Why is the media mostly liberal and how did it come to be that way?

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2016 Oct 11, 5:13am   10,905 views  43 comments

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1   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Oct 11, 5:27am  

I'd less consider the media liberal and more consider it democrat surrogates.

I don't know how it started but I find it odd that the mainstream media refers to the "alt-right" organization yet basically never ever mentions the very far left propaganda organizations such as mother jones, daily Koz, and MSNBC.

I also find it quirky that nbc had no problem firing the dud that was talking to trump on the "hot" mic, but still keeps race baiting, Tawana Brawley lying, federal income tax cheating Al Sharpton on the payroll.

2   lostand confused   2016 Oct 11, 5:28am  

My take, the media follows popular opinion/ratings. Back then liberals/left were the good guys. Women, people of color had many restrictions. As a non white person, a few decades ago-I would have had to drink from a separate water fountain, use separate restrooms etc and not be allowed in most jobs or even schools.

That era has passed and yet they are fighting the same battle in an era of equality. That is why the SJWs have arisen-the same shock and outrage and energy used to fight those horrific days gone by is used to protest manspreading-or getting 50k a month in child support and still blaming the dad. In some states, even if you prove the child is not yours by DNA-you still pay child support. CA for example, the largest race is Hispanic-at least that si what I read a while ago-yet every job application you apply it asks if you are Hispanic. What if you are Chinese-that does not count? We live ina different world, with China/India rising, us in mild decline, whites losing the grip they had -other countries profiting at our expense-we need a Trump like leader who cna see that and right the ship. Not somebody like Hilalry who has the tired old battle cry-that made sense 45 years ago.n Funny if you look at it-conservatives are the progressives and the lefties are the conservatives-stuck in a different timeframe. Now it appears they are purists too-offended by potty mouth-lOL!

Trump is coming and saying the truth-so they erupt-acting as if those on the right are still the Neanderthals of few decades ago-which is why the left is looking increasingly stupid. The media is about making money-they are also owned by the globalist cabal/large corporations-so they do support whoever is the bigger globalist. Trump threatens the globalist world order-or at least he says he does-so that is another factor. The globalist cabal want to suppress that message from going out.-thoughts and ideas are dangerous things.

3   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 11, 5:54am  

Because daddy hatting faggots had to ruin it.

To be clear I'm not talking about Gay people here. But people with real serious mental and social issues. These people don't have a lifestyle they are sick.
At first they thought everyone hated them and was out to get them. Then when we invited them in our homes in our movies and on television it wasn't enough.
They wanted to get married and make Christians bake them a cake. Then it still wasn't enough, they want to put grown men in the bathroom stall next to your little girl.
These are seriously sick people and they have been fast tracked to be in media, education and government.

4   Y   2016 Oct 11, 6:24am  

These are damning statements...

Tenpoundbass says

At first they thought everyone hated them and was out to get them. Then when we invited them in our homes in our movies and on television it wasn't enough.

They wanted to get married and make Christians bake them a cake. Then it still wasn't enough, they want to put grown men in the bathroom stall next to your little girl.

These are seriously sick people and they have been fast tracked to be in media, education and government.

5   marcus   2016 Oct 11, 6:25am  

What does liberal mean these days ?

Does being "liberal" mean just that you aren't a neonazi fascist that thinks having seatbelts and pollution regulations leads to total government control of everything in our lives ?

Does being a liberal mean that you don't agree that if taxes went 1/3 of the way back to what they were in AMerica's heyday it would lead to a communist dictatorship ?

From my view, this country has been shifting toward the right for more than half of my life. Now democrats are about the same as republicans were in 1968 in terms of policies that actually matter. Hillary will be to the right of where Nixon was.

Your question only makes sense if you mean "relatively liberal." And the answer is, because we have swung dangerously far to the right.

Can you say "CItizen's United ?"

6   Shaman   2016 Oct 11, 6:35am  

No, the country has been shifting LEFT on social issues, where now many Republicans are quite liberal on those, while it has been shifting RIGHT on economic issues towards oligarchy, corruption and pay-to-play like Mama Clinton's Foundation scheme, open borders to depress wages, and free trade to shift jobs overseas and kill unions.
The democrats keep doubling down on the social issues, going into crazy areas of social INjustice and calling anyone who disagrees a bigot or racist. Meanwhile they keep going further RIGHT in their economic policy and corruption! It's insanity, and they need the same sort of housecleaning that Trump is providing the Republicans.

Meanwhile, I believe THIS /Clinton+Foundation+incriminates+oligarchs
Is the reason that the media and all the oligarchs are so absolutely batshit insanely rabid about supporting Hillary and denigrating Trump.

7   marcus   2016 Oct 11, 7:00am  

Quigley is deplorable says

corruption and pay-to-play like Mama Clinton's Foundation scheme

If you were honest with yourself you would know this is total bullshit. If you could construct an argument without such extreme lies I might be able to see your point of view.

You're willing to lie your ass off to get the Trump in to power, for whatever reason, and this reflects very poorly on you.

Maybe you should go into more detail on the CLinton Foundation scheme, and on who benefits. How does it work ? Because it sounds like absurd lies to me. Political noise to prevent us from seeing the candidates for who they are. It's a nice try, and probably the best you can do. But still just lies.

PRove me wrong. Please.

8   lostand confused   2016 Oct 11, 7:07am  

Quigley is deplorable says

the country has been shifting LEFT on social issues, where now many Republicans are quite liberal on those, while it has been shifting RIGHT on economic issues towards oligarchy, corruption and pay-to-play like Mama Clinton's Foundation scheme, open borders to depress wages, and free trade to shift jobs overseas and kill unions.

The democrats keep doubling down on the social issues, going into crazy areas of social INjustice and calling anyone who disagrees a bigot or racist. Meanwhile they keep going further RIGHT in their economic policy and corruption! It's insanity, and they need the same sort of housecleaning that Trump is providing the Republicans.

Exactly. Myself I am liberal as they come on social issues. I believe in equality for all-genders/race-but that means all should be allowed the same opportunity and there should be no reservations or quotas. Sink or swim.

I would like the war on drugs to end and gay marriage is fine by me. Basically anything that does not affect another person-as in if you drive the wrong side of a freeway or want to land a plane on the freeway or want to go in anybody's house -I guess that would make me libertarian.

But trade-I don't care free trade or protectionists. It should be what benefits su the people. Currently we are at the top of the world and we don't benefit free trade. Hilalry is a corrupt trash who took millions and millions of dollars and her Martin Luther King Moment is a dream of open borders-when 90+ million folks are supposed to be out of the labor force.

9   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 11, 7:35am  

It's because liberals, jews in particular, go to journalism school.

10   BayArea   2016 Oct 11, 7:39am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

It's because liberals, jews in particular, go to journalism school

My next question was going to be, why do Jews have so much influence and power in the financial sector and media, given their relatively modest population size?

Journalism school eh? you may be onto something.

11   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 11, 7:43am  

Quigley is deplorable says

No, the country has been shifting LEFT on social issues

This is true. On the other hand, taxes have been going down in the long run, and the economic system has been empowering wealthier educated people at the expense of unskilled labor. They are very low historically. So, we are in effect becoming more libertarian. Despite Ron Paul's rants about the fed, the world has moved in his direction. This has to suck for poor religious social conservatives, because the world is moving away from them. Donald is trying to be the salve for their wounds. Little do they know, he would likely treat them about as well as he accuses the left of treating blacks. His view of Hillary's intentions (with the Clinton Foundation and with blacks) is little more than projection.

12   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 11, 7:49am  

BayArea says

My next question was going to be, why do Jews have so much influence and power in the financial sector and media, given their relatively modest population size?

Despite popular opinion, the Jews don't control everything. They are over-represented in the populations of Hollywood and New York. They are also very successful from a monetary standpoint. Hindus in America also do very well. None of this is a nefarious conspiracy.

Another question to ask is why is talk radio overwhelmingly right wing?

13   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 11, 8:04am  

Quigley is deplorable says

the country has been shifting LEFT on social issues..

...because of demographics, not some liberal political lie in the media. Jesus!

Quigley is deplorable says

now many Republicans are quite liberal on those

Not Republican politicians. Name some who aren't kicking and screaming as they get dragged into modernity. Not Republican media institutions. They and all the deplorables are whining 24/7 about how white men are no longer the standard by which America is measured.

BayArea says

My next question was going to be, why do Jews have so much influence and power in the financial sector and media?

Maybe because the Duck Dynasty crowd only reads the bible and only invests in guns. Isn't the impetus of your question "Why are the trends in American demograhpics in opposition to conservative beliefs?" The answer is "Because time marches on while conservatism denies the advance of time."

You can't stop what's comin'.

14   CL   2016 Oct 11, 8:32am  

Easy. It's not. The whole "liberal media" thing is a trope, used by the "victims" of truth-telling to work the refs. It was admitted as such by Bill Kristol et al.

Fast-forward to today, and Trump works the moderators at the debate, on accounta they're mean to me!

15   Shaman   2016 Oct 11, 8:40am  

marcus says

Maybe you should go into more detail on the CLinton Foundation scheme, and on who benefits. How does it work ? Because it sounds like absurd lies to me. Political noise to prevent us from seeing the candidates for who they are. It's a nice try, and probably the best you can do. But still just lies.

Do your own research! There have been gigabytes of papers, exposes, hell even feature films made about the crooked Clinton Foundation! You must be under a rock to not have heard, but then again you've shown yourself impervious to knowledge time and time again, proving to be not only ignorant but plainly unteachable. If you were a student, you would be the dunce, endlessly repeating kindergarten because you can't retain anything you don't already know. It's very sad and some part of me feels bad for you.

16   MMR   2016 Oct 11, 9:06am  

YesYNot MAPGA says

ndus in America also do very well. None of this is a nefarious conspiracy.

Long way to go for Hindus to catch up in professions, including medicine

17   anonymous   2016 Oct 11, 9:11am  

It's not the liberal media. It's a Statist media, controlled by the same people that control the government.

The people on the right side of political privilige support it

18   MMR   2016 Oct 11, 9:12am  

Ironman says

Yep, useless journalism degrees

Mind control isn't useless; thats how the oligarchs keep the plebes in line

19   MMR   2016 Oct 11, 9:13am  

errc says

The people on the right side of political privilige support it

Ding ding ding!!! Winner winner, chicken dinner!!

20   MMR   2016 Oct 11, 9:15am  

ThreeBays says

part traditional social rights, part dismissal of science and fact

This is the biggest source of embarrassment for the Republican Party. Actually trump is helping to get away from topics such as abortion and religious right blather. How much has it been a topic in this election cycle?

21   anonymous   2016 Oct 11, 9:17am  

A better question is, why do the priviliged show so much contempt for the disprivileged?

You'd think they'd be grateful for all that they take. Instead, they yearn to take a big fat shit in the gift horses mouth

22   anonymous   2016 Oct 11, 9:20am  

BayArea says

Why is the media mostly liberal and how did it come to be that way?

media is simply the presentation/delivery of content to the public. that doesn't necessarily mean that it is, or has to be, impartial or independent. on the contrary, media is an exceptional opportunity for society's power elite (which includes government, corporations, socialites, foundations, etc.) to filter the content and shape the presentation/delivery in such a way that is beneficial to them.

the onus is on the individual/household to make choices that benefit themselves in terms of economic strength and political power. unfortunately, what we have now is a public that is making choices based on "wedge issues" that do not result in any increase of their economic strength or political power. this is a perfect scenario for the power elite to utilize the media accordingly, by filtering on and presenting these topics (which just so happen to be leftist in nature) as the most important/critical.

the frightening result of their efforts: offensive speech may now be considered worse than actual crime.

23   MMR   2016 Oct 11, 9:22am  

Quigley is deplorable says

ou must be under a rock to not have heard, but then again you've shown yourself impervious to knowledge time and time again, proving to be not only ignorant but plainly unteachable. If you were a student, you would be the dunce, endlessly repeating kindergarten because you can't retain anything you don't already know. It's very sad and some part of me feels bad for you.

Him and fortwayne, two peas from same pod separated at birth

24   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 11, 9:54am  

MMR says

Long way to go for Hindus to catch up in professions, including medicine

I read that 46% of Jews in America make over 100K. Hindus were next with 43%. That's pretty good.

25   marcus   2016 Oct 11, 10:14am  

YesYNot MAPGA says

Quigley is deplorable says

No, the country has been shifting LEFT on social issues

This is true.

Yes, but what does that have to do with politics ? A majority of people are okay with gay marriage. Even among republicans, if you survey republicans under 50, a super majority are fine with it. Democrats didn't cause this. In fact if you look at it, the media, and people like Hillary and Obama didn't get on board until it was a clear majority.

Occasionally, just occasionally, politicians are actually reflecting what the people believe and want, rather than trying to affect and control what people believe and want. This is one of many things that the republitards seem confused about.

26   junkmail   2016 Oct 11, 10:22am  

MMR says

Him and fortwayne, two peas from same pod separated at birth

Ain't that the truth!

27   marcus   2016 Oct 11, 11:01am  

Quigley is deplorable says

If you were a student, you would be the dunce,

So in other words you know that you are gullible and vulnerable to ridiculous right wing propaganda. Or perhaps you are a dishonest dirtbag, trying to sell a lie in hopes that it will save the orangeDB.

I wasn't even looking for details. I just wanted you to even put your thesis in to words that are believable or make any kind of sense. Here I'll try.

Bill Clinton who is already rich from speaking fees, Isn't interested in having the legacy of a foundation that does good in the world. Instead he wants to channel money in to this shell vehicle and go down in history as a dirt bag that sold access to the government in return for contributions to his "charity. "

Is that about it ?

I knew you wouldn't explain. You thought you could just make assertions about the Clintons being slimy, and they would automatically be believed as if this forum was only for right wingnuts. You are truly pathetic.

28   Dan8267   2016 Oct 11, 12:16pm  

BayArea says

Why is the media mostly liberal and how did it come to be that way?

See this thread for details. Short version:

Liberalism is the political philosophy that
1. All people are equal under law. We are a nation of rights, not privileges, and everyone has the same right.
2. People should be allowed to do what they want as long as they aren't infringing upon the rights of others. There should be no victimless crimes.
3. Government should be transparent and accountable for its actions.

The mainstream media, at best, only advocates the third idea. The media is not liberal. It is highly conservative.

29   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 11, 1:04pm  

Why are Blacks so dominant in Basketball? Do they secretly control the NBA?

Why are Scots-Irish so dominant in the Military? Do they secretly control the Pentagon?

Why are Greeks so dominant in the Diner Business? Do they secretly control the Food Service industry?

Why are Patel caste members so dominant in the under 40 room Hotel business? Do they control the tourism board in all 50 states?

Jews were the only ones doing the banking and tax thing in Europe for centuries, so no surprise they are good at it, and the ones best at it had the most kids.

However, conspiracy theorists never mention Medicis and Fuggers, both definitely non-Jewish banks that literally overthrew Rulers and Popes they didn't like by financing enemies, rebels, rival claimants.


Or JP Morgan, or the Vanderbilts, for that matter.

30   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 11, 1:07pm  

YesYNot MAPGA says

I read that 46% of Jews in America make over 100K. Hindus were next with 43%. That's pretty good.

You are now the richest, if you assume Indians are mostly Hindus.

The rankings:

One of the reasons why this is, is because Indian immigrants are almost uniformly educated and/or already business owners in India prior to arrival. Whereas many Whites are poor.

31   justme   2016 Oct 11, 1:23pm  

The media never was and never will be liberal. It is the political landscape that has shifted right. When Robert Kagan (infamous neocon war-monger) endorses Hillary Clinton, you know how big that shift has become.

The media endorses Hillary because they know she will be obedient to her neocon and neoliberal overlords. That hardly makes the media liberal, on the contrary.

32   anonymous   2016 Oct 11, 1:26pm  

Obamas lone accomplishment was Heritage Foundation Care

Hillary is endorsed by the Kochs

These ain't yo mommas liberals

33   Dan8267   2016 Oct 11, 1:27pm  

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

Why are Blacks so dominant in Basketball? Do they secretly control the NBA?

Why are Scots-Irish so dominant in the Military? Do they secretly control the Pentagon?

Why are Greeks so dominant in the Diner Business? Do they secretly control the Food Service industry?

Why are New Jerseyans so dominant in the Guido industry? Do they secretly control all the hair gel, oil, and douches?

34   whitefaceddogey   2016 Oct 11, 2:32pm  

Dan8267 says

Why are New Jerseyans so dominant in the Guido Goat porn industry?

35   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 11, 4:20pm  

YesYNot MAPGA says

Another question to ask is why is talk radio overwhelmingly right wing?

You know who I never hear about anymore? Rush.

36   MMR   2016 Oct 11, 4:49pm  

YesYNot MAPGA says

46% of Jews in America make over 100K. Hindus were next with 43%. That's pretty good.

That's only income; I was focused on the professions. Specifically, medicine. How many gatekeepers (residency directors and residency faculty) are Indian and how many are Jewish, especially in NYC.

Indians may be making money, but they aren't overwhelmingly in academic positions, which is slowly changing with more 2nd generation doctors (whos parents were usually doctors themselves 70% of the time).

This is true across the board in nearly every profession, except engineering disciplines.

Also, Jews easily make up more of the top 0.1% than hindus and it's not close..

Only after 40 years in this country are there some inroads being made. There are still way more American Jewish people in the high level specialties than Indians. This is despite fact that Jewish medical school enrollment has dropped over last 20-30 years and Indians overwhelmingly want their kids to be doctors. For the most part, many Jewish doctors of my fathers generation have actively discouraged their kids from even entering medicine.

Jews make up 2% of population and Indians make up around 1%.

No shortage of Indians in Internal Medicine and subspecialties; how many ENT surgeons, plastic surgeons, radiation oncologists, dermatologists and orthopedic surgeons are Indian. Jewish candidates esp on east coast probably outnumber 3:1. Probably half of the Jewish people I've seen in recent years pursuing medicine are from former soviet bloc countries. They are also not overwhelmingly in high-ranking specialties.

37   MMR   2016 Oct 11, 4:58pm  

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

Why are Patel caste members so dominant in the under 40 room Hotel business

Family helping family and relatives and pooling resources and intra-community lending. They wield significant clout in the franchise hotel business as probably close to 80% of them are owned by Indians.

38   anonymous   2016 Oct 11, 5:01pm  

MMR says

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

Why are Patel caste members so dominant in the under 40 room Hotel business

Family helping family and relatives and pooling resources and intra-community lending. They wield significant clout in the franchise hotel business as probably close to 80% of them are owned by Indians.

Seems like the kind of business that lends itself to creative bookkeeping

39   MMR   2016 Oct 11, 5:04pm  

ThreeBays says

Pretty sure the party against social safety nets

this old shibboleth: the only reason most democratic voting (limousine liberals) vote in favor of it is: to keep the coloreds on their side of tracks while maintaining appearance of doing something. Got mine fuck you on steroids, if you will. So called 'safety nets' are really just code for de facto segregation.

Why the hell are they called 'safety nets' anyway? Is it making someone able to provide for themselves? Is it making them safer?....

Republicans are assholes, but I'd say they're more honest about it, insofar as the issue of safety nets is concerned.

40   MAGA   2016 Oct 11, 5:25pm  

Mental illness?

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