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But let's blame the truck drivers.
Why can't Trump completely repeal and replace the crumbling infrastructure of a post-Cat 4 Hurricane bankrupt "Commonwealth" overnight?
Trump is clearly a failed President. Anybody who says otherwise is a deploreable redneck who doesn't think.
Yes because everyone knows 10,000 containers move themselves when 80% of truck drivers don't show up.
TwoScoopsMcGee saysWhy can't Trump completely repeal and replace the crumbling infrastructure of a post-Cat 4 Hurricane bankrupt "Commonwealth" overnight?
I'd settle for a President that actually holds a meeting during the 4 days after a cat. 4 hurricane hits a US territory. Rather than make excuses about how it's in the middle of "big water"
Is that too much to ask?
Well, Trump obviously didn't know that, or he would have realized that when a cat 4 hurricane devastates an island, roads are impassable and it would be impossible for trucks to go anywhere. And he would have had contingency plans in place.
me123 saysYes because everyone knows 10,000 containers move themselves when 80% of truck drivers don't show up.
Well, Trump obviously didn't know that, or he would have realized that when a cat 4 hurricane devastates an island, roads are impassable and it would be impossible for trucks to go anywhere. And he would have had contingency plans in place.
Why would that be Trump's issue. Doesn't PR have a governor and legislature and know they are in the path of hurricanes and should have disaster plans?
But, hey, let's blame Trump for not climbing into a 18 wheeler and delivering supplies himself. Is that what Rachel Maddow would tell you?
I know administrators and executives usually aren't expected to conjure infrastructure out of the Aether, or brush aside a Commonwealth's government.
If there are too many Containers to distribute because workers are refusing to work, that's a primarily Commonwealth problem that Commonwealth Officials must solve
No--of course FEMA never has to work out infrastructure issues. Usually after a hurricane hits, infrastructure is in pristine condition.
They are NEVER expected to deal with impassable roads or power outages or local citizens who can't get to work. Why would anyone ever think to have plans for such a contingency??
I have no reason to believe we are not. I do however believe Democrat politicians are intentionally creating a political shitshow to make it look like President Trump is non responsive
Again, my apologies for not being skeptical enough of CNN and NPR (and, apparently, CBS).
Come on Thunderlips. You used to have credibility. By blindly defending Trump over everything now, you've lost it, at least for me. Remember that Goldman Sachs wrote the tax plan. Tell me how it's good for the middle class again.
But let's blame the truck drivers.