What idiot will post first on this one?

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2014 Sep 11, 1:14am   18,427 views  20 comments

by GonzoReal   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


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1   ttsmyf   2014 Sep 11, 4:16am  

Your Excellencies: What have you done to expunge this?

2   bob2356   2014 Sep 11, 4:30am  

The Professor says

The consensus among scientist brave enough to state an opinion is that the twin towers as well as building 7 were demolished by explosives.

Stupidity never sleeps.

3   Strategist   2014 Sep 11, 8:44am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

It's probably 99.99% who agree it was the planes.

The official report claims office fires. Are you saying the people at NIST don't know what they're doing?

The planes loaded with fuel could cause a lot of fires.

4   Indiana Jones   2014 Sep 11, 2:41pm  

The Professor says

Indiana Jones says


Very Interesting! This explains it!

I knew building 7 had a built in thermite self destruct system. Now that they admitted to blowing up WTC7 can they admit to blowing up the twin towers so we can move on?

The govt. will only admit to it when it doesn't matter anymore. Notice how no one cares about Building 7 being demolished? Because of of the massive lie campaign, most people have already decided what happened on that day and will miss the truth, even when the article is presented in front of them! It doesn't matter anymore that they blew up the building 7 and then lied about it! That was sooo 13 years ago!

We are all on to Jennifer Lawrence's leaked nudie pics, or wait, that was sooo yesterday!

5   elliemae   2014 Sep 11, 2:51pm  

Indiana Jones says

Notice how no one cares about Building 7 being demolished?

I saw a piece on the history channel about tower 7. It seemed plausible.

I would be interested in your furnishing a list of those "scientist" who are brave enough to state their opinion.

I was married to a scientist and my impression was that both he and his cohorts had absolutely no problem stating their opinions. Over & over. Ad nauseum.

6   bob2356   2014 Sep 11, 8:08pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Strategist says

The planes loaded with fuel could cause a lot of fires.

Only a maniac would believe that kind of canard.

All those post crash plane fires you see on tv are special effects done by the same people who faked the moon landings. The ones with the bent elbows.

7   JH   2014 Sep 12, 12:39am  

We all saw the videos, idiot, some live.

8   HydroCabron   2014 Sep 12, 12:52am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Only a maniac would believe that kind of canard.

The fuel was safely in the gas tanks, silly! No way it could ignite!

Therefore there had to be accelerant planted in the weeks or hours preceding the event. My bet is on rappelling NWO-Rothschild commandos in dark gray cammies and soot face paint.

9   elliemae   2014 Sep 12, 12:54am  

JH says

We all saw the videos, idiot, some live.

You only thought that they were live. What really happened is that David Copperfield made a huge illusion that the WTC existed. The towers were never actually there, it was all smoke & mirrors. So, in order to allow the poor guy to move on to another illusion, he had to bring down the curtain (so to speak).

Those "live" photos weren't - the newscasters were paid actors.
Nobody died, they're all being housed in a warehouse in New Jersey.

Mystery solved!

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Sep 12, 4:02am  

The Professor says

I knew building 7 had a built in thermite self destruct system

Wait, what?

Finding some iron oxide in the rubble of a building is hardly unusual.

11   bob2356   2014 Sep 12, 4:31am  

HydroCabron says

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Only a maniac would believe that kind of canard.

The fuel was safely in the gas tanks, silly! No way it could ignite!

Therefore there had to be accelerant planted in the weeks or hours preceding the event. My bet is on rappelling NWO-Rothschild commandos in dark gray cammies and soot face paint.

Alien NWO-Rothschild commando's. from area 51.

12   bob2356   2014 Sep 12, 6:59am  

The Professor says

bob2356 says

Alien NWO-Rothschild commando's. from area 51.

So it wasn't the Saudi's?

Hey if you can change your conspiracy every 30 seconds so can i.

13   bob2356   2014 Sep 16, 12:53am  

The Professor says

bob2356 says

The Professor says

bob2356 says

Alien NWO-Rothschild commando's. from area 51.

So it wasn't the Saudi's?

Hey if you can change your conspiracy every 30 seconds so can i.

I've been pretty consistent Bob.

So true, you've consistently parroted whatever nonsense 911nutjob.com has posted.

14   bob2356   2014 Sep 16, 1:49am  

The Professor says

bob2356 says

So true, you've consistently parroted whatever nonsense 911nutjob.com has posted.

THE TRUTH Bob, the truth!


You should look at the evidence Bob. It was not aliens that blew up the towers.

Just because it's on youtube doesn't make it the truth. Just because there is a web page doesn't make it the truth. Do you know my dog is one of the 2000 registered engineers on architechs and engineers for 9/11 truth? After 6 years they still haven't asked for proof he's is actually an engineer. Do you suppose my dog is the only one on the list who isn't really an engineer?

15   elliemae   2014 Sep 16, 2:18am  

bob2356 says

Just because it's on youtube doesn't make it the truth. Just because there is a web page doesn't make it the truth. Do you know my dog is one of the 2000 registered engineers on architechs and engineers for 9/11 truth? After 6 years they still haven't asked for proof he's is actually an engineer. Do you suppose my dog is the only one on the list who isn't really an engineer?

My dearly departed dog had a Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts awarded solely on her life skills. It cost me $30 (and for another $200 they were willing to send the transcripts for the classes she would have taken if she had actually gone, which is scary as shit).

That your dog is an esteemed engineer doesn't surprise me. I'm sure he's built a lot of shit.

16   NDrLoR   2014 Sep 16, 2:23am  

You just have to wonder and roll your eyes at people who think it was an inside job, but on this site nothing should be a surprise.

17   Blurtman   2014 Sep 16, 3:07am  

If building 7 collapsed solely from fire, then building construction specs must have undergone a major revision to prevent this from happening again. And existing buildings must have been retrofitted appropriately to prevent this from happening again. Have they?

18   NDrLoR   2014 Sep 16, 1:35pm  

The Professor says

6 in 10 Americans question the official story

Doesn't surprise me a bit! There are a lot of nutty people in the country today!

19   Strategist   2014 Sep 16, 1:42pm  

elliemae says

bob2356 says

Just because it's on youtube doesn't make it the truth. Just because there is a web page doesn't make it the truth. Do you know my dog is one of the 2000 registered engineers on architechs and engineers for 9/11 truth? After 6 years they still haven't asked for proof he's is actually an engineer. Do you suppose my dog is the only one on the list who isn't really an engineer?

My dearly departed dog had a Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts awarded solely on her life skills. It cost me $30 (and for another $200 they were willing to send the transcripts for the classes she would have taken if she had actually gone, which is scary as shit).

That your dog is an esteemed engineer doesn't surprise me. I'm sure he's built a lot of shit.

Your dog probably deserved that degree more than half the Panetters.

20   NDrLoR   2014 Sep 17, 2:16am  

P N Dr Lo R says

There are a lot of nutty people in the country today!

Confirmed by the comments on Rin's latest bragging post Rin's corroboration with a female ex-classmate.

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