Trump counts retirees among the unemployed

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2015 Sep 28, 1:13pm   5,386 views  15 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Ok, this is getting ridiculous, I can see including those who "gave up" looking for work, but to count those who chose to retire is obscene and is simply an attempt to make a political point based on outright dishonesty.


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1   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 28, 1:19pm  

Trump said what everyone knows.

There is well over 45% unemployement in this country. No matter how you slice it, or dice it.
What ever the Liberal spin is his numbers are closer than only counting the folks that currently qualify for unemployment benefits.

Trumps numbers should include those working minimum wage but does nothing but suplements their goverment assistance.

Anyone recieving government assistance are unemployed.

2   Dan8267   2015 Sep 28, 1:22pm  

dublin hillz says

Trump counts retirees among the unemployed

In all fairness, if Trump were to be elected, the old and infirm would be forces to work in the mines.

3   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 28, 1:43pm  

At least they could if they wanted to, without losing the golden goose.

Because no retiree is making more than $50K a year.
So under Trump they could recieve retirement benefits and work part time job and not be penalized for it.
Great catch thanks for pointing that out Dan.

4   Dan8267   2015 Sep 28, 2:42pm  

Tenpoundbass says

So under Trump they could recieve retirement benefits and work part time job and not be penalized for it.

Sure, it will be sub-minimal wage pay and their retirement benefits would be reduced or eliminated under Trump.

By the way, people's social security benefits are not reduced if they continue to work after 65.

Then again, anyone who is dumb enough to think that Trump would make a good president really can't be expected to know anything about the subject matter he's arguing.

5   bob2356   2015 Sep 28, 3:41pm  

Dan8267 says

hen again, anyone who is dumb enough to think that Trump would make a good president really can't be expected to know anything about the subject matter he's arguing.

Can anyone remember tenpoundass ever knowing anything abut the subject matter he's arguing?

6   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 28, 3:48pm  

Under Reagan, ketchup was a vegetable; under Bush II, McDonald's was "manufacturing".

By these standards, why not classify the retired as unemployed?

7   anonymous   2015 Sep 29, 4:33am  

I know, these republicans are soooo dumb. Sarah palin lol

I cant wait to vote for IHLary. She will fix all our problems, cuz womyn rule! And unlike all those dumb repubs, shes a democrat so mad smart yo. And also, shes altruistic af cuz democrat

Its a great time to be alive

8   mmmarvel   2015 Sep 29, 5:38am  

errc says

I cant wait to vote for IHLary. She will fix all our problems, cuz womyn rule! And unlike all those dumb repubs, shes a democrat so mad smart yo. And also, shes altruistic af cuz democrat

Its a great time to be alive

And phrase remains - 'May you live in interesting times'

9   dublin hillz   2015 Sep 29, 10:50am  

errc says

I know, these republicans are soooo dumb. Sarah palin lol

I cant wait to vote for IHLary. She will fix all our problems, cuz womyn rule! And unlike all those dumb repubs, shes a democrat so mad smart yo. And also, shes altruistic af cuz democrat

Its a great time to be alive

I know like everyone who don't support trump should like move to north korea so they can be equally imprisoned cause atlas shrug.

10   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 29, 10:55am  

errc says

I cant wait to vote for IHLary. She will fix all our problems, cuz womyn rule

lol dumass IHLary. Shes sooo ugg-lyyy. Im like all "gag me with a spoon ew-ew-ew!" Trump will fix all our problems cuz he's not afraid to say stupid shit. bigots rule like totally

11   HEY YOU   2015 Sep 30, 2:33am  

I always liked the valley speak.

12   Y   2015 Sep 30, 6:30am  

"unemployed" means "not employed"...

dublin hillz says

Trump counts retirees among the unemployed

14   DazzlingHerring   2015 Oct 8, 5:30am  

It would be interesting to know Trump's take on The Economy which is title for the next debate. Here's Everything you need to know about the upcoming October 28 CNBC Presidential Debate Schedule.

15   georgeliberte   2015 Oct 8, 12:33pm  

While I do think Trump is wrong on economics, there are those who "gave up" work and retired because there were no better alternatives. Some were forced to retire.

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