Thousands flee Philippine city after Islamic rampage

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2017 May 25, 2:47am   21,535 views  47 comments

by curious2   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

"Thousands of civilians fled fighting in the Philippines on Wednesday as troops tried to fend off Islamist militants who took over large parts of a city, capturing Christians, seizing and torching buildings and setting free scores of prisoners.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the rampage via its Amaq news agency, and President Rodrigo Duterte defended his decision to declare martial law on Mindanao, the Muslim-majority island where Marawi City is located, to prevent the spread of extremism in the impoverished region.
[President Duterte] said Islamic State must be repelled from the Christian-majority Philippines and he would use all means possible to crush the Maute group and the allied Abu Sayyaf, whatever the consequences.

"Anyone now holding a gun, confronting government with violence, my orders are spare no one, let us solve the problems of Mindanao once and for all," said Duterte, who is from the island, after cutting short a visit to Russia and returning to Manila.

"I might declare martial law throughout the country to protect the people," said the President, at a news conference in Manila, Wednesday.

"I had to declare martial law in the Mindanao group of islands," said Duterte, who cut short a visit to Russia to come home to deal with the violence. "It is our constitutional duty to enforce the law and provide security."

The current martial law order -- which covers both the city of Marawi and the wider island of Mindanao, of which Marawi is a part -- came after deadly clashes broke out between Filipino government troops and Islamist militants Tuesday."

#Islam #Politics #BitchesRunningAway

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5   Patrick   2017 May 25, 10:15am  

Strategist says

we bomb terrorists in the Middle East to counter terrorism

I have to say that the bombing of Iraq was not at all about terrorism though. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush lied about that. Bush should be in jail.

It made a fucked up situation even more fucked up.

6   MMR   2017 May 25, 10:21am  

Strategist says

realize it's Islam that is the fucking problem? That we bomb terrorists in the Middle East to counter terrorism, not because we like killing innocent women and children.

But let's change subject and talk about Christianity instead

7   socal2   2017 May 25, 11:16am  

rando says

I have to say that the bombing of Iraq was not at all about terrorism though. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush lied about that. Bush should be in jail.

Geesh Patrick - falling back on this old chestnut? Bush never "lied" and said Saddam was behind 9/11.

Before Obama went against all of his national security advisers pulling every last US troop from Iraq, Iraq was stable and having elections. The Arab Spring was in full swing with loads of moderate reformers. Iranians were marching in the streets protesting the bat-shit crazy Mullahs. Gadaffi turned over his WMD programs and was playing ball with the West. AQI (ISIS predecessor) was licking their wounds after getting the ever living shit kicked out of them by US and Iraqi forces and were pushed out into the wilderness of southern Syria.

Things were looking so great in the Middle East, Joe Biden was claiming Iraq would be one of the Obama administration's "greatest achievements".


Wiser hands could have managed this historic inflection point in the Region better than the total chaos we see now. Anyone (including Bush) could have predicted the rise of ISIS and total chaos if we pulled out too early.


8   missing   2017 May 25, 12:47pm  

MMR says

But let's change subject and talk about Christianity instead

Wonderful and spot on use of sarcasm. I doubt I can match it, but let me still try.

Having identified the cause of the greatest evil of our times, namely, the evil verses in the Koran, the distinguished philosophers of PatNet, lead by ForthWayne and Patrick, have found THE solution to this plague - ban islam! Yeah, explain to the world how bad islam is and then eradicate it. Good plan!

10   curious2   2017 May 31, 11:58pm  

AF, the Phlippines needs your guidance as Minister of Tourism, or at least as a consultant in adventure travel. President Duterte has already admitted one past helicopter-related murder, and proposed more, so really the sky is the limit over there.

11   Ceffer   2017 Jun 1, 12:33am  

I thought General Pershing came up with the brainstorm of burying the dead MuslimFucks in the Philippines in pits of pig guts. It stopped the MuslimFuck rebels in their tracks.

12   curious2   2017 Jun 1, 12:49am  

Ceffer says

General Pershing

That turns out to be a myth; in reality, he cut off the Muslims' supply lines and isolated them, and waited for them to surrender. He wrote that the Muslims (including women) "were determined to die fighting [and] were chagrined and disappointed in that they were not encouraged to die the death of Mohammedan fanatics."

Still, it's a good idea, along with mutilating the male corpses in such a way as to prevent consummation with the 72 virgins. If Pershing had followed through, the Philippines might not have suffered the Islamic problems that they've been suffering for decades.

We could also send Romnesia's Moronic cult members to convert the corpses to the cult of Moroni. Morons love Muslims, so it's a win-win.

13   Patrick   2017 Jun 1, 3:27pm  

I bet the Saudis are quite happy with the results of their madrassas in the Phillipines:

A US diplomatic cable leaked by Wikileaks dated 2005 would state:

Philippine officials noted their continuing concern about Saudi-origin terrorist financing coming into the Philippines under the cover of donations to mosques, orphanages, and madrassahs. Although three Saudi nationals suspected of being couriers had been detained on separate occasions, Saudi Ambassador Wali had intervened in each case to secure their release.


America's support for Saudi Arabia is largely responsible for what is happening in the Philippines.

15   Shaman   2017 Jun 17, 8:08am  

Thanks Islam!

16   HEY YOU   2017 Jun 17, 8:36am  

Once again the dazzling mind of HEY YOU is proven correct.lol
Be careful who you piss off!
The problem is not knowing why they are pissed off.
Wait!..... RELIGION!
Theirs is more violent.
Other religions are just happy to be brainwashed.

Wonder if any baptized Christians have ever committed any violent acts?

17   lostand confused   2017 Jun 17, 5:48pm  

anonymous says

Me thinks the "west" is continuing to underestimate and minimalize the ability of these groups and overestimate their own successes as well as our ability to quickly defeat them.

It is pretty easy actually. How did Sadaam et al keep them inc heck-extreme brutality. The only thing a hyena is afraid of is other hyenas and lions. Our western leftist induced morals and rules will neevr stop them-in fatc they probably laugh at our kindness/stupidity.

But as a people are we ready to fight fire with a forest fire? That also raises the question will we stop the tactics with these terrorists or like the NSA and patriot act turn it inwards on our own people and employ the same tactics.

18   curious2   2017 Jun 17, 7:15pm  

anonymous says

What tactics to use on an ideology....

I think PatNat has good suggestions for that, but they lack political will at this time. The Muslim ban, denouncing Islam itself, promoting Charlie Hebdo cartoons and other blasphemy worldwide, and encouraging Muslims either to drop their counter-productive religion or to return to the religions that worked better for their ancestors prior to being forced to submit to the hateful fraud of the dead charlatan Mohamed.

Instead, American policy compounds the problems of Islam. We empower Wahabis, we claim to "respect" Islam, we celebrate and fund supposedly "moderate" Muslims (including the Clintons' Saudi clients), and we wage war all over the world. In terms of actual killing in recent years, those killed by American wars outnumber those killed by Islamic terror attacks. It's a revenue model to exploit Islam, not a strategy to defeat it. The point is to enlarge the fight rather than win it. At least in WWII, the shooting war was accompanied by constant denunciation of fascism and Nazis. Nobody opined about empowering "moderate" Nazis and fascists. That could have been treason.

I worry that until another horrible Islamic attack occurs, 9/11 or something bigger, the current inertia will continue. America will wage incoherent wars across the Islamic world with no strategy for winning, until we go bankrupt and get blamed for every problem on earth. Even if a horrible attack kills millions of westerners in the name of Islam, the publicity/PR machines and politicians will probably continue bleating that we mustn't blame Islam, nor those who advocate and spread it.

I had hoped that the election of President Trump might change course, but that has not happened yet. Republicans are objecting to the Muslim ban, and subverting it, rather than even trying to denounce a totalitarian ideology that commands believers to kill us wherever they find us.

19   Strategist   2017 Jun 17, 8:31pm  

anonymous says

Grand Imam Idah Ali of the Lanao Islamic Center in Baloi, just a few kilometres from Marawi, refused to denounce the militant movement saying speaking out could upset stakeholders in the conflict.

“I cannot do anything about IS,” he said. “These people have a personal interest. I cannot say about this because if I talk about them, what will happen? Maybe they will be angry at me.

“If I say something, maybe the government will be angry with me, maybe the people of Marawi will be angry with me, maybe the majority of people in the Philippines will be angry with me.”

How about saying something that is right for a change, you fucking terrorist supporter.

20   Strategist   2017 Jun 17, 8:33pm  

HEY YOU says

Once again the dazzling mind of HEY YOU is proven correct.lol

Be careful who you piss off!

The problem is not knowing why they are pissed off.

Why they are pissed off is irrelevant. If they target babies they should be exterminated.

21   Booger   2017 Jun 18, 2:22pm  

The Philippine army must totally suck. Such losers!!!

22   curious2   2017 Jun 18, 2:36pm  

Booger says

The Philippine army...

has the same hopelessly misguided strategy as the American military: trying to distinguish between "radicalized" Muslims (who have started doing what Islam commands) and "moderate Muslims" (who advocate Islam but haven't yet started doing what it says). No amount of skill or resources could make that possible. Just as America fails in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere, the Philippinos fail in the Philippines. The reason is because they lack the will to denounce Islam itself: ban the mosques, publish blasphemous cartoons, etc.

23   anonymous   2017 Jun 18, 2:49pm  

rando says

I bet the Saudis are quite happy with the results of their madrassas in the Phillipines:

A US diplomatic cable leaked by Wikileaks dated 2005 would state:

Philippine officials noted their continuing concern about Saudi-origin terrorist financing coming into the Philippines under the cover of donations to mosques, orphanages, and madrassahs. Although three Saudi nationals suspected of being couriers had been detained on separate occasions, Saudi Ambassador Wali had intervened in each case to secure their release.


America's support for Saudi Arabia is largely responsible for what is happening in the Philippines.

Good thing Trump is taking them to task. We wouldn't want the kind of leader that would be kissing Saudi royalty while accepting gifts and large amounts of money, all the while pretending to be dealing with Islamic terrorism by only addressing other, far less consequential, countries in the Middle East

24   HEY YOU   2017 Jun 18, 4:45pm  

Strategist says

Why they are pissed off is irrelevant.

More of your pretzel logic.
Your value system is trumped by the pissed off ,killing people.
Did your value system do anything to stop the shooting of Scalise?
People can thump their bibles & /or their ideology.
How did that work on 9/11?
I have no problem with exterminating killers.
It's the stupids that think "I'm right." and can't stop the pissed off from taking action.
If these assholes are so smart why aren't they capable of stopping terrorism & killings in general?
Because they have nothing but ideological talk. "We ought to do this."We ought to do that." BULLSHIT.

25   Strategist   2017 Jun 18, 5:57pm  

HEY YOU says

It's the stupids that think "I'm right." and can't stop the pissed off from taking action.

If these assholes are so smart why aren't they capable of stopping terrorism & killings in general?

Because we give terrorists human rights, which they don't deserve. It makes it impossible to wipe out terrorism.
If I was a dictator, terrorism would be long gone, because terrorists and their fucking supporters would all be dead.

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jun 18, 11:14pm  

It's amazing how little attention this story gets.

27   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jun 18, 11:15pm  

errc says

Good thing Trump is taking them to task. We wouldn't want the kind of leader that would be kissing Saudi royalty while accepting gifts and large amounts of money, all the while pretending to be dealing with Islamic terrorism by only addressing other, far less consequential, countries in the Middle East

Right. Hillary, the only practical alternative to Trump in the last election, has no history of carousing with Saudi Arabia and Qatar and accepting gifts from them and for her Foundation.

28   anonymous   2017 Jun 19, 7:44am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

errc says

Good thing Trump is taking them to task. We wouldn't want the kind of leader that would be kissing Saudi royalty while accepting gifts and large amounts of money, all the while pretending to be dealing with Islamic terrorism by only addressing other, far less consequential, countries in the Middle East

Right. Hillary, the only practical alternative to Trump in the last election, has no history of carousing with Saudi Arabia and Qatar and accepting gifts from them and for her Foundation.

Are you saying that Hillary made Trump do it, or are you just pointing out that Trump is very similar to Hillary?

Yours is a false premise, because Bernie was the only practical alternative in the 2016 election cycle. Which is why the media went all in on defeating him, even if it meant fucking the entire country straight to hell with Trump.

29   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jun 19, 7:56am  

errc says

Are you saying that Hillary made Trump do it, or are you just pointing out that Trump is very similar to Hillary?

Hillary won the nomination and was the only candidate that could have beat Trump. Indeed, the Media had her in the lead and aggressively predicted her inevitable victory.

Bernie dropped out and encouraged his supporters to vote Hillaryin the Summer, months ahead of the General Election..

errc says

Yours is a false premise, because Bernie was the only practical alternative in the 2016 election cycle. Which is why the media went all in on defeating him, even if it meant fucking the entire country straight to hell with Trump.

The DNC rigged the election to make sure Bernie lost. TWO (2) DNC Chairpersons resigned over being caught rigging the Election for Hillary, and the DNC's defense to lawsuits from Bernie Donors is that "Impartiality" in their bylaws is a contractually unenforceable clause.

30   zzyzzx   2017 Jun 19, 9:37am  

Wikipedia page:
According to the 2015 census, it has a population of 201,785.

On May 23, 2017, a pro-Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group called the Maute group attacked the city. The battle is ongoing as of May 25. CNN Philippines reports that the militants have about 500 men. Philippine President Duterte has declared Martial Law on the island of Mindanao, where the fighting is taking place

If I were in charge, I would have all those 500 dead in a day or two at the most, with their dead bodies decapitated or nailed to crosses on all the roads coming into and out of town.

31   Strategist   2017 Jun 19, 9:50am  

zzyzzx says

On May 23, 2017, a pro-Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group called the Maute group attacked the city. The battle is ongoing as of May 25. CNN Philippines reports that the militants have about 500 men. Philippine President Duterte has declared Martial Law on the island of Mindanao, where the fighting is taking place

The armed forces of a country cannot defeat 500 militants? Fucking losers.

zzyzzx says

If I were in charge, I would have all those 500 dead in a day or two at the most, with their dead bodies decapitated or nailed to crosses on all the roads coming into and out of town.

I would support you with no questions asked.

33   bob2356   2017 Jun 21, 4:08am  

Strategist says

If I was a dictator, terrorism would be long gone, because terrorists and their fucking supporters would all be dead.

zzyzzx says

If I were in charge, I would have all those 500 dead in a day or two at the most, with their dead bodies decapitated or nailed to crosses on all the roads coming into and out of town.

Walter Mitty rides again in the chicken hawk brigade. So your plan is to level the city I guess. A medium level nuke would do it. "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."

35   zzyzzx   2017 Oct 3, 6:34am  

Thousands flee Philippine city after Islamic rampage

Pussies! They should stay and fight!
36   Strategist   2017 Oct 3, 9:07am  

anonymous says
Is the Philippines up to the task of handling the latest wave of Islamist terrorism?

They are not. I don't think any country really is up to that task. How do you fight people who are only too eager to die? To fight them you would need to abuse their human rights, and the privacy of all the citizens. And the moment you do, the left will come down on you hard. Even most countries will oppose anything you do.
37   Tenpoundbass   2017 Oct 3, 10:03am  

Stomp a bloody grease spot on them all Duerte Do it up show them what a Man looks like. Show those Metro Euro punks real men don't take it up the can.
38   Tenpoundbass   2017 Oct 3, 10:04am  

Oh and of course there will be cursing so cover your Filthy Liberal ears.
39   zzyzzx   2017 Oct 3, 11:57am  

Strategist says
How do you fight people who are only too eager to die? To fight them you would need to abuse their human rights, and the privacy of all the citizens. And the moment you do, the left will come down on you hard. Even most countries will oppose anything you do.

As long as you are coming down on foreigners, this shouldn't be an issue.
41   justme   2017 Nov 4, 8:03am  

In other news, millions flee Syria after smug self-aggrandizing Christians go on a rampage and destroy entire cities to hunt down mere 100s of ISIS militants. The Christian soldiers were all weaklings that could barely lift a radio to call in an airstrike whenever they spotted an ISIS militant.
42   Strategist   2017 Nov 4, 8:45am  

anonymous says
“The pro-IS groups are trying to stage another Marawi-style attack in other cities. They have lots of money to fund more attacks as they looted billions of pesos from Marawi during the siege,” a senior security source told Channel NewsAsia.

Dear Philippines,
Please hunt down and slaughter every ISIS supporter you can find. Do not respect their human rights, they don't deserve any. We will look the other way.
Concerned Strategist.
43   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 4, 8:57am  

Strategist says
Dear Philippines,
Please hunt down and slaughter every ISIS supporter you can find. Do not respect their human rights, they don't deserve any. We will look the other way.
Concerned Strategist.

I say put them in a cage and dunk it. Throw some off buildings but bury them all in a Pig Pen 3 feet beneath Pig Shit.
44   anonymous   2019 Jan 27, 12:59pm  

Anyone remember when Duterte was going to "crush" the militants ? Well guess what - much like I told you so they are not gone, ISIS is not gone and SE Asia is the next region to enjoy the fun. P.S. Keep your news eyes on Indonesia...

Sooooo - Duterte is going to crush them again - probably not the strongman you want to emulate - just sayin.....perhaps using something other than his mouth might work but I see this spreading northward in the Philippines and branching out to join up with the other groups in nearby countries.

Military says at least 18 killed and 83 wounded at twin Catholic church bombings on Sunday in southern Jolo; the Islamic State-aligned Abu Sayyaf is the chief suspect


And in Indonesia...

Democracy and terrorism a wicked mix in Indonesia

Jailed terror leader Abu Bakar Ba'asyir is held in austere and closely watched prison conditions, officials tell Asia Times, but the aging cleric still has political pull beyond his cell (they were going to release him but reconsidered)


Will someone kindly inform Potus ISIS and similar have not been defeated.

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