Obama Howls at the Moon

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2015 Jan 20, 10:23pm   23,431 views  75 comments

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1   Ceffer   2015 Jan 21, 12:09am  

He's talking about giving away free shit again. What happened to the free shit he was supposed to be giving the first time that he was stealing from the rich fucks?

Goddam brain dead something-for-nothing liberals fall for it every time, bless their pointy little heads.

2   Entitlemented   2015 Jan 21, 12:48am  

"Big booms and busts are directly linked to financial cycles, which in turn reflect the
swings in money creation. Fiat money lies at the heart of this process. Credit-based
economic expansions with its consequent malinvestments create economic illusions.
The modern popular brand of Keynesianism suggests rather crudely that more
consumption and government spending can create wealth. Yet it is one thing to fabricate
an economic expansion by more expenditure; it is quite a different thing to produce
economic growth as the result of the improvement of the factors of production which
include, along with nature and labor, entrepreneurial spirit, technological innovation and
the accumulation of capital. Fiscal and monetary stimulus packages augment demand,
but their effect on the productive capacity tends to come along with a deterioration of
the factors of production. In the initial phase, stimulus packages provoke irrational
jubilation only to leave behind in the latter phase a wasteland of failed projects and
frustrated expectations. It is mainly this mental discouragement of investors and
consumers that will linger on for years after the boom has ended which impounds a
swift recovery after the bust.
With no immediate limits of creditworthiness "

3   Entitlemented   2015 Jan 21, 12:50am  

The low interest rate may have created much malivestment. We see reactions now - however what if other countries are actually worse off and even more socialist?

Which country has highest ROI investment and how should their countries fare long term - please answer without political bias?

4   Bellingham Bill   2015 Jan 21, 1:50am  

The lie is in regards to "ideas that are practical, not partisan". Supposedly taxes on the wealthy, free education, and cutting carbon pollution are "practical, not partisan".

That's two lies actually. All three proposals are all partisan, and not a single one of them is practical.

so that's what we're reduced to.

Redirecting the increasing income flow the 1% is pulling out of the 99% is now a partisan issue.

Quelle surprise I know.

Providing every student in the nation what Californians established for themselves in the postwar is now "partisanship" only pointy-headed liberals can get behind.

And of course AGW is "partisan" too, like the fact of evolution, etc.

You people are the ones who are insane, not us "liberals". And so very stupid.

Congratulations on destroying my country 1995-2006, btw. That took real dedication.

5   indigenous   2015 Jan 21, 3:16am  

Aren't all ducks lame?

Rand Paul is the clear choice, makes more sense than any candidate I have heard, except his father.

6   tatupu70   2015 Jan 21, 4:40am  

Entitlemented says

Big booms and busts are directly linked to financial cycles, which in turn reflect the

swings in money creation. Fiat money lies at the heart of this process

So why were booms and busts much worse under hard money? (gold standard)

7   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jan 21, 5:25am  

Every state of the union he does, he come out to the podeum, starts jacking his Dick. Then when he's done doing that, he pulls out his bag of white powder and draws an Al Pachino sized coke line on the podeum, snorts it down. Then starts talking about pipe dreams. Like some coke monster mental masterbating, with no intentions of ever following through with anything they said at the time.
After every State of the Union he has never not once, ever reached out to the Senate or the house to hash out the details. There are no details, and if he has to make his shit work. He's got a long list of Daneil Grubbers to fill in the details for him.

"Those dumb dipshit Obama voting motherfuckers. "- Obama's A team

8   tatupu70   2015 Jan 21, 5:55am  

CaptainShuddup says

After every State of the Union he has never not once, ever reached out to the Senate or the house to hash out the details.

lol--who is he going to work with in the House or Senate?? Are you under the impression that they are willing to negotiate and make a deal?? What rock have you been living under?

9   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jan 21, 6:03am  

He didn't work with Pelosi or Reed either, he just talks shit in lieu of doing any meaningful leadership.

10   lostand confused   2015 Jan 21, 6:22am  

President wants "trade promotion authority to protect American workers, with strong new trade deals from Asia to Europe that aren’t just free, but fair."

Just when I thought the slimy snake had some redeeming qualities, after stopping police seizures of property without any charges. The slimy critter is negotiating in secret a giant free trade deal that dwarfs NAFTA and he wants total trade promotion authority to protect American workers. idjit wants to be dictator and open up the world to the corporations. This new deal will allow corporations to supersede local authority-Obozo the clown , the biggest snake oil salesman the world has ever known.

11   marcus   2015 Jan 21, 6:29am  

The 2014 definition of "conservative" is: radical right wing defenders of the interests of corporations and the super rich. (this is transparently masked with propaganda about family values, gay marriage, Guns, etc)

Since the word "conservative" has evolved to have its current meaning, a lot of otherwise conservative policies (by the traditional definition) are partisan I guess.

Back in the day, lowering taxes when we are already running deficits, was not conservative.

Back in the day, preserving our environment for future generations was conservative.

Back in the day, paying for good public education, and ensuring that we have a competent and productive future citizenry was conservative.

12   marcus   2015 Jan 21, 11:04pm  

lostand confused says

The slimy critter is negotiating in secret a giant free trade deal that dwarfs NAFTA and he wants total trade promotion authority to protect American workers. idjit wants to be dictator and open up the world to the corporations.

I know a lot of democrats are opposed to it. But all I hear from you is a is a bunch of name calling. Why wouldn't you understand what he even means before leveling that kind of criticism. IF you're right that it's this scary and terrible thing that has the single purpose of defining Obama's slimyness, could you at least post some links, explaining where you obtained your expertise on this ?

Seems like food producers like it. But I understand their motives aren't necessarily in American consumers interest. Then again, I don't know.

I just don't know. I get that some democrats are outright opposed. Others are just concerned that they don't fully understand how this deal works.

Might be a little soon to call him slimy over this. But then again, you did start your comment by saying something like you were almost starting to hate Obama a little less than before, or something to that effect. So it's not like you were claiming objectivity.

13   lostand confused   2015 Jan 22, 5:15am  

marcus says

I know a lot of democrats are opposed to it. But all I hear from you is a is a bunch of name calling. Why wouldn't you understand what he even means before leveling that kind of criticism. IF you're right that it's this scary and terrible thing that has the single purpose of defining Obama's slimyness, could you at least post some links, explaining where you obtained your expertise on this ?

Blaha, blah, blah. Oozo is proposing it and so it must be correct-that is your expertise.

What the evil critter is asking for is no debate in congress at all. none. They get a secret document that has been negotiated in secret and backed by corporations. This is the biggest thing since NAFTA and dwarfs NAFTA and Obozo negotiates in secret and he is asking for congress to give up their power of debate-over an agreement that will give up many local laws and have corporations-oh well, no point in debate . Obama proposed-must be good-even if he kills debate, negotiates in secret, gives corporations to sue our local gubmnts in foreign tribunals-what could go wrong-OBama must be good. .

Plenty of links out there.


14   marcus   2015 Jan 22, 5:57am  

lostand confused says

is proposing it and so it must be correct-that is your expertise.

Yeah, right. I'm all about knowing something when I dont know what it is yet.

marcus says

Then again, I don't know.

marcus says

I just don't know.

marcus says

Might be a little soon to call him slimy over this.

lostand confused says

he is asking for congress to give up their power of debate-over an agreement that will give up many local laws and have corporations-oh well, no point in debate

I don't know whether rthat's true. THey are going to debate it before they vote on it. And if they did vote yes, according to one of the little (not enough) I did read about it.

Trade promotion authority requires Congress to vote on trade agreements negotiated by the president with an up or down vote, not allowing for amendments.

Meaning OBama and future Presidents would be able to propose trade deals to congress, that they would debate and which they would vote on, up or down without amendments.

Maybe you and those who are against this are correct, that it's against our interest and only benefitting corporations. I was only saying that I don't know, but also I don't see how "slimy "applies. DO you think he owes corporations and has agreed to let them fuck over AMerican workers and consumers, because he's just that evil ? Or that stupid.

15   lostand confused   2015 Jan 22, 6:02am  

marcus says

Yeah, right. I'm all about knowing something when I dont know what it is yet

Ignorance is bliss-but willful ignorance?? Why would a president negotiate a trade agreement of all things in secret for years-without telling anyone what is in it?? Why would a president ask Congress to limit debate -of course slimy creature is saying it is for American jobs. Just like slimy creature said he was against the NSA and patriot act. Leopard does not change its spots. What I am worried about this critter is his dictatorial tendencies and his constant attempt to cloak them in a benevolent attitude. Such slimeballs are the most dangerous of all-republicans are open, like that pig castrating senator. Easy to spot and make fun of-but this devious critter fooled the nation twice and of course your kind will never agree-because he is your side of the aisle. Sigh..

16   marcus   2015 Jan 22, 6:10am  

In any case, I'll try to learn more when I get time. But not from you.

When a lot of people in congress are agaisnt something, I can't tell whether it's because they are acting in good faith, or whether it's because all of their lobbyists don't like it.

Looking at it, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Partnership I can see that you're probably right that it's not good for us in the long run. But we already knew what long term trends in global capitalism meant for us. American level consumption, is not sustainable for the whole world. The developing worlds standard of living goes up, and ours goes down (in some ways), no matter what. I also understand why it is that when a bunch of countries make a trade deal, the US wants to be in it. (Europe is noticeably absent - but I guess that's because they don't have borders on the Pacific).

But yeah, I can see that it would be better if this thing is never ratified.

I would need to be convinced that whoever was President now, would not be doing what Obama is doing with this before I would agree that he is slimy in this instance.

17   Y   2015 Jan 22, 6:25am  

Too bad they did not show this concern for the ACA and educate themselves prior to voting....

marcus says

I get that some democrats are outright opposed. Others are just concerned that they don't fully understand how this deal works.

18   Y   2015 Jan 22, 6:26am  

We are not talking about the ACA...you are off topic.

lostand confused says

What the evil critter is asking for is no debate in congress at all. none. They get a secret document that has been negotiated in secret and backed by

19   HEY YOU   2015 Jan 22, 8:33am  

indigenous says

Aren't all ducks lame?

Rand Paul is the clear choice, makes more sense than any candidate I have heard, except his father.

He has a Big Govt. job & all the perks that go along with it.
Let's elect this Socialist.

20   indigenous   2015 Jan 22, 8:43am  

HEY YOU says

Let's elect this Socialist.

How do you figure?

21   HEY YOU   2015 Jan 22, 8:50am  

CaptainShuddup says

Every state of the union he does, he come out to the podeum, starts jacking his Dick. Then when he's done doing that, he pulls out his bag of white powder and draws an Al Pachino sized coke line on the podeum, snorts it down. Then starts talking about pipe dreams. Like some coke monster mental masterbating, with no intentions of ever following through with anything they said at the time.

After every State of the Union he has never not once, ever reached out to the Senate or the house to hash out the details. There are no details, and if he has to make his shit work. He's got a long list of Daneil Grubbers to fill in the details for him.

"Those dumb dipshit Obama voting motherfuckers. "- Obama's A team

Why should he reach out to Congress when it's full of Socialist Rep/Con/Teas getting a govt. check & other benefits while destroying America accepting this taxpayer money. It might be alright if they got minimum wage. Stop! They are against minimum wage.

$460,000 subsidies going to J. Ernst's family?

Any motherfucking Rep/Con/Tea that receives one cent from the govt. should be tried as a domestic enemy..

22   dublin hillz   2015 Jan 22, 10:20am  

HEY YOU says

Any motherfucking Rep/Con/Tea that receives one cent from the govt. should be
tried as a domestic enemy..

All in due time. The first priority is immediate arrest and enhanced interrogation of robert kraft, bill belicheat and tom brady.

23   finehoe   2015 Jan 22, 10:49am  

Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is a Pending Disaster


24   indigenous   2015 Jan 22, 10:58am  

Why does free trade need any sort of agreement, other than willing exchange by both sides?

25   indigenous   2015 Jan 22, 11:25am  

The real problem is staring at us in the collective mirror...

26   lostand confused   2015 Jan 22, 6:12pm  

This is what scares me,
Even better for global companies, the tribunal can order compensation for any lost profits found to result from a nation’s regulations. Philip Morris is using a similar provision against Uruguay (the provision appears in a bilateral trade treaty between Uruguay and Switzerland), claiming that Uruguay’s strong anti-smoking regulations unfairly diminish the company’s profits.

27   marcus   2015 Jan 22, 7:44pm  

finehoe says

Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is a Pending Disaster


Okay, I fully accept that it looks like a bad deal, and also I always said Obama (like Clinton ) is basically just a decent republican (using 30 years ago as a model of what a republican is).

But as for Obama's motivation ? His reasons ? still questioning whether it's being slimy.

Maybe someone or some groups simply convinced him that it's better than not being in the deal (while all the other Pacific countries are). Not defending it. Just rying to understand. Is it realy what Reich said, that Obama's tryigng to contain China ?

30   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jan 23, 12:58pm  

Say you think he farts at the same time he howls at the moon?
Or I know how about coughs and hacks because he's a smoker...

Aren't those things bad for you, and he taxed them more so people would sto... er I mean pay more for them... so he can get the tax money to pay for his smokes. That he huffs and puffs on while farts and howls at the moon.

31   marcus   2015 Jan 23, 4:54pm  

zzyzzxx can you share the names of other sites you go to for that kind of dishonest crap ?

We all know that the economy was in freefall when he started. So the 1st, second and 4th items are hard to pin on Obama. I agree he didn't fix them or turn them around well enough. That's because even though he's virtually a republican, he is considered the enomy by today's right wing dimbulbs.

Gasoline cost + 79% ? Hmmm, that number might be alittle old. Is this from 2010 ?

33   mell   2015 Jan 23, 6:35pm  

So what? Take the gas prices off that list since oil is now super cheap and this point is obviously not accurate anymore, the rest pretty much stands. He dismantled the middle-class and wealth disparity has been growing fastest in all recent administrations under his presidency. A good speech - he is a decent orator (more like narrator), but a terrible score card.

34   bob2356   2015 Jan 23, 8:07pm  

marcus says

zzyzzxx can you share the names of other sites you go to for that kind of dishonest crap ?

It's right there in the picture. woody typepad aka "Woody's Place where Woody shares his thoughts, opinions, commentary and humor with the blogosphere." which is ranked number 3,634,508 blog in the world according to the Alexa Traffic Rank.

It's sort of like Fox but just a little, tiny bit smaller. Say about 1000 orders of magnitude. Where zzyzzxx actually found it is a deep mystery.

35   indigenous   2015 Jan 23, 9:58pm  

mell says

He dismantled the middle-class

I don't see that, it is more of a liberal meme than fact.

Look at the tables on this page, I see no indication that the middle class is disappearing.


As you know inequality is another matter, which certainly grew under O's watch, but economics is not a zero sum game.

36   Vicente   2015 Jan 23, 10:07pm  

I like that "Americans in poverty +23%" part.

I thought the Fox News folks said, Americans don't HAVE poverty. Because they usually have refrigerators, and TV's.

It's hard for conservatives to work out a consistent story on poverty, is it getting better or worse?

My theory is conservative rules work like this:

When discussing anyone (but particularly Democrats) DOING something about poverty, it's getting better. So we don't need to do anything.

When discussing Obama, well everything gets worse as long as Obama EXISTS, therefore cook up whatever figures needed to claim it's getting worse.


37   indigenous   2015 Jan 23, 10:29pm  

You have to throw in the government transfers to the lowest quintile as that does not show up in any gov't stats. IOW the lowest quintile is a lot richer than the stats state.

38   mell   2015 Jan 24, 8:25am  

indigenous says

mell says

He dismantled the middle-class

I don't see that, it is more of a liberal meme than fact.

Look at the tables on this page, I see no indication that the middle class is disappearing.


As you know inequality is another matter, which certainly grew under O's watch, but economics is not a zero sum game.

Yeah it depends on how middle-class is defined. I usually refer to the wage-slaves, which are either upper middle-class or even considered upper class by some, but certainly they are much closer to the poor house then to the uber-wealthy. Those are disappearing, the lower middle-class which is often already government dependent is doing ok. That's not a sustainable model though.

39   indigenous   2015 Jan 24, 8:37am  

mell says

Yeah it depends on how middle-class is defined. I usually refer to the wage-slaves, which are either upper middle-class or even considered upper class by some, but certainly they are much closer to the poor house then to the uber-wealthy. Those are disappearing, the lower middle-class which is often already government dependent is doing ok. That's not a sustainable model though.

The point is that the middle class is doing better than the past, those are the numbers...

This meme adversely taints many people's thinking.

The overarching driver of the world economy is the American economy, the most successful in history.

The Fed's QE amounts to 6% of the money supply, IOW the market will trump the Fed and even the government spending. Until 2030.

40   mell   2015 Jan 24, 8:48am  

indigenous says

mell says

Yeah it depends on how middle-class is defined. I usually refer to the wage-slaves, which are either upper middle-class or even considered upper class by some, but certainly they are much closer to the poor house then to the uber-wealthy. Those are disappearing, the lower middle-class which is often already government dependent is doing ok. That's not a sustainable model though.

The point is that the middle class is doing better than the past, those are the numbers...

This meme adversely taints many people's thinking.

The overarching driver of the world economy is the American economy, the most successful in history.

The Fed's QE amounts to 6% of the money supply, IOW the market will trump the Fed and even the government spending. Until 2030.

They are doing worse if they are not receiving any government transfer money due to inflation and accumulated debt from education and rising taxes. If you want an economy that was doing well - albeit in unsustainable overdrive - you have to go back to the late 90s and the internet bubble. You don't see any of that today but they would show more irrational exuberance if they could.

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