September 26, 2016 Presidential Debate

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2016 Sep 26, 8:18am   53,221 views  374 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

I hope everyone will be tuning in... Perhaps, we can have some live discussion. Kind of like Mystery Science Theater... only with Patnet members and politics...

For those living under a rock, the debate begins tonight at 9:00 PM EST (6:00 for us west coasters).

So... Any pregame discussion? Are we taking odds on Hillary coughing/tripping/fainting...? Or Trump losing his temper and calling Hillary a "pig...?" Or perhaps bets on how many times he says the word "yuuuuge?"

Finally! Some drama!


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203   turtledove   2016 Sep 26, 7:45pm  

indigenous says

Hillary looked a lot more poised than I thought.

Trump's answers could have been better.

It felt to me that Hillary was driving the conversation for a lot of the debate. He seemed very concerned about setting the record straight... Not sure if I agree with that strategy. He left a lot of topics that should have been brought up off the table.

204   lostand confused   2016 Sep 26, 7:46pm  

I don't think it was bad for Trump, but Hilalry showed she was a human-so that was a plus for her. It was fun, Trump has two more debates to bring up Hilalry's corruption, email and other stuff. But he held his own and I don't think he lost.

205   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 26, 7:47pm  

How hard can it be not to bring up Rosie O'Donnell in a presidential debate?

206   indigenous   2016 Sep 26, 7:48pm  

Ironman says

It was a "hands-on", get it done, in the trenches personality against a polished politician who knows all the talking points, but weak on accomplishments.

I was hoping she would look bad. People don't know the issues and that she is full of shit. They decide on impressions.

207   anonymous   2016 Sep 26, 7:51pm  

Hello President Trump
Goodbye Friend of Saud

208   indigenous   2016 Sep 26, 7:51pm  

Ironman says

"Perception is Reality". To the low information voters not paying attention, she sounded more professional.

Sad but true.

Hillary is neocon, show stopper for me.

She is more of the same show stopper

She is way corrupt and evil show stopper big time

209   indigenous   2016 Sep 26, 7:52pm  

The real problem is the women's vote

210   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 26, 7:55pm  

I think Trump dealt Trump the worst blow all night.
His shoot em in the ass rant about race problems in large cities had me squirming.
There's a lot of truth to what he is trying to say. But if you're going to sell that message you better have a better plan and message that what he laid out.
But he did go around the country and was a hit with the black community for the most part. I don't if he was off message from the eloquent way he put it to them.
Or maybe he didn't do that bad at all. And it was the triggered response we've been conditioned to think. But if I lived on MLK in many cities around the country.
I bet I would know what Donald was saying. Listening to bullets whiz by all night. I bet the drive by victims surviving family knows what He was saying.

211   Ceffer   2016 Sep 26, 7:55pm  

Very educational. Trump needs to change his campaign from 'SUCK MY DICK, AMERICA!' to 'FLEECE THE WORLD AND SUCK MY DICK, AMERICA!" It demonstrates a much more expansive vision.

I think I would rather spend some quality time in Shelob's lair than debate IHLlary and Dworkin Golem.

212   mmmarvel   2016 Sep 26, 7:55pm  

So who really think that this changed anyone's vote? Did it change an undecided's vote? More of the same nonsense from each. Such a sad choice.

213   Blurtman   2016 Sep 26, 7:55pm  

indigenous says

Hillary looked a lot more poised than I thought.

Trump's answers could have been better.

Agree. I thought he was supposed to be a bit more restrained. After a while, he couldn't explain himself too well.

Decision - Hillary Clinton, ahead on all cards.

214   lostand confused   2016 Sep 26, 7:56pm  

But he got some real good punches. But she being the career politician, just let them roll off with that stupid grin. he was good, she practiced for 20+ days-but now he knows her-lets see the next debate.
You can't say he lost.

215   Shaman   2016 Sep 26, 7:56pm  

Indeed, and women tend to vote their perceptions. Trump lost tonight on that score. Hillary came off as more poised, more presidential, and more informed. Trump was put on the defensive many times and resorted to bully tactics talking over her and the moderator which just made him look like a jerk.

216   Shaman   2016 Sep 26, 7:57pm  

I'll give this extremely long term prediction now: Ivanka Trump will run for President in eight years and possibly win. If Hillary is POTUS at the time, she will definitely win.

217   missing   2016 Sep 26, 7:59pm  

We are waiting for Hillary's next health crisis. If it comes, she is done. If not, she'll probably win. Regardless, I'm enjoying the abuse she takes.

218   indigenous   2016 Sep 26, 7:59pm  

My biggest hope is that Hillary has disqualifying health problems.

Otherwise she is going to win. Which sucks

219   lostand confused   2016 Sep 26, 8:01pm  

Well he has come this far, he should course correct for the next debate. She can't-I still think this country will not elect that corrupt slimebag-lets see.

220   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 26, 8:03pm  

lostand confused says

You can't say he lost.

He lost.
He lost because he was unprepared and lacks the temperament and work ethic for the presidency.
He will not keep us safe at night. He will not fight for us. He does not deserve the presidency.
He has gotten this far only by telling fearful racists what they want to hear. He is a con man and a lying slimeball.

221   Blurtman   2016 Sep 26, 8:05pm  

Ironman says

That's his issue, in theory, he knows the problems, but he doesn't articulate well

Agree. He knew what he wanted to say but didn't say it too well.

222   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 26, 8:05pm  

Y'know, I'll give the usually feverish wingnuts here some credit.

You were surprisingly objective in your debate analysis tonight, which is extremely impressive in light of some of your other posts here.

Goon on ya.

223   lostand confused   2016 Sep 26, 8:06pm  

HydroCabron says

He lost.

He lost because he was unprepared and lacks the temperament and work ethic for the presidency.

He will not keep us safe at night. He will not fight for us. He does not deserve the presidency.

He has gotten this far only by telling fearful racists what they want to hear. He is a con man and a lying slimebal

In your dreams.

224   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 26, 8:12pm  

Hillary is very ill - probably at the very brink of a code blue.

It's amazing how she stayed focused under that cocktail of chemo, painkillers and formaldehyde.

225   lostand confused   2016 Sep 26, 8:14pm  

Ironman says

It comes down to if the voters want a "snake oil saleslady" with Hillary, or a rough talking, but knows how to get things done, Trump

But he should know how to course correct. Witch cast a spell and appeared as the flower lady. Now he knows-this wa snot a bad debate-just outfoxed. But that is why we have 3 debates.

226   Y   2016 Sep 26, 8:15pm  

Dumb libbies still don't get it after all this time.
Trump was not put in that position by the electorate to win debates. That's old school
He is in there to blow up the system. Period.
Watching IHLiarry represent the system is enough to sway the electorate.

lostand confused says

HydroCabron says

He lost.

227   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 26, 8:18pm  

I beleve we should lock her up. In a room with no corners. For several years.

228   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Sep 26, 8:21pm  

What in the fuck is wrong with the biased moderators 'correcting the record' every since the second Romney debate? That's not their damn job otherwise they become a debater.

Unfortunately I think Donald looked bad for all of the same reasons others posted. Totally on the defensive but equally due to the biased questions, lack of response times and so-called fact correction from the moderator as it was due to Clinton's attacks.

I know the record and so could see through her BS answers. He rambled too much even when he wasn't on defense. He'd say something correct at a high level and I'd think, 'Ok, now peel back the onion a a couple of layers in plain-speak so people understand why that's important', but he never did. Just repeated the same things over and over like a broken record.

Joe Hasntbeenpayinattention, the main target, will think Hillary was more persuasive and looked more presidential. By that measure, the important measure, she won big time.

He probably should have called out the moderator a few times like he did in earlier debates.


229   mell   2016 Sep 26, 8:22pm  

I'd rate it a tie. Hillary had to clear a low bar here by just being healthy and alert which she was, I think both did a decent job strategy wise, maybe slight edge to Hillary which was easy since only Trump would get inconvenient questions, so his upside was limited, but he may get credit for getting up on stage at all with everybody against him. I also think that most people did not change their mind tonight anyways.

230   turtledove   2016 Sep 26, 8:22pm  

lostand confused says

But he should know how to course correct.

Absolutely. He'll have to get better at that or his message just won't be heard. She'll be happy to keep him busy setting the record straight for the next six weeks.

231   mell   2016 Sep 26, 8:27pm  

just_passing_through says

What in the fuck is wrong with the biased moderators 'correcting the record' every since the second Romney debate? That's not their damn job otherwise they become a debater.

What else did you expect from Lester asschap Holt? Trump had no choice but to get up and face the headwinds, and walk a tightrope between being presidential (i.e. not to intercept and call out all the time) and being the politically incorrect entertainer that got him there. I think he may be doing better sticking with being politically incorrect and call out the bias as you said, but considering the fact that he may already have won over the die-hards and non-PC crowd he may want to try to bring over some "moderates" - tough call and not easy for his campaign to figure out. Hillary will just bank and ride on ray's cyst and feminism.

232   Booger   2016 Sep 26, 8:27pm  

I don't think this debate changed anyone's mind.

233   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Sep 26, 8:27pm  

It's good to see those polls. Does anyone know who the next two moderators will be?

234   Blurtman   2016 Sep 26, 8:27pm  

Interesting poll results.

235   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Sep 26, 8:29pm  

mell says

What else did you expect from Lester asschap Holt?

Until tonight I'd never seen or heard of him. I'll remember the piece of crap from now on though.

236   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 26, 8:29pm  

just_passing_through says

What in the fuck is wrong with the biased moderators 'correcting the record' every since the second Romney debate

How dare the moderators expect Trump to tell the truth? His fucking retarded asshole supporters want him to lie and get away with it!

Hillary spanked him tonight! Go ahead ironpussy, try to pretend otherwise!

237   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Sep 26, 8:29pm  

mell says

Trump had no choice but to get up and face the headwinds, and walk a tightrope between being presidential (i.e. not to intercept and call out all the time) and being the politically incorrect entertainer that got him there. I think he may be doing better sticking with being politically incorrect and call out the bias as you said, but considering the fact that he may already have won over the die-hards and non-PC crowd he may want to try to bring over some "moderates" - tough call and not easy for his campaign to figure out.

Good points btw..

238   turtledove   2016 Sep 26, 8:30pm  

just_passing_through says

Until tonight I'd never seen or heard of him. I'll remember the piece of crap from now on though.

I only know him from Dateline.

"For Dateline on ID, I'm Lester Holt." In fact, every time he spoke... I kept expecting him to say that.

239   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Sep 26, 8:30pm  

Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says

How dare the moderators expect Trump to tell the truth?

He was telling the truth dickhead. That's was makes all the more outrageous.

240   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2016 Sep 26, 8:31pm  

turtledove is deplorable says

just_passing_through says

Until tonight I'd never seen or heard of him. I'll remember the piece of crap from now on though.

I only know him from Dateline.

"For Dateline on ID, I'm Lester Holt." In fact, every time he spoke... I kept expecting him to say that.


241   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 26, 8:33pm  

just_passing_through says

Joe Hasntbeenpayinattention, the main target, will think Hillary was more persuasive and looked more presidential. By that measure, the important measure, she won big time.

He probably should have called out the moderator a few times like he did in earlier debates.


He was Walter Freaking Contrite tonight no matter how bad the optics looked.
He gave America, the fence sitters and the complacent Hillary supporters, some homework.
He brought things to their attention that they have never heard before. I know for a fact 90% of things we post and talk about in the election when it comes to Hillary Clinton.
Her supporters are in a self imposed news bubble. They aren't curios they don't seek and they don't look. But they do give a shit... sometimes!
Donald Trump just slapped them with a big ole shit sandwich that they are going to have to chew on between now and the next debate.

Trump was prepared to night. Now by time the next debate in almost 2 weeks. They Hillary's default supporters, will have done their homework and be on the same page as the rest of us.
Trump will continue the beatings then.

242   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 Sep 26, 8:34pm  

just_passing_through says

He was telling the truth dickhead. That's was makes all the more outrageous.

not according to EVERY SINGLE FACT CHECKER!!!

trump got assfucked tonight.... he's a loser! and you fucktards are too!

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