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78585   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 12:34pm  

marcus says

Israel just got a massive arms deal from the U.S. THe U.S. has not lost any credibility. Even a huge segment of Isreali Jews have a problem with the ever expanding settlements, and a majority or Israelis are for a "2 state solution," which becomes less and less possible with the expansion of the settlements.

Who has the power of the purse? That's Congress - and there are Dems backing that as well.

Obama has actually been the greatest Arms dealer since the Cold War. Something like $300B, including to Wahabi State Sponsors of Terror like Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The abstention on this vote broke about half a century of US Foreign Policy, at the tail end of a lame duck outgoing President's Term.

And he not only can claim it's okay because Congress is against such a move, he can't even claim it's okay as his own party was both shocked and opposed his radical shift.

The Senate Minority Leader, the House Minority Leader, the Minority Whip and the majority of all Democrats opposed Obama's decision. Nor apparently did he consult them beforehand.

It was literally an unprecedented AND totally unsupported move. Unilateral "to the max".

78586   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 12:52pm  

Oh, and duh, I have to mention this again:

Obama interfered with the 2015 Israeli Elections to get rid of Bibi.

This is from Haaretz, which has an anti-Bibi bias:

So apparently it's okay by Obama to coordinate the sending of his former campaign staff, tax payer money via the State Department, and more.

"There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars, through non-profit organizations. And there were various liberal groups in the United States that were raising millions to fund a campaign called V15 against Prime Minister Netanyahu," McLaughlin said.

He noted an effort to oust Netanyahu was guided by former Obama political operative Jeremy Bird and that V15, or Victory 15, ads hurt Netanyahu in the polls. McLaughlin said the Israeli leader rebounded after delivering a speech to Congress early this month, prompting more critical ads.

V15 was viewed as part of a broader campaign to oust Netanyahu. The group was linked to Washington-based nonprofit OneVoice Movement, which reportedly received $350,000 in State Department grants. Money to OneVoice stopped flowing in November, officials said, before the Israeli elections.


Another interference was when Netanyahu was invited by Congress to speak to general Bipartisan Acclaim, but then Obama snubbed him and made him leave by the side door at the WH. Another sign of lack of support for Obama's policies, and why this latest move was unilateral and unprecendented.

78587   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 1:08pm  

Ironman says

“Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks,” he tweeted. “Thought it was going to be a smooth transition - NOT!”


5 minutes later he said the transition is going very smoothly, and that he's talking to Obama everyday.

78588   Shaman   2016 Dec 30, 1:18pm  

Don't forget Obama has also decreed by executive order the doubling of H1B and H2B visa limits and rushed to import and settle as many rape-fugees as possible in American communities. He's also established more regulations, created more unwanted state parks, and released more drug dealers from prison than any outgoing POTUS before him.
He is most definitely putting road blocks for Trump, running counter to the established will of America. He's the lamest lame duck ever.

Obama is a scourge upon the Oval Office and the country. The sooner he is gone, the sooner Trump can begin to rebuild.

78589   Shaman   2016 Dec 30, 1:55pm  

Yah that's about the gist of it.
DNC gets caught rigging the elections, and in turn accuses Russia of doing the same. A concept this absurd would be laughed out of any fiction publisher's office.

78590   Booger   2016 Dec 30, 3:06pm  

Russian hackers did not write those emails, corrupt Democrats did

78591   Booger   2016 Dec 30, 3:33pm  

Obama's temper tantrum towards the Russian diplomats are merely his marching orders by his puppet master Soros.

78592   RWSGFY   2016 Dec 30, 3:37pm  

#3 is the only rational choice.

78593   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 3:41pm  

Straw Man says

#3 is the only rational choice.

With no more appetite for war in the Middle East, and Apple, Walmart, Samsung,etc.nixing any conflict with China, all Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon really have is to saber rattle on Russia.

Otherwise, they make have to make products for the private sector and compete in the global market, instead of being able to "Develop as we Manufacture", probably the greatest scam ever pushed on the taxpayer.

That being said we need a whole new fleet of planes that can dogfight, however the contractors will bid and a panel of USAF pilots at least 15 years from retirement will make the selection from among completely finished, flyable and testable prototypes.

Booger says

Russian hackers did not write those emails, corrupt Democrats did

Shhh! We're too busy shooting the messenger.

78594   Booger   2016 Dec 30, 4:38pm  

Trump was right, again.

78595   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Dec 30, 4:52pm  

if Putin ordered this, the hacker would have launched the attacks from a cyber cafe in France so nothing could be traced back to Russia.

at least Bush had balls and took out Hussein and helped secured the petrodollar. Obama ordered some useless, crybaby, soon to be removed sanctions to save face.

78597   Strategist   2016 Dec 30, 5:00pm  

Ironman says

They all contain poison.

78598   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 30, 5:12pm  

Just another Red State that can't protect it's citizens.

78599   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Dec 30, 5:21pm  

retarded OP on multiple levels

78600   anonymous   2016 Dec 30, 5:42pm  

HEY YOU says

Just another Red State that can't protect it's citizens.

If only they had pre-cogs like Blue States do. Or, maybe this beaner was on the Minority Report. Food for thought.

78601   Booger   2016 Dec 30, 6:25pm  

“Breaking News” Obama Will Come Out The Closet After Donald Trump Is Inaugurated.

78602   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 30, 6:44pm  


(b) Putin wanted the weakest candidate to win.

If Putin would have wanted the weaker President, he would have told America to stick with the best don't mess with the rest.

78603   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 30, 6:45pm  

I believe it's been a proven fact you can see Russia from Sarah Palin's poorch.
It was the only truthful thing said in 2008.

78604   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 7:23pm  

Let's ask Obama which country is the big threat.


Obama's journey to the dark side is complete.

78605   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 30, 7:41pm  

Look at Mitt a perfect establishment Tool he knew who was going to win.

78606   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 8:58pm  


HINT: You guys are rooting for the WRONG team.

Joe McCarthy Dindu Nothin' Wrong! Traitors!

I found Putin's laptop with malware tools in a Pumpkin Patch in Maryland!

78607   Shaman   2016 Dec 30, 8:58pm  

Clearly, Putin doesn't consider lame duck Obama worth even responding to at this phase of the game. He's like "da, da, send out the real man in charge you nimby pansy boy!"
Responding to provocation with clear contempt is a sign of strength.
And no, I'm not against America.
Americans mostly don't feel animosity towards Russia, and Putin hasn't expressed anything like hatred for America, the way the Muslims Obama keeps pushing on American communities always are.
Obama hasn't represented real America for a long, long time.
He represents me about as much as the Canadian Prime Minister does.
Less, since he's lost all power in 20 days.

78608   Shaman   2016 Dec 30, 9:01pm  

HEY YOU says

Just another Red State that can't protect it's citizens

A big beautiful wall will do that!

78609   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 9:07pm  


Don't strain yourself. LOL.

The scariest thing about these image?
"Whoa There, Slow Down! If if if if if you don't stop pulling on the leash, Okie Dokie?"

"Do not worry. I too have Tiger Blood."

78610   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 9:34pm  

When have the intelligence/counter-intelligence agencies and national security and intelligence direcotrs of the United States EVER deliberately mislead the Public to put in place a policy they wanted?

"We don't need Kefauver's Committee. The Mafia does not exist."

and more recently:

78611   MMR   2016 Dec 30, 10:30pm  


HINT: You're rooting for the wrong team, comrade

Where is the proof that it is more materially dangerous than supporting Saudi Arabia ?

78612   Dan8267   2016 Dec 30, 10:39pm  


Putin caves and loses face to the world. This is basically an admission of guilt, and he clearly doesn't wan't the US to release damning information.

He now looks like Obama's bitch :)

Putin is evil and vile, but he comes out looking smart and on the high ground in this one. He knows Trump will reverse Obama's sanctions. He can easily wait a month.

Now Putin gets to gloat how he's the bigger man by not expelling diplomats and he's repairing US-Russian relations. Obama looks weak in not being able to deal with this issue before he leaves office. But hey, Obama still has 20 days to close Gitmo and keep his campaign promise. Anyone think he will?

The Obama administration has been a failure, just like the Bush administration. A Hillary administration would have been a failure as well. Trump is probably going to be a disaster, but he'll take down the Republican Party with him. Ironically, that makes him more useful than the other three.

78613   missing   2016 Dec 30, 10:52pm  

Dan8267 says

Putin is evil and vile

Do you think Russia would be better with somebody like Yeltsin?

I don't think full democracy is always the best option. Compare how China and Russia (as well as many of the other former Soviet and Soviet block countries) fared during the transition from centralized/planned economy. Vietnam is also doing well. Western-style democracy in developing countries opens up the opportunity for too much corruption and external influence.

78615   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 31, 7:35am  

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

retarded OP on multiple levels

Just galactically wrong!

78617   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 31, 7:40am  


Swedish judge refuses to deport teens who gang-raped child

A Swedish judge has refused a prosecutor’s request to deport five Afghan teenagers who forced a younger boy into a wood and then gang-raped and beat him at knife-point.

“Given their age and the security situation in Afghanistan, they would be hit very hard by the expulsion,” the judge said in his ruling.

The youths have instead been sentenced to a year and three months in a young offender’s institution.

The five young men dragged the victim into the woods surrounding Gottsunda suburb in the city of Uppsala at the end of October.

The beat him all over his face and body, and then forcibly penetrated him while one of the boys held a knife, threatening to stab and even kill him.

He was also bitten on his back during the assault, which lasted more than an hour.

78618   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 8:10am  

Putin is a statesman. He has a vision he lays out, takes hours of questions directly from the public - and most of them not 'boxer or brief?' fluffy questions, he's always willing to talk, when you fuck with him he punches back open and honestly.

Obama, like other Western leaders, is a technocratic managerial functionary. They conceal their true purpose, manipulate and lie to their public, only do interviews with media figures with the questions given in advance with the right to pick which ones can be included, give the silent treatment take their toys and go home like a whiny bitch when they don't get their way, and fund the most outrageous assholes secretly while denying it.

78619   mell   2016 Dec 31, 8:32am  

Russian hackers stole my last rolls of toilet paper this morning! Wah-Wah!

78620   anotheraccount   2016 Dec 31, 8:44am  


The job of the President is to execute, NOT to lead

A good executive is a good leader, show me an example of the opposite. I agree with you that some people want to be ruled by an authoritative figure.

78621   Shaman   2016 Dec 31, 8:47am  

I wouldn't elect Putin. I disagree with many of his positions on internal governance. However, he's not running for the American POTUS, he's not actively threatening us, he wished us a Merry Christmas like a Christian man, and he wants better relations. Compared to Obama, he is a much better leader.

78622   RWSGFY   2016 Dec 31, 8:52am  

Ironman says

McAfee argues that the report is a “fallacy,” explaining that hackers can fake their location, their language, and any markers that could lead back to them. Any hacker who had the skills to hack into the DNC would also be able to hide their tracks, he said

Except he has been out of this game for decade or more. Except US signal intelligence might have developed new waysa to track cyberattackers. All this clamoring from Russians and their useful idiots demanding "moar proof wit moar details" is an attempt to find out the extent of US intelligence capabilities. Don't you worry, congressmen will see all the proof during the investigation.

78623   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 8:59am  

Let me ask you a question, do you believe the bullshit that Assad, knowing the US was doing a full court press to overthrow him like Saddam, had any incentive to use chemical weapons?

Or was the Obama Admin lying like Bush?

78624   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 9:17am  

And here's something else to ponder.

SONY was hacked, and to this day there is no agreement as to whether it was North Korea or Disgruntled Employees

Now, if years later we don't know if DPRK, activists, or ex-employees performed these massive hacks. Naturally all the government Crowdstrike type companies were all 100% sure it was DPRK, but most independent supergenius consultants and Conference Keynote speakers think it was disgruntled employees.

Is DPRK more or less sophisticated, you think, than the FSB?

Yet apparently within weeks, the entire Intelligence Apparatus is confident the DNC Leaks were definitely Russian.

Anybody believe that Russia is less capable of covering it's tracks, less sophisticated than the DPRK?

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