Why Feminisation leads to Third-Worldization

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2016 Jul 26, 6:32pm   9,216 views  31 comments

by Exleftie   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Currently, there is a very high birth rate in Africa and in Muslim countries, the average total fertility rate is 4 in Africa and 3,1 in Muslim countries. Africa is projected to have 4 billion people, and MENA 1 billion people. Nigeria alone is projected to have 400 million people in 2050. In most Latino countries, there is a positive birth rate, with the exception of Brasil. Birth rate is positive in India as well. On the other hand, white female TFR in the US is 1.75, in Europe 1.5, in Canada 1.5. The replacement rate is 2.1, and in the event of race mixing, you will need more than 2.1 in order to simply sustain the white population at one level. Even in western countries with relatively high birth rates, the people who are having kids are usually non-white women, as more than 50 percent of US newborn and more than 37 percent of French newborn (1) are already non-white. White female TFR is negative in all western countries. Therefore white people will disappear if they do not change their behavior.

In all feminist countries, you have negative birth rates that could lead to the disappearance of the native population if birth rates are not raised. Whites in the US are projected to disappear in 300 years. In all feminist societies you have massive third-worldization, lowering of IQ, race mixing with blacks, conversions to Islam, etc. The most feminist country in the world – Sweden, is dying right now due to third world/Muslim immigration. (2) Muslims are outbreeding Europeans in almost all European countries. (3)

#feminism #nationalsuicide #politics

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5   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jul 27, 6:36am  

The writing on the wall is clear: whites will disappear within a few hundreds years.
There is nothing that will change this now.
Eastern Europe will be the last holdout.

6   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 27, 6:42am  

We are in grave danger of under population. Quick, let's start fucking.

This is a great pick up line. Someone go road test this on a hundred chicks, and take lots of notes.

7   Ceffer   2016 Jul 27, 10:29am  

Women respond so well to "Let's Fuck" as a pickup line. It honors their personhood to the max, and they appreciate that.

8   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 27, 10:38am  

Why not post this on StormFront?

9   dublin hillz   2016 Jul 27, 10:55am  

Distraction galore! This has nothing to do with feminization, trying to score some political points ain't you? The reason that 3rd world countries have more off-springs is rooted in selfishness and self interest of the parents. They do not do it out of some grandiose self sacrifice. Quite simply those societies have almost non existent social safety nets for the elderly so people while they are young figure out pretty quickly that if they end up childless, they may very likely end up being fed to the dogs when they are old. The more children they have, the higher chances they have that they will be taken care of when they are old and no longer able to work and not be thrown out on the street.

Meanwhile, U.S. and especially western europe offer generous social safety nets aka welfare state. Western Europe especially even offers generous paid time off policies for parents should they choose to engage in procreation. And yet, the birth rate is still low. So, what does that reflect and tell you? It shows that the responsibilities and burdens of parenthood are insufficient to get people to bite to take advantage of incentives while the threat of a rather disturbing fate of old age in squalor countries cause people to mate and procreate out of fear.

Trying to blame women going to work as the root cause of this issue is a reflection of complete and utter imbecility.

10   turtledove   2016 Jul 27, 10:55am  

As education levels go up, so does awareness and willingness to prevent pregnancy. As the population grows in third world places, so will disease, hunger, reduced access to education, and killing each other over limited resources. That will grow fastest among the least educated masses. They will put themselves in the dark ages. As long as we just sit back and let it happen, it may self correct a bit.... And as they Islamify and start killing each other among the different factions... that might take care of the rest. All we can possibly do is try to help educate by providing access to information. Until they realize that they can prevent having kids every 10 months throughout a person's reproductive years, we can't really MAKE them do anything.

Doubtless, however, we won't just sit back and let it happen. We'll send troops in an attempt to quell the unrest... We'll guilt everyone into sending aid... We'll send doctors... supplies, food... We'll start the propaganda on how the world is overpopulated and we, as in westerners, need to stop breeding, altogether.... and share our resources with the poor and starving of the third-world nations. Because negative population growth here will really make a difference there... Not to mention the fact that with declining numbers here, we will have no trouble funding all those programs for our very own elderly, poor, and hungry... Fine, those of you who feel this way, if you want to hand the keys over sometime in the next 300 years, go for it. I'll be long dead. I may roll over, but I doubt I'll care too much.

11   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jul 27, 10:55am  

Historians will wonder at the fantastic levels of selflessness, derision, and plain mindlessness that led entire peoples into that good night.

12   Exleftie   2016 Jul 27, 10:59am  

Feminism is perhaps the best birth control ever invented, because it mocks and belittles women who choose motherhood over a career.

But perhaps the answer is more of the same: if Muslim women all became feminist, they would also stop having babies.

So let's send the feminists out to get Muslim women to "liberate" themselves into infertility.

13   dublin hillz   2016 Jul 27, 11:05am  

Exleftie says

mocks and belittles women who choose motherhood over a career

I do not know what you are talking about. Any woman in U.S. who feels like being a stay home mom can pursue that lifestyle choice. There are plenty of women who do.

14   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jul 27, 11:05am  

turtledove says

That will grow fastest among the least educated masses. They will put themselves in the dark ages. As long as we just sit back and let it happen, it may self correct a bit.... And as they Islamify and start killing each other among the different factions... that might take care of the rest.

No it won't. Nigeria may collapse catastrophically before reaching 400 millions, but that only means tens of millions refugees will wash on the shores of Europe. Let's face it, Europe doesn't have the stomach to send them back so they will be replaced. Wars or famines or plagues will not change the basic equation: Whites will disappear. Maybe mix a little, but will mostly be bread out.

15   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jul 27, 11:07am  

dublin hillz says

I do not know what you are talking about. Any woman in U.S. who feels like being a stay home mom can pursue that lifestyle choice. There are plenty of women who do.

*can* is the word. Most smart women have their egos pumped enough that they won't make that choice.
Statistics show almost half of them end-up childless.

16   dublin hillz   2016 Jul 27, 11:11am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Most smart women

If they can offer something additional to the world besides motherhood, they should not be impeded. Besides, job/career vs motherhood are not mutually exclusive. There's always childcare centers or relatives (if they are willing/able) to outsource that function to for several hours on weekdays.

17   Dan8267   2016 Jul 27, 11:16am  

Exleftie says

Feminism is perhaps the best birth control ever invented

Actually that honor belongs to nude selfies of Call It Crazy.

18   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jul 27, 11:18am  

dublin hillz says

If they can offer something additional to the world besides motherhood, they should not be impeded.

Do you understand the long term genetic consequences of weeding out half the smart people at every generation?

dublin hillz says

Besides, job/career vs motherhood are not mutually exclusive.

They aren't but as I said statistics show almost half professional women end-up childless.

19   Ceffer   2016 Jul 27, 11:34am  

Feminism turns women into bush chomping, labia snarfing lesbos. It's great theater, but bad for reproduction.

You can never keep them chained in the basement, they always get away.

Plus, they annoy the MillXY chillens.

20   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 27, 11:47am  

Historically, however, Well-off People have had more children survive to adulthood and reproduce themselves than the Poor.

We live in an age where this evolutionary pressure is reversed.

21   epitaph   2016 Jul 27, 11:54am  

How about instead of white people having more kids we just nuke Islamic countries? Addition through subtraction. We don't need to worry about Africa since they will all die of famine anyways.

22   epitaph   2016 Jul 27, 12:00pm  

I know some people are going to be offended by that last post, as it is offensive, its only meant as a joke about how the west hates Muslims right now. But in history, white people have prospered more than most other races. It is okay if it goes backwards for a bit.


23   dublin hillz   2016 Jul 27, 12:16pm  

epitaph says

How about instead of white people having more kids we just nuke Islamic countries? Addition through subtraction. We don't need to worry about Africa since they will all die of famine anyways.

Is that kind of like competative devaluation concept in finance?

24   epitaph   2016 Jul 27, 12:19pm  

dublin hillz says

s that kind of like competative devaluation concept in finance?

Race to the bottom! Everybody wins!

25   Shaman   2016 Jul 27, 12:52pm  

I rather think the end result will be a much more varied ethnicity of the population. Instead of white or black or Asian or Latino the kids will be all like: I'm blasiantinocasian. And they will have pretty natural tans, light green eyes, curly hair, and slightly slanted eyes.
Mixed race kids are a rising tide, representing the fastest growing ethnic group. And you can bet that they won't have traditional ideas about race, affirmative action, and culture.
I'm participating in that wave, as my own three kids are mixed white and Asian. Two are a fairly even blend, and one came out blonde! Who knows? Race is a silly metric for comparison. Culture is a much better predictor of success.

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 27, 12:54pm  

Quigley says

Culture is a much better predictor of success.

Yep. Culture is the Key. Some Cultures are superior to others, demonstrably so by a variety of metrics from crime to GDP to longevity.

27   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jul 27, 1:00pm  

thunderlips11 says

Quigley says

Culture is a much better predictor of success.

Yep. Culture is the Key.

Yes, and culture comes to a large extent from parents.

28   turtledove   2016 Jul 27, 1:35pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

No it won't. Nigeria may collapse catastrophically before reaching 400 millions, but that only means tens of millions refugees will wash on the shores of Europe. Let's face it, Europe doesn't have the stomach to send them back so they will be replaced. Wars or famines or plagues will not change the basic equation: Whites will disappear. Maybe mix a little, but will mostly be bread out.

And when they start pointing nukes at each other over access to a river... or the interpretation of line of scripture...? I'm just saying there are a lot of things that can happen. You can speculate on what will happen in 300 years given the known facts of today... But stuff changes in heartbeat all the time, and what seemed impossible suddenly is reality.

29   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jul 27, 2:52pm  

turtledove says

And when they start pointing nukes at each other over access to a river... or the interpretation of line of scripture...? I'm just saying there are a lot of things that can happen. You can speculate on what will happen in 300 years given the known facts of today... But stuff changes in heartbeat all the time, and what seemed impossible suddenly is reality.

All I'm saying is that historically wars didn't have a huge effect on populations. Even if 10 millions people died in a nuke attack it wouldn't change the trend of things. Maybe the worst impact historically were due to plagues, and in the current world plagues are unlikely to be as virulent as they used to. We saw an epidemic of Ebola contained with relatively little damage. Human life, in its super abundance, flows forward, and people who stagnate are pushed out.

30   anonymous   2016 Jul 27, 3:16pm  

Yep. Culture is the Key. Some Cultures are superior to others, demonstrably so by a variety of metrics from crime to GDP to longevity.


It seems longevity is another one of those metrics that doesn't translate correctly on paper. Longevity has to be a bell curve with diminishing returns. It's obviously much more valuable to live 70 really good years, than 80 or 90 what with the trade offs. Aging proves that Time is never well understood. The current western model seems to trade a lot for those last few extra "golden" years.

31   dublin hillz   2016 Jul 27, 3:35pm  

errc says

It seems longevity is another one of those metrics that doesn't translate correctly on paper. Longevity has to be a bell curve with diminishing returns. It's obviously much more valuable to live 70 really good years, than 80 or 90 what with the trade offs. Aging proves that Time is never well understood. The current western model seems to trade a lot for those last few extra "golden" years.

Many people that die at 70 do not simply drop dead at 70. Oftentimes, they suffer from health complications as past mistakes such as smoking/alcoholism/bad dietary habits/lack of exercise start to catch up with them sometimes before they even hit 50. Their 50 and 60s are spent visiting doctors as they descend into health oblivion.

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