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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   174,685 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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47599   marcus   2014 Jun 22, 7:29am  

He's trolling (indigenous that is).

47600   marcus   2014 Jun 22, 7:30am  

oliah says

Do you think its possible that what the consumer lacks in purchase power can be made up in volume? After all, people seem to regard computers and smartphones as much of a necessity now as food (actually more of a necessity - people are perfectly willing to eat "food" at McDonalds to save a few bucks to have the latest iphone). And since the population is ever expanding, won't these new consumers make up for what was lost?

Do you believe a perpetual motion machine is possible ?

So the gist of your argument or question is that maybe population will increase enough to keep the economy from shrinking too much as per capita incomes drop ?

Actually, I can see some sense in this. say the adult population increases 2% per year, and real incomes drop 2% per year. Maybe you're on to something, but it only delays the inevitable by a few years. Because before long, people can not afford even their basic costs of living (rent, food, healthcare).

Maybe the people can just take out home equity loans against their homes, or maybe borrow against their retirement accounts. OH, wait...I think the people have already pretty much exhausted that route.

47601   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jun 22, 7:40am  

The Professor says

The first ten amendments are called the "Bill of Rights" for a reason.

yes, to make it clear that we had a federal government of limited powers.

But the Ninth Amendment is actually the most important part of the bill of rights.

Government always needs to weigh its police power with the basic individual right to be let alone to do our things.


47602   indigenous   2014 Jun 22, 8:18am  

Diva24 says

How does one pay for the supply of goods without the means to pay for them?

How does one pay for something that was not produced?

47603   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jun 22, 8:37am  

marcus says

Because before long, people can not afford even their basic costs of living (rent, food, healthcare)

on of these is not like the others, in that it does not have a significant labor component in its cost.

Houses, condos, and apartments continue to provide the various utilities of the housing good -- security, privacy, comfort, convenience -- without a great deal of labor; most homeowners see a home-labor person at most several hours per year (not counting gardeners, which tend to have a better cost benefit proposition than other home maintenance professions due to oversupply of that labor category for obvious reasons we need not get into here)

Economic rent is defined as the market price of a good above its cost of provision. What is the cost of provision of an already existing house or apartment?

Pennies a day!

yet we pay so, so much . . .

my thesis is rents may be ground down in the future. We've seen it before, actually:


but to get there, things are going to have to be as brutal as they were then.

47604   indigenous   2014 Jun 22, 9:57am  

Bellingham Bill says

Economic rent is defined as the market price of a good above its cost of provision. What is the cost of provision of an already existing house or apartment?

Cost has nothing to do with it.

47605   carrieon   2014 Jun 22, 10:08am  

Industry drives an economy, not services. That's why China is booming and America is declining, thanks to unfair trade deals.

47607   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jun 22, 12:51pm  

Tim Aurora says

Did you know that most of the people for war ( Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld ) never actually ever fought a war , while a former decorated General, Colin Powell, opposed it. So much so for your pacifist theory.

It matters not, Had it been Gore or Kerry elected, we would have been in Iraq anyway... 911 made it more intolerable for any nation to continue as Iraq Libya and Syria have been since the 60s. Simply ignoring such events blindly by pacifist would have resulted in nuclear war.

Think of it this way... you killed two birds with one stone...

"Libya possesses chemical weapons and ballistic missiles and previously pursued nuclear weapons under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi. On 19 December 2003, Gaddafi announced that Libya would voluntarily eliminate all materials, equipment and programs that could lead to internationally proscribed weapons, including weapons of mass destruction and long-range ballistic missiles"


47608   Strategist   2014 Jun 22, 1:34pm  

From the article:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his opposition to widescale American intervention in the Iraq crisis, advising President Obama that “when your enemies are fighting one another, don’t strengthen either one of them. Weaken both.”

Sounds like good advise to me.

47609   Bigsby   2014 Jun 22, 1:40pm  

Err, it's not been deleted, though it deserved to be for rank stupidity.

47610   marcus   2014 Jun 22, 1:40pm  

Bellingham Bill says

my thesis is rents may be ground down in the future. We've seen it before, actually:


I agree. It would seem that housing rent should fluctuate within some range, as a percentage of income.

This is complicated by the fact that households now, compared to several decades ago, often have 2 incomes. I would propose that there may be a permanent higher rent level that results from that, and to which we are still adjusting to. That is, we might not know exactly what that range of percentage of income should be based on just the last two or three decades of so many more women working. The market is still sorting that out.

But it's complicated by the fact that not nearly all households have two incomes. Why, for example, should this new reality have very much of an effect on one bedroom small condos and houses ?

Also as healthcare becomes more expensive than it used to be, that competes with housing as a basic need.

Maybe retirement of boomers will be a major catalyst for the drop in rents, if other economic pressures are occurring at the same time, that is if such a drop is to occur. Many boomers will be downsizing, and coming to terms with insufficient retirement savings, making them extra frugal compared to earlier decades. A lot of boomers will not only downsize, they will move to less expensive housing markets.

The increased percentage of housing owned by investors might be a factor too.

47611   Strategist   2014 Jun 22, 1:41pm  

bgamall4 says

The coward who disliked this thread should come on and defend his position. I am sick of these lurkers.

I decided to give you a dislike too because you unfairly called the first guy a coward. When two groups who want to kill you, kill each other off, would be considered a blessing.

47612   Bigsby   2014 Jun 22, 2:55pm  

Perhaps I'm accessing a different internet to everyone else - on the one I'm looking at, the post quoted at the beginning of this thread is still there, so what exactly is ThomasUtterlyWrong bleating on about now?
The usual suspects, CiC, Thomas, Gary etc.., can, as usual, feel free to dislike this comment for absolutely no reason as is their want.

47613   Bigsby   2014 Jun 22, 3:03pm  

bgamall4 says

Is it so nutty to see the impact of Israel and Zionism on American politics? Israel Shahak warned us that Israel would take us over if it were possible. He knew Ben-Gurion personally. He knew the globalist vision of Ben-Gurion, the court of justice being placed in Jerusalem, etc.

So, Yinon Zionism put us into Iraq, and I believe that we facilitated 9/11 to make that happen according to the PNAC website. And the Zionists want America disarmed and Sandy Hook was an obvious hoax.

So, it isn't nutty to know that Israel wants to rule the world alongside their Zionist partners, Rothschilds, Rockefellers. Cheneys, Bushes, Bidens, etc. Maybe the Zionists will come after the good old UK and not just the Square Mile which they already control.

Paranoid much?

47614   swebb   2014 Jun 22, 3:48pm  

Bellingham Bill says

Economic rent is defined as the market price of a good above its cost of provision. What is the cost of provision of an already existing house or apartment?

Pennies a day!

yet we pay so, so much . . .

It cost something to build the building in the first place, both in terms of labor and material costs. You wouldn't claim that a new house has a cost of pennies per day, would you? There is no doubt that a portion (sometimes a very large portion) of the cost of rent is for the land value, or location value or whatever you want to call it that is in excess of the cost of the physical structure...but you have to pay for the structure and other improvements somehow. Lets say the useful life is 30 years, and it costs $150k to build the fucker in the first place. You have $417/month at a minimum just to pay for the place. Plus maintenance. Plus some extra to cover vacancy. And then profit, if you allow for that. And if you are being charitable you might allow an inflation factor, or an allowance for financing...and don't forget taxes and insurance. $700/month? Thats 2300 pennies per day.

47615   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 22, 4:00pm  

lostand confused says

That's killing with kindness.

47616   bob2356   2014 Jun 22, 8:47pm  

Strategist says

So Bush could not find any.

Obama could not find any.

But the Jihadis found them. NSA should be hiring the Jihadis.

Couldn't find what? The facility was well know since the 80's. The UN inspectors put the seals on the storage. This place wasn't some unknown facility. The Iraq Study Group, the bipartisan panel appointed by congress, said in 2006 that the facility was sufficiently dismantled and what chemicals remained was useless. If this facility was in a report made to congress how exactly is this not found?

I don't have to verify the contents plenty of other people have done so already. I know you will find this hard to believe, but there are chemicals that can be hazardous to handle without being WMD. As in old, unstable, poorly stored, leaking, breaking down. Exactly what was reported. But hey don't let facts get in your way.

47617   Bigsby   2014 Jun 22, 9:14pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Paranoid much?

They are coming after you Bigsby. The UK will fall to the Zionists before the USA does. The US is on the edge, and LBJ was a Zionist who killed JFK. So there was a coup, but America has turned on the media and on Israel recently and the American politicians know it. The UK has a few guys who fight Zionism, but when your entire financial center is a sovereign nation, you have problems.

Here's a list of sovereign nations. Do you see the City of London listed? No, me neither.


47618   tatupu70   2014 Jun 22, 9:17pm  

Thomas, just because you can't remember which threads you post in anymore doens't mean they have been deleted...

You really are the most clueless poster on here and that's saying something.

47619   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 23, 12:24am  

a tough environment for first-time and lower-income homebuyers


Do we really want to make it easy for garbage like that? First-time buyers are the type of live-with-mom trash that play video games and won't even take a minimum wage job. They could never appreciate the sophistication and good breeding required to own a stunning, light, bright executive travertine home, perfect for entertaining and raising straight-A BMW kids.

47620   bubblesitter   2014 Jun 23, 12:42am  

Call it Crazy says

first-time buyers still locked out

If they can't afford then they should rent. After all we don't want to do the repeat of 2006, right?

47621   Strategist   2014 Jun 23, 1:12am  

Call it Crazy says

Housing inventory jumps 11.8% but first-time buyers still locked out

You forgot to highlight the real news. I was kind enough to do it for you.

US existing home sales, inventory surge in May

47622   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jun 23, 2:30am  

komputodo says

They may not be functional weapons in the mind of Bob, but I can imagine them mixing up a few barrels of those chemicals and spray them around just to see what happens.

I'm sure they work great after being buried and forgotten in the hot desert for a couple of decades.

If there are any stored chemical weapons, how come the US didn't find it in the 8 years we were in Iraq?

47623   Strategist   2014 Jun 23, 2:39am  

The middle class will be supporting them. Sucks being middle class.
The rich have tax loopholes.
The poor have freebies.
The middle class gets the shaft. :(

47624   Strategist   2014 Jun 23, 2:40am  

lostand confused says

I think if I experiment with them long enough I could make them explode.

47625   Ceffer   2014 Jun 23, 3:13am  

Doesn't matter, as long as they have money for cigarettes and lottery tickets.

47626   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jun 23, 9:24am  

Cable TV is just going to morph into net-non-neutral ISPs. After all, most of the internet providers are communication and cable companies.

Their plan is to make sure nobody escapes tiered media.

47627   ttsmyf   2014 Jun 23, 9:43am  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Monday, June 23, 2014 __ Level is 106.3

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And "ThePublic Be Suckered"

47628   Ceffer   2014 Jun 23, 9:45am  

Instead of "Kentucky Fried Chicken" or Soylent Green, Kim Jung-gruntingnoise is setting up a "Kentucky Fried Starving North Korean" franchise with his cherubic visage on every package.

It is good social discipline, great eating, and a brainstorm in the best capitalist tradition.

Why do you hate innovation?

Dennis Rodman will be doing the advertising spots, but it has been heard in private that he thinks the thighs are a little lean.

47629   Vicente   2014 Jun 23, 10:12am  

thunderlips11 says

If there are any stored chemical weapons, how come the US didn't find it in the 8 years we were in Iraq?

Chemical weapons aren't motivating enough. The warmongers need someone to peddle this rumour instead:

47630   New Renter   2014 Jun 23, 10:13am  

Strategist says

lostand confused says

I think if I experiment with them long enough I could make them explode.

She gots them, I wants them!


47631   Ceffer   2014 Jun 23, 10:14am  

No, but I think I could effectively guilt trip you about it anyway.

47632   New Renter   2014 Jun 23, 10:14am  

komputodo says

No need to destroy them. As Bob said, they put some seals on the storage. Everyone knows that a jihadist would never break a seal. It's against the law.

They may not be functional weapons in the mind of Bob, but I can imagine them mixing up a few barrels of those chemicals and spray them around just to see what happens.

What would probably happen is the jihadists would poison themselves.

47633   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 23, 10:17am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Would it be racist to skull fuck Kim Jung-un to death with Lawrence Yun's disembodied leg?

Just asking.

It must be fear of diplomatic repercussions which prevents the administration from doing a drone strike on this sick, evil fuck who heads a regime that has enslaved and starved millions. There is certainly no moral barrier to offing him.

And they should do Kim Jong Un, too, while they're at it.

47634   Dan8267   2014 Jun 23, 10:32am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un?

It still hasn't put the lotion in the basket.

47635   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jun 23, 11:28am  

Simple consequences of millenials money being stolen by boomers.

In a closed system, you can't loot forever without considering the effects you are having on the ecology.

47636   Strategist   2014 Jun 23, 12:24pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

What's your excuse, ASSHOLE!?

I don't like picking on midgets?

47637   New Renter   2014 Jun 23, 1:20pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Why Haven't You Killed Kim Jung-un?

I have, many many times but the game keeps spawning new ones!

47638   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jun 23, 3:02pm  

The Old bastards had to go back to the future to steel it did they?

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