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These "free speechers" are such a moving target. How can you keep the re-education camps at full capacity if you can't always tell who they are?
Huh- Poll says 85% think freedom of speech is more important than not offending someone?
If you don't speak out against shariah laws, how will you bring about change? Criticism precedes change.
I think a lot of people are scared of the SJWs out there, and don't say what they really think because they don't want their lives destroyed by ravening packs of massive hirsute lesbian ethnic studies majors. The media is clearly SJW promoting, and a willing accomplice of such fascist tactics. Under such adverse conditions, people will shut up and vote anonymously for the opposite party. It's how we got Trump!
I hope patrick.net can be a place for anonymous but civil dialogue between people of all opinions.
I think a lot of people are scared of the SJWs out there, and don't say what they really think because they don't want their lives destroyed by ravening packs of massive hirsute lesbian ethnic studies majors. The media is clearly SJW promoting, and a willing accomplice of such fascist tactics. Under such adverse conditions, people will shut up and vote anonymously for the opposite party. It's how we got Trump!
"Civil" might be easier to implement than it appears.
Build up a database of words and phrases that will be automatically deleted from posts.
Simple code, simple to implement. simple to add to with a little button on your end to add highlighted words/phrases to the database.
ie: "you lilttle shit", "your mother", "your father", "fuck", "shit", "bitch", "bastard", "nig**r".
I hope patrick.net can be a place for anonymous but civil dialogue between people of all opinions.
lostand confused Says, "And here I thought I am in the minority!"
I think that is the general goal of the SJW fascists.
And here I thought I am in the minority!
So you would defend to the death the rights of antifa to speak out against white supremacists? I have very serious doubts about that.
The more correct statement is I would defend to the death the rights of people I agree with to speak out.
Gentle Reader,
You have the right to tell someone to "Fuck Off, Asshole!" Offensive speech, indeed. If it isn't offensive, then what are your doing with that hole under your nose? Feeding it pie?
Now, offensive speech should always be crafted toward politeness except when you shouldn't. There are myriad scenarios that politeness should not be considered and may even be weakness. No, not perceived as weakness, but it IS weakness.
Now, Fuck Off, Gentle Reader.
See! Wasn't that fun?
Justice Brennan:
"If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."
— Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 414, 1989
So you would defend to the death the rights of antifa to speak out against white supremacists?
Lefties, lefties-so speech and violence are the same to you???
Antifa can say anything they want, protest legally against anybody-why would that bother me??
Now what bothers me is their violence directed against anyone who has a different opinion. of course to lefties, asking antifa to be non violent, is being against their free speech-it is free speech, not free violence against anyone you disagree with.
Huh- Poll says 85% think freedom of speech is more important than not offending someone?
If freedom of speech were more important, you could say motherfucker on t.v. and radio.
My poll showed that 99% of college administrators and professors are more interested in getting students to pay as much as possible to attend their schools.
My pay does not increase with increase in tuition. If anything, tuition has gone up 3x since I started and class sizes are 2.5x higher. My pay is not up 7.5x. Not even twice, with 2.5x more work.
So you would defend to the death the rights of antifa to speak out against white supremacists? I have very serious doubts about that.
That's extremely disingenuous, bob. Antifa isn't known for their "speaking." They're known for their violent and thuggish tactics. Even CNN got this bit right with their "Peace through violence" article on Antifa. What's wrong with you, that you are so ill informed?
Freedom of speech doesn't apply to rioting, beating people, and knifing people you suspect of having a different opinion.
I'm really surprised at you. I thought you were at least rational, even if we rarely agree on much. But here you are using a violent group of thugs as a free speech example!
My poll showed that 99% of college administrators and professors are more interested in getting students to pay as much as possible to attend their schools.
My pay does not increase with increase in tuition. If anything, tuition has gone up 3x since I started and class sizes are 2.5x higher. My pay is not up 7.5x. Not even twice, with 2.5x more work.
College instructors are under siege, caught between the influx of SJW-promoted diversity mandates, a desire for insourcing cheap help from overseas, hugely expensive and pointless athletics programs that suck the money from the system, and a trend toward hiring mass adjuncts to do the actual instruction and only hiring professors to apply for research grants (on mostly pointless and stupid projects of only virtue-signaling value) to pay their own salaries.
The field is pretty cutthroat, with shitloads of post docs applying for a few open positions, while most get relegated to poverty-stricken adjunct hell, where they need to be on food stamps and Medicaid to make ends meet.
Academia has been subverted by the athletic departments, the SJWs, and the gross burden of administration.
Students get a poorer education today than ever, because their instructors are mostly hugging the poverty line with little incentive to do their jobs well.
I hope patrick.net can be a place for anonymous but civil dialogue between people of all opinions.
I would like to upvote this + $1,000,000.
I hope patrick.net can be a place for anonymous but civil dialogue between people of all opinions.
I'll take on this challenge.
So you would defend to the death the rights of antifa to speak out against white supremacists?
Lefties, lefties-so speech and violence are the same to you???
Antifa can say anything they want, protest legally against anybody-why would that bother me??
That's extremely disingenuous, bob. Antifa isn't known for their "speaking." They're known for their violent and thuggish tactics.
Nice dodge and duck. Good job with misdirection and strawman. Poor job with reading skills. I didn't say defend their right to commit violence. I didn't ask if what they said would bother you.
So the answer is no times 2 that you would defend their right to speak to the death. Not part of the 73% then? The poll is a study in self delusional hypocrisy.
Nice dodge and duck. Good job with misdirection and strawman. Poor job with reading skills. I didn't say defend their right to commit violence. I didn't ask if what they said would bother you.
Stop. Just stop. Your silliness is just out of this world.
So the answer is no times 2 that you would defend their right to speak to the death. Not part of the 73% then? The poll is a study in self delusional hypocrisy.
I'll defend the freedom of speech, even for Antifa assholes if they ever start speaking instead of just clubbing people. So far, Antifa has been militantly ANTI-free speech! I'd place them squarely in the totalitarian category, home of communists and fascists alike. It's where their ideas and tactics place them, and free speech is on the other side.
"Civil" might be easier to implement than it appears.
Build up a database of words and phrases that will be automatically deleted from posts.
Simple code, simple to implement. simple to add to with a little button on your end to add highlighted words/phrases to the database.
ie: "you lilttle shit", "your mother", "your father", "fuck", "shit", "bitch", "bastard", "nig**r".
.What would "your mother", "your father", think about your desire for infringement of free speech
prior to any words being posted.I hope patrick.net can be a place for anonymous but civil dialogue between people of all opinions.
@ comment #2
How can Patrick allow this?
Not nice
The posters handle even has an unnecessary word.
Allowing banning & clicking uncivil & yet people get away with this language.
Horrible! Horrible! Horrible!
Such an uncivil site!
Fish are not bestowed with 1st amendment rights, so I'm sure it would be a non-issue...
ie: "you lilttle shit", "your mother", "your father", "fuck", "shit", "bitch", "bastard", "nig**r".
.What would "your mother", "your father", think about your desire for infringement of free speech
prior to any words being posted.
I hope patrick.net can be a place for anonymous but civil dialogue between people of all opinions.
Don't count on it. Patrick.net cannot control human emotions.
I think you should go back to what was. Let anyone say what they want, but at the same time let everyone have the option of not participating in certain threads or with certain people.
That way everyone gets what they want.
"you lilttle shit", "your mother", "your father"
Your mother worked hard all her life to make your life better you little unappreciative shit.
See, a completely innocent comment was now caught by your filtration system.
I'm just one of 7.7 billion Clever Apes.