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Why make a fuss over this idiot, when a global-warming denying birther who's anti-vax is the current Republican nominee?
Jill Stein, in addition to sucking up to anti-vaxxers, believes homeopathic treatments should be funded. Quack.
It sounds like standard scrip from "Dial A Platform: Unassailable Cant For The New Era Of Dedicated Political Psychopath."
Confound your enemies, baffle your friends, make it look like you stand for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING.
She isn't orange, is she?
What if he's really right about everything and the powers that be have quieted him, permanently?
You'll be pleased to know that Obama, Hillary AND Trump are all equally Zionazi Thugs. So is Ron Paul, who is a 33rd Degree Mason.
And Cecil Rhodes, the famous British Imperialist, practiced Kabalah magic, apparently.
No new blog post since August 11th, but he's probably on vacation.
PS, for a lot of fun, read Gary's writings, especially the headlines, with a Louis Farakhan voice.
u can buy brain Computer interface for 300 dollars on emotiv web page,for the love of god,why is so hard to belive,there are weapons...
The bar's been low for many,many years.
Republican & Democratic presidents are the proof.
get more informed before you judge someone
People that say this almost always want you to buy into some bullshit.
Massie is talking about mind control that is occurring today. We know it as one of the steps in gang stalking. I don't normally post to boards due to the presence of trolls and stalkers out there. Until you've walked in my shoes don't criticize Massie's courageous stance. Electronic harassment has an end goal of total destruction of the individual target socially, financially, medically ending in death by suicide or suspicious circumstances. Its one of the great crimes against humanity and is so unbelievable nobody takes it seriously. This is the great lie or success in convincing the public its not real. The news media paints targeted individuals as demented looser's, in reality they are further along in the program of destruction. I can only suggest you look at Fightgangstalking.com or numerous Youtube sites on the topic.There are many conspiracy theories: CIA, NSA, New world order, Military weapons testing, religious, aliens etc. I was followed by strange cars and people for about 3 years, seemingly at random. I reported it to local police and politicians, red cars by the dozen started following me 24/7. At least 6 local Police agencies, firetrucks and ambulances followed soon after. I wish it was delusional as I see these gang stalkers everywhere. Two years ago after rejection by family, friends I started making videos and voice recordings. A 125 videos later and nobody cares. Each video shows these events that appear to be random, except its every day on every recording. If you go shopping these stalkers are in the streets or behind the counters, look for the red, blue, yellow gang colors and hand signals. Go to places where people have to congregate and watch for hand signals and stalkers. These events follow a script common to targeted individuals. Now I want to complain about the help my government has provided me... they know and deny it, vote them all out..
I was followed by strange cars and people for about 3 years, seemingly at random. I reported it to local police and politicians, red cars by the dozen started following me 24/7. At least 6 local Police agencies, firetrucks and ambulances followed soon after.
Can you explain why?
These are the idiots attempting to represent us in Washington.
Just brings up the same question. Who put them in office?
I was followed by strange cars and people for about 3 years, seemingly at random. I reported it to local police and politicians, red cars by the dozen started following me 24/7. At least 6 local Police agencies, firetrucks and ambulances followed soon after.
Can you explain why?
They are tracking your smartphone. Turn it off while driving.
I was looking back at your posts, trying to find the bewbies, and stumbled back on this. Not sure if its crazy people being serious, or a really massive level.
If its the later, well played e5de whoever the fuck you are.
If its the later, well played e5de whoever the fuck you are.
e5de is a psycho bot. Nice stab at paranoid schizo ideation, botlips.
I was looking back at your posts, trying to find the bewbies, and stumbled back on this.
@Patrick still cannot quote....
The posts expired after 48 hours leaving the question... Did she, didn't she??? Maybe it's just a myth? You know, just in case I should ever decide to run for office in the future. Would hate to be done in by some silly post on Patnet. People reposted it, but you'll have to dig around. Strategist has it in a repost. Z might have it, too, being the Lord of all bewbies for Trump. But I cannot confirm or deny that any such thing ever existed. I hit my head in mid-July; my memory is a little fuzzy from that week.
If its the later, well played e5de whoever the fuck you are.
Let's hope so. He/she never came back. Either way @e5de we'd love to know. If you really believe what you say, we want to understand why. If you're messing with us... well done.
I have a friend in the bay area (best friend) who told me a story about 15 years ago shortly after I met him. He'd had a dysfunctional family life as a child and his dad worked for the military. (During discussion we learned we were both born at Travis AFB; I still joke about how his mom left the bed a mess)
At any rate, he is not in contact with his family. I can't recall if that started before - actually, yes it was during his time at Humboldt State University. He had people following him around too and said what he thought was a cop actually moved into the apartment next door. He'd been indoor growing/selling weed and thought he was being checked out for that at first. But later somehow his dad was involved, I can't recall why, I was driving at night in downtown SF during the discussion. So he got rid of what he was growing but it didn't stop. He'd made some friends there and weird shit started happening with them. He later thought it was some government conspiracy tied in with Corporations - like he was a marketing guinea pig or something. Logos started appearing in his apartment on things like glasses where they weren't there before. One day his buddy shows up and pulls out some cups to drink in and starting doing some sort of marketing test on him to see what he would drink - he pinned the guy as 'in on it' and tossed him out, friendship over. Lets see what else... Oh, he had a VCR porn tape that he always watched and suddenly it had extra footage it never had. When he checked it out the VCR wasn't on so he thought the govt was able to stream shit to his TV and listen in on him. This was the early 90s and explained why he always had his TV covered up the 2 years I'd been hanging out with him chasing women in bars. There were some other things that happened which I can't remember. Some blowout with his family and maybe the cops? I think he was hospitalized with a breakdown. I was sort of trying to block it out when he was telling me about it. Not the kind of crap you want to hear from your buddy. Better than, "I'm gay", I guess and he's a cool guy so I blew it off. Sort of told myself maybe he'd gotten some LSD or something but this was over a long period of time so it wasn't that.
I've got a couple of other friends (brothers) who I've known much longer with Schizophrenia and so it's not that, I know what those people are like. We've never really discussed it again and he's a totally normal guy, great engineer, tons of friends and has no problems with the ladies, has hobbies. Normal. So I believe something weird happened to him I'm just not sure exactly what it was and he's admitted as much but definitely thought it was some high tech shit the govt did.
OH! I forgot now, yes, shortly before it all started happening he'd written some threatening emails or letters or something to a bank. That's all I recall. He thought that was tied in. That he'd pissed of the wrong people and they were fucking with him. Said he thought he was lucky that's all they decided to do.
Here is the kicker. Since that time we've all started to get data mined like crazy by gog and the rest. It doesn't seem to bother him at all though. Not interested in my tips for encrypted mail, TOR or any such thing. Then again, he did get me to update my WhatsApp to the encrypted version last year.
BTW, he's posted on PatNet one time at my prodding years ago about about a Real Estate question but I don't think he reads stuff on here. He did bump into Pat on CalTrain once though and had a conversation with him... He liked Pat.
When I was living at some apartment in West Palm Beach, I was looking for a cleaning lady, cuz I was so busy with work... Anyway, I saw this sign that this lady in the complex was advertising cleaning services. So, I called and went over to her apartment. The first thing I noticed was that she had her windows completely blacked out. At first, she seemed perfectly normal. Not that it matters, but she was also stunningly beautiful. Then, she made some comment that she had to be careful because she was being watched. At which point, her thirteen-year-old son made an obvious, loud sigh and walked out of the room
I was intrigued. I asked her, who was watching her? She talked for over an hour about the government following her around, bugging everything...
It was really sad. I felt bad for the kid. Thought about calling social services, but didn't want to risk making matters worse for him. Besides, she seemed harmless and sweet, albeit crazy. He certainly wouldn't have necessarily been better off in foster care. Obviously, I didn't hire her to clean my apartment... But I still wonder about the kid every now and again. Hope he turned out okay :(
still cannot quote....
Thanks for reminding me. I need to find some Windows computer to debug this on.
Yeah, she sounds crazy. People who just come out and say that sort of thing are nuts. My pal didn't. Waited until he got to know me then admitted it after he had a bit to drink. I was at the UTC mall here in SD a couple of years ago - an outdoor mall - and some lady was running around with a suitcase declaring that we were all being controlled by mind control lasers emanating from the Miramar military base down the road. It was quite a scene and I felt badly for her.
It really must be a terrifying existence. Living in fear 24/7 cannot be easy.
It's not mind control like you think...it's military interrogation programming that has been stolen and "burned" and is becoming more prominent every day. There are many us patents regarding it, and it does exist. Our government hides this knowledge because it is secretive to the US military. Google remote viewing or remote neural monitoring.
Part of this problem is that the effects of these assaults are very disturbing, more over they are often used to discredit or assassinate the character of the target. Sometimes this is part of a greater conspiracy. Certainly many of the victims of these attacks now show signs of mental and emotional illness as many post-combat soldiers and civilians do. It is so sad that the ones that survive these attacks then have to deal with ignorant people ready to write them off and dismiss anything they say. These victims and especially those that have survived and are functional are certainly some of the best to bring to light and defend against this most extreme tyranny. This can happen to anyone and especially in big business and in politics. The person you are dismissing might be the one to save you or your family members if given a chance. Please support them instead of making assumptions about them. You can do your own background checks and research if you have concerns or questions regarding a particular individual. Otherwise please do not flame and discredit them until you have legitimate reason for doing so.
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I just received my California "Official Voter Information Guide." So, I'm thumbing through the statements of the senate candidates and one really stands out above all the others. The statement of Democratic candidate, Ms. Massie Munroe.
Her photo appears normal. Perhaps even attractive. Nothing unusual there.
She says, "My candidacy represents the United States Constitution, the only contract between the people of America and America's government 'Of the people, By the people, For the people' to be restored and strengthened in America and extended to the UN as a contract between all people of our world through US leadership and diplomacy. International bankers, multinational corporate leaders, militaries and police must all 100% obey, comply with the Constitution of the US/UN in the Spirit of Truth, Serving All in Peace. Transforming from the Industrial Technology Age to the new 'Energy Technology Era' will saturate US job markets for the next 500 years. My campaign represents ending international bankers' rule and their financial exploitation of nations; reestablishing people's rule by creating a Citizen's Bank to serve as America's central bank; ending mind control slavery; ending non-consensual human experimentation; ending hunger, homelessness and violence; protecting earth, water, air, forests, oceans, and animals; practicing Christ consciousness and implementing constitutional justice under the leadership of the US/UN. Through my national and international research and political activism, I identified "mind control slavery" by satellite energy technology weapons and social engineering programs that have been in continual development for the past 50 years and facilitated their declassification. As a result, I came under heavy sanctions that are ongoing. I request you, the voter, to rise above all untrue accusations that assail my good character and heart. See my evidence and review my service. Senator Bernie Sanders' presidency is crucial for bringing this into reality."
Now I admit, I am unfamiliar with the requirements one must meet in order to run for political office. But after reading Ms. Munroe's statement, I am a bit concerned that, perhaps, the bar is set a bit too low. Now, we as California taxpayers paid for this publication to be printed and distributed (one per voting household) across the entire state. Are we really just going to pay to publish the words of any crackpot who plans to rule the world with her US/UN Constitution? Or am I just suffering from "mind control slavery?" Seriously, I want my taxes back.