgamall4 says

smaulgld says

that's rich-taking people's money would balance the budget- the assumption there is it's better for the government to have the money than individuals.

If the individuals are in the top 1 percent I would say yes, it is better if the government has it. For the rest of us, no.

Why not take it from the top 2% and give it to the government? Or top 3%
In a democracy eventually the top 49% will have all their money turned over to the government if that type of confiscatory mentality takes hold

47487   indigenous   2014 Jun 20, 12:23pm  

bgamall4 says

But government protected us in the Great Depression from the banksters. Just because it isn't doing so now does not mean it can't in the future.

That is ABSOLUTELY not true. In fact just the opposite they ran the money supply up in the 20s to create the problem in the 1st place.

Bernanke "the expert" will say that they did not keep the money supply going in 1929 and keep the banks liquid in 1933 but that is propaganda.

As the Roosevelt administration stopped the usual remedy for a run on the bank because it was a private market solution. IOW the run on the banks was COMPLETELY caused by FDR.

The oversupply of money was completely caused by the Fed.

47488   indigenous   2014 Jun 20, 12:49pm  

bgamall4 says

The Fed and the government are two different entities.

Technically but not in reality, who appoints the Fed chairman?

bgamall4 says

the financial modernization act and the commodities modernization act repealed those laws.

They would not have had any impact on the meltdown in 2007,
Glass Steagall did not regulate derivatives.

bgamall4 says

So, Indigenous, you are wrong on this. The Fed is a private bank.

Not really

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