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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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82099   bob2356   2017 Mar 31, 12:52pm  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

bob2356 says

Be careful what you wish for, you may get it. Trump is a reformer of what? With his koch brothers wet dream cabinet? Really, you want to play that hand? I would fold if I were you.

Given the Koch Brothers hate his guts, opposed his candidacy, and funded #NeverTrump, his Primary competitors one after the other in an attempt to stop him, and the fake "Freedom Caucus" whose members promise immigration reform yet always finds an excuse not to do anything of substance when it comes to a vote, you can forget them.

Given that something like half of his cabinet and pence are big parts of the koch bros network I don't think they are too unhappy with him any more. Trumps commitment to environmental deregulation, privatization, corporate tax cuts, etc., etc. gives the koch brothers their first hard on in years. They spiked the health care bill because they only wanted a repeal and nothing else was acceptable. They will spike any serous immigration reform because there is no way they want cheap labor shut down. After that the money tap is on full force to implement trump policies.

82100   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Mar 31, 1:32pm  

Jump over the deep state chasm to the conclusion of your choice.

82101   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 31, 3:28pm  

jazz music says

Why? It seems we are neutralized and divided by fake news and manipulations. Speaking of fake news: Why did Trump carry on for so long about Obama being born in Kenya?

Why does no College student know who William Wilburforce is?

He only kinda ended a universal inhumane practice that has been going on since the dawn of Agriculture.

But they all know who Maya Angelou is.

82102   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 31, 3:57pm  

I'm much more worried that there are college educated, middle aged professionals, many of them in roles of authority, many of them in the Media, who are gobsmacked a male employer (worse, politician) won't meet with women after hours without his wife present and can't think of any valid reason why that might be.

That's a real sign that America is doomed.

82103   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 31, 4:14pm  

bob2356 says

They spiked the health care bill because they only wanted a repeal and nothing else was acceptable.

That sure wasn't what RyanCare was about. It was about keeping Obamney Insurance Subsidies alive, still without any cost control mechanisms, with a little extra sweetener of transferring the penalty from the IRS to the Insurance Companies themselves.

Trump is a populist struggling with a Republican Establishment who never wanted him, against a Democratic Establishment that also doesn't give two shits about the middle and working class, only a different set of Oligarchs. I can't imagine the Democrats of the 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s doing anything but trying to the current H1Bs entirely.

Republicans: "Muh Resource Extractors"
Dems: "But Muh IT Corporations"
Both: "Muh Finance, Insurance and Real Estate!"

If the Dems were "Really" worried about Russian Hacking, they'd turn over the DNC Server (provided it isn't wiped beyond recovery with 10+ passes each using a different method and mechanically destroyed after that) to the FBI, AND great Flynn immunity to talk.

Their interest is to keep their evidence-free, but only effective, smear going.

The reason the Republicans who have total control are allowing the hearings to include Russia is that they'd much prefer Pence than Pesky Populist Trump.

82104   anonymous   2017 Mar 31, 4:35pm  


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82105   Dan8267   2017 Mar 31, 4:50pm  

jazz music says

Moral of the story is to never fall under the mercy of another man who can do as he will with impunity because you will find out, as did the jews, there is something deeply wrong and hypocritical inside people who will run a murderous racket if left unchecked. --and feel perfectly justified about it too.

This is unfortunately very true.

I doubt that the self-righteous assholes who virtue-signal by calling for all criminals to die would apply their sentences to those criminals who murdered the slave babies by feeding them to alligators. Somehow, I think they would let those criminals off the hook.

82106   Dan8267   2017 Mar 31, 4:51pm  

After watching that video, I'm spending the next hour watching cat and rescue videos on YouTube in order to get the taste of barf out of my mouth.

82107   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Mar 31, 6:16pm  

jazz music says

Oh wait it's CNN, poison the well! Oh and the reporter is black too! Obviously fake news.

"And Waiter, the food is awful!"
jazz music says

When fact checking got involved they found the newspaper: it was the National Enquirer!

"And there's not enough of it on my plate!"

Has CNN been busted with fake news? YES.

Has the National Enquirer ran scoops that are 100% true? YES.

82109   bob2356   2017 Mar 31, 8:08pm  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

bob2356 says

They spiked the health care bill because they only wanted a repeal and nothing else was acceptable.

That sure wasn't what RyanCare was about. It was about keeping Obamney Insurance Subsidies alive, still without any cost control mechanisms, with a little extra sweetener of transferring the penalty from the IRS to the Insurance Companies themselves.

RIght, that was exactly what I said. Only a total repeal would be acceptable to the koch brothers machine. Who do you think the freedom caucus is and who do you think paid to put them in office?

82110   anonymous   2017 Apr 1, 7:25am  

Is that Renee Zellweger?

82111   joeyjojojunior   2017 Apr 1, 7:29am  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

Trump is a populist struggling with a Republican Establishment who never wanted him, against a Democratic Establishment that also doesn't give two shits about the middle and working class, only a different set of Oligarchs. I can't imagine the Democrats of the 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s doing anything but trying to the current H1Bs entirely.

Give it up. Trump was 100% behind the new healthcare bill and 100% on board with the Establishment.

Please tell me how his tax plan is populist.
Please tell me how gutting the EPA is populist.
Please tell me how giving up people's privacy (Internet history) is populist
Please tell me how increasing civil forfeiture is populist.

You fell for a shyster in populist clothing.

82112   komputodo   2017 Apr 1, 7:39am  


Donald Trump gets worse marks than Barack Obama at the start of their presidencies

Wow really? You mean in america where nobody will publicly criticize a black person and where it's highly popular to criticize rich WHITE men?

82113   HEY YOU   2017 Apr 1, 7:52am  

It's easier to HATE everyone than focus on a small group.

82114   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 1, 8:45am  

Yeah because Paris is so much better.

82115   Ceffer   2017 Apr 1, 9:26am  

Just think of all the "terror bucks" we are losing, not to mention free demolition of crusty old infrastructure.

82116   Ceffer   2017 Apr 1, 9:39am  

Reinstatement of pistol dueling to resolve issues between couples and restore honor to the process.

82117   Ceffer   2017 Apr 1, 9:45am  

That all doesn't matter as long as you think he is pretty, really really pretty!

82118   Dan8267   2017 Apr 1, 11:37am  

What the fuck do they have against dogs?

82119   Bellingham Bill   2017 Apr 1, 5:17pm  

>Why on Earth would the GOPe repeal Heritage Foundation legislation?

The GOP effort in the 1993 period (the GOP's counter to the Clinton reform proposal) foundered on how to pay for the premium supports for people having to buy insurance.

here's the tax cuts in the AHCA:

82120   Ceffer   2017 Apr 1, 10:54pm  

It's those splooging dick selfys, you'd think O'Reilly would learn.

82121   mell   2017 Apr 2, 8:17am  

These "accusations" are professional get rich quick schemes. Cell phone recordings should be required for proof, everybody knows how to turn on their mic on their phones. Also who takes anonymous calls anymore? Don't take them and you don't have to "suffer" from anonymous phone wankers. Boo hoo.

82122   mell   2017 Apr 2, 9:41am  

PCGyver says

Then why did they settle out of court with NDAs?

Because the publicity in the tabloids and "media" for any trial of that nature is far more damaging to a large company than paying a settlement. These extortions happen regularly also in high-tech companies, paying off females that have worked close enough to higher management. Rarely there is any substance to those claims. In fact these payments are already factored in by companies in their expense forecasts depending on what the quota is.

82123   Strategist   2017 Apr 2, 11:18am  

jazz music says

The issue that we are all divided on is you are either for slavery or against it.

If you are against slavery that atuomatically puts you in the category of being a John Locke LIBERAL Since you are subscribing to his philosophy and I quote:

Slavery still exists?
Please, no-one remind Jazz what century we live in. You can't even buy this kind of entertainment.

82124   Tenpoundbass   2017 Apr 2, 11:20am  

Marxist commie propaganda. The Demcorats were the slave owners.

82125   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 2, 11:26am  

Hey Jazzhands, Read the Bottom Capitalized part of the Caption.

Where in Dixie is Ceylon? And why are the Negro Slaves wearing Indian-style Sari-type things?

82126   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 2, 11:27am  

jazz music says

You right there are actually trying to normalize the fact that Trump saw Cruz' father involved with JFK murder AND REPEATED THAT publicly, knowing that he read THAT IN THE ENQUIRER? And he even covers it by saying "I read it in the newspaper?"

How many Journalists repeated the lie that Russia hacked the Power Grid? And that to deny that was to deny a proven fact?

82127   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 2, 11:29am  

America just had it's first Black President, and gave him 2 terms, proving that we're a Racist Country.

Truth about Immigration and Refugees: It's about crushing wages and using a Strategy of Tension.

82129   Shaman   2017 Apr 2, 2:17pm  

Yah good thing America does not use alligators to kill black babies anymore.
That duty has been outsourced to Planned Parenthood. MUCH more humane to get them earlier. 🙄

82130   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 2, 2:35pm  

jazz music says

We hear a lot about holocaust but we do not hear about Nazi regimes vast slave labor camps and I imagine that is because it not only dilutes the jewish agenda of genocide awareness BUT it also sheds an indecent light on THE CORPORATIONS THAT INVESTED IN BOTH SIDES OF THE WAR AND CAME OUT AS THE BIGEST WINNERS STILL TO THIS DAY. I guarantee you those same corporations have not forgotten the riches they accessed by supporting Hitler's regime and the vast network of slave camps.

Who's the big winner when Obama sells Cluster Bombs for Saudi Arabia to drop on Yemeni Marketplaces and Town Centers?

jazz music says

The only defense you have against all of these atrocities happening to YOU is to make it unthinkable that they should ever happen to anybody.

Did you know that the Egyptians enslaved the Nubians after killing every adult male? Apologize for the Pharaohs, Sisi!

When will Saudi Arabia apologize for 9/11? For their continuing legacy of slavery?

Lefties only concerned about Slavery that Anglo-Saxons ended (first civilization in world history to end slavery) 150 years ago.

STUDIOUSLY IGNORE slavery in Qatar, Mauretania, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait TODAY. Because Brown People dindu Nuttin' Wrong.

Why isn't there an investigation as to why FIFA allowed Qatar to use slave labor for their World Cup Infrastructure?

Where are the Sanctions on Saudi Arabia for murdering Witches, denying Human Rights to all Women, and lashing gays and rape victims?

Where are the reparations for millions of Slav(es) sold into Slav(-ery) by Persians, Turks, and Arabs. Pay up Algeria! Pay up Iran! Apologize, Turkey!

Free yourself of the narrative.

82131   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 2, 2:45pm  

jazz music says

Hey thanks for proving my point

Now, please explain why NOBODY in the Democratic party is calling for an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia.

Why Nobody is talking about taking the World Cup from Qatar.

At the very least! These should only be first steps pending total sanctions on all imports and exports. We need to use the British and American Navy to again embargo the Slavers. And demanding the return of Constantinople from Turkish Imperialist-Colonialist, and reparations for the Ethnic Cleansing and Slaughter of the Greeks in the 1910s and 1920s. That was even worse than the Armenian Genocide.

Turkey should be suspended from NATO until they start paying reparations. The Germans did. Why should Turks get a pass? Because they're a shade darker, they dindu nuttin wrong?

It's funny that the Europeans were the least slavers of the past millenium - they didn't have any slaves at all for the first half of it and were the first to end it by law - but we never hear about the massive Slave Empire of the Muslims that stretched from Morocco to India and beyond.

82132   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Apr 2, 2:47pm  

jazz music says

Hey thanks for proving my point

What point? That you never mention any non-White atrocities? That you never point out Anglo-Saxons in particular ended slavery for the first time in history? That you don't mention Obama's incredibly deadly civil wars he instigated in Libya, Syria, and now Yemen that have already killed 10,000X more people than any gator baiting did?

82133   mell   2017 Apr 2, 3:26pm  

No payoff for dude on dude accusations.

82134   mell   2017 Apr 2, 4:51pm  

This thread is utterly irrelevant to the politics and policies of this millenium. All it does it remind people that humans all over the world have done, can do and will do sick shit, esp. if backed by the government. Look no further than South Africa where white farmers have been brutally persecuted, disowned, many bludgeoned and killed over the years (with government approval!). Moreover SA has gone to shit with ultra-high crime rates. This is today, not over 100 years ago like your favorite tearjerkers. When it comes to majority rule by race you can bet that modern (Chrisitian) whites are the most advanced and just people wrt human rights for everybody because they were the first ones to establish basic human rights and diplomatic principles following all the world-wars and many other skirmishes where they were involved in, learning from their own mistakes (colonialism, slavery etc.) and atrocities. It's completely disingenuous to accuse the Caucasians and Christians of today even of a hint of racism (everybody is inherently a little racist) while omitting that the vast majority of race, gender and religiously motivated atrocities in today's world are either committed by non-Whites or non-Christians.

82135   Dan8267   2017 Apr 2, 5:51pm  

jazz music says

Great, now I feel guilty wearing Polo shirts.

82136   zzyzzx   2017 Apr 2, 6:39pm  

It's all Obama's fault!!!
Trump will fix this!!!

82137   Dan8267   2017 Apr 2, 7:24pm  

jazz music says

Dan8267 says

now I feel guilty

heheheh, well I hope you feel motivated some day soon to activism and promote decent treatment of all people

I was being facetious. I feel no guilt because, one, my ancestors didn't do any of the horrific things in America's history. Two, even if I had ancestors who did, I would not condone, whitewash, or celibate their actions. So, to be serious, I don't feel guilt but rather disgust at the actions and people referenced in this thread.

I'm all for promoting rights and justice, but quite frankly, there's damn little the common man can do except
1. When serving on a jury, be ethical.
2. Don't vote or support bad politicians.
3. Spread good ideas through discussions.

I don't see how activism and protesting actually do any good. Perhaps I'm cynical, but it seems that all the movements out there don't amount to a hill of beans. The common American citizen has basically no power to change the system.

The only hope I have in change is that if good ideas are discussed enough in public, the ideas will percolate up to the people who actually count.

82138   lostand confused   2017 Apr 2, 7:29pm  

Interesting. How do you propose to go about it? I think they have tried it in many states-with some success-but if there is a movement, I would love to join.

Another addition, in CA I believe 10 years makes you liable for lifetime support and the court can come back any time and open your marriage up. Max should be 5 years after which spouse is free and clear.

Probably never going to clear, but property should not be communal-a lady married to a Mcdonalds employee is a harder working wife than a woman married to a movie star with private jets, cooks, shopping trips etc-in the world of equality, property should not be split up. When they choose to move on, or during the marraige-these rich women need to become independent and live within their means.

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